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A Special Series from North American tVholesale Lumber Association
succeed without someone guiding them. This is expected. If you take the time with these individuals, their fresh outlook could teach you something about your company as well.
The final magnet factor relates to cause and a Millenial's need for contributing to something bigger than themselves. I believe this one to be particularly important for us due to perceived challenges some may face regarding our industry's perception. We need to devote resources and time to explaining our industry and the countless ways it has a positive impact on the world in recruitment materials, job interviews, and new employee orientations.
And, it's not enough to offer these benefits. You have to promote them in places where job seekers are likely to find them. Personally, this is where I see social media having the greatest impact in our industry. Rather than trying to sell lumber, showcase your workplace and the ways it provides flexibility, development opportunities, relationship-building, purpose and value. People (regardless of their age) want to work somewhere that is fun. Promote your company. Do so in a genuine waythrough photos of employee activities and updates relative to these benefits-so that it resonates with this group.
How else can you keep them?
Go beyond the conventional happy hour or welcome lunch and establish or leverage an existing mentoring program for your younger employees.
Because Millenial workers tend to have very close relationships with and trust the insights of their parents, pairing them with an experienced mentor can have a huge impact on their longevity and growth at your company.
For me, it made a huge difference in both my performance and my professional satisfaction to have access to the depth of knowledge that a more experienced mentor provided me in my career. I learned more than I could hope to gain on my own, and gained a counselor and advisor I can turn to for years to come. The fear of failure decreased, as I had someone I could trust to give me honest, open feedback before I jumped too far off the cliff.
If you do not have the resources to develop a mentor program on your own, I encourage you to look into NAWLA's NextGenl0 Group or talk to members at other companies to find a seasoned professional who can help guide your rising stars. Have your Millennial join a NAWLA committee or a 10 Group, or attend the Leadership Conference or the Trader's Market. These industry events showcase the best part of working in this industry: the people. To learn more, visit www.nawla.org or contact NAWLA at (800) 527-8258.
- Bethany West is business manager of Capital Lumber, Healdsburg, Ca., and a member of NAWLA's board.
I www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2o12l0 /art3full.pdf z futureworkplace.cor/sp€aking/
J www.pwc.com/gx/en/mmaging-tomorows-people/future-of-work/key-findingsjhtml a blog.vistage.com/webinar/dr-gustavo-grodnitzky-webinar-summary-ready-come,under shnding-motivating-millennial-generation/
Oregon Dealer Adds Branch
Gold Beach Lumber held a July 7 soft opening for its latest yard, located in Port Orford. Or.. at a former McNair Hardware location. An official srand openins is scheduled for next smonth.'complete with vendors, games and prizes.
"We want to make it exciting for the community, but it's not good for the first day," explained Reed Ringer, who co-owns the company with his son Ryan. "Everything has a systeminventory, staff, computers-and they all have to be coordinated and that's better at a soft opening,"
Brenda Taylor is manager of the new location.
SPI Buying Hurd Windows
Sierra Pacific Industries. Anderson. Ca., has agreed to acquire Hurd Windows & Doors and Superseal Windows & Doors, Medford, Wi., from Longroad Asset Management.
The deal provides SPI with new product lines, manufacturing plants in Medford and Merrill, Wi., and immediate access to central and eastern U.S. and international markets for its window division.
"The acquisition of Hurd Windows
& Doors will significantly expand the sales and manufacturing capabilities of our window division as we move beyond our current footprint in the western U.S.," said SPI president George Emmerson. "The long-term stability of Sierra Pacific Industries, its extensive forest holdings, combined with the synergy of complementary product lines and strategic positioning of manufacturing facilities, will allow us to leverage the strengths of each company."
SPI anticipates investing additional capital in Hurd, which was purchased by Longroad in 2008.
r DEALER Briefs
Goalinga Ace Hardware, Coalinga, Ca., suffered $100,000 in damage from a June 25 fire.
The business reopened three days later, although the back area of the store was partitioned off.
Ag Supply Co., Wenatchee, Wa., is opening its 6th Ace Hardware store this summer in W. Bremerton, Wa.
Argonne Ace Hardware, Sookane Vallev, added a 5,000-sq. ft. sister Arqonie Ace Hardware & Sportin! Goods next door.
Orchard Supply Hardware is closing its Arden Way store in Sacramento, Ca., and its 3O-year-old location in Gilroy, Ca.
Home Depot has scrapped plans for a 120,000-sq. ft. store in the Bayview district of San Francisco, Ca.-its third failed attempt at building a location in the city.
Newhall Lumber's Newhall, Ca., property has been purchased by orivate investors.
product offuring: Interfor Reserve. AtqFt:in-class product support€d by the latest in European technology and s{trns\of the highest quality Pine in North Arr*rics. All backed by th€ stability and strength of one of North AmeriiE s largtest and most diverse lumber companies. it

The yard closed late last year after the death of owner Bill Kellerman.
Clark GountvHabitat for Humanity store'opened late last month in Vancouver, Wa. (Steven Donovan, store mgr.).
Bilil-ding value-
Santa Barbara Home lmprovement Centet,
Barbara, Ca., was honored as Ace Hardware Corp.'s second largest volume store nationwide.