omeowners like wood, ond o lumber slqcks up lo the feotures Wolmonized@ wood.
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Reaching for the Sky
SKYREACH looks ahead with a pioneering spirit and will continue to add to its unique and fi nely-engineered product offering.
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F,[qffi &tildlry.hoductsom October4l2 r lhe llerdant lrlaSa?irc r 3
Special Features In Every lssue
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By Alan Oakes
These days you have to be an office politician
ll/f" FRIENDS orreN ask me, "Don't you miss working for a big company and all its IVlbenefits?" The answer is emphatically, "No." Nobody could quite understand it when I walked away 12 years ago. Even I looked at myself and said I must be crazy! But the truth is, I knew that I did not have the stomach or acumen to be the politician I sadly needed to be to survive in what was tantamount to me putting my head through a brick wall over and over again and expecting a different result each time.
In today's workplace, office politics suggests favoritism, self promotion, and backstabbing. In the end, sadly, we all see it and often succumb to it. Of course, office politics is not new, but it seems to be worse than ever. Perhaps due to the limited opportunities for growth in most companies, self aggrandizement seems to be necessary to get ahead or keep your job. If you do not participate, you run the risk of losing your job and career path. We all see it and watch it often succeed, although it may sicken us inside.
The reality is that most people do not have a choice and have to come to terms with it. Jobs are hard to find. Most people find a coping mechanism and a way to join in. As a management leader you have to recognize that it exists in your organization and your management team. Develop your own skills to manage it and be careful how you foster it. Politics can be positive. Frankly, when done properly, most people appreciate and even admire it. But we also observe over our business life the unfair side of things, when someone gets an undeserved pay raise or is promoted over someone else obviously due to sucking up to the boss.
One of the issues I struggled with was, who do you believe? When I have an idea, I ask for opinions. Then whose opinion do I trust? Critical is identifying who is telling me what they think I want to hear and who is too scared to speak up.
I recently read a definition of political skill as the ability to understand and effectively influence others for personal or organizational benefit. So using my 80/20 rule, I have observed that most office politics has been 80Vo for personal benefit and 2O%o for organizational benefit. I often think how great it would be and what success a manager or company would have if it were reversed to 80Vo for organizational benefit and 20Vo for personal. How could your company unlock its true potential if BS could be minimized?
Being good at positive politics is about being able to adjust your behavior to different people and situations, and being able to build support for your views in a way that lets peers become believers. When you have that skill, you become a real winner. In fact, exceptional political skills become invisible to everyone else. That's because you are seen to be real, authentic, smart and effective-as opposed to manipulative and full of it. And there lies the issue in too many companies-that type of person is not encouraged by those above who are protecting their turf. Rarely are we so lucky to work with a political, organization-focused colleague or manager, but how many times in our career do we end up working for the self-serving one? And, sadly, over my career I have observed the latter succeed over and over again without ever getting found out.
To be a good leader in these situations, you have to think before you speak and really lay out your presentation of an idea. You must manage and massage it up and downwards for institutional buy in, and involve the "influencers" in the decision process. The end result is that the best decisions set made. there are better relationships, and more cooperation. This political style is seen as positive, not negative, and perhaps sets you up for the next promotion or review, and everyone will applaud when you are successful. The good news is that you didn't have to step on anyone, and that certainly feels better when you look at yourself in the mirror every day.
Alan Oakes, Publisher
www. bu ildi n g-prod ucts. com
A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste.480, Newport Beach, CA 92660
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6 r lhe Merdrant trhsazjne I 0dober20l2 "'tEBGllAllr,,,,,,
Dealers use online portals to manage installed sales
l\[aNecrNG INSTALLED sales orders remains a thorny IVlproblem for home improvement retailers and their trading partners. These orders typically require another company to supply material and build/fabricate/install the purchased products.
Whether it's for countertops, cabinets, floors, doors, windows or other products, order information may be scattered across a complex network of individual store locations, manufacturers, distributors, fabricators and installers. As a result, network partners have no end-to-end visibility of order status and spend excessive time and cost tracking order progress. Today's paper-based solutions slow down order fulfillment, lead to errors and delays, and compromise the customer experience.
New Technologies for Installed Sales
Cloud computing promises to be a game-changer for participants in the installed sales channel. By enabling easy access to a shared repository of information-a "partner portal"-cloud-based solutions create communication centers that integrate internal and external partners' business processes using secured web technologies. This gives everyone in the network total visibility into the orderfrom creation to completion.
The good news is that it is easy and cost-efficient to participate in a partner portal when the solution is hosted in the cloud. This particular flavor of cloud is called software-asa-service (SaaS) and it has several characteristics.
First of all, it resides on the Internet and can be accessed through your browser-anywhere, anytime. Implementation is as easy as flipping a switch (well, almost). There will be others using the service to check on the status of orders or enter new information, just as you can, but your information is highly secure. Since the service is hosted by external parties outside your organization's firewalls, it doesn't require hardware or software purchases or need IT
What's a "Partner Portal"?
A web-based application that provides manufacturers' established partners (such as a distributor, dealer or installer)with direct, private access to marketing resources, pricing and sales info, technical details, support, etc.
support or ongoing maintenance-a huge benefit.
You pay for what you use on a subscription model and can increase usage with only marginal cost increments. That's the beauty of SaaS: fast start, low learning curve, minimal cost, no IT headache, pay for what you use.
While the economics of a SaaS-based solution are impressive enough, the story gets really compelling when you look at the business benefits. Every member of the
FEATURE Randall N. Olejnik, Cilio Technologies c ro l. !6rri'nrl c'1reer " *r--.4r,,..9 l ..,Jt;il;ffifi'l'*tir"'r",il!ir"ir; ::: a +. ..)r'lq4. .tr@ntudd8 1.rsfrtrffilru S'ffiraw bdtdffi mrurrw6.m@cTd 4r tu{lt w-Br2 ructlw14 m@cr5r3 PLr W4rl mMrtEra-Mt5r] nr w5r3 PRfflffit-h&Cr{i 91 3' r-k.aot !,4re 1 3106 t1ot0 I t, u il.c* ..,{Id 3l tro6 a1n6 a!! r&ir-,4 1,riou' 3 a1! m alo0 v! iij. !.i."tr .di"? K4r r* ar00 tt$od ws 6W5 mMr]w€-mfft!, ., ,_,." c*,r".i:l dr st r arod lrofi M mtrT ]w t.. tMT rr. 14 r I ^ ta5 Fe a, u-t-, r*,'.u!3 tr s!1r 2 !106 40il & rrrur ffin rc ftoa.NM. fi{ t0 h w !e 5@hr*.. i]oa€ c;E rulrr i rror ffo ra
PORTAL from Cilio automates
installed sales process.
Buildir4-hoducKcom October20l2 r lheMerdraill4agazine I 7
trading network derives benefit through a shared partner portal for installed sales:
The partner portal for a retailer/ dealer represents a tracking and communication tool with all partners, from the time the order is placed to the time it is installed and completed. This includes consumers, for whom the retailer/dealer is their contact poinl. Having the portal eliminates many inquiries because consumers can answer questions themselves through the portal.
The portal for the retailer/dealer typically represents an order configurator, which can be used to price the job and eventually enter it into the portal for distribution. A partner portal will trigger the invoicing and payment to all other partners on the system, and sales analytics will improve warranty
The retailer/dealer can leverage the relationships of the manufacturer of the material by using the fabricator/installers chosen by the manufacturer. This means that a retailer/dealer does not have to set up individual relationships with fabricators and installers for payment terms; this makes it easier for a retailer/dealer to enter a market where they didn't have a presence before.
Oftentimes, the manufacturer is the sponsor of a partner portal because he has much to gain. A partner portal allows the manufacturer to not only sell product but also build a network of dealers, fabricators, installers and distributors whose combined force is used to sell his products.
As a communication tool, the partner portal represents a low cost
method of sharing information with other partners. This includes distributing price lists. high priority notes. MSDS. product specifications. promotions, survey questionnaires, and a variety of brochures and collateral information.
As a secured web application, all partners must establish their own logins and passwords. Consequently, the portal always knows its audience, so promotions, pricing, and special offers can be directed to the individual. zip code. geographic area. or any pre-defined group. Importantly, the portal can provide an immediate view into the impact of the new promotion and/or price.
Gone are the days when a manufacturer announced a special promotion or price and had to judge its effectiveness based on orders for material at distribution centers. A partner portal lets thc manufacturer see the actual
New portal for engineered wood
Boise Cascade EWP is among the latest building material manufacturers to launch an online portal to help dealers manage their businesses.
Formally introduced earlier this year, the BC CoNNecr portal grew out of a companywide reevaluation of its service offerings that began
about two-and-a-half years ago.
"We had developed a suite of dealer tools over the past seven to l0 years, but each tool was developed to stand alone, for a particular use or for a particular type of customer," said Dan Carter, manager of design & processing systems. "We
needed a platform that would pull all the tools together."
Last October, Boise Cascade equipped one of its largest customers with a beta version of the system. Four months later, BC CoNNr,cr was offered to all Boise Cascade EWP customers. Currently, more than two-thirds of them are using or transitioning to the system. "The response has been overwhelming," said Carter.
BC CouNecr provides dealers with instant access to an engineered wood product design and business management platform, combining data, tools, processes and cloudbased applications.
Dealers can run more efficient design departments using its central design platform, integrated wholehouse design, and automatic load distribution to improve speed and accuracy of design and specification. BC CoNNscr mates to next-generation BC Fnnrte,n, enhancing designers' ability to optimize engineered wood products in residential structural design and boost their productivity. It is a single-location repository of information to reduce errors, eliminate re-drawing by different business units, and save resources. With best-in-industry file integration, a change made in one area
8 r The lyledant lt4asatne r Odober2012 BuiHingftoductrom
USING THE TOOLS on Boise Cascade's new portal, users can now optimize inventoried lengths and batch several jobs for the most costcompetitive job packs.
Siding Size Pieces / Unit Maximum Exposure in lnches Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. App.ox. Coverage ]'leeded To Cover Weight Pieces / Bundle 6 6 6 Ft. / Unit ,688 2688 2660 2688 Ft. / Unit* 1000 S0. Ft. of Wall Area* Lbs. / Unit OLD MILL@ LAP 7t16" 6" x 16' 8"x16 9-1/2" x 16' 336 252 210 168 210 5 7 81t2 11 7 11 15 g 1t, g3A 6-3t4 71t2 6 3/4 61/2 4-1 /4 8 2128 2234 2261 2341 1 862 1 151 1 995 ,6S5 455 770 1264 1 200 1 173 1 '145 1 200 1 145 1120 4675 4675 4675 4675 4550 4550 4250 12' x 16' 1t2" 6 5 a 5 g v 6 6 6 0 6 6 8'x16' 12' x 16' 16" x 16' 2240 1An 2240 2240 105 SHAKE LAP 1t2" 10-1/2" x 16 140 r 960 53' 1 140 1 140 '1 140 '1 140 1 140 1 140 1162 3900 DESIGNER SHAKE LAP 112" 11-112" x4' '13/16'SHINGLE 140 1240 1 480 .tJ3 1 480 I f,JJ ,350 1250 985 21 80 9-1/2" x 8' ROUND 180 9-1/2' x I' FISHSCAIE 180 855 770 740 480 s12 2260 2220 21 00 1 840 2064 9-1/2" x 8'0CTAGON 180 9-1/2" x I'COVE 180 9-112" x8'D|A|\4OND 180 9-112" x8'CRAFISIVEN 180 .Allows for a l" overlap and assumes a 5% waste faclor Panel Size Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Coverage l'leeded To Cover Weight Pieces / Unit Ft / Unit 1 444 1 184 Ft/Unif lmSq.Ft.ofWallArea* Lbs./Unit OLD MILL@ 7/16"x4'x8' 112"x4'x8' 4C n '1296 '1066 1 100 1 100 2400 2400 .Assumes a 10% waste factor for cuttino and fittin0 Nominal Size Actual Size 314"x2"x16' 314'x2-718" x16' Approx. Weight Lbs. / Unit Pieces / Unit" 440 324 240 160 124 100 BO 396 216 144 l0B 90 72 Pieces / Bundle 414'x2""' q I 3950 41 00 3800 3950 3950 414" x3"'. 4/4' x 4" 314" x3 112" x 16' 314" x 5-1 12" x 16' q q ! ! ! q q q l 3 414" x 6" 414'xB" 314" x7 1/4" x 16' 314' x9 114" x 16' 414" x 10" 41 50 3950 4300 4200 4450 4300 4600 4500 414' x 12' 314" x11 114" x 16' 1"x2"x16' 514" x2" 514" x 4" 5/4" x 6' 5/4" x 8" 1 'x 3-1/2" x 1 6 1 x51/2"x16 5/4" x 1 0" 514' x12" 1'x/'1l4"x16' 1"x9'1/4"x16' 1"x11-1/4"x16' q q 4 PLOWED FASCIA 4/4"x6"(OldMill). 314' x5-112" x16' 160 124 3720 3720 4/4'x8"(OldN/ill)- 314 x7 114" x16 For more informolion on TruWood Siding ond Trim, worronty ond inslollotion instruclions visit: coff 800.417.3674 fox 541.884.7282 TruWood Siding and Trim meet the requirements of the following: American National Standard ANSI-CPA 135.6 ICC ESR-2588 International Building Code . Standard Building Code 2006 lnternational Residential Code €r --I@ SCS CERTIfIED Minimum 25% Recycled Content Prc-consuml SCIENTIF C CERTIF CATION SYSTEMS TruWood' ' Plowed on the Smooth Side. -- Limited availability. Follow Truwood@ Siding or Trim Installation Instructions. 3t12 15M conn3Produostrc S I Dl N G I T R I M
retail sales as they occur.
Having visibility to the retail sales orders serves as a planning tool for the manufacturer, which is especially important when availability of material is constrained. The partner portal provides the manufacturer with the ability to process orders electronically, thereby reducing costs.
The portal uses the manufacturer's network of distributors, from company owned and operated to public warehouses, and tracks rebates to distributors where material was priced differently from the manufacturer for a particular sales channel. Sales analytics helps stay on top of warranty processing, too.
The distributor may be part of the manufacturer's operation, an independent, or a public warehouse. Regardless of the circumstances. the distribu-
automatically updates everywhere.
The portal can improve management of projects by knowing the design queue and design resources and applying them efficiently. Projects in queue can be checked and updated quickly, and files and projects can be quickly located with the new project search engine. Building options management is streamlined, so jobs that took hours may only take minutes. Salespeople can log in to prepare materials lists and quotes from remote locations. Project-related documents are managed quickly.
All dealers can now optimize inventoried lengths, batch jobs, and generate usable material with minimum cut waste for most cost-competitive cut packs. BC CoNNecr integrates BC Fneunn design files and optimizes them against inventory on hand for efficient use of inventory. Dealers can optimize job packs whether they do automated processing, pull/ship, or cut with a chainsaw.
Dealers can manage the inventory profile to align with the design queue, workload and staffing, to lower inventory costs and improve turns and profitability. Stocking levels can be managed automatically, generating replenishment orders, emailing purchase orders, and adjusting inventory. Reports go to purchasing, and reconciliation
tor enjoys an electronic automated order entry regardless of how the order was entered by other partners.
The portal converts data into many different formats for integration to the partners' business systems, which includes distributing pricing and promotions, managing rebates paid to the distributor by the manufacturer, warranty processing, and sales analytics.
