Copper ozole preservotives ore the most common wood preservotives in North Americo; the combinotion of ozoles in the Type C formulotion is the most odvonced form, requiring the leost omount of chemicol.
Wolmonized@ Cutdoor@ wood is the preserved wood bocked by the respected Good Housekeeping Seol ond its two-yeor consumer promise.
Wolmonized@ Outdoor@ wood hos been listed os o Green Approved product by ihe NAHB Reseorch Center ond con contribute points towords o home's Notionol Green Building Ceriificotion.
Furthermore, wood protected by the dissolved form of copper meets the stondords of the Americon Wooo Protection Associotion.
The widely known Wolmonized nome hos signified effectively preserved wood for mony decodes. The brond hos led the industry on both technologicol ond morketing fronts.
Making wood products for 60 years.
is arguably the most "green" building material one can use. i One worcl... renewable. Unlike other : raw materials, wood can be grown and , fact, every ton of wood r grown in a young forest absorbs 1.47 ' tons of carbon dioxide. r" I ; -.*" i-fu+ iwanson Group is certified by SFI br Fiber Sourcing. ... arld wefre ready to start our next 60 years. G*anSOnA For sales call: 1'8.00'331'0831 ril Group SalesA, E^l Arrrro,*or', YifiTffJ$I &wl{or pt 6*lfor tur|.Nni APA rHr fxctx(fPtowo6&fatr& MEMBER filtftlBtR
Special Features ln Every lssue
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1 0 Co,rlprrrnvr lNrrrLrcENCE
INogprNorNr Drnrrn Movrs tHE CHrrsr
Fnmtv BusrNrss
LrssoNs FRoM A RrcrssroN
'l 6 SprcrnL lrusrnr: Tnnorns' Pnrvlrw
24-Pxct PlnNNrNc Culoe ron LBM
I N ousrny's Mosr-Atrrcr pnruo SHow-
NAWLA Tnaorns Mnnrrr rN Lns Vrcas
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The Mark of Responsible Forestry scs-coc-001973
@1996 Forest Stewadshio Council A.C.
rhe M I n G HAil I nasazini''"*Joj'-*$ii
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A California Timberline, Inc. -tr,I Sugor ond Ponderoso Pine, Douglos Fir, Redwood, Western Red ond Colifornio Incense Cedor Hordwood Lumber & Plywood NE\if Nusku Fireblocker'" Chino, CA 91710 . (909) 591-481 I . FAX (909) 591-4818
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Preserve@ ACQ@ pressure-treated wood, an environmentally advanced preservative system that provides proven, long-term protection from fungal decay and termite attack.
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The problem is clear, unlike the solution
[rtnsr, THANK you to the readers who contacted me regarding their own mortgage and I' refinancing applications, confirming many of the issues I shared in last month's column. I should add that I did finally get the refinance, but at a higher rate and with some additional issues that gave me great concern for how many others would nol have qualified under the same process. The appraisal came in at "X" (very close to where I had valued it, which was abott 40vo below its peak) and then a new twist was thrown at me: I now had to have a "desk appraisal" (never had to do that before), which came in 25Va less than the first appraisal-an absolutely ridiculous price with no validity. As my loan-to-value was low, I still qualified, but clearly those applying for SOVo or more LTV (the majority of buyers) would not have.
What I do not understand in this "we are not in a recession" world we live in presently is why what is clear as day is not being dealt with. You do not have to be a genius to understand that there is something drastically missing in this recovery, and that is construction. Now it is not that I had thought thatyou did not understand that, it just seems that no one else seems to, especially where it matters-in government. No industry has suffered more these past years than ours, and the pain is easy to see.
We are now in our fifth year of decline, plagued by more foreclosures and short sales than ever, and not enough buyers, leaving a high inventory of homes either on the market or in the shadow market because people just cannot sell them and are waiting hopefully for a better time. There is not one recession I can remember where housing did not lead this country out of doldrums by creating new jobs that could not be shipped overseas. I asked last month where the new jobs would come from. Well, duh! It is simple-we must clear up the housing mess. Now!
The 298,000 new homes number in July put this year and the problem into context, being the lowest number since at least 1963.It is not getting better, it is getting worse. The number of construction jobs continues to retract. In fact, instead of being around, l5-20Vo of the total market, new construction sales are running around 8%.
So I was pleased to hear that there was an initiative to get the general job market going again that would also help this industry. I anxiously waited to learn details of this "bold" new jobs bill, to hear something meaningful that would impact both your and my businesses. Sadly, I think the plan missed the point, as the President outlined a series of rehashed proposals that have been tried before with little success. There was nothing that was new and nothing that is likely to get companies hiring again in the volume this country needs. In fact, as I am typing this, I just heard on the news that Bank of America may erase 40,000 jobs. We need creative thinking and vision on how we will compete industrially in the new world. These proposals will have no real impact in the overall job market, and there is also no plan to attack the root cause of this country's weakness-housing demand.
Normally, downturns create pent-up demand that, combined with some of the lowest mortgage rates on record, should boost demand once the economy starts to improve. But now with four million delinquent on their mortgages, millions more underwater, and tight lending policies by the banks, there seems little hope to change the status quo.
The proposal barely mentioned housing, except for "government will work... to help more people refinance their mortgages," but again short on detail. Until we can find a way to clear the backlog of foreclosed properties, we cannot put a floor on shrinking home
prices, keep people in their homes, invigorate consumer confidence and consumption, and at least stabilize our personal balance sheets-all elements needed to get the industry building asain.
Now, like many of you, I acted within my means, was never in over my head, made my loan payments, and in the early days strongly believed that I should not have to pay for the many others who didn't. In the last year, I have come to realize we must get past this thinking. Until we do, we cannot escape this downward spiral. We just cannot bury our heads and hope the problem vanishes. Consumer confidence continues to remain low. Until we can again feel comfortable about spending, nothing can change. Ofone thing I'm certain: we need an end to this continued uncertainty we live in today.
Alan Oakes, Publisher
A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660
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Alan Oakes
6 r The fvlerdant lrlagadne r Odober 2oll -.... ffi BuiHiry-Prcductsom
The latest in LBM software
fNousrnv soFTwARE providers conI.tinue introducinp new soitware to keep their dealer ind wholesler customers on the cutting edge. Among the recent releases:
DMSi is now partnering with Element Payment Services, which allows fully integrated credit card processing with advanced Agility features.
Element is a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard-compliant processor, helping dealers to more easily comply with mandatory credit card industry security requirements and improving protection of customers' credit card data. With the new E,lement interface. processing is enhanced because it automatically recognizes credit cards as commercial/ business cards. It also includes detailed information from Agility in the card processing transaction.
eCommerce Industries, Inc. (formerly Advantage Business Computer Systems) has integrated eProcurement with its e-commerce solution, ECinteractive.
"The real value in a product like eProcurement is the ability for all dealers at all levels to compete and win the businesses of large national accounts or any business that requires interfacing with procurement software," said v.p. Stacy Heemsbergen.
In addition to allowing the acquisition of larger accounts, eProcurement allows dealers to deploy electronic purchasing catalogs across their organizations and automate purchase order receipt and iul fil lment l-unctions.
Epicor (formerly Activant) has added a new module to Catalyst to automate processes and streamline dealers' workflow.
Business Process Management is designed to help LBM dealers com&ilding'
municate better internally and track outstanding tasks and issues to make sure they don't fall through the cracks. It alerts salespeople and their managers of quotes that have not been sent to customers or when a quote has been pending for too long. Quotes that turn into sales are registered as "won" transactions, allowing managers to analyze a salesperson's performance by running reports on the numbers of "won" vs. "lost" business.
Ponderosa Software has introduced "anywhere, anytime" access to and usability of its Ponderosa Enterprise Resource Planning software on iPad tablet computers. The release follows last year's addition of iPhone compatibility. "Due primarily to the iPhones' small display, Ponderosa functionality on the iPhone was relatively limited," said managing director Frank Motta. "The iPad's larger diagonal display area of 9.7 inches overcomes the smart phone's usability limitations to provide full, unrestricted software access, as if they were accessing Ponderosa at their desks."
Progressive Solutions has introduced lumberTrack imaging (the ability to scan, store, attach transactions, and retrieve images) and
lumberTrack online, which allows customers and remote salespeople to browse inventory, request quotes, and check the status of orders and account information. 2417.
PSI also now offers its software on a web-hosted basis. Its secureHosting service eliminates the need for companies to maintain and support in-house servers and related IT infrastructure.
Spruce Computer Systems continues adding to the number of wholesalers and manufacturers tied into SpruceWare.NET's EDI network.
The newest interface is with Monroe. La.-based buying group Allied Building Stores, joining Do it Best, Orgill, Emery Waterhouse, True Value, Handy Hardware, LMC, Ace, and Freeway.
In addition, SpruceWare.NET supports X.l2 communications through Kleinschmidt, a value-added network that ties with many other LBM vendors, including Black & Decker, ENAP, Midwest Fasteners, Merillat, National Hardware, Reeb Millwork, and Wooster Brush.
The wide range of communication partners allows users to securely and reliably place orders and receive remittance advice. invoices. price updates, catalog updates, item photos, etc.. from their vendors.
, tl I r FEATURE Storv Industry Software Updates
rF Oclober 20ll I the lvlerdrant l,hsazine t 7
Hardwoods in unlikely places Sealed products quash fear of wet sites
tTt"t No-No's ABour using hardI wood near a water source are vanishing. And while allowing water to rest on a wooden surface for extended periods will always be taboo, the American Hardwood Information Center finds that more design professionals are saying yes to client requests for the warmth, charm and richness of natural wood no matter where it's used-in the bath, the kitchen, and even the basement.
"I recently designed a bathroom that was all hardwood," reports
Douglas Wright, Miller & Wright
Architects, New York, N.Y. "The only place we used stone was in the shower. Everything else was maplefloor, walls, ceiling."
What about the inevitable splash- ing that baths are prone to?
Remember, it's important to always dry splashes immediately.
Wright adds that for greater dampness protection, "we applied several coats of matte polyurethane. If water splatters out of the sink or shower, it doesn't stain anything and with that low-luster finish, the wood looks completely natural."
For a New Hampshire kitchen, Wright designed a maple backsplash and counter. Wood as a kitchen work surface "seemed kind of crazy at the time," he says, "but my clients insisted, and it turned out beautifully." His only caveat: use a cutting board to avoid possible scratches or scius.
To extend the durability of any work surface, a protective sealer is always wise. Wright says, "Applying three coats of polyurethane to wood allows the rich, warm color to come through and you don't have to worry about the surface. It resists water and cleans easily-just wipe up the splashes and spills."
Other pros agree. Indianapolis, In., kitchen and interior designer Janice Pattee had no qualms about specifying a walnut countertop for the peninsula in a kitchen makeover. "The cabinets were white-painted maple. For contrast, the client chose grained wood."
She particularly loved the double ogee edge that made the peninsula look like fine furniture. Though it's mainly a breakfast bar, it often serves as auxiliary work space.
In another kitchen remodel, Mark T. White, Kitchen Encounters, Annapolis, Md., used another elegant hardwood to create the circular extension to a stone countertop and the top of a rectangular island.
"The clients chose cherry because of its color and grain," White says. "The surfaces were lightly stained for color uniformity, then a top coat and sealer were applied-four coats in all. Of course, we urged using cutting
PRODUCT Hardwoods in I-lI r Damp Areas
PROPERLY SEALED, hardwood products can now be used in kitchens, baths and other potentially
including this wet
8 r The tyledunt llagazine I 0<tober2011
damp areas,
(Photo by David Dietnch)
Siding Size Maximum Exposure in lnches Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Coverage Needed To Cover Weight Pieces / Unit Pieces / Bundle Sq. Ft. / Unit Ft. / Unit* 1000 Sq. Ft. ot Wall Area* Lbs. / Unit OLD MILL@ LAP 7t16" 6'x 16' 8" x 16' 336 9 9 9 I I 5 2688 26BB 2660 2688 2244 n40 2240 5 7 B 1t2 il 2128 1264 1 200 1173 1 145 1 200 ,45 4675 4675 4675 4675 I 112" x 16' 252 210 168 210 ; ;IUJ ; 2234 2261 2341 1862 r r5, 12" x 16' 1t2" B" x 16' 12" x 16' 7 t1 15 sil 4550 4550 4250 16" x 16 SHAKE LAP q ; 1 995 1120 1t2" 10-1/2'x16' 1 960 1 685 * 770 855 770 740 480 912 1162 3900 DESIGNER SHAKE LAP 112" '1 1-112" x 4 13/16" SHINGLE 9-1/2" x B' ROUND 140 180 180 180 ila 537 1 '140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1144 I3t4 6 3t4 7112 6 3/4 6-1/2 4-1/4 8 1240 1 480 1 335 1 480 1 535 2350 1250 985 21 80 2260 2220 21 00 1 840 I1/2"x8 FISHSCALE 9 9 9 I I 6 9-1/2" x 8' 0CTAGON 9-1/2" x B' COVE 180 180 r80 9-1/2" x 8' DIAMOND 9-112" x8'CRAFISIVEN 2064 .Allows for a l" overlap and assumes a 5% waste lactor Panel Size Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Pieces / Unit Ft. / Unit 1440 1 184 Coverage Needed To Cover I. Ft. / Unit* 1000 Sq. Ft. of Wall Area* Weight Lbs. / Unit OLD MILLO 7/16" x4'xB 45 37 I 296 1 066 1 100 1 100 2400 2400 112"x4'x8' 'Assumes a 1 0% waste lactor for cutting and fitting Nominal Size 4/4" x 2" ^l^" * Actual Size Pieces / Bundle B Pieces / Unit* 440 320 240 160 120 BO 396 Approx. Weight Lbs. / Unit 3950 41 00 3800 3950 3950 41 50 3950 4300 4204 4450 3/4" x2" x16' 3/4" x2718' x16' ! ! ! ! ! ! I I I g I I q ! q 3 414' x 4" 314"x3112"x16' 4/4" x 6" 3/4" x51/2" x16 4/4" x 8' 3/4" x7-1/4" x16' 414' x 10" 314" x9 1/4' \16' 414'x12' 3/4"x11-1/4"x16' 5/4" x 2" 1"x2"x16' 1" x 3'1/2" x'16' 1'x51/2'x16' 1" x7-1/4" x16' 1" x 9'1/4" x'16' 1"x11-1/4'x16' 514" x 4" 5/4' x 6' 5/4" x 8" 5/4" x 10' 514" x 12" 216 144 108 90 72 4300 4600 4500 3720 "n 4175 4350 PLOWED FASCIA 4/4'x6' (0[//Sl/)' 314" x5 1/2' x16' 160 124 t0B 90 4/4" x 8" (ON4/S|V)- 3/4" x 7-'114" x 16' 5/4' x 8" (OM/S]V)- 1" x /-1l4" x 16' 5/4" x 10' (OM/S|V)- 1" xg 1/4" x 16' For more informolion on Truwood Siding ond Trim, worronty ond inslollotion inslruclions visil: m cof f 800.417.3574 lox 541.884.7282 Truwood Siding and Trim meet the requirements of the following: American National Standard ANSI.CPA t35.6 tCC ESR-2588 International Building Code Standard Building Code 2006 International Residential Code €+ SCS CENIFIED Minimum 25% Recycled Content TruWood' Ava lable in Plowed on the Smooth Side 0r Old lvi l' Side. Truwood Trim is reversible. Follow Truwood@ Siding or Trim Installation Instructions. 9/11 co,,insP,odudsuc s IDING IT R lM
boards and trivets, to prevent possible damage from sharp knives or hot pots."
The flooring, which flows into a formal dining room and a casual family room, is oak with a light- to medium-brown stain. "In an open kitchen like this," says White, "if we'd switched to tile or some other surface, the floor would've become an awkward intemrption. And people prefer hardwood to tile or other kitchen flooring materials. It's generally more comfortable on the legs and feet and more forgiving if you drop something."
White remembers a client who wanted wood walls in a bathroom. "We came up with light-toned maple panels trimmed with dark cherry," he says. "To protect the finish, we used sealer, plus a satin-finish top coat. With normal use and proper cleaning, these surfaces should last indefinitely."
New York City interior designer, John A. Buscarello, is particularly proud of the wood-enhanced basement he completed in a Long Island home. Dampness was a potential problem because the space was mostly below grade.
According to Buscarello, "The white oak floor is over a plywood subfloor that was built above a liquid vapor barrier applied to the concrete. Several coats of polyurethane were applied to the oak, so the surface is protected and can be cleaned with a damp or dry mop."
Architect Wright designed a wine cellar entirely of oak for a Southampton homeowner. With a floor of dark-stained oak and the walls and ceiling of limed oak, Wright confesses, "I'd never done a wine cellar where every surface was hardwood. When considering wood in areas like this, it's important to make sure the homeowners know what to expect in terms of maintenance and durability. There's always a little humidity in a wine cellar, but once you've protected the surfaces with a vapor barrier, they're fine."
Designer Pattee agrees and Predicts that hardwood will continue to be used in even more unexpected places. "I see a trend evolving where unedited wood will be exposed in all its glory-no stain or varnish, just a natural surface whose beauty and grain can be fully appreciated."
The consensus among design professionals is that the look and durabil-
ity of natural hardwood can be enjoyed no matter where it is installed. Just be sure the surface is
Hardwood industry unveils new tools to sell domestic species
The American Hardwood Information Center has rolled out a new logo and redesigned website to help convey the message that domestic hardwoods are a longlasting, eco-friendly choice.
"We urge dealers to take advantage of the new logo by incorporating it into their company's marketing and sales programs as a supplement to their business messaging, and to show support for the American hardwoods initiative," says Terry Brennan, Baillie Lumber, Hamburg, N.Y., who chairs the promotion program. "Together, the industry can take back market share from alternative, non-natural substrates."
The new logo features a sampling of leaves from popular species of American hardwood trees, accompanied by the tagline "Treasured for Generations." It conveys the variety of choices available with hardwood and indicate the timeless beauty and enduring value that come naturally with this material.
Lumber and building materials dealers who sell American hardwoods are encouraged to use this logo on company websites, marketing materials, sales tools, and company signage to show industrY unity and support.
According to recent surveys of both consumers and pro customers:
. 95Vo enjoy the natural look of hardwood and agree that the natural beauty of hardwood makes a home feel warm and comfortable.
. 90Vo agree that hardwood products are attractive and would inspire pride in the home.
,93Vo hke hardwood as a material for furniture, flooring, cabinets, and building materials.
.gOEo agree that hardwood is a good investment and that its durability makes it a good choice for the home.
. 85Vo feel that hardwood is synonymous with quality and durability.
. 80Vo of pros say that customers who use hardwood tend to be happy with their decision and feel they got the most out of their investment.
The redesigned website at provides information on how to select and build with American hardwoods. Mobile apps for the group's Hardwood Species Guide are also available for free download.
American Hardwoods Treasured for Generations*
against standing water and wear and use it wisely.
NEW LOGO, coupled with a redesigned website, can be used by LBM dealers to promote the use of domestic hardwood products.