Fabricators/l nstal lers
The biggest benefit to the fabricator/installer is a constant flow of orders from the sales channels he is connected to. This reduces selling time and keeps his funnel full.
The fabricator/installer leverages the relationships built and invested into by the manufacturer to build his business. He will have a closer communication channel opened and can get quicker replies from the manufacturer. distributor. and retailer/dealer.
reports compare actual to perpetual.
Formula-based estimating is quick, easy and accurate, with competitive job pack pricing and optimized cutting and waste virtually eliminated. Access to correct dimensions makes it easier to estimate wall framing, roof systems, and other products to improve productivity of design personnel and increase order size.
A revolutionary cloud-based support center gives dealers their own "My Support" ticket system, provid-
As with all partners on the portal, the fabricator/installer enjoys the analytics of sales and material purchases, plus the inherent ability to track warranty processing.
Time to Think Out of the Box
The way it's been isn't the way it always has to be. Enabling technology like SaaS solutions based on cloud technology pave the way for a new way of doing things in installed sales. Partner portal solutions are out there. The best news is that they solve real business problems for real business users-fast, economically, and with minimal organizational disruption.
- Randall N. Olejnik, is founder and c.e.o. of Cilio Technologies, Brookfield, Wi., creator of the Cilio Partners Portal deployed in the installed sales and special order sales marketplace. Reach him via www
ing assistance from trained professionals and maintaining a record of help ticket status. A resource library is available 2417 with webinars, selfhelp videos, engineering presentations, product knowledge, marketing tools, and support.
As databases populate, BC CoNr.recr will increasingly provide dealers with up-to-the-minute analytics showing where they're losing time and money-with information accessible even from remote locations.
I $ r k :i I
\ I -1 I O E HU
O<tober 2012 r lhe tvledunt trlagazine t 9
PORTAL provides access to the second-generation BC Fmuen ll, which permits users to optimize design files against all inventory on hand.
The rapid evolution and acceptance of manmade exterior trim
tTtue DECREASINc use, of wood exteI rior trim and increase in manmade alternatives has resulted in many new products being brought to market in the last several years.
While many of these products have proven to be positive for the environment, their performance levels continue to evolve. Early wood-replacement products generated a lot of hype due to their use of recycled materials, but the price point for these products was typically higher than the mainstream and the performance and aesthetics didn't always compare to the tried and true materials. These frustrations quickly hindered the acceptance of these prod-
ucts and often limited the audience to the "green" builder. Typically someone who was willing to pay more for a recycled product to accommodate their different set of building practices inevitably had to accept a different set of performance expectations.
This narrow audience for these products forced manufacturers to innovate their approach by creating offerings that not only fit into a sustainable classification, but that truly addressed the needs of the mainstream customer base of builders, remodelers and installers.
Consider the early days of composite decking. This innovative material
touted extremely high levels of recycled content and lower maintenance, but its price point, installation practices, and overall aesthetics significantly reduced its immediate acceptance. Over time, manufacturers developed products that better addressed the needs and desires of a broader audience. These products have improved greatly, the value moving away from a focus on recycled materials and rot resistance to a more robust offering that includes stylish aesthetics, long-term performance, and other guards against the effects of Mother Nature.
Like composite decking, the exterior trim market has also undergone a major evolution over recent years. With many products comprising the category and multiple representative materials offered, builders and remodelers face a plethora of options. However, the choices they are making when choosing trim have changed dramatically in the recent past.
Historically, wood trim has been the preferred option, but the performance of wood can be a problem. With cupping and twisting, paint failure, bleeding of knots and stains, and rotting all prevalent issues that plague wood trim, the ongoing cost and maintenance requirements are high. These factors, coupled with the advent of new trim products made from other materials, have shifted the use of wood trim from 98Vo of the market in 1992 to 60Vo in 2007, with a forecast of less than 5OVo over the next few years.
The new trim products that have come onto the scene and contributed to the marked shift away from wood
Zimmerman, BoralTruExterior Trim
10 I lheMedantlrhsazine I Odober2012 &rilding.hodudsom
MANMADE products, such as Boral TruExterior Trim, reportedly last longer with lower maintenance than natural materials, while offering greater consistency with virtually no moisture cycling or absorption. lt can easily be installed with traditional wood working tools and methods, can be painted any color, and does nol require end-sealing, back priming, or special adhesives to limit movement.
are varied and have evolved over time. Early products aimed to solve the issue of rot commonly faced with wood, but these products lacked aesthetic appeal and had many installation issues. The evolution of trim products continues and vast performance improvements have been made, yet some manmade products suffer from installation issues that ironically lead back to rot and other problems.
Engineered and hardboard trim products perform better than wood, yet still wick moisture. Aluminium coil wrap trim provides comparatively limited aesthetics. Fiber cement trim requires guards against moisture contact and poses some handling issues due to weight, shorter lengths, and workability.
More recently, the focus has been PVC trim, which outperforms many other products in workability and performance, yet comes at the highest cost of any of the options and is not typically considered green. While the U.S. Green Building Council has softened its once-harsh stance against PVC, the sustainable building authority does not consider it a green product given its long lifespan.
New altematives exist. One oroduct
pushing the exterior trim marketplace forward in both sustainability and performance is a new category of exterior trim products referred to as "polyash." It is produced from a proprietary blend of polymers and fly-ash (a byproduct of the coal burning process used to generate electricity) and, as such, offers a great sustainability story. Boral TruExterior Trim has been certified by Scientific Certification Systems to contain a minimum of 707o recycled content-one of the highest amounts in any trim-and is also the only trim product to receive a Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Silver designation by MBDC.
With manmade products like this coming to market, builders and remodelers now have access to new trim options that are sustainable, easyto-install, high-performance products. Considering the new innovations, it is likely that demand for wood trim will continue to decline, while manufacturers continue to innovate and improve the performance levels of alternatives.
- Tom Zimmerman is director of sales and marketing for Boral TruExterior Trim. Reach him at (678) 639-7004 or via ra I r uexte r i
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vn nir,Bc.ewp,com e ,l 2 aone crecide w6J P.od!ds. L L c BorSE cAsGD€,6e -otE \ a Cio(LE sroot BC rMMto ind G.ejl p,odJll d.€ or,r Ue b4. ,,-9 dreftademagorBoseCa<ad€ l!C c. iiaf ira
Sell hardwood flooringts diverse color palette
If fsex cusroMERS come V V flooring, they usually that will complement their
to you looking for hardwood have specific colors in mind home d6cor. Your iob is to
make certain that you direct them to the wood flooring products that will best meet their needs.
Today, wood floors come in a variety of colors, styles and price ranges. Helping customers choose the right floor is simply a matter of deciding which look they like best, and making sure it fits their d6cor, lifestyle, and budget.
Light-colored wood floors like ash and maple make a room appear more open and airy. These woods typically lend themselves to a more clean and modern look.
Medium-colored wood floors like hickory and oak make a room appear more warm and cozy. These woods typically lend themselves to a more comfortable and casual look.
Dark-colored wood floors like mahogany and walnut make a room appear more stately and refined. These woods typically lend themselves to a more traditional and formal look.
New to the wood flooring scene, however, are exotic wood species, which can run the gamut of colors:
Bubinga, which originates in Africa, can appear pink, red or reddish brown with purple streaks or veins.
Australian cypress ranges from cream-colored sapwood to honey-gold heartwood, with dark brown knot holes throughout. It looks similar to knotty pine, but is much harder.
. Santos mahogany, which originates in South America, is a dark reddish brown.
. Purpleheart, which originates in Mexico, has a brown heartwood that will age to a deep puryle or purplish brown. Burmese teak, which originates in Asia, varies from a yellowish brown to a dark golden brown.
For a totally unique look, wenge, which originates in Africa, will age to a very deep brown, almost black, color.
Needless to say, there literally are hundreds of wood species available today that can accommodate any decorating style, but with so many choices available, how can you encourage your customers to think outside the box and consider all the options available to them, especially if their minds are made up when they first walk through your showroom door? One of the easiest ways is to have them "try it before they buy it" virtually.
The National Wood Flooring Association offers a virtual "Design Your Room" feature on its consumer website at Using this interactive feature, your
Hardwood Flooring Sy Michael Martin, National Wood Flooring Association
12 r The tr4erdunt ltrhgazine r Odober20l2 Buildiry-hodudscom
DIFFERENT TYPES and tones of hardwood species create dramatically different looks, such as this solid Brazilian cheny parquet floor with accent blocks of wenge, maple and red oak, creating a custom basket weave pattern. (lmages by National Wood Flooring Assocnflon)
customers can try a variety of wood flooring species in several room settings, including a living room, dining room, bedroom, child's room, bathroom, and hallway. They can choose the species, finish, width, grade and construction of the flooring with just one click. They can even change the wall color to more-closely match their own home d6cor, and can position the flooring vertically or horizontally or even diagonally to get a better feel for how that can affect the mood and look of a room.
Once your customer has decided on a species, you will need to make sure that the species will perform adequately based on their lifestyle. For example, a home with three young children and a large dog will have different wood flooring needs than a home with an older, retired couple with no pets. The young family will need to select a species that will stand up to the rigorous foot traffic it will likely get during its lifetime in the home, and it is your job to steer them in the right direction. For instance, if they love the look of domestic black cherry wood flooring, which is ranked at 950 on the Janka hardness scale (see chart on previ<tus page), they might want to know that Brazilian cherry is ranked much higher at 2,820-nearly three times the hardness of the domestic species.
As you can see, there is a lot more to choosing a wood floor than color alone. Educating yourself to help your customers make good wood flooring choices will result in happy customers, and repeat business.
Building-Productscom O<tober2Ol2 I lhe lvlednnt lhgazne I 13 ;r*B*:@*s
- Michael Martin is c.e.o. of the National Wood Flooring Association, a not-for-proJit tade association serving more than 3,100 wood .flooring professionals worLdwide. Reach him at mic hae lm@ nwfa.or g or ( 800 ) 422-4 5 56.
Bv Carla Waldemar
Doubling up
f, ne rHese cuys nutty as a fruit.CLcake.. . or crczy like a fox? Just as a mounting number of lumberyards are going out of business, Dale Hardware is adding one. What gives?
It's what happens if you listen to your customers when they tell you what they want. "It's one of the things we had in the back of our minds," says Garth Smith, president of Dale Hardware in Fremont, a small East Bay community in California. "They'd come in and say, 'It would be nice if we could pick up (plywood, 2x4s, fill in the blank) while we're here"-onestop shopping, and Garth is not a guy to say no to business-"but we never had the means, or the space, to do it."
He's talking about the enterprise launched in 1953 by his father, a salesman of hard goods who thought he could transfer his know-how and be his own boss-after all, he knew wholesale, he knew distributors, he knew store operations, so could store ownership be that hard? He launched a
5,000-sq. ft. operation with a staff numbering fewer than the fingers on one hand and did just fine. So well, in fact, that the facility was enlarged eight times over the ensuing years, as the business moved locations three times (but always in the same block) when the necessity for expansion beckoned.
The latest and greatest expansion, under Garth's watch. doubles-doubles!-the size of the operation to nearly 100,000 sq. ft., adding new room to grow its garden center, retail operation, and add a covered, drivethrough lumberyard. And the neatest part of the venture is that it was accomplished using $8 million from a federal stimulation bond program.
Still, why now?
"Sales had been stagnant. And for years we'd been bulging at the seams. We felt there were various commodities we could do a good job on, but we had no space. So we thought, 'Hey! Not a bad time to make a move!' We
based it on three things: (1) money was cheap; (2), we had the pick of the litter when it comes to hiring contractors; and (3) when the economy turned around, we'd be ready."
And, talk about timing: "Coincidentally, we had the traditional financing in place, but then the Feds actually came to us. Shortly before we got started, we were contacted by city and county people, alerting us that a grant award was available 'for exactly what you're doing."' The government bond initiative was aimed to create jobs and grow businesses, and that's exactly how it's panning out.
"We were mandated to increase employees, and we've added l8 so far and are still at it," Garth happily reports-"mostly people with retail experience, but not necessarily in our industry. For instance, our new garden center now stocks live plants-new for us-so we hired two people with that special expertise, and for the lumberyard, a new manager, who's in the process of hiring and training his staff and selecting the inventory." The new lumberyard will service additions and renovations -"that's what's selling, not huge apartment buildings."
At Dale, with its staff of I15, Garrh explains, "employees may specialize in a particular department, but are encouraged to learn as much about every product as possible. The key to all retail," he believes, "is hiring people who really like to be around people-who are comfortable talking to somebody, not uncomfortable if they don't know all the answers-instead, 'Let's go find out.' People who like people make a shopper's experience
14 t lheMedrantMagazine I Odober20l2 Building'Roduclscom
EXPANSION has doubled the size of Fremont. Ca.. dealer Dale Hardware.
pleasant," he's convinced.
And just who shops here? Commercial/industrial, contractors, walk-in warriors: all of the above, he says, and all are served by the same philosophy, "the one we hang our hat on, that we always pride ourselves on service. On our expertise, like hardware stores have done since their inception in the 1800s, and we've always stayed the course. We offer expertise in the ancillary parts and pieces of a major purchase. We pick up the pieces, whether we sell you a 49cent widget or a $490 package. Sure, we've had competitors like Home Depot, Lowe's and Orchard Supply near us since the '80s, but they haven't hurt our business."
Still, the product lines are targeted more for the pros than walk-ins, he does admit, but he finds the operation picks up retail business this way, too. As he sees it, "What we stock for the pros lends itself to impress the d-i-yer. He sees this and thinks, 'This guy really knows his business!' whether he needs that particular item or not."
The commercial/industrial thrust of the operation-fully 5O% of Dale's revenue-merits its own division, called DCIS-Dale Commercial & Industrial Services-spawned 20 years ago, with its separate outside sales staff dedicated to calling on municipality functions, such as the school board and water board. It's like a turnkey operation, monitored by Dale, which stocks those clients' maintenance inventory at jobsites or facilities "so they don't have to send maintenance crews out for their standard needs, but can turn to their in-house stash," Garth explains. "They can phone in an order and we'll have it pulled and ready for pick-up or shipped. It saves them money, but-more important-it saves them time. If your $2O-an-hour maintenance guy is idle for a couple of hours, that's costly. Plus, this way they can have a little more control over him. It's been a very good business for us. The past three or four years have been a little soft when budgets really tightened, but you can always try to sell more-pick up adjacent pieces of the pie."
Meanwhile, the company finds the best way to attract new contractors to its list is by word of mouth. "It's a very difficult market to advertise to, but once we become aware of them, we treat them well: in-house charge accounts, visits to jobsites or shops." Custom builders are pretty much extinct in Fremont because precious little land remains unbuilt. And in this economy, Garth finds, "those that called themselves builders back in 2005 are now remodelers.
because big projects aren't feeding the family; and remodelers are now at the fix-it end of the business. Those who had a very narrow niche have had to expand and open the door to other pieces."
Same goes for Dale. With the recent major expansion, the outfit has added live plants to the offerings its Garden Center carries, such as fertilizer, sprinklers, and tools. The retail floor expansion has allowed it to add 25000 SKUs since June 2011, increasing both breadth and depth of lines-"a much larger fastener selection; paints by Benjamin Moore in addition to Ace; and showers, bathtubs, vanities and toilets."
Dale already had a vibrant kitchen and bath showroom, called Water Concepts, operating in a separate building on the same parking lot since the '80s, offering "nicely displayed, upscale products-more decorative, the higher end." Now, with the main store's expansion, it's added the "good" to Water Concept's "better, best," to capture everyman's remodeling project.
Speaking of projects, check out the company's spiffy, active website (, monitored by its marketing department. "I don't believe in e-commerce for us, so why a website?" Garth beats me to the question. "Why should people visit it if they can't buy there? So we talked about what would entice them, kicked it around" and came up with-well, see for yourself: how-to info, top projects to undertake, new and/or top-selling products, personal chats with department gurus. Let's just call it a "top of mind" endeavor.
And when folks are ready to plunk down the plastic, they'll find Dale conveniently open Saturdavs and Sundavs. too-"vou can't be in business in California without that," Garth allows. While sales had been "pretty flat" for a while, since the newly remodeled store opened in October 2011, "business has been up very, very substantially," he reports. "We're attracting more people, and a broader customer base. We're very happy."
Carla Waldemar cwaldemar@
SPACIOUS INTERIOR, including an attached nursery, provides customers with everything they're looking for.
Odober2Ol2 r Thelylerdtantlhgazine r 15
lacey Act Compliance Strategies
Tips on importing exotic hardwoods
fl IesoN Cutr,qn's recent settlement \fwith the Depanment oi Justicewhich included tirousand of dollars in fines-highlights the need for companies to use "due care" when purchasing and importing exotic hardwoods.
"The agreement should be a wakeup call for companies thinking about importing illegally logged wood, that the government is going to take violations of the Lacey Act very seriously," says Jameson French, c.e.o., Northland Forest Products, Troy, Va. He's also a board member of the Hardwood Federation, which worked to get tough new amendments to the Lacey Act passed in May 2008.
"Fair enforcement of the Lacey Act-the world's first ban on the importation of illegally sourced
wood-is important to ensure that the wood comes into the U.S. from legal sources," says Adam Grant, senior associate at the World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. "We are hopeful that this case will provide incentive to other wood product providers-and their suppliers -to engage in legal purchasing of wood and help protect endangered forests."
Federal agents raided Gibson's manufacturing plant in Nashville, Tn., in November 2009, amid allegations that the company purchased and imported illegally harvested wood from India and Madagascar. After three years of investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice, Gibson agreed to:
. pay a $300,000 penalty;
. make a $50,000 community service payment to the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, to be used "to promote the conservation, identification, and propagation of protected tree species;"
relinquish its civil claims to wood seized by the government during the investigation, including Madagascar ebony valued at $261,844, and
. implement a detailed program to strengthen compliance controls and procedures.
In addition, Gibson accepted responsibility for importing illegal wood, not exercising due care in checking the source of the wood, and not acting on prior knowledge that legal ebony was difficult or impossible to source from Madagascar. In return, the government will not pursue criminal charges against the company or its employees, provided that Gibson carries out its compliance obligations and commits no future violations.
Under the Lacey Act. companies must exercise due care and understand the origin of its forest products, because a violation can occur at almost any point in the supply chain. Gibson's compliance program offers pointers for companies looking to avoid similar problems. Highlights include:
. annual training for all purchasing staff, disciplinary action for staff who fail to follow policies on legal wood procurement,
. requesting sample documentation from suppliers to ensure it satisfies Lacey Act requirements,
A new technology allows DNA testing of wood to ensure products are not illegally harvested and imported.
"This is like CSI meets save the planet," says Jonathan Geach, executive director of Singapore-based Double Helix Tracking Technologies, which started in 2008-the same year the Lacey Act was amended.
The technology promises to end common problems in the marketplace: mislabeling, lying about origin, or substituting one type of wood for another. Right now, experts say, the weakest link is between the forest and the sawmill, where stolen or illegally logged wood can be mixed with legalwood.
'The DNA is in every cell in a wood product and you can't falsify that DNA," says the company's chief scientific ofiL cer, Andrew Lowe, who developed the tracking technology in his lab at the
University of Adelaide, Australia.
By early 2011, Mr. Lowe was able to extrad degraded DNA from decadesold wood and get acdrate results. That led to an increase in business, which should increase even more when tougher new laws take affect next year in Europe. Within two yea$, DoubleHelix hopes to license the DNA-extraction technique to accredited laboratories globally, to help stamp out illegal wood, The company's ultimate goal is to make DNA testing so cheap that allcompanies will use it.
DNA testing is already aiding prosecutions, says Shelley Gardner, illegal logging program coordinator for the U.S. Forest Service. 'Any time we've gone to court, they've plea-bargained because the DNA was already such a detenent, and these are just small cases,' she says. "When you start talking about real trade, I think it could have a big impact."
. adherence to a detailed procurement checklist and maintenance of related records, and verification of foreign laws and licenses with in-country legal professionals or knowledgeable third parties.
16 r The ttlerdnnt ttlagazine I 0dober2012
/UIAZE NAILS l00o/o tf,D[ It Tf,[ u/vr/vy. mozeno i I s. co m l|ur reputation is on the line With EUERYIHING WG make! * GUTTERS AND TRIM * PVC MOLDINGS AND TRIM * DECKING * LOG HOMES AND TIMBER FRAMES Maze Nails is America's Largest Manufacturer of Specialty Nails Ultimate corrosion resistant nails in double hot-dipped galvanized and stainless steel for the following applications: * FIBER CEMENT SIDINGS AND TRIM * ROOFING * CEDAR AND REDWOOD SIDINGS * PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER * FENCING * POST FRAME BUILDING Use the RIGHT nails to get the BEST performance! 1.800.435.5949 Division of W.H. Maze Company Helping to build America since 1848 Get to FAST! Scan this barcode using an application on your mobile device. /l'.AZE IIIAILS
4 ilAwlA presidenfs welcome
6 Home, sweel hone Chicogo
7 Schedule of evenlg
8 Kohle: lfs oll obout the risk
l2 froders lhorket exhibitor list
I I Traders lhorket show floor
32 Key to ollrocing quolified employees
36 ileet the exhibitors
TRADERS PREVIEW is published annually at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660, (949) 852-1990, Fax 949-852-0231,, by Cutler Publishing Inc. (a California Corporation), publisher ot Building Products Digest and The Merchant Magazine. Copyright@2012 by Cutler Publishing Inc. Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. To advertise in next year's Traders' Preview, call Alan Oakes or Chuck Casey at (949) 852-1990. This supplement is published in conjunction with the NAWLA Traders Market.
To Altend the llAtTlA Troders lllqrket
The NAWLA Traders Market has strictly enforced policies relative to exhibitor eligibility and general delegate qualifications. These policies are stipulated on the meeting registration form available at
Anyone with questions about the attendance policy or any other aspect of the event should contact NAWLA, (800) 527-8258, (847) 870-7470, Fax 847-870-0201, or
cutBE FoR THE Nnwn Tnnoens MnnKETt
Bulldlnghroduclscom Odobcrml2 o Tnder'hevlw o J
foin the nelwork
,INCE ITS START in 1996, NAWLA Traders Market has become a signature event within the lumber industry and the premier industry tradeshow. No other show can come close to providing the value of Traders Market. The networking and business opportunities are unmatched.
Other shows consist primarily of service and machinery providers, but not Traders Market. If you are looking to sell a lumber product, looking for new suppliers, or wanting to expand to new networks, this is the place to be. It represents the crucial link in the supply chain. The show is about lumber and lumber products.
The tradeshow floor is the center of the Traders Market, with over 240 booths devoted to the manufacturing and distributing of lumber and related building materials. Most show activities take place on the floor, including the New Products Showcase and Networking Central. The floor has events scheduled on it to increase traffic and improve exhibitors' access to customers. Each exhibitor has a company description in the Market Guide and is named in the exhibitors list available online.
At the 2012 Traders Market, you will see some familiar features and a few new ones. The schedule once again allows attendees to retum home for the weekend or stay and enjoy some downtime after the show. The New Product Showcase returns after a second successful year. The Magellan Network program breakfast will feature an expert presentation on the industry in China. Part of the success of Traders Market is that people know what to plan around.
There are some changes, though. The most evident one is the addition of the GenNext Education Session & Luncheon on Wednesday. We started the special focus on the industry's next generation of leaders during the 201I Traders Market and continued it at the 2012Leadership Conference. At this luncheon, attendees will get a chance to network with their peers and hear an excellent presenter speak about being your best when it matters most. Not a member of GenNext? Don't worry. Everyone is welcome. Make sure you sign up to meet the future of this great industry.
We are certain the2012 Traders Market will live up to the show's excellent reputation as a business focused event. But we don't want you to wait another year to attend a NAWLA event. NAWLA has a new Leadership Conference in the spring. Earlier this year, some of the top executives and managers in the lumber industry had the chance to hear speakers like Billy Beane and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore talk about what it takes to be a successful leader. During the day, the schedule was packed with educational panels on some of the most pressing issues of the day. Don't miss the 2013 Leadership Conference at the Innisbrook Resort in Palm Harbor, Fl. Members and non-members are welcome at the Leadership Conference.
We hope to see you in Chicago
Gary Vitale NAWLA PresidentlC.E.O.
4 o Traders' hevls r 06ber 2012
tr *_ff Investing in Our
From Tree to Finished Product ffi
Home sweet home llAWlA slreomlines progrom to mqrk return to Chicqgo
IoLLowrNG LAST YEAR's successful ]show in Las Vegas. NAWLA I Traders Market is returning to its home base of Chicago, simultaneously paring back on the number of business and educational sessions to focus more clearly on the event's primary objective: networking.
The agenda does, however, feature several don't-miss events:
. Grand Opening Luncheon with Keynote Presenter: Chicago comedian Greg Schwem
Thurs. Nov.8, ll:30 a.m.-I:15 p.m.
New Product Showcase
Open during show floor hours:
Thurs. Nov.8, 1:30-5 p.m., and Fri. Nov.9, l0 a.m.-3 p.m.
Western Red Cedar Lumber Association Panel Discussion:
"Positioning Western Red Cedar for Increased Usage in the U.S. Markettt
Fri. Nov.9. 7-9 a.m.
Following opening remarks by WRCLA chairman Jeff Derby, Softwood Lumber Board chief marketing officer Cees de Jager will outline a new approach to marketing appearance grade softwoods.
Other presentations include a WRCLA Architect Wood Awards program, a case study on promoting
western cedar in North America, McGraw Hill's Bill Madden on architect outreach initiatives, and Hill+Knowlton Stratesies' Brian Coddington.
. Magellan Network Breakfast & Program with Russ Taylor
Fri. Nov. 9. 8 :30- 1 0 a.m.
The Magellan Network Program is a signature event of the Traders Market. Geared to members interested in global trade, the event includes expert speakers and networking possibilities. It focuses on both import and export issues, softwood and hardwood products.
This year welcomes back past presenter Russ Taylor, president of International Wood Markets Group, Vancouver, B.C., this time addressing the latest developments in the China market and what the outlook holds for North American lumber and log exporters.
Attendance requires separate registration and fee ($99 per person for NAWLA members, $125 for nonmembers). Breakfast is included.
GenNext Luncheon & Program: "Emotional Intelligence & Being Your Best When It Matters Most"
Wed. Nov.7.l-3 p.m.
Motivational speaker Bill Benjamin leads a highly interactive session on improving individuals' performance and leadership to benefit their companies, co-workers, and
6 r Tndcrs'Prevlw . Ocbbs20l2
Sehedule of Events
Wednesdayr llovember 7
8-9 a.m. Executive meeting
8-9:30 a.m. Committee meetings
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Board of directors meeting (invitation only)
'12-7 p.n. Registration open
1-3 p.m. GenNext lunch & program: "Emotional Intelligence & Being Your Best When lt Matters Mosl" (separate admission)
1-5 p.m. 10 Group activities
1-5 p.m. Exhibitor set-up
1:15-3:30 p.m. Board meeting continued (nvitation only)
3-4 p.m. Communications committee meeting
5-6 p.m. Committee reception & 10year awards @vitation only)
5:30-7 p.m. Networking cocktail receotion
Thursdoy, llovember 8
6:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Registration open
7 a.m.-11 p.m. Exhibitor set-up
11:30 a.m.-l :15 p.m. Grand opening luncheon, featuring chairman's welcome, president's address, and keynote presentation
1:30-5 p.m. Traders Market open, including Networking Central & New Product Showcase
5:30-7 p.m. Networking cocktail reception
Iridoyr llovember 9
7-9 a.m. Western Red Cedar Lumber Association session
7:30-11:30 a.m. Registration open
8:30-10 a.m. Magellan Club breakfast & program (separate admission)
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Traders Market open
11:30-1 p.m. Lunch on show floor
3-7 p.m. Exhibitor dismantle
careers, even in the midst of high pressure and dilficult situations. Parlicipants will gain a rene wed sense of energy and confidence. a greater sense of "what's possible," and the real tools to get them there.
Altendance requires sepurule registration and fee ($99 per person for NAWLA members, $125 for nonmcmbers). Lunch is included.
Bul October 2012 . Traders'Prevlew o J
lf's qll qbouf rhe rish
By Dave Kahle
OMETIMES IT IS so frustrating. You know you have a better product than the one your prospect is currently using. Your price is attractive, your service is outstanding. If the prospect would switch to your solution, you know they'd be delighted. You'd save them money, smooth out their processes, reduce their inventory, and generally make their life simpler.
So, why won't they switch? Are people really that stupid? Or, is it you? Did you do something to put them off?
While there are some circumstances where the answers would be yes to the questions above, the most likely answer is something totally different. The reason they won't switch is likely not their IQ, nor your deodorant. It is the risk!
Risk is several things. First, it is often the number one issue in the mind of the customer, particularly when the account has no history with your company. That makes it the number one issue to address in the sales process.
Risk is what the customer perceives it to be. In other words, it's not anything quantifiable, like the price or delivery of your offer. It's not objective or tangible. Instead, it is much more insidious, lurking underneath almost every conversation between you and your prospect. Because risk rises out of fear, risk is often not mentioned. To acknowledge risk is to admit fear. To admit fear is, in many people's minds, to expose weaknesses. No one wants to look weak.
Risk is the answer to these two questions:
I r "What happens to the company if they make the wrong decision?"
l. "What happens to the individual who is making the decision, if he/she makes the wrong decision?"
Risk is the combination of the financial, social, emotional and time costs that the company and the individual decision-maker will bear as a result of making a mistake.
Here's how I help people in my seminars understand risk. Two examples. Let's say that on the way home tonight, your spouse calls you on the cell phone and explains that some friends are coming over for the evening. You need to stop at the grocery store on the way home and pick up some disposable cups so that you'll have something in which to serve the drinks.
You stop at the grocery store, rush in, and see brand A
and brand B. You select brand B , scoot through the express lane, and arrive home just a few moments before your guests are scheduled to arrive. Your spouse has a pitcher of margaritas mixed up, and you pour yourself one in the disposable cup you just bought. As you raise it to your lips to take a sip, you discover a leak in the bottom. You quickly grab another cup, pour the contents of the defective cup into that one, and raise it to your mouth. Oops! A leak in that one, too. One after the other, you discover that every one of the cups you bought is defective.
Now, imagine yourself in this situation. What price are you paying for your mistake?
I don't know about you, but in my house, I'd be the recipient of some negative emotion from my spouse. There would be a social and emotional price to pay. I'd also have to invest additional time, running back to the store to fix the problem with another bag of disposable cups. And, I'd have to pay for them, so there would be some financial costs.