Odobermf f r The ]t'ledtant ]rlagazine r 9
By Carla Waldemar
No place like Home
f-'l eorr Hnle rlvosr ended up ped\IOting potato chips. Instead. as head of Home Lumber, Whitewater, Wi., he recently took home an award as Wisconsin's Small Family Business of the Year. He's part of the fourth
generation to run the operation since its start in 1885 as a speck on the map (pop. 11,000) in the midst of southwestern Wisconsin's old-growth timber and the mills it spawned.
Geoff started in as a kid in the yard
CONCRETE DIRECTION: Geoff Hale's Home Lumber recentlv won the Wisconsin Small Familv Business of the Year Award. Here he points out "We Moved the Cheese" that employees carved intir the concrete foundation of its warehouse, a tribute to the change-embracing briok'Who Moved My Cheese? Also engraved are two other best-sellers that inspired the troops-Hrgh Five and Gung Ho.
that his dad, like his own father before him, had poured his life into-a kid small enough to weasel his way into a jam-packed boxcar in the stifling heat of summer and toss out 2x4s, one at a time. Not a kid's dream career.
So, after college, when he got an offer from Frito-Lay to turn his talents to potato chips, he bought a new suit, new car, and cleaned out his room. But the day before he was to hit the road, his dad's partner did just thatsmashed himself up in a car accident. Rather than leave Dad without a partner, Geoff stuck it out.
Six months later, Frito-Lay proffered another opportunity and, again, Geoff started packing. This time, a shady lumber distributor in Madison was set up to buy the operation and leave Dad to run it, with no say-so or skin in the game. That wasn't going to happen, Geoff declared. He helped Dad secure the necessary funding to buy the place, chanting, "We can do this!"-a war cry that's taken Home, under Geoff, into many a first, best, most... by jumping out of the box and over his depth and into one success after another.
That first year officially together, 1975, business skyrocketed 5O7o as Geoff reinvented Home's marketing approach. "Dad was a soft-spoken man," recounts his son. "I'm more aggressive. I basically went out and asked for business."
Fine. Until, all too quickly, the recession of the '80s handed these folks three tough years. "But, as lumber prices bottomed, I saw a window of opportunity and jumped on board. I bought carloads of lumber at that low , figure so I could offer guaranteed pricing to the biggest builders in the area"-new customers who became Geoff's best buds.
Next, Geoff installed the state's first drive-through in 1982, the year
Home undertook another giant risk. Outgrowing its downtown site in 1967 , which had already once been rebuilt to be bigger, better (and honifically, burnt to the very ground just days before its grand opening-then, with the invaluable assistance of loyal locals, immediately rebuilt on the spot), Home once again declined the lure of the outskirts and re-upped its commitment to the city's business core. (Today a state-of-the-art, stand-alone Kitchen & Bath Showroom nearby draws even more shoppers-including a new clientele composed of keepers of the household purse, er, women-back to Main Street.)
Putting his money where his mouth is, Geoff has continued to spearhead Whitewater's future by driving recruitment of $7.6 million in new private investments, creating 102 jobs, adding 28 new businesses, and sponsoring over a dozen promotional events-all, let's add, in just four years.
Meanwhile, back at Home base, Geoff focused on power tools as the company's new thrust. "Any product we take on," he says, "we challenge ourselves to become number one in sales locally-then," he casually adds, "nationally."
True to his promise, Home became Makita's largest dealer, a fact noted by Money magazine, which, in 2003, duly recommended little ol' Home in little ol' Whitewater as "best place to buy power tools" In. The. Nation.
That's the kind of free advertising a company can only dream of. It led to "pallets lining our aisles for three or four months, needing packaging and labels," Geoff says. "We couldn't get them out the door fast enough. The phone kept ringing off the hook."
Home's computers were smoking, too, for the company also had launched the first-ever Internet shopping cart for tools. In fact, Geoff today predicts that by 2015,50Vo of Home's business will be driven by the Internet.
No sleeping at the drawing board here. Next, another new offspring, Aurora Deck Lighting, was born in 2000 as the company started manufacturing its patented solar line of low-voltage deck lighting systems. Why, you ask? So did I. As Geoff explains, sort of, "We're good at throwing mud at the wall. Sometimes it sticks. At trade shows, we ask customers what they'd like to see next"-a practice that invariably leads the Home team outside the box again-next, to Home Tops.
When a customer was stumped in his search for outsized finials, Home ended up buying a turning machine and one thing led to another. As Home Tops, it now markets 7,000 high-end wood products nationwide, going up against only one strong competitor, Nantucket Post Cap Co. of New Hampshire. Which Home then purchased. Which Geoff's son, Michael, turned around and now heads. Son Chris, another of the nine family members involved in the company, moved up from yard foreman to operations manager and sales. Son Mackenzie is working at receiving and delivery while a full-time college student.
On to pole barns, which Home started stocking as a way to reach new customers in these dicey times. Yet, Home stays boldly committed to trading with other independent lumber dealers. "When the v.p.s of the boxes come begging,I politely decline," he states.
Ask Geoff what he's most proud of and the answer he shoots back is, "My employees. We both hire and fire for attitude, and on the spot," he says. And that hiring process goes on whether there's a vacancy or not. (Even in these lean times, he just signed on a key staffer of a respected competitor who went out of business.) "We call the interviewing process 'The Gauntlet"'-another chuckle. During &tiHittg.Ptoductsom
the courting process, a prospective hire has to go through 20 interview to make sure it's a love match on both parts. And, like Dorothy, flully 25Vo of employees who leave for "better opportunities" eventually return, after discovering that there's no place like Home.
Sure, they like the outfit's new profit-sharing plan that replaced the Christmas bonus (but not the raucous Christmas party-karaoke, anyone? Hula Hoop competition?) They value the open-book policy. They blossom under the family atmosphere, attending Brewers' games and sledding jamborees as guests of the owners. They flourish with empowerment. And they know that this is a level playing field: A family member must create his or her own opportunities, working from the ground floor up, reporting, by design, to a non-family supervisor. ("Fewer problems; you're insulated from animosity and nepotism. And," Geoff finds, "they learn better if it's not from their old man.") They wear company T-shirts that invoke, "Choose to Make A Difference." And to remind them of that option, Geoff sends every staffer a motivational email every single morning.
In the Home tradition, giving back to the community is a must, whether through donations of time and product to Habitat for Humanity or a Katrina fund or to a program that treats kids with critical illnesses to a Home Family Getaway. Mom made life a little zanier by manning the counter in her fright wig, red rubber nose and baggy suit (she was a professional clown). Dad, a.k.a. Mr. Whitewater, at 85 still works 35 hours a week and delivers meals on wheels in his time off.
Besides spearheading the revitalization of Whitewater's downtown, Geoff remains committed to the Midwest Lumbermen's Round Table, which he helped found in 1914.ln fact, he credits these sessions with his peers for Home's success. "Everyone's willing to share their thinking-better ways to do things. And I go in like a sponge."
Home's people also take on the fun, and challenge, of writing and performing in all its radio and TV spots. "That's the way you should do it," Geoff is convinced, buoyed by an avalanche of positive feedback from customers. (The radio show is the most-listened to home improvement program in the country. But you probably already suspected that.)
While the building scene is hardly rosy during our ongoing economic plague, Home keeps well ahead of the repo squad by outdistancing the competition. And how's that done? Simple. Quality products, unsurpassed service. "Under-promise, over-deliver" is the game plan fueling Geoff's ambitious goal: "We want to be the Nordstrom's of lumberyards."
Although lumber sales have been slim and margins even skinnier, the company's other divisions can boast healthy balance sheets. Sales are up 25Vo. "We're above the ground for another day," Geoff jokes. "And that's all we're looking for. With our culture, we can turn on a dime. We've quoted as much in the past 60 days as in the past 18 months. There's a light at the end of the tunnel."
Carla Waldemar cwaldemar@
0<tober20ll r The lylednil lhgadne r 11
By fames Olan Hutcheson
Lessons from a recession
fD eo rrMEs FoR rr,rosr enterprises
I-lequals good times for those catering to the stressed, the depressed, and the anxious. As measured by the marked increase in calls to mental health hotlines whenever the unemployment rate rises and more businesses begin closing their doors, recession packs an emotional and
construction and auto dealers. This suggests that there is more going on than the inevitable response to economic contraction.
What the recession tells us, whether we look at the human stories or the dry statistics, is that there are important lessons to be learned from slack periods in the business cycle. When these lessons have been applied during or even prior to this most recent recession, many of these businesses were able to survive and, in some cases, prosper while their lessprepared colleagues struggled to survive.
No better example exists than the side-by-side comparison of America's two largest automobile companies. Executives at Ford saw the recession coming and prepared for it. General Motors' leaders had access to the same data, but kept doing business pretty much as usual. As a result, Ford required neither bankruptcy protection nor a government bailout during 2009. GM needed both.
While every industry, market and business is unique, some of the lessons of how to prepare for and survive a recession are general and nearly universally applicable.
1. See it coming.
was the year it mortgaged virtually all its U.S. assets in exchange for the billions of dollars it needed to reorganize and resize to reflect is smaller market share.
The move shocked most observers, but has proved one of the smartest by a major corporation in recent years. Ford avoided the bankruptcy that would have stripped the founder's descendants of their super-voting shares and kept it a family-controlled company. In 2009, the worst year for autos in memory, Ford reported an annual profit.
2. Xnotn how to respond.
spiritual punch, as well as an economic one.
Several years of recession have taken their toll. Many companies that were able to handle 12 months of declining sales found that 24 months of shrinking top-line revenues were simply too much. But, of course, not all companies have become insolvent, even those in the industries with the highest rates of bankruptcies, such as
I'm not talking about being able to forecast macroeconomic trends. That is an art practiced by many, but succeeded at by few. I am talking about being able to tell-by analyzing your own company's financial reportswhen demand is falling, debt is increasing, and margins are shrinking. Ford, for instance, saw the writing on the wall in 2006. Clearly, the company was going to have to accept a smaller share of the auto market. That
Managing through recession requires special skills. Many businesses are operated by owners who are, basically, technicians. They are former carpenters who have become builders and ex-truck drivers who have formed logistics companies. Few have the expertise do the financial analysis necessary to pinpoint where the problems lie and how to apply the techniques of business leadership to smooth performance and operations. The entrepreneurs who ride out recession after recession are generally those who understand that financials are not mere measurements of a company's strength and success. They are the equivalent of vital signs to a doctor. Failing to grasp the effect of any move on the patient's vital signs, to continue the metaphor, is the equivalent of malpractice.
3. Be decisive.
Understand that you have to make changes, including some that won't be fun or easy. When business is good, decisions tend to be easy: If someone threatens to leave. offer more money
FAMIIY Business
t2 r The lyledrant lhgazine r OdoberzOrl
and a better-sounding title. If people complain about travel, send them first-class regardless of extra cost.
But companies led by people who are more willing to make hard decisions tend to run both leaner and, if necessary, meaner. Sometimes workforces have to be cut, offices closed, product lines trimmed, and even longtime associates let go. But necessary changes don't get easier if you wait and procrastinate. Failure to be decisive may mean that you aren't around to enjoy the next recovery.
4. Knon" when to call in help.
Few business leaders can really do it all. Even the most sophisticated and resource-laden organizations occasionally look outside for expert advice and assistance. For businesses in peril, the sooner the request is made, the better.
It can be painful to call in help late. When sales have already slumped and profits are disappearing, spending money on consultants or other experts may seem frivolous. But you should still spend it. And it's easier to spend it earlier in the process of surviving a downturn, as well as more likely to produce positive results.
Stress is always a traveling companion of challenging times. However, stress is not usually life threatening. It can be dealt with. By looking beyond today to the better times that follow, both ordinary people and business leaders can rise above the turmoil and find the energy and determination to keep going, act smart, and apply the lessons learned
ln past recessrons. This downturn offered perhaps more valuable lessons than the usual slump in the business cycle. And, for that, perhaps we should be grateful.
- James OIan Hutcheson is managing partner and founder of ReGeneration
Partners, a family business consulting based in Dallas, Tx. For 20 years, he worked at Olan Mills, afirm started by his grandfather. Reach him at (800) 406-1 I 12 or
Reprinted with permission of ReGeneration Partners. No portion of this article may be reproduced without its permission.
& Flooring
Brazilian Hardwood Specialists
Your direct source for Ipe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many OpdoosTo Choose FromI
l) Shipping from ow Bmzilian Milb direct to your job site or lumberyard
i) Crcnn Mi ttinT;;;:rr:il'"I#toi'*'u.'*
Direct lmporteru of Hardwood Decking,Lumber,
-oqt Wholesale Division .*=aS$ *r*c lll/sod Laminates,lnc. Pgir,ffil#.- VrFp P.O. Box 1802, Medford, OR 97t01 ' Fax 541-535-3288 (541) 535-3465 . Bnlldt4rhoductsom 0dober20l1 r ltre llerdrant lrhgazlrc r 13
The yin and yang of sales
foe Tonne, who won a World Series as manager for the j Yankees. says that athletes (and sales is an athletic activity!) shouldn't play nervous, but they should play with a "vital tension." The same can be said for our sales calls and our sales relationships.
I recently worked with five sales managers from a large corporation. We put them through a high-stress sales call. Only one of the five demonstrated that he wanted/desired the order-todav or anvtime!
Was he rude? No. Was he pushy? No. Was he overbearing? No. But he did accept his role as a salesperson, in fact, relished it! He let the customer know that he was there to do business. Was he the smoothest of the five? No. The most intelligent (whatever that means) of the five? No. The most likeable? No. But he relished the "vital tension" of sellins. Have you ever gone out with someone you loved like a sister/brother? That's a relationship where the yang is missing the yin or vice-versa, and that's what happens in sales calls/relationships where the seller abdicates their yang to the customer's yin.
Why do salespeople abdicate? Because they want to win. After 30 calls with negative responses (losing), when the customer says, "That's not a good deal," the (weak) seller wants to be on the winning side for a change so they say, "You're right-it isn't a good deal," which is the beginning ofthe end ofthe salesperson's fun life.
I have a friend who says, "If I don't make my wife mad at least once a week, I'm getting soft and she's getting bored." We must bring our yang to the yin/yang connection.
As sales professionals we must accept our part in the movie as mind-changing Davids to Goliath. There will be rejection. We must treat rejection as a punch during the fight, not the end of the fight.
We may even take a punch in a certain way or a certain amount of time, as a strategy, for the ultimate win. The order (or not the order) is not important. What is important is that we ultimately land the customer as a partner-then the orders will come.
If we want to be liked by everyone, right now, today, sales is not for us. If we are not willing to take punches in the short term to win in the long term, we will never be master sellers.
The best and easiest place to get business is where we are already getting business. One of the biggest mistakes I see experienced sellers make is not pushing their best customer's hard enough. Why? Because it's comfortable (see yin/yang above). Comfortable is not the way of life for the master seller.
The biggest objection used by best customers with experienced sellers is what I call the "arm-around-your-shoulderFriendly objection."
"Pete, I love doing business with you, but I can't give you any more business. I'm already giving you the majority (what does that mean, specifically?) of the business anyway. What are you doing this weekend?"
"Hey, Julie, I'm already buying more from you than I should be. Don't push it or we'll both get in trouble."
"The boss is mad because I give you as much as I do already..."
"You're my favorite, but it just doesn't make good business sense to put all my eggs in one basket..."
And similar ad naseum, ad infinitum.
If we are getting the majority of the business, there is a reason. We are providing the most value. Sure, they like us (and that is a huge value), but we are doing other things right and better than others, therefore it is our right and our duty as professional sellers (yangers, if you will) to bring more value and push for more of the business.
Most sellers have an unwarranted fear of losing great customers if they push a little bit more. When we push for more we are showing we care (yangin') and that we want the business, and when we don't-we show the opposite.
How are accounts stolen away? One little piece at a time, so never abdicate your position as the mover (yanger) of the sales relationship, especially with your best accounts.
James Olsen Reality Sales Training
By fames
t4 r lhe ltledtant lrlagazine r Odober 2011 Bnildirg.Prodnclsom
(503\ 544-3572
Elmo Studd's Building Supplies, Tigard, 0r., has closed after 27 years.
Founders Bill and Diane Fagan retired in Auoust 2010 and sold the business t; Rebel Country Lumber, Beaverton, Or.
Keizer True Value, Keizer, or., and sister store West Salem True Value, West Salem, or., are converting to Ace Hardware.
Golden West Home Builders Genter, Santa Rosa, Ca., is liquidating after nearly 50 years.
The home center shares space with Babcock Floors. which will remain in business.
Orchard opened 60,000-sq. ft, store #89 Sept. 17 in S. San Jose, Ca.
The chain, however, is evaluating its existing locations, and will shutter its 24-year-old store in Antioch, Ca., by the end of the year.
Ace Hardw?te franchisee Terry Katnic opened a new store in San Pedro, Ca.
Bellingham Ace Hardware, Bellingham, Wa,, will hold a grand opening celebration Oct. 21-23. The 10,000-sq. ft. store with 2,500-sq. ft. outdoor garden center is owned by Amy and Steve Zwaller,
Hardware Hawaii has remerchandised its paint department in Kailua, Hi.
Home Depot expects a February opening for a 102,513-sq. ft. store with 28.086-so. ft. oarden center at the former Tim'ber-Products mitt site in Grants Pass, 0r.
Lowe's applied to build a new 143,000-sq. ft. store on 10 acres in Napa, Ca., and received city council approval to conshuct a new home center in Poway, Ca., that could open as early as late next year.
Habitat for Humanity tnis month is moving its ReStore discount LBM outlet in Medford, 0r., to a larger facility and last month held a grand opening for a 19,000-sq. ft. ReStore in Goodyear, Az.
Welco Sells Commodity Unit
Conifex Timber, Vancouver, B.C., has agreed to acquire Vancouverbased Welco Lumber Corp.'s commodity lumber distribution business and Navcor Transportation Services' transportation and logistics business.
The deal, expected to close by Dec. 31, includes Welco's commodity lumber segment, assumption of its office lease, and employment agreements with key employees. Welco retains ownership of its corporate name, its specialty lumber business, and its interest in Marathon Forest Products. Welco will receive $1.525 million,
plus commissions for three years.
Both Welco and Navcor have provided lumber marketing and logistics services to Conifex since Conifex began operating its sawmill complex in Fort St. James. B.C.. in 2009.
"The team proposed to come over to Conifex have done a superb job arranging products sales and deliveries to the three largest softwood lumber import markets in the world-the U.S., China and Japan," said Conifex c.e.o. Ken Shields. "We are pleased that the proposed transaction will enable us to continue to serve our customers with the team they know and respect."
3370 Rippey Rd., Loomis, CA 95650 L-800-626-1233 Remanufacturing & Wholesale Distribution of WRC . SPF . PineiESLP . Ip6 . Redwood . WRC FJ Specialty Sidings . FSC Certified Cedar (STK A/Btr. vc) FSC Certified Western Red Cedar & Hemlock www.crawf ordcreeklumber. com Proud supplier for Lausmann Lumber c;nzo,topoao cr..eek - kna]a,ep. co. [to.^O D?"/,lDeflOl.q Brc:nd siding too%" usea.ble Sll'tr(Sidings &l/"rtun Exclusively Produced and Distributed by Lausmann Lumber l IiaM Agwood tlll & Lumbcr, lnc. IvI ll r Stocking Distributor of Quality Redwood produced by Agwood .F; Pl,unr,CnAFTERS -a,,rsil-*Je Now distributing PanelCrafters Cedar Knottv Plvwood &rlldir4-hodudsom Odober 2oll r lhe lkrdrant ltrhgazine r 15
Roseburg Forest Products eliminated about 20 of the 150 workers at its particleboard and laminating plant in Missoula, Mt., due to reduced demand.
Westwood Lumber, Cottage Grove, 0r., had its milling facilities in Reedsport and Saginaw, 0r., liquidated at auction Sept. 20 and 22by its primary creditor.
Yuba River Moulding & Millwork has completed a $1 million expansion of its facility in Marysville, Ca., adding a Weineg Powermat 2000 and the first of two new prime lines.
Stimson Lumber, Portland, Or., will curtail production at its mill in Arden (Colville), Wa., as soon as Nov. 11, laying off 67.
Redwood Lumber, Cloverdale, Ca,, suffered a Sept. 13 fire that caused about $125,000 in damages to a wood planer and the building it was stored in.
Sherwood Lumber, lslandia, N.Y., has a new logo and is now offering Shenruood Lumber-branded wood products from its distribution centers, including Tigard, 0r.
Simpson Strong-Tie, Pleasanton, Ca,, will supply software systems and truss plates to the U.S. component industry, under the direction of Mike Bugbee.
Legend Brands, Burlington, Wa., has agreed to be acquire-o by coatings manufacturir RPM lnterndtional.
GAF nas idled its Duralife decking facilities in Biddeford, Me., and Lenexa, Ks.
Georgia-Pacific's DensDeck roof boards have earned sound transmission class ratings of up to 61 and outdoor indoor transmission class ratings of up to 49 in roofing assemblies for commercial framed construction.
Anniversaries: Lumber Yard Supply, Great Falls, Mt., 125th Merrill & Ring, PortAngeles, Wa., 125th Parr Lumber Co., cnino, Ca., 35th Weyerhaeuser's Parallam parallel strand lumber, 25th SierraPine Ltd., Roseville, Ca.,20th.
Weyerhaeuser Drops iLevel Name
Weyerhaeuser Co., Federal Way, Wa., is abandoning the "ilevel by Weyerhaeuser" brand and transitioning its wood products business back to simply Weyerhaeuser.
"Our customers and vendors know us best as 'Weyerhaeuser,' so we are returning to what is most familiar to them," said Larry Burrows, senior v.p. of wood products.
Products and sales representatives will remain unchanged.
Lowe's Reorganizes Operations
Lowe's Cos., Mooresville, N.C., has restructured management of its store operations and merchandising. Operations have been cut back from 21 divisions to 14, led by senior v.p.s Bill Edwards (South); Jim Frasso (North), and Brent Kirby (West). Merchandising has been reorganized into two product divisions, headed by Troy Dally (building & outdoor products) and Clint Davis (kitchen, bath & home decor products).
Departing Lowe's are senior v.p.s Theresa Anderson and Robert Wagner in operations and Patricia Price in merchandisins.
Cal Coast lVholesale Lumber, Ins. Pressure Treoted Forest Prodttcts Alkaline Copper Quat (ACg) ,,,,#illi#,;lffiKlu.o,. P.O. Box 673 .3150 Taylor Drive . Ukiah, Ca. 95482 Phone 7O7 -468-0141 . Fax 707.468-0660 Gene Pietila Sales;for Coast Wood Preserutng 16 r fheiterdrantltlagadre r Odober2Oll Buildinghodu<lsom
Swanson Group was one of the first mills in Oregonin the 1960's - to convert their operation to utilize small log production. It was a forward looking decision and led to other innovations over the years that have made Swanson Group one of the most efficient dimension mills in the industrv.
Today we manufacture a wide range of wood products, including railroad ties, premium grade dimension, metric sized lumber for export, and many grades of structural plyvood. 'We are nimble enough to react to market changes and big enough to get the job done.
Since 1951 we've been making quality forest products used by distributors, dealers, builders, remodelers, and do-it-yourselfers.
By listening and responding to our customers we are producing the products that make sense for today.
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For sales calh 1.800,331-0831 www. swansongroupinc. com
4 Tine to try sonething new
6 Trode Market streornlines ogendo
7 Schedule of events
8 Monoging your credit rish
0 Moke the nost of your show conlocts
4 rroders Mqrket exhibiror list
6 frqders lUlqrket show floor
TRADERS PREVIEW is published annually at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660, (949) 852-1990, Fax 949-852-0231,, by Cutler Publishing Inc. (a California Corporation), publisher ol Building Products Drgest and The Merchant Magazine. Copyright@20l1 by Cutler Publishing Inc. Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. To advertise in next year's Traders' Preview, call Alan Oakes or Chuck Casey at (949) 852-1990. This supplement is published in conjunction with the NAWLA Traders Market.
To Attend the I|AWLA Troders Morket
The NAWLA Traders Market has strictly enforced policies relative to exhibitor eligibility and general delegate qualifications. These policies are stipulated on the meeting registration form available at
Anyone with questions about the attendance policy or any other aspect of the event should contact NAWLA, (800) 527-8258, (847) 8'70-7470, Fax 847-870-0201, or
| October 2011 Traders' hevlw o t
to try something new
UHglCOtr,tE TO THE 201I NAWLA Traders Market in Las Vegas, Nv. This year's show is the first year the show is in Vegas and,like the industry, it is a good time to try something new.
The 2011 Traders Market is shaping up to be a great success. Anytime we make such a big change to the show, we wonder how it will affect attendance and the attendee experience. The reaction has been incredibly positive.In fact, attendance this year is over 20o/c above this same time the last two years. Our booth sales are up, as are sponsorships.
With over l)c/o of our registrants being first-time attendees this year, the show obviously has a draw, especially for wholesalers and distributors. Why should wholesalers attend Traders Market? Because no other show provides instant contact and networking opportunities with 250 manufacturers and producers. Companies from the United States, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, and Mexico have registered to attend. Think of it as 250 sales calls with one trip. You can't beat that value.
In addition to the great networking opporlunities, we have put together a very timely educational program focusing on the recently approved softwood lumber check-off and global promotion. The check-off program promises to alter the domestic landscape while exports continue to grow at a rapid pace. At NAWLA Traders Market, you can learn about both at the same place and time. Take the time to look at what Traders Market has to offer you.
While I encourage everyone to attend Traders Market, I also hope everyone who attends leaves with an understanding of what NAWLA can do for you throughout the year. We focus on education and networking opportunities all year long. From webinars to regional meetings to onsite classes, members of NAWLA have a full menu to choose from all year to give them the tools they need to succeed.
Please take a few minutes to learn more. Stop by the NAWLA booth for membership brochures or talk to a NAWLA staffer fbr a more personal view. Your membership, and your association, should work for you.
We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!
Gary Vitale President and c.e.o. North American Wholesale Ltunber Association
4 o fraderc'hevlew . October 2011
oseburg is one of the lorgesi ond most diverse monufoclurers of lumber, pftwood plywood ond engineered wood products in North Americo. Our htegroted monufocturing focilities ore sfoie of the ort, utilizing the mosl lechnology io produce high quolity wood products for the building jdvonced lechnologl icnsiruction i nd usiry. ' ',,"-*'' I.
peciol opportunities ovoiloble io NAWLA members on lhe following products:
Studs, Green qnd KD (Douglos Fir, Hemlock, Whiie Fir)
Engineered Wood Products
RFPI Joist Solid Sqwn
RFPI ioist LVL
FSC Cerfified Producls
Softwood Plywood
Indusiriol Ponels
Durogord Medium Density
Overloy (MDO)
PourMor Concrete Forming
RigidFloor Underloymenl
Reol Wood Siding
Rodioni Borrier
iodoy for more detoils.
Inlroducing Roseburg
Rqdiont Bsrrier
Now ovoiloble to ALL
NAWIA members, o uniquely consirucled plywood sheothing ponel from Roseburg lhot hos
o loyer of highly refleclive perforoted sluminum foil lominote designed to block fhe moiority of the sun's rodiont energy.
Your Single,,$outre \nb6d Product Producer
I r 'mhcr I Fnnineered Wood Products Hordwood Ponels I Decoroiive Ponels Coll /
I Shelving
Softwood Plywood
Composiie Ponels
lqser focus llAWlA streqmlines *hedule
IERHAPS REALTzTNG that the highpenerSy backdrop of Las Vegas I may prove a formidable distraction for attendees, NAWLA Traders Market has returned to its roots, cutting back on the number of business and educational sessions to focus more clearly on the show's mdn objective: networking.
The agenda does, however, feature several don't-miss events:
Grand Opening Luncheon with Keynote Presenter: Chuck Leavell-Tree Farmer, Rock Star
Thurs. Oct. 20, I I :30 a.m.- I p.m.
In addition to his own solo CDs, Chuck Leavell's piano and keyboard work have been heard on the works of Eric Clapton, the Rolling Stones, George Harrison, the Allman Brothers Band, The Black Crowes, Blues Traveler, Train, Martina McBride, John Mayer, and many other promi-
nent artists. His association with the Stones began back in 1982 and is still going strong. He is a first-call session musician, working in studios around the world.
He's also a respected author. His book on forestry, Forever Green: The History & Hope of the American Forest, is now in its second printing in the U.S., with translations in Germany and Austria. His recent children's book, The Tree Farmer, now in its third printing, has garnered several awards, including special recognitions from the National Arbor Day Foundation and the American Farm Bureau Federation. His autobiography, Between Rock and a Home Place, chronicles his career in music and also explains how he came to be so passionate on environmental issues. His fourth book, Growing a Better America, released in April, focuses on
"smart" growth.
In January 2009, Chuck co-founded the Mother Nature Network, now the world's premier website for environmental news, information and education. Chuck is a renowned environmentalist and tree farmer. He and his wife, Rose Lane, were given the ultimate honor for their outstanding stewardship of their own forest, Charlane Plantation, by being named National Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year in 1999. Leavell sits on several important environmental boards and often engages with environmental policy makers in Washington, D.C. He has testified before Congress on the last two farm bills and is revered as one of the most important and respected voices for conservation in our country.
New Product Showcase
Open during show floor hours: Thurs. Oct.20, 1:15-6 p.m., and Fri. Oct.2I, l0 a.m.-2 p.m.
Located in the middle of the tradeshow floor, this area will show off the latest industry products and lines, including Roseburg Forest Producrs' RFPI 700 and RFPI 900 series deep-depth I-joists, Versatex's one-piece column wrap, Woodtone's prefinished RealSoffit, Kleer Lumber's PVC decking, Coulson Manufacturing's new FSC-certified Design Line veneer cedar plywood, National Nail's CAMO hidden deck fastening system, and Mason Forest Products' RTA southern pine plywood Whatever Playhouse.
Western Red Cedar Lumber Association Panel Discussion: "The Evolving Distribution Role-How Has It Impacted the Western Red Cedar Businesstt
Fri. Oct. 21 ,7:30-9:30 a.m. (conti-
6 . Traders' hevlcw r Odober 2011 &
&hedule of lventr
UGdn dlrr&tober 19
9:30 a.m.-12 p.rn. Board ol directors meetir€ (invitation only)
12-1 p.m. Board luncheon (invitation)
12-7 p.m. Registration open
1-5 p.m. 10 Group activities
l-3:30 p.m. Board meeting (invitation)
1€p.m. Exhibitorset-up
3:30-5 p.m. Committee meetings
FO p.m. Communication committee meetings
6.7:80 p.m. l{etworking coektail reception
thurcdlt &lobe120
6:fl) a.n-7 p.m. Registratbn open
7-11 *m. 10 Group activities
7 a.m.-11 p.m. Exhibitor set-up
tliS{l am;l pm. Grandopening
lunch: Chairman's welcome, president's address, awards prcsentation, keynote address by Chuck Leavell
1:15€ p.m. Traders MarketoPen
$6 p.rn. Wood Basics Course alumni reception
S7:00 p.m. Networking cocktail reception
lddq, Oetober 2l
7:3G11:ill a.m. Registration oPen
7:30.9:30 anr. Western Red Cedar Lumber Associdion session
8:3&10 a.m. Magellan Club brealdasl & program (separate admisslon)
10 a.nn -2 p.m. Traders Market op€n
11:3&l p.m. Luncfi on show floor
&5 p.m. 10 Group activities
p.m. Exhibitor dismantle
nental breakfast at 7 a.m.)
In prior years, WRCLA's meetings during the Traders Market have highlighted the association's marketing activities and a current topic related to western cedar promotion. This year, WRCLA is switching to an interactive program to discuss the current market situation and how it has affected the distribution role and the cedar busiNESS.
A panel of prominent industry distribution players with broad regional representation includes David Bond, Chris Lynch, Brad Morrow, Ron Enveart. Matt Yates. and Bob Hanson.
Facilitator is Al Patey, Paradigm Training Inc.
Magellan Network Breakfast & Program: "Softwood Lumber Check-off & Global Promotion"
Fri. Oct.21 ,8:30-10 a.m.
The Magellan Network continues its tradition of addressing timely and important topics on the forest products global marketplace. This year's program will focus on worldwide promotion efforts, in anticipation of a significant expansion in the near future. With the recent passage of the softwood lumber check-off program, the industry's efforts to reach the architects and
specifiers (both domestically and abroad) will continue to grow.
Craig Larsen, Softwood Export Council, will provide a detailed view on recent and future promotion activities in various overseas markets, while Steve Lovett, Blue Ribbon Commission for Softwood Lumber Check-off, will discuss the ongoing implementation of the softwood lumber check-off program. Breakfast is included.
Attendance requires separate registration and fee ($99 per person for NAWLA members, $125 for nonmembers).
Mary's Rlver Western Red Cedar Slcllng is alFnaiuralwood with a rich texture that makes it ideal for arry architectural style. Not only is it naturalty beautitul, but it has been shown in a recent life cycle study by a leading forsst research laboratory to be the intelligent choice for green applications.
The study found that Western Bed Cedar outperformed fibercment, vinyl, woodplastic composites and bricks against the criteria of raw material acquisition; energy consumption; carbon footprint; air, water and soil emissions; and waste. Even with maintenance and some replacement over the lile rycle, Red Cedar was found to have the least environmental impact. Mary's River Red Cedar is precision milled and quality controlled for unmatched commitment to customer satisfaction.
Call us at 1{X1523-2052 tor sup€rior s€rvice and th€ inside story on Mary's River W€stern Red Cedar products.
rt |
Westsn Red C€dais rici t€xture and natrrBl b€auty €ch6 ltle impe€siw styb ot this elr9nts venue in lhe bothills ot Oregon'B rugg€d RarEe.
ilary's River Lumber Company 4515 NE Elliott Circle Corvallis, OR 97330 Toll Fre€ 800-523-2052 Fax 5al-752-5143 www.maryan 0,fuber 2011 r Trader' Prevlw t J
Dqtu in. Uqlue oul. lndustry works logether on s rhullenge il tsn munsge-rredit risk
By Jim Bartelson Blue Book Services
OWADAYS, IT SEEMS economists are the most popular people at lumber industry conferences. Meeting halls and hotel bars are filled with lumber professionals from across the supply-chain wondering what the economists' forecasts are for a range of metrics-most notably home buildine.
While the economic forecasts vary in their optimism, the universal consensus is that it can only improve. But when?
As the lumber industry waits for a strengthening economic recovery. business leaders have been logically focusing their teams on controlling all the variables within their power. The search for solutions often includes collaborative efforts with industry associations and allied suppliers.
One such example of this is the industry's quest to cost effectively manage credit risk: the loss to the creditor when a debtor is delinquent or in default on a trade obligation. Prior to 2008, this objective was fulfilled by lumber companies working with Lumbermen's Red Book. But, a void was created by Lumbermen's closure.
To fill that gap, Blue Book Services, a leading credit, financial, and marketing information agency since 1901, is now working with lumber and forest products companies to again provide mills, wholesalers, and secondary manufacturers with industry specific credit information. The forward progress toward this end has only been achieved, however, by
working with others in collecting the data necessary to deliver accurate. timely, and reliable pay indicator information.
To start with, DMSi and WoodPro have independently developed utilities that make it simple, quick and convenient for their users to securely submit the necessary accounts-receivable aging information to Blue Book Services. Other software providers have similar tools in the works, ultimately making it easier for more companies to similarly contribute data.
Next, an ever-increasing number of lumber companies are stepping up and routinely providing their A/Raging data exports to Blue Book Services. Motivated by the ambition to have a broad. industry perspective
not found elsewhere, a wide range of companies-handling hardwood to softwood- are contributing the necessary files, typically on a monthly basis.
Of course, the data is stored safely in each instance. And, the source of the data is kept confidentially, consistent with our practice for the past I l0 years.
Finally, the data is displayed anonymously-both on screen and in reports. This unwavering combination of data management protocols provides contributors with the confidence necessary to not only keep submitting data, but to also encourage their peers to do so as well.
Finally, various industry associations have helped by providing different forums to spread the word about how to submit A/R aging data and the benefits thereof-to the company and the industry as a whole. Moreover, Blue Book Services has earned NAWLA's designation as a Recommended and Approved Service Provider.
As the database of A/R aging data increases, so too does the value to the growing number of Blue Book members. With the cooperation of more and more data providers, our collective effort toward cost effectively managing credit risk progresses.
- Jim Bartelson is executive vice president of BIue Book Services. Contact him at jbartelson@ or 630) 668-3500.
8 o Tradels'hadw r 0&ber201l
What col you need? str
lntroducing Machinecoat' Plus Intermix
An innovative technology providing outstanding durability with a 100% acrylic, self priming, water based low VOC product line. PPG Machinecoat Plus 9-base intermix system can achieve over 1,651 colors from The Voice of Color@ collection including bright and dark colors and is recommended for use on pine, spruce, hemlock. asoen and other white woods.
Our new Intermix system provides you
. Durable automotive grade pigments for enhanced color retention
. Computer dispensing and custom color blending capability
. Ease of application using a variety of equipmenl
. lncreased productivity and reduced waste
r Water based lowVOC (<100g/L)
For more information, please contact us at 1.877622.4277 or visit www.
i? lh MAcHrNe APPLED If| (o arrNr. q
The 3 biggest mistqkes in sqles presentqtions
By Dave Kahle
an overkill, but the point remains: preparation is the first step towards an effective sales presentation.
That doesn't necessarily mean that you memorize the presentation. But it does mean that you organize it, that you secure and check your collateral (the sample, brochures, price quotes, etc., that form the basis of what you are selling), and that you practice the presentation several times until you are comfortable with it and confident in your ability to deliver it.
I the ultimate purpose of every I sales process, of every sales call, and of every sales system. The job of the sales person revolves around the point in time when he offers the customer something to buy.
The sales presentation can take a variety of forms. If you demonstrate a product, for example, that is a sales presentation. If you use a hard-copy brochure or a CD-Rom presentation on your laptop, that is a sales presentation. If you deliver and detail a sample, that is a sales presentation. If you respond to the customer's request and provide a price, deliver a proposal, or submit a bid, each of these are sales presentations.