All of this over a simple little purchase, in which you made a mistake. Even so, when you compare the risk of this decision with all possible decisions you could make in your life, this one has relatively little risk.
Here's a simple exercise to help you understand this concept. Draw a short vertical line. At the top of the line write the number 25. At the bottom, write the number zero. Now on a scale of 0 to 25, where would you put the risk of buying a package of disposable cups? It's close to zero.
(Please turn to page l0)
t o Traders' hevlw r 0ctober 2012
PNOBNGnoIJP .,.11:;:"'
$ftngilt in PARTI{ERSHIPS
Shngth in DIUERSffV
\ Network of Western Red Cedar Stewards, Manufacturers & Suppl iers
FR0M standing TIMBER to finished G00DS
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rnd DISTRIBUTI0N of Coastal WRC products
:encing, Timbers, Turned Poles, Dimensional, Decking, 3iding, Millworks, Logs and Everything in Between
tlisit us at IIAWLA booth #428
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All About the Risk
Now, let's compare that with a risk on the other end of the equation. For a number ol'years. I hrd un inlernational adoption agency as a client. Consider a young lady in a crisis pregnancy. What is the risk involved as she contemplates releasing her unborn child to adoption? Certainly a lifetime of consequences for at least four people. On our 0 to 25 scale, most people would rate it as a 25. This risk is at the opposite end of the spectrum.
The point here is that different decisions carry with them different degrees of risk. Now, put yourself in the shoes of the individual who is making the decision to buy your products. What happens to that person if he or she makes a mistakc'?
Now I know you are thinking that you and your company will make it right, so that there really is no risk. But that's your perspective, not your prospect's. He doesn't know that you'll make things right. Even if you say it. he still doesn't necessarily believe it.
So, put yourself in his shoes, and see the situation through his eyes. On the 0 to 25 scale. how much risk does he accept when he says "yes" to you?
Here's an easy way of calculating it. Just ask yourself what happens to that individual if you. or your company, mess up.
Hopefully, you now have a ditfbrent perspective on that prospective cuslomer for whom your pricing is attractive and your product is better. Your net impact on the customer would be positive, but he won't buy. It's not about the price, it's not about the quality, and it's not about the service. It's all about the risk!
If the risk to that person is high, the way to make the sale is to reduce that risk.
Here are three strategies for reducing the risk.
Develop a closer personal relationship.
The greater the relationship, the less the risk. The lesser the relationship, the greater the risk. That's why they would prefer to buy a less effective product at a higher price from the salesperson who has been calling on
them for years.
Focus not on reducing the price, but rather on increasing the relationship.
I. i\Iake the deal tangible.
The more vague and intangible the purchase, the more risky. Take all the imagination out of the buy. Bring
When it comes to quality southern pine plywood, Coastal Plywood has been a leading provider throughout the eastern US since 1981. Wholesale distributors rely on Coastal Plywood for a wide variety of products milled to exacting standards and consistency. Depend on Coastal Plywood for superior custotrer service and reliable delivery.
Appearance, consistency, and performance. You'll get all three from Coastal Plywood. And we have decades of history to prove it.
them into your facility so they can see that you really do have an ofTice/production facility. Take them to a location where the machine is bcing used by someone else. Hand them certificates of warranty instead of just telling them. Show them pictures of the product being used.
Look at every aspect of your offer, and think about how you can make this piece more tangible and objectrve.
J. Use proof.
What is "proof?" Someone else, other than you, saying something about your product, company or service. Proof is letters of recommendation from other customers, photographs of other customers using your product or service, testimonials, case studies, lists of clients, thirdparty studies, copies of articles from trade journals, etc. Anything you can find that in any way adds substance by someone else. even if it is remote and only distantly connected to your offer, will go a long way to reducing the risk.
The concept of risk and its role in the buyer's mind is one of the most powerful concepts in the world of B2B sales. Taking it into account and planning to reduce the risk of every decision will be one of your most powerful sales strategies.
Duve Kahle, "The Gntwth Couch," is a sales consuLtant, trainer arul author oJ' a .free monthl,v eaine-"Thinking About Sales" as well a.\ seven books, in<ludinta his latest, How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime. Reach him at (B00)
( C ontinued .t'ntnr puge 8 )
3 3 1 - 1 2 87 : w'v'v tluveku hl
Made from the bounty of the world's best managed forests herc in the southeastern USA, we bring you...
PLYlft/OOD, a tied and true product frat actually does "grow on trees".
Coastal Pl!,wood Company PO. Box 1 128, Havan4 FL 32333 (8(X)) 3596'132 f 0 r Trader' hevlew o 0clober 2012
lsn't thal what customers are really looking for a g0rgeous deck that can endure the punishment of time? Endeck capped cellular PVC decking is slip-resistant, impervious to stains and scratches, plus it stands up to the daily torture lrom pets, kids, and neighbors who drag heavy deck furniture from one end to the other
Endeck is covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty and comes in six colors-three monochromatic and three variegated-wrth fascia to match or contrast You ll need railing or course-and Enrair€' is the perrect compremenrr0 Endec:d*&
b i
See us at The Remodelinq Show ' October 10-12 ' Booth #2506
Blaine, Wa.
2012 llAWlA frqders Morket Exhibitor list
(As of9-10-2012)
Offers customs brokerage, freight forwarding, and warehousing.
Advanced Building Products 306
Springvale, Me.
Designs and manufactures residential and commercial masonry fl ashings.
Ainsworth Group ofCos. 700
Vancouver, B.C.
Commodity and specialty OSB products include Durastrand flooring, Thermastrand radiant barrier roof sheathing, Durastrand rimboard, and SteadiTred stair tread panels.
Anglo American CedarProducts 532
Mission, B.C.
Supplier of WRC shakes and shingles.
Ante-Holz GmbH
Hessen, Germany
European softwood sawmills.
Anthony Forest Products Co. 619 Box 1877, El Dorado, Ar.71731; (870) 862-3414; Fax 870-863-4296; Booth contact: Cbris Webb.
Operates a SP mill in Urbana, Ar.; wood chip mills in Plain Dealing, La., and Troup, Tx.; engineered wood laminating plants in El Dorado and Washington, Ga., and I-joist facilitv in Sault Ste. Marie. Canada.
Arrow Reload Systems 636
Kamloops, B.C.
Anow Transportation division with reloads throughout Canada and the U.S.
Asia Ruilding Materials I td. 202
Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Chinese millwork supplier
Af las Tredino f nlernelionel
Beaverton. Or.
Supplier of high quality lumber and panel products worldwide and exclusive sales agent for SYP producer Thomasville Lumber Co., Thomasville, Al.
Moultrie, Ga.
Southern yellow pine lumber producer.
Benjamin Obdyke
400 Babylon Rd., Ste. A, Horsham, Pa. I 9044; (800) 523-5261 ; F ax 21 5 -67 2-3'7 31;;
Residential building products, including HydroGap drainable housewrap, Home Slicker rainscreens, Cedar Breather roof underlayment, and Roll Vent, Rapid Ridge, and Xtractor Vent ridge ventilation products.
Facilities in Princeton, Id., and Clarkston, Wa., produce 414 & 814 lumber and oversee timberland in Idaho and Washinston.
Ricwor f -rrmhcr
St. Clair. Mi.
Operator of sawmills, treating plants, and a composite plant.
Binderholz Deutschland GmbH
Fugen, Austria
European manufacturer of sawn timber, planed goods, glulam, solid wood panels, and MDF boards.
Missoula, Mt.
Largest specialty mill in Montana.
BT,G Cargo Logistics
Bremen, Germany 845 E. Geneva Rd., Carol Stream, Il. 60188; (630) 668-3500; Fax 630-668-0303; Contacts: Mark Erickson. Kathi Orlowski. Jim Carr. Blue Book Services is the industrv's
source for credit and marketing information about companies that buy lumber, including wholesalers, secondary manufacturers, and retail lumberyards. Subscribers have unlimited access to Blue Book's comprehensive online database to find new accounts. Company pay indicators and in-depth business reports identify a company's recent pay history. As demand for lumber increases, Blue Book Services is a dependable and affordable solution to reduce credit risk and find new accounts.
Ft. Worth, Tx.
Railway across 28 states and two provinces.
Boise Cascade Boise, Id.
Manufacturer and distributor of lumber. panels and engineered wood.
BPD-Building Products Digest 22r 4500 Campus Dr., Ste.480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660; Qa9) 852-1990; Fax 949 -852-023 1 ; www.building-products. com. Contacts: Alan Oakes, Chuck Casey. Premier monthly news magazine for lumber and building material dealers and distributors east of the Rockies.
Richmond, B.C.
Focuses on lumber specialties such as fascia, trimboards, FG and FJEG products, and OEM wood components.
Calculated Structural flesigns 4ll
Calgary, Alb.
Software development company providing enterprise solutions for the engineered wood, architect, design and building industries.
Princeton, N.J.
Management consulting firm focused on selecting and developing top performers.
611 12 . Tndqs' Prevlw . Octobq 2012
Specialized logistics solutions.
Visit us at Traders Market Booth 208
Calvert Co.
Vancouver, Wa.
Producer of glulams, arches and trusses.
Cambium Group
Caledon, Ont.
Decorative outdoor wood oroducts.
Vancouver, B.C.
North America's largest SPF lumber producer and one of Canada's largest structural panel producers.
('&D l-umber
ll82 Pruner Rd., P.O. Box 27, Riddle, Or.9'7469; (541) 874-2281; Fax 541-8742385;; www.
After more than 100 years and now in its fourth generation of family ownership, C&D is the largest U.S. manufacturer of Port Orford cedar products. Its mill uses computerized, state-of-the-art technology to produce old-world craftsmanship and highest quality wood products, including Premium Exposed brand timbers and lum-
ber, Appearance Plus Port Orford and incense cedar decking, patterns, siding, and Douglas fir surfaced products.
Carrier Lumber
Prince George, B.C.
Producer of over 200 million bd. ft. per year, specializing in SPF.
Brattleboro, Vt.
New England's largest producer of hardwoods and eastern white pine lumber.
Clplrwnnd Mqnrrficf rrrino
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Douglas fir finished products.
CMl-CraftMaster Manufacturing 529 Chicago, Il.
Interior door manufacturer.
CM Maderera
Coronel, Chile
Clear fingerjoint radiata pine boards from Chile.
CMPC 333
Santiago, Chile
Produces solid wood products, sawn wood, remanufactured products, plywood, lumber, wood chips, and pulp from timberlands in Chile and Areentina.
Pageland, S.C.
SYP sawmill and pressure treater.
Coaslal Plltood ('o. .107
Box I 128, Havana, Fl. 32333; (800) 359-6432; (850) 539-6432; Fax 850-5396799; Email dforbes@coastalplywood. com;
Coastal Plywood Co. is committed to providing the best value in southern pine plywood products. Its manufacturing plants implement the latest quality control improvement programs, so products will excel in appearance and performance. lts sales staff is responsive to customer needs throughout the purchasing process, from inquiry through delivery. Coastal offers an extensive product line that includes Performance Rated Sheathing, AC, BC, BB
)o< )i1 41)
1lttl NETWORKING CENTRAL .rl NEW PRODUCTS SHOWCASE Shon tloor fior 2012 llAWlA froders illorkA !t ltyctt Regenq fticcAo ril [-l rrli It213 f_-l rrz: 1211 | i l*_l rroi lzoo[-'l r |108 TT lzoT I 106 l-T1205 | 10,ri I 1.,,,1 i;; m t; l.; t; tr ? I ,ro' s28i .5-?0i 521, : 522 l l_?E l !1!jil il ll' 1629 i; i,;l l;1 l;l t-t L0r9_l ffit 1615 | tl l,,,lll T- tll b-.,ll Ti L-l iljj il i; il;; [].|- l T-T l br:- i!?l b4i lq4?r l,Il l8r5 ; I 711iili; ;; ;J; ;; G.E br,*l ilm Fil ri; ;ii; T_j.l_l l9zg i Tzsi t; '; L;;I; F.; r; iliil il il l. m|; m|; [-]. fr 529 | | 12Ai t-t f1527 | 1.26,ilt; il.[; t;t l";I-1.I Llrel L!-1ei rTil 1129 628i f_l t"-r lnt ) azolil; ni; ilt; tJ '; I : I | 811 I u', m r t* 14 r Traders' Prcndw o October 2012
_mmf,mi{t ili lll I{ave Yollr Customers Choose Any Color For Their Siding. Let Us Do The Rest. Cabot Factory Finish'" ' Fade-Resistant, Nature Inspired Colors . Saves Time and Eliminates Weather Delays ' Applied in Factory-Controlled Conditions Available with S-year, 15-year or 25-Year Warranty To Learn More, visit orcall 1-8OO-US-STAIN OUR PERFoRMANCE Is LEGENDARY*
O&ES Plyform, Sturd-I-Floor underlayment, classic beaded interior siding, and SolarPly radiant barrier roof sheathing.
Collins Cos.. The Portland, Or.
Family-owned since 1855, with FSC-certified forests in Pennsylvania, California and Oregon, producing hardwoods, softwoods, pine particleboard, engineered wood siding and trim.
Columbia Cedar Kettle Falls. Wa.
Westem red cedar decking, siding, fencing, paneling.
Conifex Timber
Fort St. James, B.C.
Timber harvesting, reforestation, forest management, sawmilling logs into lumber and wood chips. and lumber finishing.
Contechem Inc. 220 St. Johns, or.
Providers of Britewood sapstain-control products, Brite-Seal clear wax end-seal, and Sol-Brite iron stain control.
DMSi 705 17002 Marcy St., Omaha, Ne. 68118; (402) 330-6620;; www.
DMSi's flagship software, Agility, is built with inherent lumber industry functionality, including tallies, tags, reman, integrated viewers, dispatch, drop ships, mill sytem integration, freight/fuel accounting, accurate costing, and inventory control.
Duckback Products 5-l-l
Box 980, Chico, Ca. 95927; (800) 8255382; Fax 530-343-3283; jcooper@; Booth contact: John Cooper.
Serving prefinishers throughout the U.S. and Canada since 2000, Duckback's commercial sales division provides expert advice and individualized programs for prefinishers of all sizes. The Duckback product line includes premium quality acrylic-based coatings such as heavy duty primers and solid color professional finish, plus a variety of Superdeck oil-based wood stains. Sales support includes personal visits to customer's facility, lab assistance, marke! ing materials, and direct contact with Duckback's manufacturing plant. Orders are normally shipped within 24 hours, with delivery from a choice of warehouses shipped to arrive at customer's facility in about three business days.
Diacon Technologies Ltd.
521 Richmond, B.C.
Preservatives, sealants, anti-sapstains, and lumber waxes.
Ilnnlrlow Lrrntrpr Lfd Prince George, B.C SPF producer.
A\ 501 16 r Traders'Prevlw o 0dober2012
With more thon 80 yeors of mochine opplied cootings experience ond reseorch ond development, PPG introduces your replocement to oil-bosed primers, PPG Seol Gnp MC exterior ocrylic primer. ldeol for use over tonnin rich woods, PPG Seol Grip MC offers the following cootings benefits:
/ Wqter bosed, low VOC (<100 g/L)
/ Seols ond blocks tonnin stoining
/ Excellent odhesion
/ Fost drying
,/ Eose of opplicotion using o voriety of opplicotion equipment
'/ Csn be force cured
PPG Architecturol Finishes, Inc. r One PPG Ploce Pittsburgh, PA15272 t 1-877-622-4277 r . l? lh MAcHrNe APPLI€D l.f| roarrNGq PPG Seal Grip MC is oregislered trodemork of PPG Archiiecfurql Finishes. lnc.