Without the sales presentation. there can be no sale. It is, then, the foundational step in the sales process. Everything that happens before is in preparation for the presentation, and
everything that happens afterward is a result of the presentation.
You would think, then, that every salesperson is extremely well-trained in the science of making an effective sales presentation. Alas, that is not the case. Left to learn on their own. many salespeople make the same mistakes over and over again.
Here are the three most commonly made sales presentation mistakes. I I r Lack of preparation.
In my very first sales position, I had to endure six weeks of sales training. In those six weeks, the entire training class had to memorize two four-page sales presentations and give them to the training class. We were videoed and critiqued, over and over, for the six weeks. At the end of that time, we were thoroughly prepared to give that sales presentation.
Now that may have been a bit of
Unfortunately, preparation is a discipline that seems to be fading from the routines of many salespeople. The world is full of salespeople who either have little respect for their customer's time, no particular interest in doing their jobs well, or an over-inflated view of their own ad-libbing abilities. Any of these produces the sense that they don't need to prepare, that on the spur of the moment, they will come up with the most persuasive things to say, in the most effective manner.
That's too bad. Preparation is the first step toward a better sales presentation. and lack of preparation is endemic in the world of sales.
a l. Information purging.
This occurs when a salesperson thinks his/her job is to relate everything he/she knows about the product, service or proposal.
I was deeply into a training program wherein we work with six sales-
(Please turn to page 12)
Mqke the mosl of youl frsders Morket
10 o Tradcrs'hevlw r 0ctober 2011
RICK PATMITER GARTH WILTIAMS I InaHo6FonEsr ",,o () u P 208.762.6630 |
- including Cedar, Idaho White Pine,
Pine and Export. I
Soles Mistohes
(Continued from page I 0)
people every day for a week. Each role-played various situations. we videoed them, critiqued them, and had them role-play again, only better. We were methodically working through the sales process, and it was time to make the sales presentation. The class was taught to organize the presentation on the basis of what they learned about the customer in the previous "find out what they want" roleplay.
One particular salesperson never
got that message. He thought a sales presentation was like an oral exam in school. It was his opportunity to spill everything he knew about the product. What should have been a 20-minute presentation dragged on and on for 45 minutes. Even though it was a roleplay in front of the class, even though it was being video recorded, the person playing the customer began to fall asleep. The hapless salesperson continued on, purging himself of every bit and morsel of related information. I had to finally step in and put an end to the tedium.
While that may have been a dra-
matic example of this mistake, it occurs in smaller ways thousands of times a day. It occurs when salespeople feel the need to tell the customer everything they know about the product or service they are presenting, whether the customer cares or is interested in that feature or not.
The problem is greater than just "too much information." Salespeople who do this disrespect the customer, as they don't take the customer's interests and requirements into account in the presentation.
As a result. customers are turned off and tuned out, and salespeople leave shaking their heads, unable to fathom why the customer didn't buy all the incredible features of his sales presentation.
J. Failure to include the customer in the presentation.
This occurs when the salesperson thinks that the presentation is all about his product, service or proposal. The truth is that effective sales presentations are always about two things: the offer and how it can impact the customer.
When salespeople simply talk about their offer and ignore the second half of the equation, they make one of the most common mistakes.
Customers are far more interested in how the thing being presented impacts them, than they are in the details of the offer.
The salesperson may be impressed with all the neat details and features, but that reflects his/her values. not necessarily those of the customer.
With over 2 million acres of vital forestland, Nordic is certified under internationally recognized standards including the Forest Stewardship Council.
Nordic's ongoing commitment to sustainable forestry means investing in advanced manufacturing proc€sses to keep on the cutting
The best sales presentations describe the salient features of the offer. and then relate them to how they impact the customer. Remember "features and benefits"?
This third most common mistake occurs when salespeople emphasize the features and forget the benefits.
If you are guilty of any of these mistakes or, as a manager, if your sales force is guilty of them, your sales presentations are not as effective as they could be. You are leaving money on the table. Fix these mistakes and watch your sales rise.
- Dave Kahle, "The Growth Coach," is a sales consultant, trainer and author of a free monthly eTine-"Thinking About Sales" -as well as seven books, including his latest, How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime. Reach him at (800) 3 3 1 - 1 287 ;
514.871.8526 F. 511.871.9787
com www.nordicewp.
..4. /|UTIEI|!s com 12 o Tnders'hevlw r 0dobcr20ll Wood soLvttwns
Unsurpassed Value. When it's needed the most.
Plycem Fiber Cement Exterior Trim
> 2i-year limited warranty
> Reversible, smoothltextured surface
> Gontains eco-friendly recycled materials
> Complements any siding and architecture
> Fiber cement for lasting performance
> Smooth, square edges for finished appearance
> Primed on six sides
> Termite and weather resistant
> Non-combustible
> No specialized tools needed at jobsite
> ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified
hPlycem. Advanced Techrrology in Fiber Cemerrt
: lt (U.t o Size (thickness) width. inches) 2" n-314"1 3" Q-112"1 4" B-112"1 5" (4-112"1 6tt (5-1t2"1 8rt (7-1t4"1 10" (9-1/4") 12" (11-il4"1 4t4 (3t4"1 h a a t 1 r h a a 5t4 (1"1 a .n Z n 1 a r aa fr AllAvailable in 't2 ft. Lenqths . Other widths available upon request.
201I llAWlA froders Morket Exhibitor list
A&A Contract Customs Brokers
908 Blaine, Wa.
Offers customs brokerage, freight forwarding, and warehousing.
Springvale, Me.
Moultrie. Ga.
Southern yellow pine lumber producer.
Bedamin Obdyke
2O2 Horsham, Pa.
Designs and manufactures residential and commercial masonry fl ashings.
Ainsworth Group of Cos. Vancouver, B.C.
Commodity and specialty OSB products include Durastrand flooring, Thermastrand radiant barrier roof sheathing, Durastrand rimboard, and SteadiTred stair tread panels.
Anderson Pacific Forest Products
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Specialty sawmill since 1993.
Anglo American Cedar Products 802 Mission, B.C.
Supplier of WRC shakes and shingles.
Ante-Holz GmbH Hessen. Germanv
European softwood sawmills.
rtl {
Box 1877, El Dorado, Ar. 71731; (870) 862-34 14; F ax 87 O-863 -4296; Booth contact: Chris Webb. Operates a SP mill in Urbana, Ar.; wood chip mills in Plain Dealing, La., and Troup, Tx.; engineered wood laminating plants in El Dorado and Washington, Ga., and I-joist facilitv in Sault Ste. Marie. Canada.
Santiago, Chile
Trupan ultralight MDF panels and moulding, and AraucoPly plywood, siding and beaded panels.
Kamloops, B.C.
Arrow Transportation division with reloads throughout Canada and the U.S.
Asia Building Materials Ltd. 630
Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Chinese mi llwork suppl ier.
Residential building products, including Home Slicker rainscreens, Cedar Breather roof underlayment, and Roll Vent, Rapid Ridge, and Xtractor Vent ridge ventilation products.
Princeton, Id.
Facilities in Princeton, Id., and Clarkston, Wa., produce 414 & 814 lumber and oversee timberland in Idaho and Washineton.
St. Clair. Mi.
Operator of sawmills, treating plants, and a composite plant.
Rinderholz Deutschland GmhH 210 Fugen, Austria European manufacturgr of sawn timber, planed goods, glulam, solid wood panels, and MDF boards.
Rr.G Cargo Logistics Bremen. Germanv
Specialized logist ics solutions.
Blue Book Services 308
845 E. Geneva Rd., Carol Stream, Il. 60188; (630) 668-3500; Fax 630 668-0303; korlowsk i @bl ; Contacts: Jim Bartelson. Kathi Orlowski.
A leading credit, financial and marketing information agency since 1901, Blue Book Services is now serving the lumber and forest products industry. Customers rely on Blue Book to help reduce credit risk and create new supply-chain opportunities.
Members use Blue Book Online Services to access a database that is approaching 18,000 records of hardwood & softwood lumber companies in North America. BBOS helps users to:
. Evaluate current customers' creditworthiness
Qualify new prospects' credit capacity
Identify new supply sources or buyer
Research new market segments
Mills, secondary manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, lumberyards, and industrial accounts are included. Users can perform unlimited searches and sort/output by geographic location, classification, species, products, and services.
Pay indicators describe curent pay pattems. Membership includes comprehensive credit profiles-enhanced by Equifax. Blue Book's industry-specific service helps lumber companies make informed, safe and profi table credit decisions.
Introductory, limited time membership pricing as low as $ 250 per year-including 58 credit reports for free.
RNSF Railway
Ft. Worth, Tx.
Railway across 28 states and two provinces.
Boise Cascade Wood Products 601 Boise, Id.
Manufacturer and distributor of lumber, panels and engineered wood.
BPD-BuildingProductsDigest 905 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660; (949) 852-1990; Fax 9 49 -852-O23 1 ; www.building-products. com. Contacts: Alan Oakes, Chuck Casey. Premier monthly news magazine for lumber and building material dealers and distributors east of the Rockies.
Richmond, B.C.
Focuses on lumber specialties such as fascia, trimboards, FG and FJEG products, and OEM wood components.
Rridgewell Resources 606
Portland, Or.
Distributes hardwood and softwood lumber, panels, and specialty products through a national network of DCs and reloads.
Newburyport, Ma.
Machine stains and wood care products for siding, decking and fencing.
14 o Traders'herdw r (t'fuber2Oll
^a-, l. retcllps,g".,,
roof and wall sheathing sqlution.
Calculated Structural Designs 409
Calgary, Alb.
Princeton, N.J.
Management consulting firm.
Calvert Co.
Vancouver, Wa.
Producer of glulams, arches and trusses.
Cemhirrm Grnrrn
Caledon, Ont.
Decorative outdoor wood products
Vancouver, B.C.
Cedarline Industries
Surrey, B.C.
Manufacturer and wholesaler of western red cedar fencing and decking
Confrol l- a.lrr Ltd
Suney, B.C.
SPF, WRC, DF and hemlock boards, dimension, clears, fencing, posts, timbers, industrials and balusters.
Cersosimo l.umtrer Co.
Brattleboro, Vt.
C.M. Tucker Lumber Cos. 506
Pageland, S.C.
SYP sawmill and pressure treater.
Coastal Plywood Co.
Box 1128, Havana, Fl. 32333; (800) 359-6432: (850) 539-6432; Fax 850-5396799; Email dforbes@coastalplywood. com;
North America's largest SPF lumber producer and one of Canada's larsest structural panel producers.
Canadian National Railways 423
Montreal, P.Q.
Railroad network servins markets across North America.
Riddle, Or.
Manufacturer of Douglas fir, Port Orford cedar, and incense cedar products.
Carrier Lumber Ltd.
Prince George, B.C.
Producer of over 200 million bd. ft year, specializing in SPF.
New England's largest producer of hardwoods and eastem white oine lumber.
Spokane, Wa.
Producer of white fir and DF dimension and WRC boards, decking and siding.
Maple Ridge, B.C. Douglas fir finished products.
Chicago, Il. lnterior door manufacturer
Santiago, Chile
Coastal Plywood is committed to providing the best value in southem pine plywood. It has recently completed the installation of new manufacturing equipment to improve the quality and appearance of its plywood products. Its sales staff is responsive to customer needs throughout the purchasing process, from inquiry through delivery. Coastal offers an extensive product line that includes Performance Rated Sheathing, AC, BC, BB O&ES Plyform, Sturd-l-Floor underlayment, classic beaded interior siding, and SolarPly radiant barrier roof sheathins.
Collins Cos., The Portland, Or.
Family-owned since 1855, with FSC-certified forests in Pennsylvania, California and Oregon, producing hardwoods, softwoods, pine particleboard, engineered wood siding and trim.
Produces solid wood products, sawn wood, remanufactured products, plywood, lumber, wood chips, and pulp from timberlands in Chile and Arsentina.
Hr Hr Hr qr
har l l al lear l l sol lEer l l.ol lrn I lsl
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Colurnhia Cedar Kettle Falls, Wa.
WRC deckingsiding, fencing, paneling.
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211 *1' ShOW tlOOf for 20t I t{AwtA rroders Msrker ur Miruge Horel, los uescs, ltv. lletworhing
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lsm L lml lor I
lzu L lml Show lloor Enlrcnce 16 . Traders' hevlery . 06be1 mll
. Premium Tight Cell Structure - No Voids
. 100:/" Celiulor PVC No Fibers or Fillers
. No Moisture Penetrotion; No Delominotion
Ceilulor Core Cool to the Touch, fiven on Hottest Doys
. Proprietory Copstock on All Four Sides
Fort St. James. B.C.
Timber harvesting, reforestation, forest management, sawmilling logs into lumber and wood chips, and lumber finishing.
Coulson Manufacturing Ltd. 224
Port Alberni, B.C.
Processes hemlock and western red cedar.
Cowichan Lumber I,td. 70q N. Vancouver. B.C.
Western red cedar, Douglas fir, and Alaskan yellow cedar, plus range of special timbers cut to size.
Dakeryn Industries, 326 North Vancouver. B.C.
Owner of Mountain View Specialties, Abbotsford, 8.C., manufacturer of premium specialties including solid and fingerjoint fascia, trim and decking.
Diacon Technologies Ltd. 333 Richmond, B.C.
Preservatives, sealants, lumber waxes.
Diebold Lumber Co.. Carl 707 Troutdale. Or.
Custom drying and remanufacturing of soft woods and hardwoods.
Digger Specialties Bremen.In.
Maintenance-free polyvinyl fence systems, polyrail railing. and poly decking.
17002 Marcy St., Omaha, Ne. 681l8; (402) 330 - 6620 ;
DMSi's flagship software, Agility, is built with inherent lumber industry functionality, including tallies, tags, reman, integrated viewers, dispatch, drop ships, mill sytem integration, freight/fuel accounting, accurate costing, and inventory control.
Exterior stains, sealers, cleaners and prep products for wood, concrete and masonry.
New London. N.H. K.D. eastem white pine manufacturer. Montreal, P.Q. Sawmills and reman facility.
panels and plywood.
I umber Co. 331
Kamiah, Id. Westem softwood mill.
Rosboro X-Beam is the industry's first full framing-width glulam in architectural appearance. The 24F-Y4 X-Beam is available in l-Joist compatible and conventional depths.
X-Beam looks great, saves builders money, and is ready for next-day delivery. Make X-Beam part of your next valueengineered, bid-winning framing package.
Duckhack Products 510 Chico, Ca.
Dunkley Lurnber Ltd. 502 Prince
George, B.C. SPF producer.
Fagle Plywood Specialties
Elk Creek Forest Products 330 McMinnville.
Distributor of lumber and
See the 3/8 Gop? Rosboro BEAM'" l{ext-Genelation 0lulam
Roshoro Growing Today. Building Tomorrow.t PO Box 20,Springfield, OR 97477 Technicaf Support: | -877 -457 -4 139 Email: info@ Web: For sales information. call toll free: 888-393-2304. They should have used X-Beom'" 18 o Tnders'hadw o 0dobcr 20ll
Tired of nails that BEllD, RUST or P0P-OUT? Time to say 1{0 to cheap import nails... and YES to MAZE top quality American Made Nails Use the RIGHT nail to get the BEST performance. MADE IN USA . HIGH CARBON STEEL RESISTS BENDS HOT.DIP GALVANIZED COATING PROTECTS AGAINST RUST RING AND SPIRAL SHANKS HOLD TIGHT - INVENTED BY MAZE! We know you'll love our nails... we'llsend you free samples to show you the difference! 1,800.435.5949 Division of W. H. Maze Company Helping to build America since 1848 ffi \@z_..] mOP irld relat€d logo @'"$ti8& ryq@*{il'.Dffi Discover the eco-benefits of our Maze Eco-Nails at Get to FAST! Scan this barcode using an application on your mobile device.lmported rusty nail t{tAzE NATTS i3 a trad€ma* @ned lry the U.s. 6|g Building couxll and it ured by p€dnk5ion,
7167 Old Kings Rd. No.; Jacksonville, Fl.32219 (888) 329-7428', Fax 8'77-7183366;;
Enduris has been a manufacturer of vinyl fencing, gates and related accessories since 1998. It also manufactures Endeck, the highest-quality code-approved cellular PVC decking, and supplies code-approved Encore vinyl-coated composite railing system, code-approved Enrail vinyl railing, and Enspire aluminum fencing and accessories.
Endeck co-extruded decking is all PVC, and is CCRR certified (CCRR-0144) to meet or exceed stringent ACl0 and ACl74 standards. It has a two-sided natural woodgrain embossed surface for easy reversibility. The decking is scratch-resistant, moldresistant, and slip-resistant, and carries a Class-A flame spread. Its proprietary compounds give it a more uniform cell structure. Endeck employs a tougher capstock for years of proven weatherability. Its unique formulation gives it consistent strength and endurance, with exceptionally high impact resistance and excellent traction, wet or dry.
Encore, the new line of high style, lowmaintenance railing, has met stringent thirdparty audit and testing requirements, and is supponed with a limited lifetime warranty. The railing system is available in three popular styles and comes as a kit in a box, complete with balusters, hardware and easy-toiol low instal lation instructions.
New London, N.C
Producer of Fiberon composite decking, railing and fencing, combining the beauty of real wood with high durability.
['iller King Co. 526 Homedale,Id.
Manufacturer of laminated random length roof decking, laminated long length roof decking, and Douglas fir and Alaskan yellow cedar laminated wood beams.
Finnforest USA -
F.ngineered Wood Division 320 Roseville, Mi.
Distributes Master Plank LVL throushout North America.
Fletcher Wood Solutions 430 Annapolis, Md.
Largest manufacturer of defect-free, appearance grade radiata pine products in New Zealand, distributing clear boards, mouldings, LtrESpaN treated wood, and lumber to North America.
Florida East Coast Railway 914 St. Augustine, Fl.
Operating a 351-mile regional freight railroad from Jacksonville to Miami.
Rapid City, S.D. Pine dimension, boards and timbers, with reman, priming and treating plants.
ForesTel/NAWLA Telelink 507 Portland, Or.
Voice. data. broadband. lnteme( services.
Forest2Markel 401 14045 Ballantyne Corporate Pl., Ste. 150, Charlotte, N.C.28277: (704) 5401440; Fax 704-540-6301 I www.forest2market. com.
Proof that transaction-based lumber pricing and benchmarking service was needed in the industry, Forest2Market's Mill2Market weekly lumber pricing service is quickly becoming the industry standard in the South.In year two, Mill2Market grew significantly, both in terms of the number of mills and regions it serves, but also in the number of features it provides to customers.
Mill2Market offers credible and transparent weekly price reports and benchmarks for lumber products, helping participants make better-informed decisions and improve their net sales rationalization by providing an accurate measure of market performance. More detailed than any other available report, Mill2Market offers price and volume trend information on both a week-over-week and during-the-week basis.
An independent of market information, Forest2Market has a track record of delivering value. In fact, existing mill customers believe so strongly in our approach to data collection, quality control and analysis, they asked F2M to develop Mill2Market.
Forest2Market is the leader in the forest products industry for data-based solutions and raw material purchase benchmarks. The data underlying its products are transaction-not survey-based, which ensures reporting of true market prices. All data is expertise by industry professionals and collected and disseminated anonymously.
F.ndrrris F.vlrrrsinn
Multi-Directional Combilift 5,0001bs - 50,fiXllbs Ava ilable LPG/Diesel,/Electric Hydrostatic Drive . Indoor/OutdoorOperations Safer Product Handling . lmprove Storage Utilization o lncrease Productivity Spins on a dime! Want to save space? Want to reduce costs? THiNK COMB|L|FT Free Warehouse Layout Service ^ WITHOUT COMBILIFT ^ WITH COMBILIFT 20 r Traders'hevlw r Odober 2011
Fraserview Cedar Products
Suney, B.C.
Prefabricated fence and lattice oanels.
Barriere, B.C.
Manufacturer of WRC lumber
Westbank, B.C.
Whitewood and appearance boards.
Grayson Lumber Corp. 214 Houston. Al.
Sawing and planing mill.
Abbeville, Al.
Eleven full-service treating plants specializing in YellaWood brand southern yellow pine.
GRK Fasteners
Thunder Bay, Ont.
PLYWOOD, a tied and ttre
that actually doe "grow
on trtes".
When it comes to quality southem pine plyu/ood, Coastal "-; has been a leading provid€rthroughout the eastem US since 1981. Wholesale distrihrtors rely on Coastal Ptywood for a wide variety of prodrcts milled b exacting standads and consistency. Depend on Coastal Plywood for superior custoner service and reliable delivery. Appearance, consistenclr, and performance. You'll
Designer and manufacturer of proprietary nails. screws and other construction fasteners.
Haida Forest Products Ltd. 310 8818 Greenall Ave., Burnaby, B.C. V5J 3M7; (866) 553-9663: (604) 431-3434:Fax 6O4- 437 -'7 222: I
Established in 1951. Haida Forest Products Ltd. is a specialist in westem red cedar, with over 60 years experience manufacturing and distributing premium cedar sidings, paneling and lumber products for North American, European and Asian markets. Haida specializes in wavy edge bevel siding, straight edge bevel siding, tongue & groove paneling, channel siding, log cabin siding, clear S4S and SIS2E finish, as well as decking, posts and timbers in Architectural Knotty and Clear grades. All of its premium grade products are sold under our Haida brand, including Haida Skirl wavy edge siding.
Hampton Lumher Sales 909 Portland, Or.
DF, hem-fir, SPF, dimension, laminating stock, light framing, structural joists, planks and specialties.
Casco, Me.
Largest producer of eastern white pine in the U.S. and one of the nation's larsest manufacturers of pattern stock.
Hardel Mutual Plywood Corp. 30q Chehalis. Wa.
Full line of sanded panels, 303 plywood sidings, marine grade, and sheathing panels.
Hoover Treated Wood Products
72q Thomson, Ga.
Provider of Pyro-Guard interior fire retardant treated wood. Exterior Fire-X exterior fire retardant treated wood, and wood preserved with CCA, Dura-Guard, Cop-8, Cop-Guard, Copper-Azole, and Micro-Guard. Services include TSO and KDAT.
Howe Sound Forest Products
216 Campbell River, B.C.
Specializing in Douglas fir, western red cedar, hemlock, yellow cedar, and Sitka spruce
Hy Mark Wood Mfg. Blaine, Wa.
WRC boards, siding and specialties.
Idaho Forest Group tt26 444'7 E. Chitco Rd., Athol, Id.83801; (877) 434-6455: (208) 762-6630: Fax 2087 62-663 | ;
Idaho Forest Group (lFG) is the largest producer of lumber from the Inland Northwest. Currently, IFG operates four sawmills in northem Idaho with production capacity of I billion bd. ft.-and growing. Species include white fir, hem-fir, Doug fir, larch, SPF, ponderosa pine, white pine, Englemann spruce, lodgepole pine, and western red cedar. Offers a wide range of products and grades in sizes ranging from lx4 thru lxl2 boards to 2x3 thru 2x12 8'20'dimension and2x3-2x6 8'-9' studs. IFG also offers custom services, such as private labeling, end branding, half packs, bar cod-
Made frcm the bounty of the world's best managed forcsts here in the southeastern USA, we bring you...
Pl! ,vood.
historyto prcve it. Coatd Plnrood Gompany PO. Box 1 128, Haana FL S33 coastalpl!,woodcom {9D359{4g2 r ,l,,li:ii,
22 r Trader' hcvlw . October 2011
grd allthrce fiom Goastal
And we
decades of
'Sf/e produce 2x4 through ZxtZ in PP, \[F, DF, SP and IC
ing, specified tallies, custom sizes, and custom grades.
IFG's Idaho Forest Gold line of specialty products (including inland western red cedar) products are kiln dried inland fiber, ensuring unsurpassed stability. consistency and reliability. As an added feature, IFG products are available FSC certified.
Idaho Timher CornFort Worth, Tx.
Sawmills and manufacturing plants.
Imperial Shake Co. Maple Ridge, B.C.
Cedar shake and shingle sawmill.
Independent Dispatch.Inc. 413 Portland, Or.
lntermodal and truekinc services.
Trois-Rivieres, P.Q
Vancouver, B.C.
Sawmills and timberlands throughout Canada, Oregon and Washington.
Intermountain Resources 731 Montrose. Co.
Milling and planing.
International Reams 715 Fredericton. N.B.
Solid-sawn l-joists from black spruce. InterWrap Mission, B.C.
Coated woven wood packaging.
INTL FCStone 424 Chicago, Il.
Advisory services in commodities, capital markets, currencies, and asset management.
Dixfield, Me.
Eastern white pine sawmill
Langley, B.C.
Inventory, sales and production software fbr mills, remans and wholesalers.
.Tensen Inc.. Norman G. 603 Blaine, Wa.
Consulting services for import and export.
Thrums, B.C.
Specialty sawmill
Klausner Group
Myrtle Beach, S.C
The group's five plants make it the second largest sawmill company in Europe.
Westfield, Ma.
Cellular PVC trimboard.
Klenk Holz AG
Oberrot, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Europe's biggest pine sawmill.
I |,.1
Wood Product Solutions
Take of out rchase. SUSTAINABLT FORESTRY INITIATIVE sFr,00085 Ugnnllfootf s ESLP Boards a Winner every time!! Premie l -877-898-5266
Manufactures FiJ and dimension lumber
ffif ffiffiM*.
It starts as a seedling in our nursery and reaches its full potential in our forests.
,, ;, ,iii,!
D ua -certifi ed (ha in of Custody Southern J;' llip
Yellow Pine wood products - dimensionl1rl
timbers, boards, and pattern stockby Westervelt Lumber bring superior the customer, and integrity to our long-standing environmental c
Visit for information.
(tl{)it) 633-59fi3 Morrndville,Alabanu
.\/,,r/,,r\,,r,Illri,,r,.r/r'.1rr,.r..lli,.r,,r',!,. l,,,r,,r,rtl.lla-irrnlrl ( \lt, t ( ) t t t li, rrr,,r ll'(il,ri,r, ir lt; :r Jt " rt, r',t l-.\, n ( ) nifraildt lpf:I:( :) ltt, trn lir, /,r,r1r S) n' rrr
KP Softuare Systenrs W. Vancourer. B.C.
Softu'ulc solutions for woocl procluction. sirlcs. distlibution and shipping.
Krauter Auto-Stak
Indianapolis. In.
Ol'lcrs a lirll line o1' buildin-ss. warohouse storagc fixtures. racking systems. and fully inteqfalcd rack-supported structutes.
Laz] S Lumber/Columbia Cedar 716 Berrvercrcck. Or.
WRC siding, paneling tntl dccking.
Leslie Forest Products Ltd. 421 [)clta. B.C.
WRC. hemlock. DF. SPF' nranulircturer.
l-icnum loresl Products 222 Vancouver. B.C.
MSR and othcr lunrber products.
Liminpton Lumbcr 70tl East Baldwin. Me
Bandsawn elslcrn white pine boarcls anci pilttern stocK.
LP Building Products
Nashville. Tn.
World's largest producer of OSB. plus other building pfoducts.
LTG Inc.
11) Cape Canavcral. Fl.
Salcs agcncy tbr specialty sawnrills. clirect to *holesalc distribution. lirr tropical harduoods. Iestern red cedar. c]'press. southern pinc tirnber. Douglas fir timber'. and recycled plastic lumber & timber.
723 Boca Raton. Fl.
Coverage for the lbrest products industry.
l.\\'O Corp. 625
38.11 N Colunrbia Blr,d. Portland. Or. 97217: (800) .15t)-137 lli: (503) 286-5371: dhungerford@ lu' lu ocorp.corn. Booth contact: Darrell Hungcrfbrd. Woodway Lattice is the industry standard for quality. Woodway's exncting. rug,red standartls tre the only commercial Iattice standards based on the Western Wood Ploclr.rcts Association Lath Cracling Rules. Woocln'ir1, is proud to be thc bcst selling prcnriunr ,qradc lattice in the U.S. In atldition to lattice. Wooclwal' ol'tcrs innovativc outdoor building solutions. incluclin-u Moderna panel scrccn. authentic post cilps. unique EZ Rail pre built deck rail. ar-chitcctural railing. post cladding. u'ainscoling. solid-u'ood panelirr-u. and professional gracle fence panels ancl gates. Proclucts leature American cralisrlanship in the linest durable woocls-nestern red ccdar-. Dou-9liis fir. rctls,ood. and mahogany.
MadWood Lumber
Birmingham. Al.
Importer of pine ancl haldwood lumber ancl cut-stock from Europe. Russia. South America. and North America.
Ste.-Foy. P.Q.
SPF dimension, MSR and white cedar shingles. and treatecl lattice.
' ll
W}.,S'I'ERVE[,T U i,ir ri-u r *" ^ '
I I \. :ff,"
Yffitr'W[ 5f!00062
24 r lraderc'Prevlew . Octob€r2Ol1
Maiweave. LLC
Springfield, Oh.
Woven polyethylene covers, tarps, liners.
Malaysian Timber Council 204
Kuala Lumpur
Promotional group working to improve global competitiveness and market access of Malaysian timber industry.
Hotchkiss, Alb.
SPF sawmill, planer mill, and reman
Nlarr-'s River Lumber Co. 916
4515 NE Elliot Circle, Corvallis, Or. 97330; (800) 523-2052:' Booth contacts: Don Dye, Raymond Luther, Rick Ingram, Larry Petree.
Mary's River Lumber Company has grown to be the nation's leader in the manufacture of westem red cedar random length specialty Iumber producls. Since its inception in 1974, Mary's River has emphasized consistent high quality products and service to customers throughout the world. With sawmills, kilns and finishing plants in both Oregon and Washington, Mary's River is your reliable source of second growth, tighfknotted WRC-from fencing to bevel siding, fascia boards to tongue-and-groove paneling. Mary's River Lumber Co.'s goal is to become your business partner by offering quality products, information, and reliable service.
Ruston, La.
Ilaze Nails
Stronger than ever.
For over 100 years, our experts have been providing property and casualty insurance products and services to the lumber, woodworking and building material industries.
fl ooring, veneer, plywood.
100 Church St., Peru, I1.61354: (800) 435-59-19: Fax 8l 5-223-7585. Booth contacts: Kim Pohl, Lisa Martin.
Manufacturer of l00a/o Made in the U.S.A. specialty nails, Stormguard double hot-dipped galvanized nails, and a complete line of stainless steel nails.
McFarland Cascade
Tacoma. Wa.
Pressure treated wood, composite decking, solar LED post caps, and Terratec post caps.
Producer of quality SYP products since 1907, including high grade, stepping, pattems and export.
Nlcrchant Magazine. fhe 905 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach. Ca. 9266O: (949) 852-1990; Fax 949-852-0231 ; www.building-products. com. Contacts: Alan Oakes, Chuck Casey. Since 1922, the West's leading monthly news magazine for lumber and building material dealers and distributors.
Mafrn\tr/acl Trqnslnrd
Cresson, Tx.
Reloading for the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Also delivers to any destination in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.
tr'orest Products
}:iJ PrrurusyrvnNtA LUMBERMENS Murunl Eh.\I ,\ .s r.r /i ,.1 N {: L a o.1t P.-1 ,! r' I''lI r'*I E -
Odober2011 o Trade6'Prevlew . 25
fohn K. Smith, CPCU President and Chief Executive Officer Expect quality and value from your insurance provider. Contact us di or have your broker or call us at
Mid Vallev l.rrmher Sncciellrcs
Aldergrove, B.C.
Remanufacturer of WRC fascia, decking, timbers, fencing, rails, posts and lattice.
Mill & Timber Products
Surrey, B.C.
Western red cedar harvester. sawmill and remanufacturer.
Mueller Breakhulk Terminal GmbH..I. 528
Brake, Germany
Freight/cargo transporter and terminal operator.
Murphy Co.
Eugene, Or
Concrete forming, hardwood plywood, paneling and LVL.
National Nail CornGrand Rapids, Mi. Nail manufacturer and distributor
Neiman F.nterprises 302 5l State Hwy. l12, Hulett, Wy. 82720; (301) 46'7-5252:' Fax 301-467-5594; www.
Neiman Enterprises is a third-generation family business consisting of three sawmills, a heating pellet plant, as well as other properties in the Black Hills of Wyoming and South Dakota. The three sawmills produce primarily ponderosa pine boards as well as 5/4 and 6/4 heavy shop. Its first mill, Devils Tower Forest Products, Hulett, Wy., built in 1958, primarily produces heavy shop for window and door manufacturers. as well as lx4 and lx6.
Greate Opportunities & Reduce Credit Risk
Rushmore Forest Products, Hill City, S.D., acquired in 1998 from Continental Lumber, produces lx4 through lx8 boards and occasionally some 5/4x6 radius edged decking. Rushmore also operates a Weinig Hydromat 2000 in a custom moulder facility that has end-matching capabilities. Spearfish Forest Products, acquired from Pope & Talbot in 2008, has the capability to produce many products and is currently focusing on lx4 through lx8 boards. Spearfish also operates a custom moulder facility and recently installed a new Weinig Powermat 2000 moulder. Spearfish Pellet Co., formerly Heartland Pellets, produces heating pellets from the mill's by-products. Neiman Enterprises' total annual lumber production is nearly 200 million bd. ft.
Nordic Engineered Wood 305 Windsor Station, Ste. 504, 1100 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montr6al, Montreal, P.Q. H3B 2S2; (514) 871-8526; Fax 514-8719789:; noridewp. com. Booth contacts: Albert Renaud, Andrew Dingman, Jean-Marc Dubois. Nordic manufactures building products for home and commercial applications. The firm's production iacility comprises stateof-the-art equipment designed to optimize fiber yield with strict quality control. The company manages over 2 million acres of timberlands and maintains capacities of 140 million linear ft. of I-joist and 50 million bd. ft. of glulam production. Nordic is also certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. High density black spruce forms the base for Nordic products. Known for its high strength to weight ratio and consistent fiber quality, Nordic's black spruce is ideal for engineered wood products. Nordic's beams. headers. columns and tall wall studs feature an exclusive Envirolam technology-a unique process lhat minimizes waste and optimizes fiber use. Nordic X-LAM cross-laminated timber panels are the company's latest energy-efficient. innovative solution to heavier and costlier precast concrete and conventional steel and concrete construction techniques. Nordic lam decking offers additional benefits to commercial construction. Wood decking allows for greater beam spacing, making it ideal for multi-story structures.
NorSask Forest Products
Meadow Lake, Sk.
Softwood lumber producer
Lumber Association
Rolling Meadows, Il. Association of 500+ LBM wholesalers, producers and affiliates in the U.S. and Canada.
Northeastern Lumber Nlanufacturers Association
200 2'l2Tuttle Rd., Cumberland Center, Me. 04021; (2O'7) 829-6901; Fax 2O7-829-4293:;
Rules writing agency for eastern white pine lumber; grading authority for eastern spruce, balsam fir, SPF, and other commercial eastem softwoods, and marketing voice for Northeast's wood products industry.
www. I u m berbl Lumber companies can now use an indu stry -specific resou rce to: o Evaluate currentcustomers' creditworthiness . Qualify new prospects' credit capacity . ldentify new leads . Research new market segments Contact us today! Ph: 630.668.3500 : 26 . Tradcr'hadw . Odober 2011
North Rnderhv Timher
Enderby, B.C.
Westem red cedar products since I 984.
Oregon-CanadianForestProducts 412 North Plains, Or.
Manufacturer of specialty wood products.
Pacific Cedar Supply
Buena Park, Ca.
Offering old growth B.C. western red cedar, plus spruce and China fir.
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Specializing in cedar shingles.
Pqnific Lrrmher Insnecf ion Rrrrcqrr Federal Way, Wa.
Private, nonprofit lumber quality-control inspection agency.
Greensboro, N.C.
plywood mill.
Penns)'lvania Lumhermens
Nlutual Insurance Co.
I Commerce Sq., 2005 Market St., Ste. 1200, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103; (800) 7521 895: Fax 2 l 5-625-9097:
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance specializes in property and casualty insurance for the lumber, woodworking and building material industries. Established in | 895, it has over a century of industry knowledge and expertise. Today, PLM provides protection for some 6,000 businesses in over 47 states. Its primary lines include Property, General Liability, Inland Marine, Business Automobile, Commercial Excess Liability, and Equipment Breakdown coverages. PLM offers competitive rates, loss control programs, and prompt claims response and handling. lt is financially strong and carries an A.M. Best rating of A (excellent).
Designated NAWLA's Approved & Recommended Property/Casualty Underwriter for members, PLM has provided a safety group dividend plan since 2000.
Plum Creek Columbia Falls, Mt. Timberlands and ing boards, solid and plywood and MDF.
Northwest mills, producF/J studs. SYP dimension.
--a *l
Delta, B.C. Value-added WRC outdoor products 221 Brookings, Or. Veneer, plywood, specialties, and LVL. Pacific Woodtech Corp. 503
Dimensional Services
services for Chicagoland areas. 508
Boise. Id. Private label LVL and wood l-beams made from Douglas fir. Partners
I.I C 828
Imported hardwood and panel products. Peninsula Plywood Group 425 Port Angeles, Wa. Former KPly
505 t22 211 Octobcr2011 o Tladcs'Prevlery . 27
Plycrm USA
10945 State Bridge Rd., Ste.40l-304, Alpharetta, Ga. 300221 (678) 5 I 7-485 I ; Fax 866-792-0079:
Contact: Tom Taylor.
Plycem fiber cement exterior trim delivers versatility with a reversible trim that complements any siding and architecture. Plycem is an excellent trim for use in residential, commercial, and multifamily pro-
jects. The manufacturing process includes using both post industrial and post consumer recycled materials. lt is primed on all six sides, has a Class I (A) flame spread rating, and is impervious to wood boring insects and does not rot.
This year, Plycem added a new shipping location in Oakland, Ca., in addition to its Houston, Tx., and Savannah, Ga., locations.
i7r\iil DI\
Building with Eastern White Pine is character building. it is a reflection of who you are, how you choose to live and your commitment to authenticity. To leam more about building with eastern white pine visit
WiII your next project have character?
oueltbnr?As[[rtilA. vwu.0rlm..or0 NELMA-
Porcupine Wood Products Ltd. 9f0
Salmo. B.C.