Durgin & Crowell I.umber Co. 218
New London. N.H.
KD eastern white pine manufacturer.
Elcol'r Timber Corp. 839
Montreal, P.Q.
Sawmills and reman facility.
F.agle Plywood Specialties 430
Harrisburg, Oh.
APA-certified panels and plywood.
Iico Chenrical
66O0 Ursula Pl. S., Seattle, Wa.98lO8; (800) 677-7930t QO6) 448-7930; mark@ ;
Largest producer of waterborne wood stains for the wood preserving industry.
Flk Creek Forest Products 836
McMinnville, Or.
Distributor of lumber and plywood.
Iinduris lJxtrusion 723
716l Old Kings Rd. No.; Jacksonville, Fl.32219: (888) 329-7428t Fax 87'l-'7183366;;
Enduris has been manufacturing the highest quality code-approved cellular PVC decking, code-approved vinyl railing, lineals for vinyl fencing, vinyl gates, and all associated accessories since 1998.
Whether a classic deck, a modern fence, or hefty railing, Enduris offers a two-layer process that is guaranteed to provide the appearance and quality our customers require. To ensure perfection, the outer
layer optimizes aesthetics, while the internal layer is built for strength and durability. Enduris decking and railing products exceed ACl0 and AC 174 standards, and are CCRR-0144 approved.
Enduris has a serious commitment to customer service. Quality materials and workmanship, significant inventory position, and product innovation are assured. A limited lifetime warranty guarantees product performance.
Fitreron 7lo
New London. N.C.
Producer of Fiberon composite decking, railing and fencing, combining the beauty of real wood with high durability.
Filler King Co.
Manufacturer of laminated random length roof decking, laminated long length roof decking, and Douglas fir and Alaskan yellow cedar laminated wood beams.
Florida East Coast Railway 728
St. Augustine, Fl.
Operating a 351-mile regional freight railroad from Jacksonville to Miami.
70q Rapid City, S.D.
Pine dimension, boards and timbers, with reman, priming and treating plants.
['oresTel/NAWI.A Telel ink 304 Portland, Or.
Voice. data. broadband. Internet services.
F orest2Market
14045 Ballantyne Corporate Pl., Ste. 150, Charlotte, N.C.28277; (704) 5401440; Fax 704-540-63O1 ; www.forest2market. com;
Mill2Market is the southern yellow pine industry's only transaction-based market reporting service. Forest2Market knows that SYP markets are built transaction by transaction by the individuals who buy and sell lumber every day. As a result, it collects every transaction conducted by 10070 of its subscribers, aggregates that data using volume-weighted average prices, and reports it back to subscribers. With the analysis derived from this data. Mill2Market subscribers make better-informed tactical and strategic business decisions. The Market2Mill product line includes:
Weekly market analytics (week-overweek price change, weekly volume change, market price variation, mid-week price trend, and mid-week volume trend) that inform the tactical marketing and pricing decisions subscribers need to make in the week ahead.
. Historical trend information (from 2009-present) that allows subscribers to track prices over time and identify seasonal trends.
A quarterly benchmark tool that provides the data customers need to improve their performance against the market and make longer term strategic decisions.
Forest2Market introduced its Mill2Market southern yellow pine lumber market report in 2009. The first issue was one page long and contained 76 market
lt . Trader' Prevleu . O,fuber 2012
21-year limited warranty
Reversible, smooth/textured surface
Contains eco-friendly recycled materials
Complements any siding and architecture
Fiber cement for lasting performance
Smooth, square edges for finished appearance
Primed on six sides
Termite and weather resistant
No specialized tools needed at jobsite ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified
$l:rt,1F,i:t Environmental 2"
(4t4,,) 4t4 (3t4") st4 (1") f
iiil[EH tripr#ffiyQ t;.
10" , tZ" (g-114"1 n1-114"1 tF-H ilf # f*.^ r : L ffi y s. ,,r I IT n l$- Tr'*. * i).i il rr 3,, 4,; llfth. {in"f'"tt {2-112"1 (3-1t2"1 (4-'il2"1 , (5-,U2"1 Af l Available in 12 ft. Lengths 8" (7-1t4"1 " Other widths available upon request. r':!', l ':' ::': " i :. ', i,. \: ..j l]li l{ m Dependability
metrics. Today, less than three years later, the report includes l7 pages of data and 1,566 market metrics. Specifically, the reports now include:
Dimension lumber-MSR-24O0, #l, #2Prime,#2,#3 and #4
Timbers-#1 and #2
Decking-premium and standard
Forest2Market is the leader in the forest and wood products industries for data-based solutions and raw material benchmarks. An independent provider of market information, Forest2Market has a long track record of delivering value to its customers. Its mill customers believed so strongly in its approach to data collection and market analysis that they asked it to develop Mill2Market and bring the same level of transparency to the lumber market.
Fraser Specialty Products 711
Edmundston, N.B.
Manufactures factory-finished wood products, including Fraser Wood Siding and Nextrim.
Great Southern Wood Preserving 825
Abbeville, Al.
Fifteen full-service treating plants specializing in YellaWood brand southern yellow pine.
GRK Fasteners
Thunder Bay, Ont.
Designer and manufacturer of proprietary nails, screws and other construction fasteners.
Haida l-orcst Products l-td. {21
8818 Greenall Ave., BurnabY, B.C. V5J 3M7; (866) 553-9663; (6o4) 431-3434;Fax 604-437 -7 222: info@;
Established in 1951, Haida Forest Products Ltd. is a specialist in westem red cedar. with over 60 years experience manufacturing and distributing premium cedar sidings, paneling and lumber products for North American, European and Asian markets.
Products offered to North American and global customers include 2"-8" and larger commodity lumber sizes in Douglas fir (green and KD), Hem-fir, and SPF in grades ranging from Econ through MSR.
Available lengths are 6'-40' with long length dimension up to 28'. Furring strips, premium grade lumber. metric sizes. attached battens, plywood/OSB panels, imported board items and other specialty wood products complement the overall product mix.
Surrey, B.C.
Prefabricated fence and lattice panels.
Gilbert Smith T'orest Products 622 Barriere, B.C.
Manufacturer of western red cedar lumber.
Haida specializes in wavy edge bevel siding, straight edge bevel siding, tongue & groove paneling, channel siding, log cabin siding, clear S4S and S1S2E finish, as well as decking, posts and timbers in Architectural Knotty and Clear grades. All of its premium grade products are sold under our Haida brand, including Haida Skirl wavy edge siding.
105 Westbank, B.C.
Gorman Rros. I.umber T td.
Whitewood and appearance spruce and lodgepole pine boards.
Hampton Lunrber Sales 809 9600 Sw Barnes Rd., Ste. 200, Portland. Or.91225: (503) 203-6512; www. Booth contact: Mike
Hancock l.umher Co.
5l Q Casco, Me.
Largest producer of eastern white pine in the U.S. and one of the nation's largest manufacturers of pattem stock.
Hardel Mutual Plywood Corp. 315 Chehalis, Wa.
Full line of sanded panels, 303 plywood sidings, marine grade, and sheathing panels.
Hoover Treated Wood Products 322 Thomson, Ga.
Provider of Pyro-Guard interior fire retardant treated wood. Exterior Fire-X exterior fire retardant treated wood, and wood preserved with CCA, Dura-Guard, Cop-S, Cop-Guard, Copper-Azole, and Micro-Guard. Services include TSO and KDAT.
Hy Mark Wood Mfg.
Blaine, Wa. 819
Westem red cedar boards, siding and specialties.
Itl 0 20 o Traders' Prrevlcu o 06ber 2012
Idaho Forest Group 721, 4447 E. Chilco Rd., Athol, Id.83801; (877) 434-Uss; (208) 762-6630; Fax 2087 62-663 | ;
Idaho Forest Group (IFG) is the largest producer of lumber from the Inland Northwest. Currently, IFG operates four sawmills in northern Idaho with production capacity of I billion bd. ft.-and growing. Species include white fir, hem-fir, Doug fir, larch, SPF, ponderosa pine, white pine, Englemann spruce, lodgepole pine, and western red cedar. Offers a wide range of products and grades in sizes ranging from lx4 thru lx12 boards to 2x3 thru 2xl2 8'20' dimension and2x3-2x6 8'-9' studs. IFG also offers custom services, such as private labeling, end branding, half packs, bar coding, specified tallies, custom sizes, and custom grades.
IFG's ldaho Forest Gold line of specialty products (including inland western red cedar) products are kiln dried inland fiber, ensuring unsurpassed stability, consistency and reliability. As an added feature, IFG products are available FSC certified.
Fort Worth, Tx.
Manufacturing plants producing 70 million bd. ft. of lumber products per month, including ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, white fir, spruce, southern yellow pine and cedar.
Imperial Shake Co.
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Infesritv Comnnsifec Biddeford, Me.
Producer of Duralife composite decking and railing.
Vancouver. B.C.
Sawmills and timberlands throughout Canada, Oregon and Washington, with a manufacturing capacity of l 65 million bd. ft. of lumber annually.
InterWrap lln
Mission, B.C.
Supplier of coated woven wood packaging and lumber wrap.
INTI, T'CStone 624 Chicago, Il.
Advisory services in commodities, capital markets, currencies, and asset management.
Dixfield, Me.
Eastem white pine sawmill.
ISIS Wood Product Solutions 804 Langley, B.C.
Inventory, sales and production software for mills, remans and wholesalers.
.Iensen Inc.. Norman G. 4O4 Blaine, Wa.
Consulting services for import and export.
Thrums, B.C.
Specialty sawmill producing high quality certified wood oroducts.
Klausner Group
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
The group's five plants make it the second largest sawmill company in Europe.
Westfield, Ma.
Cellular PVC trimboard.
Kop-Coat 733 Pittsburgh, Pa.
Preservatives to protect logs, lumber, millwork, composite panels, and EWP from termites, decay, moisture, mold and sapstain.
KP Software Systems 820 W. Vancouver. B.C.
Software solutions for wood production, sales, distribution and shipping.
I.azy S Lumber/Columbia Cedar 500 Beavercreek. Or.
Western red cedar siding, paneling and deckins.
Delta, B.C. WRC. hemlock. DF. SPF manufacturer.
I.ignum Forest Products 626 Vancouver, B.C.
Marketer and distributor of MSR and other lumber products for the residential and industrial structural building components industry.
Liminolon I.rrmher
East Baldwin, Me. Bandsawn eastern white oine boards and Dattern stock.
BUITD A BETTER WALL with Hydrocap Drainable Housewrap and wood siding
PROTECI YOUR SlDll{G from moisture issues by using Hydrocap@ Drainable Housewrap as your water-resistive barrier. HydroGap is a perfect match for absorptive siding like wood or fiber cement. lt provides a 1mm drainage gap that removes 100X more water from a wall versus standard nousewraos.
True drainage performance means less potential for mold and moisture damageand less worries for you!
See HYDR0GAP at the NAWLA TRAOERS MARKET llov. 7-9 in Chicago. Featured in the l{EltV PR0DUCTS SH0WGASE and B00TH #7(X.
Western red cedar shake sawmill. and shingle
EI BEtIlirn OBDilG 800.523.5261 LEARN MORE @ HYDROGAP.COM roof E woll products 22 . Tnders'hedw o Odobcr 2{112 &
I,onza Wood Protection
(formerly Arch Wood Protection) 413
5660 New Northside Dr.. Ste. 1100. Atlanta, Ga. 30328; (678) 627 -2OOO; Fax 6 1 8 -627 -2O95 ; www.wolmanizedwood. com. Booth contact: Kris Owen.
Nearing the first year anniversary of its acquisition, Lonza Wood Protection (formerly Arch Wood Protection, Inc.) manufactures preservatives and other wood protection chemicals that enhance the features of forest products. The company produces a broad range of pressure treatments, and licenses the production of long-established brands such as Wolmanized Outdoor wood and Dricon fire retardant treated wood. It introduced carbon-based preservatives in its Wolmanized EraWood lumber. A focus of the Lonza booth will be the company's line of AntiBlu surface treatments, applied by spray or dipping to protect logs, lumber and posts against mold, sapstain, fungi and molsture.
I P Ruilding Products
Nashville, Tn.
World's largest producer of OSB, plus other building products.
LWO Corp.
3841 N Columbia Blvd, Portland, Or. 97217: (800) 459-8718: (503) 286-5372; dhungerford@; Booth contact: Darrell Hungerford.
Woodway Lattice is the industry standard for quality. Woodway's exacting, rugged standards are the only commercial lattice standards based on the Western Wood Products Association Lath Grading Rules. Woodway is proud to be the best selling premium grade lattice in the U.S.
In addition to lattice, Woodway offers innovative outdoor building solutions, including Modema panel screen, authentic post caps, unique EZ Rail pre-built deck rail, architectural railing, post cladding, wainscoting, solid-wood paneling, and professional grade fence panels and gates. Products feature American craftsmanshio in the finest durable woods-western ied cedar, Douglas fir, redwood, and mahogany.
MadWood l.umher
Birmingham, Al.
Importer of pine and hardwood lumber and cut-stock from Europe, Russia, South America, and North America.
Maibec Industries
Ste.-Foy, P.Q.
SPF dimension, MSR and white cedar shingles, and treated lattice.
Manke l,umher Co.
1717 Marine View Dr., Tacoma, Wa. 98422; (800) 426-8488; (253) 572-6252; F ax 253-383 -2489; www.mankelumber. com.
Manke Lumber is family-owned and has been serving the needs of the lumber industry since 1953. The company takes pride in milling and stocking quality lumber in a full range of commodity sizes and larger dimension timbers, as well as a wide variety of
"When building o quolity home, it's importont for oll the {roming moteriols to motch. ln other words come togelher os specified in fhe design plons. lf the froming is off by ev€n o t/t of on inch, it con cosf me thousonds of do//ors in time ond moferiols.
I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist ond Rigidlom@ LVI to be very consistenl in width ond depth. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joisf, my floors ore more level, stif{er ond truer, moking rny job much eosier.
Thishomeis 6,000 squore feetso I used lJoistond IVL from severol different unifs ond the monufocturing consisfency wos exoctly fhe some. lf you wonl to moximize your profit, I would recornmend using Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products".
Lyle Lee
L. Lee Building Compony
TF 800-245-t I t5
Bnlldlngrhoduclsom 0cbber2012 Trader'Prodw . 23
Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whot he hos to soy oboul Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.
ore registered lrodemorks of Roseburg Foresl Producls, Roseburg, Oregon
Wood Products I Reol Wood Siding I Softwood Plywood I Lumber
RigidLom@, RigidRimo ond Quolity Engineered Wood producrs for todoy,s builder6
treated lumber products. It manufactures primarily Douglas fir and western hemlock.
Located in the Port of Tacoma, Manke has ready access to deep water shipping, rail heads, and trucking terminals for longer haul loads. Manke operates its own fleet of trucks, offering straight or mixed loads by truck. rail or sea.
Manning fliversified Forest Products 818 Hotchkiss, Alb.
SPF sawmill, planer mill, and remanufacturing facility.
trIarJ's River Lumher Co. ;11.4
4515 NE Elliot Circle, Corvallis, Or. 97330r (800) 523-2052: Booth contacts: Don Dye, Raymond Luther, Larry Petree.
Mary's River Lumber Company has grown to be the nation's leader in the manufacture of western red cedar random length specialty lumber products.
Since its inception in 197 4 , Mary's River has emphasized consistent high quality products and service to customers throughout the world. With sawmills, kilns and finishing plants in both Oregon and Washington, Mary's River is your reliable source of second growth, tight-knotted WRC-from fencing to bevel siding, fascia boards to tongue-and-groove paneling. Mary's River Lumber Co.'s goal is to become your business partner by offering quality products, information, and reliable servlce.
Mocnn ll'nrpst Prndrrcf s 424 Hattiesburg, Ms.
Southern yellow pine dimension. flooring. veneer, and plywood.
M^t u 725 St. Martin P.Q.
Manufacturer of fingerjointed eastern white pine trim and siding for interior and exterior applications.
\laze \ails 623
100 Church St., Peru, ll.6l35zl; (1J00) ,135--59491 Fax 815-223-7585.
Manufacturer of 100% Madc in the U.S.A. specialty nails. Stormguard double hot'dipped galvanized nails, and a complete line of stainless steel nails.
McFarland Cascade
Tacoma, Wa.
Producer of pressure treated wood, composite decking, solar LED post caps, and Terratec post caps.
McShan Lumber Co.
McShan. Al.
Producer of quality SYP products since 1907, inciuding high grade, stepping, patterns and export.
Ilerchant llagazine.'I'he 221 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, NewPort Beach. Ca. 92660: (949\ 852-1990: Fax 949 -852-023 I ; www.building-products.
com. Ilooth contacts: Alan Oakes. Chuck Casey.
Since 1922. the West's leading monthly news magazine for lurnber and building material dealers and distributors.
Metsa Wood (formerly Finnforest USA) 537 Roseville, Mi.
Distributes Master Plank LVL throughout North America.
Mid Valley Lumher Specialties 703 Aldergrove, B.C.
Remanufacturcr ol western rcd cedar fascia, decking, timbers, tencing, rails. posts and lattice.
llrrrph] (lo. 412 W. Central. Sutherlin. Or.911'79 (541) 459-45.15: Fax 5zll-459-zl-546:
For over 100 years. Murphy Co. has manufactured wood products for disceming customers that demand quality frorl soltwood and hardwood plywood. western species veneer. and private label Douglas fir laminated veneer lumbet'. All Murphy plants are located in Oregon and Washington, serving customers throughout North America and various export locations worldwide.
National Nail Corp. Grand Rapids. Mi. Nail manulircturer and distributor
NEWI W(XDD GNAT]I ilArunAl wooD TolrEs $ YEAN WARRANTY NEWI UOOD GRAITI EARTH TOilEs 15 YEAR WARRANTY 24 r Traders'Prevlerv o October 2012
Neiman Enterprises
Hulett. Wv.
Third-generation iamily business consisting of three sawmills-Devils Tower Foresl Products, Hulett, Wy.; Rushmore Forest Products, Hill City, S.D., and Spearfish Forest Products. Spearfish. S.D.
Nordic Engineered Wood
Windsor Stn., Ste. 504, I100 Ave. des Canadiens-de-Montr6al, Montreal, P.Q. H3B 2S2l (514) 871-8526; Fax 514-8719789;; nordicewp. com.
Nordic manufactures building products for home and commercial applications. The company manages over 2 million acres of timberlands and maintains capacities of 140 million linear ft. of I-joist and 50 million board ft. of glulam production. Nordic is also certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
High density black spruce forms the base for Nordic products. Known for its high strength to weight ratio and consistent
fiber quality, Nordic's black spruce is ideal for engineered wood products. Nordic's beams, headers, columns and tall wall studs feature an exclusive Envirolam technology: a unique process that minimizes waste and optimizes fiber use.
Nordic X-LAM cross-laminated timber panels are the company's latest energy-efficient. innovative solution to heavier and costlier precast concrete and conventional steel and concrete construction techniques. Nordic lam decking offers additional benefits to commercial construction. Wood decking allows for greater beam spacing, makine it ideal for multi-storv structures.
Lumber Association
Rolling Meadows,Il.
International association of over 650 leading forest products and building material industry wholesalers, manufacturers and affiliated companies throughout the U.S. and Canada. NAWLA members serve as the unifying force for efficient LBM distribution.
N{anufadurers Association
272Tuttle Rd., Cumberland Center, Me. 04021: (2O7) 829-6901; Fax 2O7-829-4293; info@,
Rules writing agency for eastern white pine lumber; grading authority for eastern spruce, balsam fir, SPF, and other commercial eastern softwoods, and marketing voice for Northeast's wood products industry.
NorSask Forest Products 726 Meadow Lake. Sk.
Saskatchewan's largest sawmill and the largest First Nations-owned forest products comDanv in Canada.
Norlh Enderhv Timher
Enderby, B.C.
Western red cedar decking, siding, fencing and fascia boards since 1984.
Oregon Industrial Lumber Products 803 Springfield, Or.
Remanufacturer of Douglas fir products.
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Osmose Buflblo. N.Y.
Supplier of wood preserving chemicals, such as MicroPro, NatureWood. Advance Guard, Hi-Bor, and FirePro.
Pacific Coast Cedar Products 73O Maple Ridge, B.C.
Specializing in cedar shingles.
Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau 336 Federal Way, Wa.
Private, nonprofit lumber quality-control
lnspectlon agency.
Pacific Western Wood Works 629 Delta, B.C.
Value-added western red cedar outdoor products.
Pacific Wood Laminates 811 Brookings, Or. Veneer, plywood, specialties, and LVL.
Pacific Woodtech Corp. 30f Boise.Id.
Partners Dimensional Services LLC 539 Elwood,Il.
Logistics services fbr Chicagoland areas.
Pe nns-r'lr ania Lumhermens
Nlutual lnsurancc Co. 325 1 Commerce Sq., 20t)5 Market St., Ste. 1200, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103: (800) 752| 895: Fax 2 5-62.s-q0971
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual lnsurance specializes in property and casualty insurance for the lumber, woodworking and building material industries. Established in I 895. it has over a century of industry knowledge and expertise. Today. PLM provides protection for some 6,000 businesses in over 47 states. Its primary lines include Property, General Liability, Inland Marine, Business Automobile, Commercial Excess Liability, and Equipment Breakdown coverages. PLM olfers competitive rates, loss control programs, and prompt claims response and handling. It is financially strong and carries an A.M. Best rating of A (excellent). Designated NAWLA's Approved & Recommended Property/Casualty Underwriter for members, PLM has provided a safety group dividend plan since 2000.
Plum Creek 6)9. Columbia Falls, Mt. Timberlands and Northwest mills, producing boards, solid and F/J studs, SYP dimension, plywood and MDF.
Private label LVL and wood I-beams made from Douglas lir.
26 r Traderc' Prwlew r October 2012
Plycenr tlSA
10945 State Bridge Rd., Ste. .101-304, Alpharetta, Ga. 3O022: (618) -5 l7-4851 ; Fax 86fr-792-()079: www.plyccrltri m.eom.
Contact: Tom Taylor, Jessica Navascues.
Plycem fiber cement exterior trim delivers versatility with a reversible trim that complements any siding and architecture. Plyeem i: an e\eellcnl trim for use in residential. commercial, and urultilamily projects. The rnanufacturing process includes using both post industrial and post consumer recycled materials. lt is primed on all six sides. has a Class I (A) flame spread rating, and is impervious to wood boring insects and does not rot.
Plycem has added a new shrpping location in Oakland, Ca.. in addition to its Houston. Tx.. and Savannah. Ga.. locations.
Porcupine Wood Products Ltd.
Salrno. B.C.
SOrtO" Resilient. Enduring.
Clears, decking, dimension. fascia, fencing. Potlatch Corp.
Producer of dirnension lumber. industrial plywood, particleboard, OSB, studs.
Pnwer Wond Cnrn
Surrey, B.C.
Manufacturer of western red cedar clears, patterns, dimension, timbers and poles.
I'P(l Nlachine Applied Coatings
I PPG Pl., Pittsburgh, Pa. 152121. (811) 622-421'7 ; www,
Originakrr and leader in machine coating technology provides value-added wood and composite performance solutions. This includes research and development. production support, and factory finish marketing programs with a nationally known product.
I'robyn (lroup
TMI, 3501 Northpark Dr.. Centralia. Wa. 98531; (800) 599-5-596; Fax 360-73675661 AJ Forest Products,Box 383i, Garibaldi Highlands. B.C. VON lT0; (604) 898 3'712;Fax 604-89893 I2; Probyn Erport, 3-50-601 6th St., New Westminster. B.C. V3L 3Cl; (604) 526-8546; Fax 604-5268565: Booth con tacts: Jeff Cook, Dave Cochenour, Todd Shipp, Jason Mann, Chris Boyd.
Probyn Gr()up's munufacturing 0perations are based in Washington state and British Columbia and produce more than 225 million bd. ft. of western red cedar per year. Company divisions include Probyn Log, TMI Forest Products, AJ Forest Products, Probyn Export, Raintree Specialties, West Coast Moulding, and several other joint venture pa(nerships.
TMI is the largest volume coastal western red cedar facility in the world, and the only fence producer that exclusively markets the product in the U.S.A.
AJ Forest Products is a specialty wesl ern red cedar timber mill, known for procuring and merchandising the finest logs to manufacture timbers for America's premium luxury homes.
Probyn Export is a leading exporter of
At PLM, we understand that you need an insurance company with property and casualty insurance products and services that you can trust today and tomorrow.
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Grow knowing you're covered. 'r.lg J,,[ S*rtf fohn K. Smith, CPCU President ond Chief Executive Officer Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company {i1rr'{ rtlifil,r':-ti. i,ir!t;tfi. l{i{!,: i1,.;it,r.i ij r-r.';.i. r,q;1ii' {..1i!1 i It[lii;rrtt!1tirl i. i}\ ;{]l{}: ir i. :",:.:it :',-:..r.i' ;i SERVING CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES t 0ctober2Ol2 . Traderc'Prevlew . 27
lumber and wood-related building products to buyers in most major markets around the world.
Progressive Rail Inc"/ Cqrlnqd Cnnnonfinn
Lakeville. Mn.
Transportation, warehouse and logistics.
Quehec Wood Export Bureau 227 Quebec City, P.Q.
Nonprofit organization showcasing wood products from 200+ manufacturers in Quebec.
llpdunnd l.'mnirp
l0 Madrone Ave., Morgan Hill, Ca. 95037; (800) 800-5609; Fax 408-778-1076;
Redwood Empire is one of the nation's largest producers of redwood products. The company ships redwood decking, fencing, lattice panels, siding, posts and timbers throughout North America by rail and LTL. Redwood Empire operates sawmills and remanufacturing facilities in Northern California, with drying kilns and abundant covered storage on site.
Redwood Empire also manufactures pre-fabricated Sequoia fence panels, lattice toppers, and super-strong gorilla lattice panels for quick and easy privacy anywhere. The company's location in the heart of California's "redwood empire" region gives it easy access to high-quality logs from sustainably managed forests.
Redwood Empire also distributes
Brazilian hardwood decking through its Morgan Hill, Ca., distribution center. The company features one on the nation's largest inventories of Lacey Acrcompliant ip6, tigerwood and cumaru hardwood decklng.
Redwood Empire is a division of Pacific States Industries, a family of companies that includes Pacific States Plywood and Pacific States Treating.
Re-Transportation Co. Lake Hopatcong, N.J. Trrnsportation and logistiu:
Rpv Lrrmhpr Graceville. Fl.
Southern yellow pine lumber manuf'acturer for over eight decades.
Rhino Deck by Master Mark Plastics 525 Albany, Mn.
Rhino Deck composite decking and a composite white rail system with a vinyl overlay.
Rielly Industrial Lumber 214 W. Vancouver, B.C. WRC decking and specialues.
Searsmont. Me. Eastem white pine manufacturer.
Roland Boulanger & CIE Ltee. 634 Warwick, P.Q. Manufacturer and distributor of mouldings and components.
Rosborrr Box 20, 2509 Main St., Springfield, Or. 97477; (888) 393-2304 (s41) 746-8411: F ax 5 4 | -'7 26-0972;
Formed in 1939 and operating its own sawmills and planers in the Pacific Northwest, Rosboro is today one of the country's most respected forest products companies and trusted suppliers of studs, plywood and glulam.
Its latest new product is X-Beam, the first full framing-width, architecturalappearance glulam, now available in conventional and I-joist compatible depths, including 2xl0 and 2x12, the preferred choice for headers and floor systems. Manufactured in the U.S. with value engineering in mind, X-Beam saves time by matching standard framing widths and is 207o to 3O7o less expensive than other engineered wood products, making it the cost effective EWP that doesn't compromise on performance. For greater convenience, XBeam can be combined in mixed loads of Rosboro veneer, lumber and glulam, with swift on-the-eround deliverv in 25 states.
Rosehurg Forest Products 613.615 Box 1088, Roseburg, Or.974701' (541) 679-331 l: (800) 245-l I l5: Fax 541-6792543; Booth contacts: Allyn Ford, Steve Killgore, Mickey Brown, Bob Berch, Mike McCollum, Gary Pittman, Mark Mcl-ean. John Assman.
For 75 years, Roseburg Forest Products, based in Dillard, Or., has been a family-
2t r Tradcrs'Prevlw o October 2012
owned manufacturer of engineered wood products, lumber, plywood, particleboard and specialty panels. The company owns and manages over 600p00 acres of timberlands in the westem U.S. and operates manufacturing facilities in the West and South.
As a NAWLA Single Source Producer, Roseburg offers mixed product shipment opportunities, integrated manufacturing facilities, flexible sales and marketing options, dependable supply of quality products, third-party certified forest management, efficient production, products that meet or exceed industry standards, skilled and knowledgeable manufacturing and customer service, broad product mix from one source, and broad mix of GreenBuild, FSCcenified. and NAUF products.
Operations include a sawmill, softwood and hardwood plywood, particleboard and decorative surface plants in Dillard, Or.; plywood plants in Coquille and Riddle, Or.l particleboard plants in Missoula, Mt.l Louisville and Taylorsville, Ms., and Simsboro La.; EWP plant in Riddle, Or., and four decorative thermally-fused melamine facilities in Dillard, Simsboro, Missoula, and Oxford, Ms.
Box I I 10, Alexandria, La. 71309; (800) 299-517 4: Booth contacts:
Bobby Byrd, Lori Byrd, Joe Mackay
Manufacturer of superior wood products, such as southern pine OSB and plywood,lumber and timbers, and treated utility poles and piling. RoyOMartin is the brand name of Martin Companies LLC, a group of family-owned, professionally managed forestry and wood product-manufacturing companies based in Alexandria, La. Founded in 1923. RoyOMartin operates three manufacturing facilities in Louisiana (OSB, plywood, poles and piling), one in Alabama (lumber and timber), and a pole yard in Arkansas. In addition to manufacturing a wide variety of wood products, RoyOMartin also manages over 580,000 acres of FSC-certified timberland in Louisiana, making it one of the largest private landowners in the South.
RoyOMartin offers a variety of highquality wood products-all of which are FSC certified-including: Eclipse Radiant Banier OSB panels for use on both roof and sidewall applications; TuffStrandXl OSB panels in 9' and 10'; WindBrace extendedlength OSB sidewall panels for use in hurricane-prone areas; SmartPour MDO and GreenCore Plyform for concrete forming; a full line of premium SmartCore southern pine plywood, including AA, AB, AC, BC, siding, and other industrial grades; Iumber and timbers; poles and piling, and landscape timbers.