Clears, decking, dimension, fascia, fencing. Potlatch Corp.
Producer of dimension lumber. industrial plywood, particleboard, OSB, studs.
Suney, B.C.
Quality WRC products.
PPG Nlachine Applied Coatings 321 1 PPG Pl., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15272: (877) 622-4277 : Booth contacts: David Jeffers, Craig Combs, Patrick Hanulak.
Originator and leader in machine coating technology provides value-added wood and composite performance solutions. This includes research and development, production support, and factory finish marketing programs with a nationally known product.
Probyn Group 512 New Westminster. B.C. Cedar fencing and board reman, WRC mill, and WRC/whitewood f'encing producer.
Progressive Rail Inc.
Lakeville. Mn.
Transportation, warehouse and logistics.
Progressive Solutions
Richmond, B.C. LBM and wood products industry sofware, includine bisTrack and lumberTrack.
t. D D \,
28 . Traders'Pradw o 0ctober2011
Pyramid Mountain Lumber
Seeley Lake, Mt.
Focuses on timber management and manufacture of lumber products.
Random Lengths
Eugene. Or.
Forest products price reporting and other info services since 1944.
Keego Harbor, Mi.
International freight transportation planning trucking, rail and reload.
management company specializing in strategic to minimize distribution costs. Services include
Redstxrd Empire. Division of Pacific States Industries
328 l0 Madrone Ave., Morgan Hill, Ca. 95037; (800) 800-5609; Fax 408-778- I 076;
Redwood Empire Sawmills, a division of Pacific States Industries, is a primary manufacturer of redwood, with the ability to ship through North America by rail and LTL. Redwood Empire is committed to looking fbrward and to exploring new ideas, new partnerships, and new markets. That commitment extends to providing the best products and services in the building materials industry.
To further enhance its ability to distribute different items throughout the nation, Redwood Empire recently acquired a new remanufacturing facility in Redding, Ca., specializing in redwood boards and pattems in both air seasoned and kiln dried. All grades from Sel/Btr. to ClearHeart will be readily available, both in mixed grain as well as vertical grain.
Other manufacturing divisions of Pacific States Industries include Pacific States PIywood, Springfield, Or.; Pacific State Treating, Weed, Ca.; Redwood Empire Wholesale, San Jose, Ca.; Redwood Empire, Zhengzhou, China, for cedar fencing and decking, and Exmlm. Belem. Brazil for ipe.
Lake Hopatcong, N.J.
Transportation and logistics
Bespecting the forestn honoring the past, building I nationns pride you the future. can huild on. Manufacturers of | 0 million bd. ft. monthly of . 5/4 & 6/4 Ponderosa Pine Shop . 4/4 Premium Pine Board Programs Stateof-theArt Hewmill & Headrig Mill Contact Sheldon Howell tbogl 874-1163 Bob Bretz (8851 995-0700 Yakama Forest Products 3191 Wesley Rd., White Swan, WA 98952 Fax 509-874-1162 www.yaka ma-f 0ctober 2011 r Tradcrs'hevlry . E
Rtt l.urrhcr ('r,,rrillr.ll
\L)LLtll(lr rL lrrrr lri1lq lLtItlrr'r nrrrtLtlr.lurr'r lor (j\er . ! r1 | !r.L,lr''
l{hirro l)t'ck b.r \litstrr \lirrk I'lrrstics 915
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Wood Dust and California Proposition 65
On December 18,2009, wood dust was added to the list under California Prooosition 65. the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, as a substance known to the State of California to cause cancer. Prooosition 65 is known as a "right to know law" and requires any person in the course of doing business to not knowingly and intentionally expose an individual to wood dust without first providing a clear and reasonable warning. Prop 65 does not require product labeling.
Who Must Comply?
. California retail outlets
. In-state wood products manufacturers and distributors
. Out-of-state manufacturers and distributors of lumber and other wood oroducts with California customers
Industry Response
Western Wood Products Association and the Lumber Association of California & Nevada have worked with the California Attorney General's Office to develop warning materials and consumer signage, which comply with Prop 65 requirements. Warning materials musf be sent annually and customer conJirmation records maintained.
As an industry service, WWPA has developed a central registration system to handle notification and customer confirmations for subscribing comoanies. The service is available to all manufacturers and distributors and allows customers to receive one notification representing multiple companies.
For more information on Prop 65 requirements, visit WWPA's booth at the NAWLA Traders Market or contact us at
rrl if llll)(r ! r rrlr[rr'r]1 rr,L' .L,lLlitl l(i ! \l)iill(l il\ ollel inls lo trll )( ). (ll!k l,rLLrrl'. l,t( l rrnLl ',1 rL ,,L lLrr'. i I l i
30 Traders'Preview r October 2011 Bui ldi
Rosboro has grown into North America's largest glulam producer. with an extensivc product olfbring that includes Big Beam. Rosboro Treated Glulam. and X-Beanr. the industry s first full-framing-width glulam in architectural appearance. An advance in convenience for both builders and clistributors. the 3 l/2" and 5-l/2" wide X-Beam means builders no longer have to fill the 3/8" gaps between beam and sheetrock that result from traditional 3-l18" and 5-l18" widths. Lumber suppliers can reduce the number of SKUs in their yards. since full width Architectural X-Beam can be used for concealed and exposed applications. It comes in standard glulam and [-joist depths.
Roselrurs l'orest l\'oduets ('o, Box 0llll, Rosebur-{. Or.9747O:' (5.11) 679-3311: (800) 245-l I l-5; Fax 541-679 2543: Booth contacts: Allyn Ford, Steve Killgore, Mickey Brown, Bob Berch, Mike McCollum, Cary Pittman. Mark Mclean. John Assman.
For 75 years, Roseburg Forest Products. based in Dillard. Or.. has been a family-owned manufacturer of engineered wood products, Iumber. plywood. particleboard and specialty panels. The company owns and manages over 6(X)000 acres of timberlands in the western U.S. and operates manufacturing facilities in the West and South.
As a NAWLA Single Source Producer. Roseburg otl'ers mixed product shipment opportunities. integrated nranufacturing flcilities, flexible sales and marketing options. dependable supply ol quality products. third-party certified fbrest management, efficient production. products that meet or exceed industry standards, skilled and knowledgeable manufacturing and customer service, broad product mix from one source, and broacl mix of GreenBuild, FSC-ccrtified, and NAUF products.
Operations include a sawmill. softwood and hardwood plywood. particleboard and decorative surface plants in Dillard, Or.; plywood plants in Coquille and Riddle, Or.; particleboard plants in Missoula. Mt.; Louisville and Taylorsville, Ms.. and Simsboro La.: EWP plant in Riddle. Or.. and tirur decorative thermally-fuscd melamine facilitics in Dillard. Simsboro. Missoula. and Oxfbrd. Ms.
Ro] O\lartin Box I I 10, Alexandria, La. 713091 (800) 299-5174; Booth contacts: Bobby Byrd, Adrian Schoonover, Joe Mackay, Melinda Poole. Ryan T: 'czetitz, Leigh Ann Purvis, Manufacturer of superior wood products, such as southern pine OSB and plywood, lumber and timbers, and treated utility poles and piling. RoyOMartin is the brand of Martin Companies LLC, a group o1' family-owned, professionally managed forest products and forestland management companies based in Alexandria, La. Founded in 1923, RoyOMartin operates three manufacturing facilities in Louisiana (OSB. plywood, poles and piling), one in Alabama (lumber and timber), and a pole yard in Arkansas. ln addition to manufacturing a wide variety of wood products, RoyOMartin also manages over 570.000 acres oi FSC-certifled tirnberland in Louisiana. making it one ol- the largest private landowners in the South.
RoyOMarrin-OSB's value-added products include Eclipse radiant barner sheathing lbr both roof and sidewall applications, as well as extended length panels up to l2 ft. RoyOMartin-Plywood produces a lull line of high-grade southem pine plywood. including AA, AB, AC, BC, BBOES, siding. and other industrial grades. All panel products arc available FSC certified.
Ryan Forest Products Winnipeg, Mb. October 2011 o Traders' Prwlew . 31
720 Manuflcturer of wood lattice panels.
Semrel Strnnnins Svsfems
Toronto, Ont.
Innovative packaging and unitizing solutions.
Richmond, In.
Water repellents for wood. masonry and concrete.
Sqwqrnp I rrmher fln I rd Richmond, B.C.
WRC siding, panelin_e, boards, dimension, decking, fencing.
Scotch-Gulf Lumber Mobile. Al.
Saws, treats, and remanufactures wood products.
Sefkirk Specitlty lVood, l,td. 917 Box 880, Revelstoke, B.C. V()E 2S0; (250) 837-'7444: Fax 250-837-7412; Email www.selkirkcedar. com. Booth contact: Rob Marusic.
Selkirk Cedar specializes in the manufacturing of a wide range of kiln dried and green western red cedar products in Clear and Knotty grades, including 7/8" boards, K.D. decking. patlerns and l'ingerjoint.
Richmond. B.C.
Manufacturer of high-quality dimension lumber.
Snavely International Forest Products 411 Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manufacturer and importer of softwood lumber and soecialties.
Snider lndustries Box 668, Marshall, Tx.75671; (903) 938-91 21 : Lumber sales: David Hanson. dhanson@
Snider Industries manufactures approximately 50 million ft. of southern yellow pine l-inch lumber annually. The product is available in varying pattems, all #2 and D & Better.
Softwood Fxport Council 901 Tigard, Or.
Nonprofit council of U.S. softwood grading agencies, industry trade associations, state export development agencies, and others. 20r
Memphis, Tn.
Seneca Sawrnill Co. Eugene, Or.
Over 350 million ft. of dimension, lumber and studs a year.
Serpentine Cedar Ltd. Fort Langley, B.C.
Rl6 Manufacturing and distributing shakes for more than 30 years
Spanish Trail T.umher Co. 212 Marianna. Fl.
Lumber milling, planing and treating.
Spruceland Millworks 727 Suney, B.C.
SPF F/J studs, dimension, components and fencins.
Avenel, Nj.
cedar 132 Winlock, Wa.
Supplier of cedar shingle siding panels
Shasta (ireen Inc. 35586-A Hwy. 2998, Burney, Ca. 96013; (530) 335-1924; Fax 530-335-4949;
Studs, structural light framing, moulding and 4/4 commons.
Sierra tr'oresf Prodrrcfs Mississauga, Ont.
Offers custom milling, global sourcing of lumber and plywood, and distribution.
Sierra Pacific Industries 316 Redding, Ca.
Sawmills, millwork plants, reman, window/door plant, timberlands.
Simpson l,umher Co. 514 Tacoma. Wa.
Producer of Douglas fir. hemlock and SYP dimension.
Headcote stainless steel screws with colorcoated heads and Smart-Bit pre-drilling and countersinking tool.
Stimson Lumber Co. 420 Portland. Or.
DF and hem-fir studs, lumber, studs, plywood, hardboard, Duratemp hardboard siding, and StimPro inland red cedar products.
Stoltze Land & Lumher Co,, F.H. 513 Columbia Falls. Mt.
DF & larch, SPF & SFP-S, cedar, Idaho white pine, ponderosa pine.
Stora F nso Wood Products 9O2 Lake Oswego, Or.
Sales agent for European spruce and pine lumber.
Sunbelt 2255 Justin Trail, Alpharetta, Ga. 30004; (770) 569-2244; (800) 353-0892; Fax 770-569-9944: clint@sunbeltracks. com: Contact: Clint Darnell.
Simpson Strong-Tie
225 Pleasanton. Ca.
Structural connectors, shearwalls, anchors and firstening systems.
Sinclar Enterprises Ltd.
807 Prince George, B.C.
Remanufacturer and sales acents for B.C. stud mills.
Sunbelt is a design-build general contractor and material handling distributor with over 25 years of experience working with LBM dealers, distributors, manufacturers and wholesalers. Sunbelt's knowledge and experience ensures its rack storage systems and ground-up metal building solutions provide operational efficiency and real cost savings to LBM businesses.
Sun Mountain Lumber
Deer Lodge, Mt.
Stud mill and fingerjoint facilities. specializing in no-prior select kiln-dried solid studs (2x4,2x6.8'& 9'. stud and #2 grades, DF & ESLP, HT stamp).
Sunset Moulding Co.
Yuba City, Ca.
Weaverville, Ca.
Produces moulding and millwork in wood and Suntrim MDF.
Box 309. Noti, Or.9746ll (541) 93-522-1 | ;
Swanson Bros. Lumber specializes in the milling of Douglas fir. Its unique mix of logs allows the company to produce a wide vanety of high quality products such as export clears, domestic clears. VG shop, long dimension, crossarms, custom exposed beums. rough timbers lnd lransmission crossarms, and 2" and 4" surfaced dimension random lengths.
Swanson (lroup Sales ,101t
2695 Glendale Valley Rd., Glendale, Or.97142 (541) 832-l l2l; (800) 331083 I ;
Swanson Group Sales is the exclusive sales arm for Swanson Group Inc., a privately owned forest products company based in Glendale, Or. Swanson Croup Inc. owns fbur mills: a dimension mill, a stud mill and two plywood mills.
Teal-.Tones Group. The Suney, B.C.
Western red cedar shingles, lumber, paneling and siding.
Terminal Forest Products Ltd.
Vancouver. B.C.
Northwest timberlands and lumber mills.
Tpfnn \Mesf Lrrmher
Cheyenne, Wy.
Five sawmills, remanufacturing facility, and reloads.
Tiger Deck LLC
Wilson. Or.
KD hardwood decking, porch flooring, siding, paneling, interior floorin-q, and hidden deck fastening system.
Tolko Marketing & Sales Ltd. 511
Vernon. B.C.
Studs, MSR, dimension, plywood and OSB.
Tom's Quality Millwork & Hardwoods 1016
Campbellsport, Wi.
Hardwood lumber and millwork.
TradeTec Computer Systems Ltd. 824
Parksville, B.C.
Forest products
Trebnick Systems
Springsboro. Oh.
Sawmill providing finished Douglas fir and hem-fir products.
Tripp Lumber Co.
Missoula, Mt.
Dimension reman specializing in log cabin siding, T&G, and pattern boards.
software solutions. a7).
Specializes in label and tag applications for harsh environments.
Trim.Ioist Corp. 325
Columbus, Ms.
Open web trusses with trimmable I-joists.
Oldtown. Id.
Manufacturer of green and KD cedar products, including decking, siding, patterns and trim.
Tumac Lumher Co.
632 Portland, Or.
Distributes a full range of wood products.
Ty-Lan Enterprises.Inc.
1014 London, Ont.
Developer of the Shadoetrack under-deck fastening system.
Omaha, Ne.
Largest railroad in North America, operating in the western two-thirds of the U.S.
U.S. Rail
626 Toledo, Oh.
Operates shortline railroad in Ohio.
Vqooan Rnnc I nmher
Colville, Wa.
Commons. selects, light framing, MSR dimensions, radius edge decking. structural joists and planks, studs, cedar products.
Versatcx Trimboard 800
.{00 Steel St., Aliquippa, Pa. 15001; (124) 857-l I I 1; Fax 724-851-l17l:
Versatex Trimboard makes trim smarter. Its products are created from cellular PVC in the industry's most state-of'-theart manufacturing facility. Whether for trim, fascia. soffit or a decorative exterior moulding piece, the manufacturing process provides a product that f'eatures the real look and craftsmanship of premium lumber without the moisture problems of wood.
Products include trimboards, sheet, cornerboards, T&G beaded profiles, Soffit System, Versawrap, and the patenfpending Stealth Trim System, all manufactured with the highest level of quality and featuring a fully transferable 30-year limited warranty.
Waldun Group Maple Ridge, B.C.
Cedar roofing, siding, lumber, deck and garden components.
Watkins Sawmills Ltd. 327 Maple Ridge, B.C.
Producer of WRC shakes and shingles.
New Westminster, B.C.
Sawmills, reman and specialty plants.
West Fraser Mills Ltd. 609 Quesnel, B.C.
Integrated wood products company producing lumber, wood chips, LVL, MDF, plywood and pulp.
Downle TimberlSelkrrk Specialty
Enyeart Cedar Prociucts
Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd.
Haida Forest Proclucts Ltd.
ldaho Forest Group
Mary's River Lumber Co.
Vio Vatley Lrn'oer Specralties
North Inderby Timber Ltd
OrePac Bt.rilding Products
Power Wood Corp.
Ouadra Wood Products
Sawarne Lumber Conrpany Ltd.
Sha kerto\n/n
Skarra Forest Products Ltd.
\A/oc+ R:rr trnroc+ Pr^.l r.le
Western Forest Products, Inc.
BW Creative Wood Industries
Cedarshed Industries
Outdoor Living Today
Synergy Pacific/Ouattro Timber
All Suppliers Are Crested Equol Buy your Western Red Cedar from these quality producers.
October 2011 o Trader hevlew . 33
www.reolcedor,org 1.866.778.9096
Weslern Forest Products Inc.
Duncan. B.C.
Coastal B.C.'s largest woodland operator and lumber producer
Western Wood Products Association
Portland, Or.
Represents softwood lumber manufacturers in l2 western states including Alaska.
Westervelt Lumher
Box 4899, Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404; (205) 562-5896; Fax 2O5-5625814;; Booth contacts: Joe Patton, Mark Richardson.
Westervelt is a SYP sawmill located in Moundville, Al., producing l" boards, dimension lumber, 5/4x6 RED, and timbers. Annual production capacity is 215 million bd. ft. Also runs 1" and 2" pattems.
Westshore Sneciellies
Delta. B.C.
WRC and Alaskan yellow cedar remanufactured products.
Richmond. B.C.
Fully integrated inventory and financial management software system.
\Mnodf nnp Rrrildino Prodrrcf s
Chilliwack, B.C.
Producer of coated exterior wood oroducts.
Box 40, Wynndel, B.C. VOB 2N0; (250) 866-5266 (877) 8985266; Fax 250-866-5352;
Wynndel Box & Lumber, new name, same great ESLP boards. Wynndel Lumber Sales has always been the sales arm for Wynndel Box & Lumber, and Wynndel Logging has now consolidated its operations, sales and logging to form the new Wynndel Box & Lumber Co. Ltd.
The company says it produces the highest quality ESLP board line in the world in its Premier Plus, as well as some of the highest quality patterns in the industry. All products are run through high-speed moulders, which maintain 12 to 14 knife marks/inch, imparting a near-sanded finish to all boards. Wynndel produces lx4 thru lxl2 in Premier Plus, Hi ghline #3, and, #4 boards and ship to all corners of the world.
Yakama F-orest Products
3l9l Wesley Rd., White Swan, Wa. 98952; (509) 874-1163; Fax 509-874- I 162;
Yakama Forest Products is known as one of the industry's highest quality producers of ponderosa pine shop & moulding, 414 pine boards, and radius edge decking. YFP harvests timber off the eastem slopes of the Cascade Mountain range, and produces 10 million bd. ft. per montn.
YFP is constantly working to develop a larger, quality conscious customer base and always uses sustainable forestry practices.