Ryan tr'orest Products
Winnipeg, Mb.
Manufacturer of premium quality wood lattice panels since 1988.
Samuel Strapping Systems 720 Toronto, Ont.
Innovative packaging and unitizing solutions.
Richmond. In.
Water repellents for wood, masonry and concrete.
Sqwqrna I rrmhar Cn Lfd Richmond, B.C.
WRC siding, paneling, boards, dimension, decking, f'encing.
Scotch-Gulf I.umber Mobile. Al.
Saws, treats, and remanufactures wood products.
Selkirk Specialty Wood 133 Revelstoke, B.C.
Specializes in manufacture of a wide range of kiln dried and green westem red cedar products in Clear and Knotty grades, including 7/8" boards, KD decking, patterns and fingerjoint.
Seneca Sawmill Co.
Eugene, Or.
Over 350 million ft. of dimension, lumber and studs a year.
Serpentine Cedar Ltd. 721 Fort Langley, B.C.
Shasta Green Inc. 35586-A Hwy.299E, Burney, Ca. 96013r (530) 335-4924 Fax 530-335-4949;
Located in the heart of Northern California's commercial timber country, Shasta Green's goal is to become the finest small log sawmill in the region. Its primary product line includes ponderosa pine, white
Manufacturing and distributing cedar shakes for more than 30 years. t sefies. and our latest innovation. Nord ic X-Lam cross-laminated timber panels, feature our exclusive ENVIRO = LAM" technology, a unique process that minimizes waste through fiber optimization.
Nordic Lam'" is ideal for residential. commercial. industrial and architectural applications.
.loooh ltrSR Blaok Spance
.Ileslgn Flexlble
.Dlmenslonally stable
.Auallable ln a varlety of Srades and 3tandard depthg
.llght In welgnt and easlfy lmt lled
NORDIG IAM* trtoRDtc JotsT? r{gRrxq,)rlAil
g_tt**r,aqo a@6;,1r, 1 t.,ir.' t
October20l2 r Tradcrs'Prevlw Zg
fir, and Douglas flr 2x4 through 2xl2 dimension lumber. Secondary products include ponderosa pine 6/4 Commons and Industrials, and air dried incense cedar 2x4 through 2xl2 Rough. Specialty cedar lumber is also available.
Sierra Pacific Industries 633 Redding, Ca.
Sawmills, millwork plants, reman, window/door plant, timberlands.
Simpson I.umber Co. Tacoma. Wa.
Producer of Douglas fir, hemlock and SYP dimension.
Sinclar Fnterprises Ltd. 408 Prince George, B.C.
Remanufacturer and sales asents for B.C. stud mills.
Skana Forest Products Ltd. 614 Richmond, B.C.
Manufacturer of high-quality dimension lumber.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manufacturer and importer of softwood lumber and specialties.
Snider Industries
Box 668, Marshall, Tx. 75671; (903) 9 38-9'727 ;
Snider Industries manufactures approximately 50 million ft. of southern yellow pine l-inch lumber annually. The product is available in varying pattems, all #2 andD & Better.
Sodra Timher AB Skogsudden, Sweden
Eight European sawmills.
Softwood Export Council 106 Tigard, Or.
Nonprofit council of U.S. softwood grading agencies, industry trade associations. state export development agencies, and others.
Softwood Forest Products Buyer 701 Memphis, Tn. 732
Mosgiel, N.Z.
Second-largest processor and remanufacturer of clearwood pine products in New Zealand.
Spruceland Millworks
Sunev. B.C.
SPF fingerjointed studs. dimension. components and fencins.
Slarhorn fndrrsfrips
Avenel. N.J.
HeadCote stainless steel screws with colorcoated heads and Smart-Bit pre-drilling and countersinking tool.
Stimson I,umber Co.
Portland, Or.
DF and hem-fir studs, lumber, studs, plywood, hardboard, Duratemp hardboard siding, and StimPro inland red cedar products.
2255 Justin Trail, Alpharetta, Ga. 30004; (770) 569-2244; (800) 3s3-0892; Fax 770-569-9944; clint@sunbeltracks. com; Contact: Clint Darnell.
Sunbelt is a design-build general contractor and material handling distributor with over 25 years of experience working with LBM dealers, distributors, manufacturers and wholesalers. Sunbelt's knowledge and experience ensures its rack storage systems and ground-up metal building solutions provide operational efficiency and real cost savings to LBM businesses.
Sunset Moulding Co. 30a Yuba City, Ca.
Produces moulding and millwork in wood and Suntrim MDF.
Synergy Wood Products 738
Sanford. Fl.
Prefinished cypress products for ceiling and wall applications.
Taupo Wood Solutions
Grand Rapids, Mi.
Importer of radiata New Zealand.
Teal-.Iones Group^ The Surrev. B.C.
pine mouldings from Westem red cedar shingles, lumber, paneling and siding.
Terminsl l'nrest Prodrrcf-s Lld. 2ll Vancouver. B.C.
Northwest timberlands and lumber mills, specializing in premium western red cedar products since 1962.
Tcfnn West Lnmher l.t o Cheyenne, Wy.
Five sawmills, remanufacturing facility, and reloads.
Tiger Deck LI.C Wilson. Or.
KD hardwood decking, porch flooring, siding, paneling, interior flooring, and hidden deck fastening system.
Timber Holdings USA 813 Wauwatosa. Mi.
Distributor of lron Woods exotic hardwood decking.
Wilmington, Oh.
Composite decking, railing and fencing.
Tolko Marketing & Sales 712 Vernon. B.C.
Studs, MSR, dimension, veneer, plywood and OSB.
TradeTec Computer Systems 212 Parksville. B.C.
Developer of the intuitive Log Inventory System and Lumber Inventory System and provider of a complete solution from standing timber to distribution of value-added products and everywhere in the middle.
Trinity River Lumber Co. 524
Weaverville, Ca.
Sawmill providing finished Douglas fir and
30 r Traders'Prevlw e 0tuber 2012
hem-fir products.
Tri-Pro Cedar Products 807
Oldtown, Id.
Manufacturer of green and KD cedar products,.including decking, siding, patterns and trim.
Fulton. Ms. Southern yellow pine poles, timbers and treated stock. Enterprises, Inc. 330 London, Ont.
Developer of the Shadoetrack under-deck fastenins svstem.
Omaha. Ne.
Largest railroad in North America, operating in the westem two-thirds of the U.S.
Vaagen Rros.Lumber 324 Colville, Wa.
Commons, selects, light framing, MSR dimensions, radius edge decking, structural joists and planks, studs, cedar products.
Versatex Trimhoard 702
400 Steel St., Aliquippa, Pa. 15001; (724) 85'7 -tl I I ; Fax'724-857-rt7 t:
Versatex Trimboard makes trim smarter. Its products are created from cellular PVC in the industry's most state-of-theart manufacturing facility. Whether for trim, fascia, soffit or a decorative exterior moulding piece, the manufacturing process provides a product that features the real look and craftsmanship of premium lumber without the moisture problems of wood. Products include trimboards, sheet, cornerboards, vented soffit system, one-piece column wrap, T&G beaded profiles, and mouldings.
Versatex also has an innovative Stealth Trim System, which features cornerboards and window surrounds that will allow for faster and more aesthetically pleasing installation time. The 3/4" pockets will accommodate nearly any siding product, including fiber cement, cedar and vinyl. Versatex also carries a skirtboard that is the answer to meeting code requiring 6" ground or deck clearance for fiber cement siding as well as composite and wood siding.
Waldun Group
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Westem red cedar roofing, siding, lumber, deck and garden components.
Watkins Sawmills
Maple Ridge, B.C.
West Bay Forest Products & Mfg. 302
New Westminster, B.C.
Sawmills, reman and specialty plants.
Western Forest Products Inc. 40O
Duncan, B.C.
Coastal B.C.'s largest woodland operator and lumber producer.
Itr/pct tr'rocar Millc I fd 7tA
Quesnel, B.C.
Integrated wood products company producing lumber, wood chips, LVL, MDF, plywood and pulp.
Portland, Or.
Represents softwood lumber manufacturers in l2 westem states includins Alaska.
Westervelt I umher 812
P.O. Box 4899, Tuscaloosa, Al. 35404; (2O5) 562-5896; Fax 205-562-5814;
Westervelt is a southern yellow pine sawmill located in Moundville, Al., producing l " boards, dimension lumber, 5/4x6 RED, and timbers. Annual production capacity is 215 million bd. ft. Also runs l" and 2" pattems.
Westshore Specialties 401 Delta, B.C.
Western red cedar and Alaskan yellow cedar remanufactured products.
Weyerhaeuser Co.
Federal Wav. Wa.
One of world's largest forest products companies.
Richmond, B.C.
Fully integrated inventory and financial management software system.
Woodtone Ruilding Products 312 Chilliwack, B.C.
Producer of coated exterior wood products, including RealWood exterior products, certified Class A FireGuard trim and fascia, RusticSeries, GreenShield anti-mold coating, ColorGuard factory coating, and AbsoluteCedar western red cedar.
Yakama Forest Products
3191 Wesley Rd., White Swan, Wa. 98952; (509) 874-1163; Fax 509-874-l 162;
Not All Suppliers Are Creoted Equcl Buy your Western Red Cedar from these quality producers.
Enyeart Cedar Products
Gilbert Smith Forest Products
l'1aida ['oresi Products
ldaho Forest Group
Mary's River Lumber Company
Mid'Valley Lumber Specialties Ltd
North Indc.rby Timber
0rePac Building Products
Power Wood Corp.
0uadra Wood Products
Sawane Lumber
Siskiyou Forest Products
Skana Forest Products
West Bay Forest Products & Manufacturing
Western Forest Products
BW Creative Wood lndustres
Producer of western red cedar shakes and shinsles.
Weaber Lumher
Lebanon, Pa.
Oak and poplar S4S boards, moulding, stair parts, and flooring.
Welco Lumber Corp. 821
Vancouver. B.C.
Provider of a wide variety of wood commodities and specialty items.
Yakama Forest Products is known as one of the industry's highest quality producers of ponderosa pine shop & moulding, 4/4 pine boards, and radius edge decking. YFP harvests timber off the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountain range, and produces l0 million bd. ft. per month.
YFP is constantly working to develop a larger, quality conscious customer base and always uses sustainable forestry practices.
Zip-O-I.og Mills
Eugene, Or.
Producer of Douglas fir posts, beams, timbers,joists, stringers, ties, and domestic clears.
Cedarshed lndustries
0utdoor Living Today
Synergy Pacific EngineeredTimber
0doDer2012 Tradcr Prevlw . 31
fhe key to qlfructing quolified employees to fte rrholesqle indusfry
Bv Mark W. Kramer. Laird Plastics
r MONG WHOLESALE distribuItion industry executrves. there is Jlone universal issue that is almost always discussed-"How do we attract top-quality people to handle
the challenges our industry and our companies will face?"
Survey after survey indicates that attracting top-quality sales and management-potential employees remains
a key concern for distribution executives. If attracting sufficient numbers of qualified people remains such a challenge, it begs the question: "What can we, individually and collectively, do about it?"
As an industry, we have tended to attract employees from within our own lines of trade. Certainly, recruiting occurs outside of our sectors within the wholesale distribution industry and also outside of wholesale distribution altogether. Many executives discuss frustration with such tactics failing to produce long-term sales and management-level success.
Another important, long-term source for qualified employees is to hire those with only "first job" or university-level experience. It is with this source of bright and talented young people-who can be trained in the culture, values, and expectations of a company-that I would argue our industry has achieved less than it could-or should.
One of the primary reasons for this overall lack of success is the fact that the target audience is largely unaware of the wholesale distribution industry and what it offers in terms of career path opportunity. There are exceptions. of course. and this is not written as an indictment so much as a personal realization from my own recent recruiting attempts at the university level.
Building with EasternWhite Pine is character building. It is a reflection of who you are, how you choose to live and your commitment to authenticiry To learn more about building with eastern white piae visit Will your next projecthave character?
owtlonc?rrfi ilrtffr. urr.nelmrory NfLMAI
There are two fundamental components to attracting quality university graduates to sales and/or management-development positions. The first is that the target candidates must understand who we are and how our industry's value proposition fits within their career plans. This focuses on three questions: What is our industry's image? How widely is it known? How well is it understood?
Second, our industry must be prepared to train and develop these young people and bring them along from an academic environment into
32 r Traders'Pr,evlw o October Zt12
\ ) D \' /A' O D \'
the full breach of capitalism. This focuses on finding the right university graduates we seek for the positions in question.
Many large distributors do recruit directly from college campuses, and they are well-known companies within the academic community of those schools. Less appreciated, in my view, is the wholesale distribution industry among many college programs that are preparing well-trained graduates for the exact positions we claim to be seeking. With regard to sales positions, more than 50 universities and colleges now have specific curriculums devoted in whole or part to instruction in the art and science of "selling." Leading programs such as the one at the Florida State Sales Institute have made available within its School of Business an entire degree program in Selling.
Many others provide multi-year instruction in selling and related disciplines, addressing one of the key concerns raised by industry members-namely, that they don't have the time and/or resources to train someone "how to sell." These young people exit their schools knowledgeable in the basic underpinning of all business success and profitability-how to sell a product or service. This grounding, I find, puts them well ahead of their peers in terms of being prepared for longer-term supervisory or management-level training as well.
The wholesale distribution industry's value proposition for these young people is directly on target with their reported career goals and aspirations. Surveys ofuniversity graduates indicate that while some level of remuneration is always important, graduates seem to have five primary concerns when seeking an employer:
the quality of the organization they will join the organization's values and purpose
. the interest the organization will take in their training and development
. the flexibility of the job role and their personal ability to become empowered
. their ability to "make a difference" sooner than later.
The importance of what we do as distributors for both society and our industry, the pace and variety with which
(Please turn to next page)
Bnlldlnghoduds.con Ocbber 2012 r Trades'hevlew . 33
Key to Atlrading
Quolified Employees
(Continued from previous page)
we execute our mission, and the operating environments that I have observed in dozens of wholesaler-distributors collectively position us as an ideal home for these young people.
Our industry is the embodiment of fast-paced action, flexible job roles, and empowerment and decision making close to the customer with products and services that define the modern lifestvle. Yet. our frustrations
seem to continue and the numbers of new employees from such source groups remain relatively small by comparison. How can we change this?
We can work at this challenge on two levels. At the industry level, various associations are working together to better understand the depth of the problem and how others have approached the "awareness" and "communication" issues. NAW has gained valuable insights and the early indications are that further work to understand how our industry can engage in positive outreach is warranted. There are interesting angles to
Reduce Gredit Risk', Find New Accounts
be pursued that will involve web technologies, educational support, collateral materials, and the latest industry information always available where it is most needed.
At the company level,I have found that direct engagement with a university that supports sales-based education can produce great benefit. This, of course, takes time and effort to develop the right relationships and to make you, the distributor, visible within a school's program. It also requires a long-term commitment to the young people you bring on board at your firm, in terms of job responsibilities, further training, and career mentoring.
The advantages of refining our industry's value proposition and improving the extent and quality of our employee outreach will be significant. Many of the future's most talented people are basing their career decisions on perceptions of various industries that they formed long before their moment of decision. If we are to win the hiring battle against other high-profile and highly attractive industry choices, we will have to work for it. We will have to understand the priority that this effort must have in the allocation of our time as executives, and we must be prepared to tackle this as a long-term process, not a defined project.