Zio-O-Log Mills
Eusene. Or.
Producer of Douglas and domestic clears. fir posts, beams, timbers, joists, stringers, ties,
You deserue better. 8oo.3q7.57ao You deserve top-notch software, service and technology from a fiercely independent, owner-operated, All-American partner. DMSi is the gold standard for customer satisfaction. Our software, Agility, will make you strong. Are you ready for better? lf so, call DMS| Software at800.347.6720 or visit Dm9,lsonware Bun better.
Highest Quality Beautiful Color Excellent Durability premium quality, import fencing #1&Btr,2face no downfall elegant, gold, yellow h kiln -d ried . no holes, no wane .lightweight & eas) to work with o dog-eared, sq uare top, f rench goth ic A Redwood /JEmpl1g_ :\ I)ivision o{ lh'ilir: Slntes lndrrstries. lnr: Distribution Sales 2 W Santa Clara St. PO Box 1438 2nd Fioor San Jose, CA 95113 448.779.735,1 800.800.5609 San Jose, CA 951 09 So. Caiifornia 800.743.6991 -l {* Dog-Eared liii:i" rr I Square Tap I {iL$'#4g$l www. redwoodem p. com
RedBuilt Buys SSI's EWP Business
RedBuilt, Boise, Id., has agreed to purchase the engineered wood products portion of Standard Structures Inc., Windsor. Ca., including equipment, raw materials inventory, and intcl lectual property.
Battered by the housing slump, 641 ear-old SS I plans to restructure its remaining business around its core glulam product line.
"Standard Structurcs has been a
Hardwoods Acquires Paxton
Hardwoods Distribution Inc.. Langley, B.C.. has agreed to purchase the assets of Frank Paxton Lumber Co., Chicago,Il., for $13 million.
Founded in 1914, Paxtcln operatesbranches in San Antonio, Tx.; Denver, Co.; Cincinnati, Oh.; Kansas City, Mo., and Chicago.
Hardwoods operates 26 Hardwoods Specialty Products DCs acrclss North America.
"Paxton's expertise in architectural millwork provides it with a strong base of customers in commercial and institutional markets, a segment where Hardwoods intends to grow." said c.e.o. Lance Blanco. "We believe the cxpertise that Hardwoods brings in import products can also offcr positive benefits to Paxton's customer base. In addition. Paxton branches in Chicago, Cincinnati, and Kansas City represenl an allractive cntry point into three high-potential markets where Hardwoods does not currently have a significant presence."
The deal. which was set to close Sept. 19, is expected to add $45 million in annual salcs for Hardwoods.
Canfor Upgrades B.C. Mill
After two years and a $24 million upgrade, Canfor's sawmill in Vavenby, B.C., reopened Iast month.
"Lumber from Vavenby will go to valued Canfbr customers around the world," said c.e.o. Don Kayne.
In full production, the mill is expected to employ 96 people and produce 240 million bd. ft. a year of spruce, pine. and fir construction lumber. Another 30 logging jobs will be added to supply the mill.
The mill shut down in June 2009. as the U.S. housing market continued to decline. Company officials hope the reopened mill will supply new markets. mostly in Asia.
strong competitor of ours over the years. and we have a great deal of l'espect fbr the company," said Kurt Liebich, RcdBuilt's president and c.e.o. "It is in thc best interests of both companies and the many customers we both servs."
Due to building code regulations, RedBuilt will not manufacture SSIbranded engineered wood products. "Howcver, RedBuilt offers rnany comparable. innovative, industryleading products." said Liebich. "We
hope to work with SSI's firrrner en-cineered wood products customers to identify suitable alternatives that satisfy their project requirements."
Afier the deal closcs, expected this month.9l workers will be laid off, as RedBuilt takes three to six months beftrre restarting the Windsor facility. RedBuilt has already hired morc than a dozcn former SSI employees-in sales. technical and support positions-and hopcs to re-hire 30 to 50 rlorc, according to Randy Ruim. RedBuilt's vice president of sales and rnarketing.
Old World Crafumanship In Today's Designs
Tru-Dry Timbers
Geo. M. Huff Lumber Co. has teamed up with Forest Grove Lumber to become the exclusive Southern California stocking distributor of Tru-Dry Timbers.
All FGL Tru-Dry timbers are dried in "HeatWave USA's RFV" kilns, which use clean, renewable energy and have zero emissions.
Tru-Dry timbers are dried completely and evenly throughout so you won't experience the sticky problems often encountered with beams that are not dried to the core.
Combine our selection of Douglas fir timbers along with our skilled milling staff and you've got one ofthe best resources in Southern California.
Tru-Elrq 0ctober 20tl I lhe Nledrant Nlagazjne t 17
Wayne Wilkinson has been named president and chief operating officer at McFarland Cascade, Tacoma, Wa.
Jack Berutich, v.p.-wholesale division of Reliable Wholesale Lumber, Huntington Beach, Ca., has retired after 3l years with the company.
Rich Yonke, ex-Fritch Forest Products, is new to Elk Creek Forest Products, McMinnville, Or. He is based in Everett, Wa.
Linda Sabrowski, sales & marketing mgr. at Sun Mountain Lumber, Deer Lodge, Mt., retired Sept. I after 33 years in the industry. Craig O'Rourke, ex-Louisiana Pacific, succeeds her.
Edy McCartney, ex-Lumber Products, is new to sales and marketing at International Wood Products, Clackamas, Or.
Ken Cradduck, ex-Woodinville Lumber, is new to sales at ProBuild, Arlington, Wa.
Ron Rumple is new to inside sales support at Parr Lumber, Everett, Wa.
Aaron Maquire, ex-LCG Pence Construction, is a new account mgr. at Capital Lumber, Woodburn, Or.
Jon Dimmock, ex-ZCON Builders, is a new pull-through marketing specialist in Healdsburg, Ca.
Tom Fitzmyers has been named chairman of Simpson Strong-Tie parent Simpson Manufacturing Co., Pleasanton, Ca., succeeding founder Barclay Simpson, who is now chairman emeritus. Karen Colonias replaces Fitzmyers as president and c .e.o. Terry Kingsfather remains president and c.e.o. of Simpson Strong-Tie.
Mark Griffith has been promoted to c.e.o. of Lumber Yard Supply, Great Falls, Mt. He succeeds Owen Robinson, who is retiring after 35 years with the family business, but remains president and chairman of the board.
Greg Stine has been promoted to president of Builderlink, Springfield, Or.
Dave Freeman, ex-Tumac Lumber, is now a sales product specialist in the Seattle. Wa.. area for Bluelinx.
Jacob Mendez is now an assistant buyer at Universal Forest Products, Windsor, Co.
Don Bodemann has been named president of Montana Timber Products, Anaconda, Mt.
Tony Barnes is now service mgr. at Mclendon Hardware. Renton. Wa.
Steve Pierce is now with Sears Trostel Lumber & Millwork, Fort Collins, Co.
Kenn Valleau, ex-Milgard Manufacturing, is new to outside sales at Allied Building Products, Modesto, Ca. Kevin Shinar is a new outside sales rep in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Jim Lake has been named president and chief operating officer of Ainsworth Lumber, Vancouver, B.C., following the retirement of Richard Huff.
David Ondich has joined Screw Products Inc., Gig Harbor, Wa., as Northeast regional sales mgr. He is based in New Jersey.
Paul Davis, Plum Creek Timber Co., Seattle, Wa., has been promoted to v.p.-Northern hardwood region.
Philip Orsino, ex-Masonite, has been named president of Jeld-Wen, Klamath Falls, Or., succeeding Rod Wendt, who remains c.e.o.
Casey Craig is a new trader at Bridgewell Resources, Tigard, Or.
Nancy Arend, ex-Weyerhaeuser/ Northwest Hardwoods, is now a west region mgr. for GeorgiaPacific, based in the Seattle, Wa., area.
Kris Kollenda has been named western regional sales mgr. for DriTac Flooring Products, Commerce, Ca.
Brian Krizman has joined the inside sales/estimating team at Portland Bolt & Manufacturing, Portland, Or.
Dalila Sotelo is a new senior customer service specialist at BlueLinx. Denver. Co.
Liz Churchill has been named v.p. of sales & marketing for Matthews Marking Products, Pittsburgh, Pa. Russell Bateman is now marketing communications mgr., and Natalie Pizzi is new to marketing, coordinating shows and events.
Rex Scott, ex-Plycem, has joined TMO Global Logistics, Charlottesville, Va., as director of business development.
Tom Taylor has been named national sales mgr. for Plycem USA, Atlanta, Ga.
William C. Foote, chairman, USG Corp., Chicago, Il., is retiring from the board Dec. 31. His title will be assumed by president and c.e.o. James S. Metcalf.
Michael Limas, ex-Phillips Mfg., has joined DMSi Software, Omaha, Ne., as a v.p., heading up customer service and support.
John Crowe has been appointed president and c.e.o. of both CertainTeed Corp., Valley Forge, Pa., and parent Saint-Gobain. Tom Smith has been promoted to president of CertainTeed Roofing, and Mark Rayfield is now president of the siding products group.
Diane Kappas has been promoted to v.p.-environment, health & safety for PPG industries, Pittsburgh, Pa., replacing John Richter, who is now v.p.-operations, coatings, Asia/Pacific.
Holly Wien is organizing the annual pumpkin decorating contest at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., according to co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
Alaskan Sawmill Proposed
John Glenn, former owner of Glenn Custom Milling, Shelton, Wa., has revived plans to build a new sawmill in southeast Alaska.
Glenn, who first tried to launch a project in2004, has proposed building a facility in Wrangell or Petersburg, Ak., to manufacture constructiongrade lumber from a combination of old-growth and second-growth timber, with a workforce of 40 to 50.
Store Visitor a Real Beast
Record's Hardware, Raton, N.M., had an unusual visitor on SepI.22: a one-year-old bear.
After running down a busy street in broad daylight-with Fish & Game officers in hot pursuit-the bear dashed into the hardware store's main entrance. Clerk Joe Aregon used the store's intercom to wam shoppers of the furry visitor. "I wanted everybody in the store to know there was a bear loose in the building, so they didn't go pet it and be friendly with it," he said. "You never know."
The cub then fled and took refuge in a nearby backyard, where officers decided it posed enough of a danger that it had to be killed.
For confi dence underfoot - a nd overheadbu i f de rs trust Ai nsworth E ngi nee red. For flooring systems that lay flat and true. For stairs that won't cup, sag or squeak. For cost-competitive, sustainably sou rced products, reliably supplied, choose quality. Choose Ainsworth.
Win the Gutter Battle
Gutter Warrior LT by Ply Gem has a one-piece. continuous hanger for a more secure, reliable. and durable installation.
According to independent tests, the -gutter can hold loads up to 1,262 lbs.. with 858 lbs. for snow and ice loads. A built-in drip edge over the front helps reduce the appearance of streaking and stripes.
(800) 587-1339
Trim Without Holes
AZEK Finish Grade PVC trim eliminates the need to fill, sand, and paint nail holes.
A cover trim piece fits over the base trim and includes a nailing flange to eliminate visible fasteners. The installed thickness and width of the two-part system is 6/4x6, in l6-ft. lengths.
(817\ 2'75-293s
20 I Th€ lt{erdunt Magaz.ine r 0dober20ll Building-Productscom
Weatherized Windows
Sheffield II windows from Alside have triple-barrier weatherstripping to keep out air and water.
Windows can be customized with l l interior grid patterns and a choice of white, almond, or desert clay colors.
Energy-saving options include ClimaTech glass and drop-in glazing.
Sloped sills and tilt-in sashes make cleaning easier.
(800) 922-6009
Universal has been a key supplier in Southern California for years. With the broadest lineup oflumber and specialty products in the area, it's no wonder why dealers look to UFP as a key supply partner.
Saw for Tight Spaces
The Bosch BSHl80 cordless band saw allows plumbers and electricians to precisely cut a variety of materials, even in tight spaces.
Although the tool weighs just 7.7 lbs., the tool reportedly is durable enough to withstand tough jobsite conditions.
Included are a battery pack, a 30-minute charger, and carrying case.
(877) 261 -2499
lllRDl,liFRltEl" AM[ekCorlPdVIM UI? Western Division. Inc. UFP's Riverside location features top brands and a diverse product offering - SmartSide - TechShield - SPF Pattern & Fascia - Vinyl Lattice - Hardy Frames - FlameBlock - Plywood & OSB - Concrete Form/PSF 2100 Avalon Blvd. Riverside,CA925l9. 951-826-3000 Odober20f f I lhe lyledant ltbgazine t 2l
44 years of tine hardwood
For the finest service in the industry call on Swaner for a steady, reliable source of quality hardwood products at competitive prices.
Hardwood Lumber/S4S
.Hardwood Plywood
Custom Hardwood Moulding
Custom Hardwood Flooring
5*or*. C-fat /wooJ Co., -0ro.
5 West Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, Ca.91502
Fax 818-846-3662
(8OOl 368.1 108
Fire-Protected Redwood
California Timberline's Nusku Fireblocker line includes siding, fascia, and trim manufactured from California-grown redwood.
Naturally fire-resistant, the primed products are deemed WUI Approved by CalFire, meeting CBC codes in any county and fire zone.
(909) 591-481 I
PVG Beadboard Trim
CertainTeed's Restoration Millwork beadboard trims are constructed of PVC that resists rotting, warping, moisture, and insects.
The products are designed to beautify larger exterior areas such as porch ceilings, skirting, and deck surrounds. A Tightlap edge allows two adjacent panels to seamlessly overlap. Choose a natural white finish or paint to complement exterior colors.
(800) 233-8990
m a nuta ctu re a nd d istri b ution
22 r lhe lrledrant lr4aSazine r O<bberZ)ll Bulldinghodudsom
Golorful Sealant
Red Devil's Color Cure waterproof sealant goes on pink and dries white when it's ready to be painted.
Low in VOCs and odor, Pink2White is free of solvents, plasticizers, and toxic chemicals.
(800) 423-3845
Revolutionary Windows
Deceuninck North America's Revolution Tilt & Turn windows feature a seven-chamber thermal structure with a R-value of 7+.
Minimal sash and frame sightlines and an integral screen system take advantage of high-performance glass.
(877\ 563-425r
Under the Roof
Blueskin roof tile and metal self-adhered underlayment from Henry Co. is engineered for sloped roofing systems.
Self-gasketing around fasteners, the underlayment has 40 mils of waterproofing compound, a split-back polymer release liner for fast, easy installation, and weather-resistant shrinkwrap packaging to protect against the elements.
(800\ 486-1267
Multi-Glass Look in Patio Doors
Masonite's newest patio door line features SpectraWeld technology, which bonds composite materials to a single sheet of glass, providing the appearance of caming.
The collection offers six glass designs, from simple to ornate, with design options such as vines, diamonds, and traditional divided lights.
(800) 663-3667
-I. -I
oGDENlsOrSr DEN\IER Ir.'BUQUERQUE 1.800.962.8780 1.800.6?2.3330 1,800.545.5180 ooDEtfr , Nt BuiHlr4 Boductrcom Odober 2011 I Ihe nferdhnt Magazjne t 23
We welcome your letters to the editor. Send comments to Fax 949-852-0231, dkoenig@, or The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach, Ca.92660.
IN Supponr oF ICC-ES
There have been questions raised concerning the use of alternative products evaluated by ICC Evaluation Service, when there is a standardized product prescribed in the model code.
The questions include: Is it better to use a standardized product when available, rather than an alternative product evaluated by ICC-ES? And, is an alternative product evaluated by ICCES somehow inferior to a standardized product recognized in the code?
Standardized products (also referred to as "commodities" and "prescriptive" products) are products for which standards are referenced in the
model codes, such as preservativetreated wood complying with AWPA Standard Ul.
"Alternative" products are innovative, proprietary products that have been evaluated in accordance with Section 104.1 1 (Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment) of the IBC and the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC). Such products must be evaluated for compliance with the model codes and must then be approved by the code official.
The code official is charged with approving products. When considering an innovative, proprietary product as an alternative, the official has the option of using a research report from an approved source as an aid.
ICC-ES is the primary source of research reports on innovative building products. For more than 80 years, ICC-ES has specialized in evaluating such products for compliance with the
Quolity Western Cedor Products
model codes. ICC-ES publishes Evaluation Reports that are posted online for use by code officials, construction professionals, and the public.
ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are the best, most technically accurate, and most reliable source of information on innovative products because:
ICC-ES policies are set by a board of directors composed mostly of active code officials.
ICC-ES has an in-house technical staff of about 30 professionals, most of whom are licensed as architects or structural, civil, fire-protection, or mechanical engineers. Key staffers have 20+ years ofexperience in evaluating products for code compliance.
. ICC-ES has an open public process for developing acceptance criteria for innovative products under the international codes.
ICC-ES technical work is overseen by an evaluation committee composed of code officials.
. ICC-ES rules require that testing in support of evaluation reports be conducted by independent, ISO l7025-accredited labs and that thirdparty inspection agencies be accreditedunderlSO 17020.
ICC-ES itself is accredited by the ANSI under ISO Guide 65.
When considering the two questions above, it is clear that alternative building products, when they have been evaluated by ICC-ES, are in every way the equal of standardized products. Code officials and others may rest assured that, in terms of quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, and safety, products covered in ICC-ES Evaluation Reports meet every requirement of the International Codes.
Michael O'Reardon ICC-ES Regional Manager mo'reardon@icc-es.ors
lx4 B0ARDS in 4, 5 ond 6'lengths 2x4 MllS in B-]0'borh rough ond surfoced Cedor 4x4 P0SIS in 4,5,6,7,8,9 ond l0'lengths 2x2
cleor cedor
&rildingrhodudson A r lhe lr,ledtant lrhgazine r 0dober2011
441 8 Nt Keller Rd., Roseburg, 0R 9/470 . FM54l-672-567 6 Don Keller, SolesMonoger . (541) 672-6528
Lumber Association of California & Nevada has booked Gordon Culbertson, Forest2Market, to address "The Emerging China Market & How It Is Affecting California & the West" during its annual convention Oct. 202l at Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca.
Other presentations will cover lumber industry trends, "Word of Mouth Marketing & Methodology," and "What You Need to Know to Keep Your Company Out of Court."
LACN will host a Nov. l0 luncheon meeting at Rancho Solano Golf Course, Fairfield, Ca. Speaker Jerry Parks, Western Wood Preservers Institute, will discuss pressure treated wood for safe, reliable and durable wood construction.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association is holding its Colorado WOOD Council year-end party Dec. I at the Mile Hish Stadium Club at Invesco
Field, Denver, Co.
During December, MSLBMA will also hold an estimating workshop in Denver, at a date yet to be determined.
Western Wood Preservers Institute will hold its annual meeting Oct.23-26 at Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, Scottsdale, Az.
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club will hold two events next month-a tennis tournament Nov. 6 at Anaheim Tennis Center. Anaheim, and a dinner meeting Nov. l0 at Rib Trader, Orange, Ca.
l.n 0 -rl m 7 z n tn g F 'g n o tr e o ln n (a t v -t o 1 , :.
WESTERN RED CEDAR Lumber Association convened during BC Wood's Global Buyers Mission, Sept. 7-10 at the Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C. [1] Mardon Mack, Carlos Furtado, Paul Mackie, Ryan Furtado. [2] Bob Thompson, Brad Meeker. [3] Scott Lindsay, Kevin Edmonds. [4] Cal Dyck, Dave Wilkie. [5] John Lewsley, Chris Beveridge, &
Odober20ll r lhe lyledrant Magadne t 25
Jim Gillis. [6] Dave Sweeney, Jack Draper, Robert Sandve. [7] Sue & J-e! Derby, Baib & Neil Van Swearingen. [8] Harry Mohr, Paula Claig [p] Wendell Macloud, Kurt Nelson. [10] Mike Cunningham, Brian Hawrysh. [11] Joe Petree, Brent Stuart. [12] Shane Harsch, David Hughes. [13] Rick Palmiter, Wayne Miller. [14] Cees de Jager, Don Demmens.
(More photos on next page)
26 r ilre Merdnnt Magazine r 0<iober2011
BC WOOD's annual Global Buvers Mission took over the Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C., Sept. 7-10. 11] Brad Shaigec, Craig Fleiscihacker, Cohl Fleischhacker. [2] David Jeffers, Craig Combs. [3] Mike Pidlesecky, Ben Good. [4] Chris Beveridge, Christian Owens, Scott Lindsay, Kent Beveridge. [5] Peter Laslo. [6] Terry Clark, Richard & Katherine Klassen. [7] Tony Hyatt, Tony Hu, Peter Parmenter. [8] Ross Power, Stewart Clark, Dustin Elliott, Michael Ren. [9] Tony Wiens, Diane
Wiens, Dean Wiens, Pat Thorp. [10] Curtis Walker, Brent Stuart, Tom Faris. [11] Dan Wasmuth, Phil Hsieh. [12] Brett Li, Laura Chalke, Shane Carphin. [13] Slg Thoma, Thomas Mende. [14] Courtney Watkins, Steve Horvath. [15] Jeff Derby, Ben Meachen. [16] Dennis Wight, Tyson Palmer. [17] Alex Jovanovic, Abby Mann. [18] Jason Loewen, Ndthan Hansen.
Arthur H. t'Budtt Harwood, 84, retired owner of Harwood Products, Branscomb, Ca., died Sept. I in Branscomb.
He served as a Navy pilot during World War II. After graduating from the University of California-Berkeley, he assumed control of his family's lumber business, Branscomb Enterprises, in 1949. The company was renamed Harwood Products in 1972 and liquidated in 2008.
Conrad J. "Fritz" Hagen, 83, longtime Northern California lumberman, died Aug. 13 in Redding, Ca.
At age 19, he became a lumber inspector for the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau. He then served with the Navy in Japan during the Korean War. Afterwards, he worked for M&M Lumber, Alderpoint, Ca., for 10 years. When M&M closed, he became manager of Gunnison Lumber Co.. Gunnison. Co.
He spent 17 years at Sierra Pacific Lumber, serving as mill manager in Susanville, Happy Camp, Hayfork, and Shasta Lake City, Ca.
He also joined a group to start Lassen Forest Products. Red Bluff. Ca., and Dyer Mountain Lumber, Redding, Ca.
Frank O. Morrisette, 84, retired vice president of sales at Hoff Forest Products, Boise, Id., died Sept. 8 in Boise.
Mr. Morrisette served with the Navy during World War II. He then attended Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J., graduating in 1950.
During the 1950s and 1960s. he worked as a lumber broker in Oregon and California. In l972,he joined Western Forest Products, Boise, a division of Hoff. as a lumber salesman. He later became vice president of sales for Hoff's moulding plants, before retiringin 1992. He was also a member of Hoff's board of directors.
Hal Eugene Goodyear,98, cofounder of Trinity Lumber & Building Supply, Weaverville, Ca., died Aug.28 in Weaverville.
After graduating from Oregon State University with degrees in forest management and forest engineering in 1946.he worked for the U.S. Forest Service in Oregon, until relocating in
1948 to Northern California and joining Van Zee Ltmber Co. In 1950, he and his brother-in-law, Bob Marshall, started Trinity Sand & Gravel, Douglas City, Ca.
Four years later, they purchased Hanlon Lumber, Weaverville, and renamed the yard Trinity Lumber. Goodyear managed the lumberyard, Marshall the gravel operation.
Goodyear retired in 1982 and sold the yard to his son, Gene. In 1986, he was named California Tree Farmer of the Year for his oversight of Reading's Creek Tree Farm, Weaverville, with his wife, Dorothy.
Robert F. Borghorst, 67, president and co-owner of Arthur Pozzi Co., Portland, Or., died Aug.20 in Portland.
He had worked at the company since 1976 and retired earlier this year after 40+ years in the industry.
Thomas W. Blackwood. 71. retired Oregon lumber salesman, died Sept. 10 in La Center, Wa.
He had worked in the industry for 30 years, for Western Resource Trading, Albany, Or., and Shur-Cut Industries, Porlland, Or.
-lr I
GUESTS OF BC WOOD (contlnued from previous page). l1l Griffin Augustin, Corey Scott. [2] Rob Marusic, Jack Heavenor. [3] Bob Lennon, Roland Baumeister. [4] Tara Murray, Peter Grant. [5] Dave Jones, Rauvi Pallan, Allen Fitzpatrick. [6] Graham Hansen, Shane Harsch. [7] Jake Power. [8] Ron Sangara, Terry Gaines.
tr o { o o I f t:
[9] Bob Brash, Mike Friesen. [10]Quinn Brown, Eric Bos. [11] Mack Magee, Peter Dickson.
0dober2011 r The lilerdrant lr4agazilre t 27
Northern California Sacramento region. Approximately 2,000-sq. ft. office attached to 30000-sq. ft. warehouse. Warehouse clear span height 20 ft. Office & restrooms ADA accessible. Warehouse includes three-man doors with large 20-ft. roll-up door. 220V power available. Fire sprinkler system throughout. Truck shop facilities provided, including minor repair work, oil changes, steam cleaning, etc., at favorable rates. Ample truck parking space in back of facility. Office & 30,000-sq. ft. front warehouse available at .29A per sq. ft. If interested, please call Tom Williams, (530)'742-2168, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Building Materials Distribution & Lumber
Milling Facility for Lease: Seven (7) acre rail served building materials distribution and milling facility available in Temple City, Ca. (Los Angeles). This facility is ideal for wholesale building materials distribution or large contractor retail services. Complete with office building, fully operational custom milling equipment, and five (5) carload capacity rail spur served by the Union Pacific. This fully paved facility is turn-key and ready to go. Please contact Jerry Higman at (714) 848-8222 or
Universal Forest Products, the nation's leading manufacturer and distributor of wood and woodalternative products to retail/dealer, manufactured housing and industrial markets, is seeking an outside sales representative to serve its southem California pro dealer customer base. This position is based out of the company's Riverside, Ca., facility. This candidate should have comprehensive knowledge of the southern California marketplace and a thorough understanding of the products therein. We are looking for people who can contribute to our growth, who are hungry for success, who bring a winning attitude to their work, and who are interested in new opportunities in an established arena. You provide the skill, knowledge, integrity and p€rseverance, and we will provide a great place to work, where you will be encouraged to grow and learn and rewarded with outstanding b€nefits and compensation. If you are interested in joining our team, please email your resume to Steve Mitchell at All replies will be kept strictly confidential. Universal is an equal opportunity employer.
Roofing Shingles. Gemont o Sheettock & Plyurood Pallet Bags
Bags 4x4x4' . 4x4xB' o 4r4x 12'
Rolls 10 x 300'
Viance, a pioneer in the advances of wood preservation technology, is looking for a technical services representative who will be based on the West Coast. The individual will work from home and travel to customers assisting them with products and services issues. Applicants must possess knowledge of current wood treating practices and procedures, relevant analytical tools and procedures, and have the ability to troubleshoot. Requires BS in Chemistry, Wood Science, or equivalent, 1 year experience in wood preservation, and experience with MS Office. Requires frequent travel (507o), primarily in middle of week. Must be able to work in industrial environments with varied environmental conditions. We offer a competitive salary and an exemplary benefits package, Please send resumes to: Viance, LLC, Human Resources, I Woodlawn Green, 200 E. Woodlawn Rd., Ste. 350, Charlotte, N.C. 282 l7; Fax'104-455-6614l. mivey@;
to Be a Successful Account Manager?
lf you know wood products, we want to hear from you.
Our new account manager will be responsible for product sales achisved by developing and maintaining customer contach within an assigned tenitory or area of responsibility.
Account Manager Responsibilities:
o Solicit orders from new and existing customers
Generate new customers in various markets through cold calling and other sales development activities
r Build and nurture relationships with customers
Maintain information/records regarding cuslomer purchases, inventories, market trends and preferences
. Minimum 4 years industry experience
College education and degree
Position based in Thornton, GA
ll you're up lor the challenge, send your resume and cover letter to ahaire@ufpi,com. Use "Account Manager" in subject line.
About Universal Forest Producb
Since 1955 Universal Forest Products has been a link in the lumber and building material distribution chain, and a leading secondary manufacturer and distributor 0l lumber and building products.
Universal has approximately 5,000 employees who work in more than 70 facilities across North America, Despite our size, we've maintained strong local relationships and presence through our network of plants through North America,
CTASSIFIED Rates: $1.20 per word (25 word min.). Phone number counts as 1 word, address as 6. Centered copy/headline, $9 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $15. Column inch rate: $55 if advertiser sets the type, $65 if we set type, Send ad to Fax 949-852-0231 or dkoenig@ For more info, call (949) 852-1990. Deadline: 18th of previous month.
Gustom Printed Govers, Quoted L. T. TNDUSTRIEScAtL 8(xl|.526€465 FA( 718-7934316 o
UIP Western llivision, Inc. A Universal Forest Products Company A r The ltledant nbgadne r Odober20f l &ridhgrPtoddsaml
Llsflngs are often submitted months in advance. A|ways verify dates ahd locations wrth sponsor before making plans to attend.
DeckExpo - Oct. 12-14, Mc0ormick Place, Chicago, ll.; (866) 4756495;
Remodefing Show - Oct 12-14, McOormick Place, Chicago, ll.; (866) 475-6495;
Ace Hardware Gorp. - Oct. 15-17,fall market, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Co.; (630) 990-7662;
North American Wholesale Lumber Association - Oct. 19-21, Traders Market, Mirage Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 527 -8258i www.
Lumber Association of Galifornia & Nevada - Oct. 20.21, annual convention, Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca.; (800) 2664344;
APA-The Engineered Wood Association - Oct. 22-25, annual meeting, Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, La.; (253) 565-6600;
Western Wood Preservers Institute - Oct. 23.26, annual meeting, Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Hotel, Scottsdale, Az.; (360) 6939958;
Door & Hardware Institute - Ocl. 26-27 , annual expo, Javits Convention Center, New York, N.Y.; (703) 222-2010;
Green Industry & Equipment Expo - Oct. 28-30, Kentucky Fair & Expo Center, Louisville, Ky.; (800) 558-8767;
Remodeling & Decorating Show - Oct. 29-30, Orange Cou4ly Fairgro[nds, Costa Mesa, Ca.; (81 8) 557-2950;
Pacific Logging Congress - Nov. 4-7, convention, Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui, Hi; (4251 413-2808; pacifi
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Nov. 6, tennis tournament, Anaheim Tennis Center, Anaheim, Ca.; Nov. 10, meet ing, Rib Trader, Orange, Ca. ; (626) 445-8556;
North American Building Material Distribution AssociationNov. 8-10, annual convention & tabletop show, Gaylord Opryland, Nashville, Tn. ; (888) 7 47 -7 862;
Lumber Association of Galifornia & Nevada - Nov. 10, speaker meeting, Rancho Solano Golf Course, Fairfleld, Ca.; (800) 2664344;
Soecialtv Tools & Fasteners DistributorE Association - Nov. 13' ' 15, annual convention & show, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Tx.; (800) 352-2981;
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - Nov. 16, annual meeting, La Hacienda Restaurant, Cloverdale, Ca.; (800) 337-3343, ext. 102.
Southern Galifomia Hoo-Hoo Glub - Nov. 16, dinner & meeting, Orange County Mining Co., Orange, Ca.; (760)324'0842.
Building Industry Show - Nov. 17-18, Long Beach Convention Cenfer, Long Beach, Ca.; (909) 396-9993;
Lumber Association of California & Nevada - Dec. 1, 2nd Growth meeting, TBD ; (800) 2664?A4:
Portland Wholesale Lumber Association - Dec. 3, holiday lunch meeting, Embassy Suites Airport, Portland, Or.;
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn.Dec. 7, Colorado WOOD Council year-end party, Mile High Stadium at Invesco Field, Denver, Co.; (303) 793'0859; www.
ACO ncoPresenve . Borates
D-Blazet Interion Fire Retandant
Heat Treating tsRw 15 Compliant . Custom Drying Rail Served eNlsr TPI Third Parw Inspected FSC Gertified scs-cocoozs 1 3
1 55OO Valencia Ave. [Box 1O7O], Fontana, CA 92335 Fax 909-35G9623 o email - www. fontanawholesalelumber. com
Doweled Lodgepolepine posts and rails.
1 112" lo 12" Diameter in Stock. Large diameters & long lengths.
C&E LUMBER COMPANY Call 90$'626-3591 Fax 909-626-4583 2692 North TowneAvenue Pomona, CA. 91767
&rlHlng.Rodndsom ft!ober2011 r lhe ltledtant Magazine t N
How many hot dogs can you eat in eight minutes? A pro dealer in the ritzy Hamptons area of Long Island, N.Y., asked this question and received lots of free, local publicity.
"We just held our third annual hot dog eating contest," says Grant Werner, architectural rep at Speonk Lumber, Speonk, N.Y. "The winner took home a Bosch circular saw and everyone enjoyed a free lunch (hot dogs, of course) and a deck-building demonstration by Parksite, one of our preferred vendors."
Founded in 1946, the family-owned company works hard to maintain good relationships with local contractors and architects. The free lunches started four years ago when the company purchased a stainless steel, commercial-grade hot dog grill (the same kind used by street vendors in New York City, according to Werner) and emailed lunch invitations to existing customers. To keep things exciting, the annual contest debuted the very next year-and was covered by the local newspaper, earning even more name-recognition for the yard.
Why hot dogs-instead of hamburgers or pizza? Werner says that everyone loves a good hot dog, which doesn't cost much and involves little preparation or cleanup.
"Hot dogs are a great equalizer," says Werner. "Whether you're a high-end builder or the guy who sweeps up nails in the yard, you love hot dogs. They're as American as apple pie."
To keep the momentum going, Werner publishes a monthly newsletter on the company's website. Called "The Speonk Spotlight," it highlights recenr and upcoming events-product demonstrations, builder and architect education, the monthly meeting of the local chapter of architects-and discusses new and existing vendors and their products.
"It's all about adding value for your customers," he confirms. "We operate in a very competitive marketprices and services are about the same, so you have to work hard to stand out."
Advantage Trim & Lumber []..........13
Ainsworth [] ....,....................1 8.19
Anfinson Lumber [www,]................,...................,,,.22
Arch Wood Protection [www,].....,...Cover I
Blue Book Services [] ................rM26
Gal Coast Wholesale 1umber............ ...........,......16
California Timberline [] ............................4
C&E Lumber [www,] .,..,.,.,...29
Coastal Plywood [].........................TM22
Collins Companies [] .,..................,.,...,.,.8A.8B
Combilift USA [] ...............rm20
Distribution Management Systems Inc. [].,.,..rrvr35
Enduris [].................. ..........TM17
Fontana Wholesale Lumber [].....29
Forest2Market [] .....................,..........rm29
GRK Fasteners [] Cover lV
Haida Forest Products [].......................rM27
Huff Lumber... ..........17
ldaho Forest Group [] .................ru1 1
J.M. Thomas Forest Products [] ...........23
Keller Lumber
Lausmann Lumber [] ..................,.,..1 5
LWO Gorp. [].,............... .....rru31
Manke Lumber []....,......,...................,ru34
Mary's River Lumber [www.marysriverlumber.coml ................TM7
Maze Nails [].............. ...,.TM19
Neiman Enterprises []...............TM24
Nordic Engineered Wood Products [] ...ru1 2
Norman Distribution [trrww'] ..............................13
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. []......,.rN28
Pacific Wood Preserving Gos. []...Cover lll Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual lnsurance].rril25
Plycem USA []................................,.......TM13
PPG Industries [www.ppg.coml...................,.,.,.................,.,....,.rm9
Redwood Empire [www.redwoodemp.coml.............................ru36
Reel Lumber Service [] .............,....,,Cover lll
Reliable Wholesale Lumber [] ...............................20
Rosboro [] ........,.,.,.,. ..,.......TM18
Roseburg Forest Products [] ...,........................rms
RoyOMartin [] ,.,.....................,...,............ru15
Selkirk []...,..,.,.......................................ru31
Shasta Green [] m22
Simpson Strong.Tie [],......,..................Cover ll
Snider Industries [] .....................,...ru3
Sunbelt []......... ..........ru28
Swaner Hardwood Co. []...........,.,...22
Swanson Brothers [www.swansonbros.coml .......................,.ru30
Swanson Group Sales []....,...,.3, rN2
Thunderbolt Wood Treating [] ...,24
Universal Forest Products [] .....,.,.,.,.....................21
Versatex []................ ..........ri421
Viance [www.treatedwood.coml ...................,.,.....................,....,....5
Western Red Gedar Lumber Assn. [] .........TM32.33
Western Wood Products Association [www,wwpa.orgl ...,.....rri130
Westervelt Lumber [] ..................ru24
IDEA File Using Hot Dogs as Bait
I For more information on advertisers, call them directly or visit thcir websites [in brackets].
30 r The Med|ant lhgazine r Odober20ll
LUCKY WINNER of hot dog eating contest, Cesar Azum (left),won a circular saw and congrats from Grant Werner, Speonk Lumbe/s architectural reo.
1321 N. Kraemer Blvd. @ox 879), Anaheim, Ca.92806 Fax 714-630-3190 (714\ 632-1988. (800) 675-R-EEL
3518 Chicago Ave., Rivenide, Ca.92507 (9s1) 781-0s64
At n".t Lumber Service, we supply dornestic and foreign hardwoods.
Our products and setvices include:
. flardwood Lumber & Pine
Hardwood Plywood &Veneers
. Melarnine Plywood
. Hardwood Moulding (alder, cherry, mahogany, MDF, tnaple, red oak, paint grade, pecan hickory, white oak, walnut, beech)
. Milling (moulding ptofiles, S2S, SLRIE, SLR2E, & resawn lumber)
Woodworking Accessories (appliques, ornarnents, butcher blocks, corbels, etc.)
.'W'oodworking Supplies (deft finishes, color putty, adhesives, etc.)
Otr" products are widely used in
interior finish carpentry, furniture, cabinetry and hundreds of industrial and manufacturing applications.We stock a cornplete line of cornplementary products to cornplete virtually any woodworking or millwork project.
Affiliotions: AWPA, WWPI, lRG, LACN, HLPA Building-hoductscon Ociober 20f f r lhe lledrant l,hgazirrc r 31