As demand for lumber increases, you need a dependable and affordable resource to make the best credit decision$ and safely expand your customer base.
Blue Book Services is your solution.
Reduce Credit Risk
. At-a-glance Pay Indicators summarize a company's recent pay hist0ry
. In'depth Business Rsp0rts provide detailed pay history, augmented with Equitax C0mmercial data
Find New Accounts
Unlimited searching ofover12,000 buyers ofhardwood and softwood, including:
" secondary manufacturers
- distributors
- eoncentration yards
- lumbor yarrJs
' wholesalers
. Search for companies by:
- geographic location
- pay indicator
- business classification
- products 0r species handled, andmuch more,
Incroase revenue while prctectlng yourbottom line for as litte as $340/year.
Contaot us t0become amembertodayl
My conversations with other executives suggest that the timing is right for "right now," the need is real, and the opportunity for us to do better is very realistic.
- Mark Kramer is president and c.e.o. of plastics distribution company Laird Plastics, Santa Fe Springs, Ca., and 2012 chairman of the board for the National As so c iat io n of Who le s ale r - D istributor s.
A o frader'Prevls o 0ctober2012 BulHhryrhoduds"om
l\1 icldle-rrrarkct distributors ure growing. bLrt that gfowth anrl the optirnisnr that uccon]palties it is tcntperecl bv a number of inllLrcnces. inclucling thc continLrcrl housing clisis. rising cornntoclity ltrices. cornpetition fi'ctnt low-cost-countrv vcnclors. thc hcalth care lau antl I'ultcling cconornics lrbroacl .lrccolcl ing to a ncw rcpor-t frctnt NlcClltlrcy anrl NAW Institutc fbr Distlibutiorr Exccllcncc.
"Dcspite thcil conccrns. rlistributols are scnerally optinristic about thcir clun busirrcss prospccts in the ncxt ll nronths. w'ith 9-57c rcPortin-l that thcir lrc thriving or holclirrg stcrrd\." sairl \,lc(iladre)''s Klren Kurck. "Distributor salcs -elencralll, ar.c growing (tt l% incr-cusecl sulcs or.'cr thc 1-lust yclrr). altltoLr-gh thcr al'c c\pectc(l to qrow at a nrucl.t sloner rltc in thc conting vear'."
N'lost clistribLltors c\|cet eosls in ntlnv Lutcgorics to incrcase in thc ncxt l2 nrorrths. particulullr in urcas such as tt-ansportiltion ancl ntachincr\'. S()ntc c\l)cct trur)spot titli()n anrl lircl costs to risc by nturc than l0%. Conscclucntlr'. rlistribLrtors urc intplcntcnting u nuntbcr ol'tlrctics t0 nilrintuin prol'itabilitl inclLrclinc lotcrins tltcir costs thnrurh opcnr tional ctficicncics (81% ) und inrltro."inu prclccsscs n itltin thcil supply chains. N4ost distributors ((.)0(l ) also plan to inct'cuse pr-iccs in thc conrin!:. months an avcragc <tf 5.1{4 fbl goods antl i.[37 lirr scrvrccs.
Othcr kcv l'inclings includc:
Finrplovment - i\ majolity o1' lirms ltlan to increasc cn.tployrncnt in the ncxt l, nrctnths. Finding ncr.r'hilc-s. thoLr-gh. coulrl posc issues lirr. sontc tlistributors. Roughlv onc-thifcl repoft that thcy fincl thc skillcd talcnt the1, re cprit'c ortly sonre ol'tl'rc tintc or rarclr'. Manr are launchirrc thcil' own t|ainin-e uncl derclopntcnl prosrallts to uclclrcss skills ulrps. Nclrll hlll' will lircus orr adcling personne I to cLlslor.t-tct scrvicc/sLrpport lunctions. With a grou ing ri ork lilrcc. o1'coursc. conlcs lut erpccted risc in costs fbr u,uges. bcne fits und othcl variahlc cctnrl-rcnsation.
Process Improvenrents - I)istr ibLrturs ri,'ill incrcasc irrvcstnrcnts in ploccss inipror.crnents this ycar conrltllcd to last. Thriving organizutions urc m()rc likclr ttr in.r'cuse thcse invcstrnents than l'ilnts that arc holding stctdy or clcclining. Thrir ing filnrs also lre ntofc likclv to hlt e increasecl productivitv in thc past vcar.
Custonrer Satisfaction - Custorner sltislaclion is l ulil)litl'\'r'ttre ol Ptoer's, intPt't,rL'me t)1. u illt X.l', ,,1 rcspondents lanking it at thc top ol'the list. Cost lccluction. qualitv intplovcrrcnt. enhanccd sltccd/tintcliness. altcl othcr objcctives ucrc ntcntionecl, ls wcll.
Inventories - Invcntorics ri'ill increlsc at ncurly onchalf ol clistlibutors. with 71 expccting invcntorics to bc inclcascd by rnorc than l0%. Most clistrihutors also ri ill incrcasc capital equipntcnt spcnding in thc ncxt I ? rnonths.
Inlilrmation Technology - IT is critical us distributors sro$' thcir organizltliotrs anrl broaclcn their supplv chains. Two-thircls rcl)()rt at lcast ntoclcrurte use of busincss unalvtics cornpanr,'uviclc or anrong scnior lcadelshilt. prinrurilv to lirrecast custonlcr denrand and iclentil'r' mar-kct ()pp()r'tunitics. Ovcr hall' ol'clistributors r-rsc sociul media. and slightly lcss than half usc clourl cornputing. While thcsc ancl other IT applicatiitns can posc secr.rritv conccrns. sLrrprisinglv lLu distlibutors bclicvc thcir inlirrmalion or data is at risk.
Value-Added Services - Virtuallv lrll distribr-rtol's no\\ ol'l'cr valuc-addccl scrr,iccs to custorrcrs. but thc induslrv as a rvhole is still lircused on proclucts lbr driving rcvenucsalnrost hall' of clistributors repolt that nc',', proclucts are extrcrncly inrportanl or ill|{)ltullt to co1111,,"r' growth.
,. ,li.
; :,1
ll il ::, October 2012 o Traders'Preview 35
Semiumin &fudyla*
Benjamin Obdyke will show HydroGap Drainable Housewrap as part of the New Products Showcase at the 2012 NAWLA Traders Market.
HydroGap is now the construction market's top-performing drainable housewrap. It drains moisture from wall assemblies at least twice as fast as the leading drainable housewrap and removes 100 times more bulk water than standard housewrap.
HydroGap Drainable Housewrap combines a water-resistant barrier and drainage system into one application. Unlike typical housewraps that are either woven or non-woven materials comprising one or two layers, it comprises a tri-laminate substrate, with the moisture barrier protected between two non-woven layers. This composition creates a product with superior strength and water hold-out vs. competitive products.
The patent-pending spacer design on the housewrap surface creates a I mm gap between the structure's sheathing and cladding materials,
Meet the Exhibitor Blue Book $eruites
A leading credit and marketing information agency since 1901, Blue Book Services has been serving the lumber industry since 2009. It provides lumber sellers with a dependable, affordable and industry-specific resource to make the best credit decisions and safely expand their customer base. The company helps clients reduce credit risk and find new accounts.
Blue Book's team of professionals collect, validate, and report information on lumber companies throughout the supply chain, including accounts receivable aging data/trends, financial ratings, company ownership changes, mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies, and personnel changes.
Blue Book's online directory ( provides comprehensive data on softwood and hardwood lumber companies throughout North America.
thereby promoting drainage that is twice as fast as other drainable housewraps. The unique design also allows for the housewrap to be installed in any direction while maintaining its positive drainage capability. It also provides excellent enhanced drainage around window sills.
HydroGap has a number of features that benefit builders and contractors. Besides the potential of labor saving based on its multi-directional installation possibilities, the convenient 500sq. ft. size rolls allow for easy oneman installation identical to standard housewrap installation. The low pro-
file of the drainage space eliminates the need for design changes in the assembly. In addition, the easy-to-cut product requires no special tools for installation and does not need to be taped at the seams, further reducing cost and labor.
HydroGap drains at 967o, meeting ASTM 82213, the standard test method for determining drainage efficiency of wall assemblies. It also exceeds AC38 for water-resistive barriers, including the new drainage provision.
It is available nationally through a network of authorized distributors.
Mills, secondary manufacturers, wholesalers, retail lumberyards, and industrial accounts are all included and can be easily searched by geographic location, busrness classification, pay indicator, or spe c ie s/products handled. With unlimited search capabilities, Blue Book Members can explore new market segments and identify potential business connections.
Pay indicators, for example, are based on aggregate trade feedback submitted by each buyer's trade suppliers and offer a snapshot of pay practices for both new and existing customers. In-depth business reports provide detailed information on a company's pay trends, enhanced with Equifax commercial data.
A recommended and approved
service provider of NAWLA, Blue Book's commitment to the lumber industry is demonstrated through active participation at industry events.
"Economists who have spoken at industry conventions this year all forecast an increasing demand for lumber," says president and c.e.o. Jim Carr.
"As this occurs, lumber sellers can count on Blue Book Services to help in their credit approval and monitoring processes."
Motivated by the ambition to have a broad, industry perspective not found elsewhere, a wide range of companies - handling hardwood to softwood-are contributing the necessary files, typically on a monthly basis.
Meet rhe Exhibitor
36 r Traders'Prailw o October20l2
tleet the Exhibitor
C&D lumber
C&D's roots reach to 1890, when Alford Johnson built his first sawmill in Southern Oregon. In 1943, the Johnson family built a mill near the Coos and Douglas County lines. With a nod to its geography, the operation became C&D Lumber Co. Its mottoGreat People, Great Products, Great Customers-is the driving force behind its success.
The company is proud of what it's been able to achieve during its 100plus years in business. For C&D, the key to success has always been our people, products, and customers. Additionally, it embraces innovative thinking and ideas to continue to enhance its business. Manufacturing improvements are common practice.
Today, its facility produces high quality lumber products in more than 100 different product lines and sizes. C&D Lumber maintains the reputation of offering quality lumber products, craftsmanship, and service in Douglas fir, incense cedar, and Port Orford cedar.
In Douglas fir, it offers a full line of surfaced lumber that includes 2" dimension lumber and 4" and 6" timbers. Plus, its top-of-the-line Premium Exposed rough-sawn timbers and 2" lumber have become the preferred products for open-beamed construction.
In cedar, it offers lines of premium and classic decking products. It also offers a line of rustic patterns, and a variety of cedar lumber dimensional products ideal for many types of remanufacturing.
Mutually beneficial relationships with our customers are the driving force behind the company's success. Its sales follow-up and shipping are possibly the best in the industry.
C&D values providing beneficial marketing to our customers, using tools like its comprehensive company website ( and monthly eNewsletter , MillWrite. It also works hand-and-hand with its customers to provide customized marketing tools to support their sales efforts.
C&D is focused on finding ways it can continue its long and storied history of being an employer people are
proud to work for and a manufacturer of high quality lumber products.
The company believes its future is bright because of the dedication and commitment of its employees, the demand for quality lumber products, its close proximity to efficient shipping routes, and its location right in the middle of a rich source for raw material.
What begins as a seedling in our nursery reaches its full ootential in our forests.
Visit westerveltlu m for additional information. Wletgryprr LUMBER (800) 633"5963 Moundville. Alabama 0dober2012 r Traders'Pradw 37
Certified Chain of Custody Southern Yellow Pine wood products - dimension lumber, timbers, boards, and pattern stock - produced by Westervelt Lumber bring superior quality to the customer, and integrity to our organizationt longstanding environmental commitment.
Du*huch Producls
Duckback Products was founded over 30 years ago by a handful of people with a simple idea: formulate a superior exterior stain that would both beautify and protect wood decks, siding, fences, and other outdoor investments. These "Ducks," as they called themselves, were committed to making extremely high quality coatings that would protect wood from harsh ultraviolet rays and shed rainfall like water off a duck's back.
The Ducks shunned the stability that established businesses could provide, preferring the risk of a start-up that would allow them to create a culture founded on innovative thinking and the freedom to create new. unique products in a staid industry.
Spearheading the business with next-to-no funding and used equipment from a defunct paint company. the Ducks relied on their passion to create excellent products that would perform well in all of the varied climactic regions of their native California. From the deep snow and below-freezing temperatures of the Tahoe/Donner basin, through the wet and foggy coast lands of Northern California, to the hot and arid desert lands of Palm Springs, Duckback
tleet the lxhibitor ForestllMurket
Forest2Market has built a comprehensive set of products and services that provide market price and key market performance metrics for the wholesale lumber market, including weekly market analysis and quarterly mill benchmarking reports.
With Mill2Market. Forest2Market has taken a fundamentally different approach to delivering the market metrics the lumber industry needs. Customers use Mill2Market to better understand their market position, to make better-informed decisions, and to measure the effects of those decisions on performance.
With accurate market analysis, users can:
. make better-informed production and sales resource allocation
stains were designed to perform in every climate and the company's success relied on this feature.
Year after year, the products proved their performance on multimillion dollar wood-sided homes and decks. Word of this performance spread quickly, and the Ducks knew they were on to something.
As the company's reputation grew, so did the company, all the while maintaining its passion for excellent products and customer service. Several of the original employees still work at Duckback and continue to refer to themselves as Ducks. This
group acknowledges that the varied climates of California and the strict regulatory climate that they operate in is what truly prepared them for their expansion to the rest of the country and Canada.
Today, Duckback manufactures more than 25 unique coatings and surface prep products. The company continues with its culture of innovation, creativity, and excellence of both products and service. Whatever your outdoor coatings needs are, Duckback has the quality products to meet and exceed them.
. assess performance against the broader market. improve net sales realizations,
. and base purchase and sales negotiations on value, not price.
Correcting the deficiencies of survey-based price reports, Mill2Market delivers over 1,500 lumber market performance indicators : volume weighted average prices price variation (price spread that accounts for volume) full and split week volume and price trend indicators
. by grade and length (including MSR & mixed loads): dimensioned lumber , decking, and timbers
Forest2Market is committed to delivering the most accurate, credible, and quantitative market insight
to our lumber industry customers. The company is laser-focused on maintaining customers' confidence in our results, because it collects lOUVo of actual transactions from IOOVo of its participants, subjects all data submissions to periodic audit, and maintains customer confidentiality at all times. Results are available to participants only, who must supply transaction data to receive the reports.
the lxhibiror
3t o Traders' hevlw . 0ctober 2012
lheet the Exhibiror Endeck
Endeck capped cellular PVC Decking is stronger, inside and out, offering reversibility and scratch, mold, and slip resistance, plus ClassA flame spread. It is cooler under foot, even on those really hot days, plus it's code approved.
The product can be installed with most hidden fastening systems, or with color-matched fasteners. The companion PVC-capped Encore railing is also code approved for safety and quality and comes in three styles. Endeck co-extruded decking is all PVC and is CCRR certified (CCRR#0 144) to meet or exceed stringent ACl0 and ACll4 standards.
This decking is engineered to resist sagging that can occur with wood and ordinary composite decking. It is lighter in weight than composite or wood deck boards, but has greater strength, impact resistance, and durabitity. A proprietary process gives Endeck a more uniform cell structure, eliminating voids commonly seen in other PVC decking.
Endeck employs a tougher cap-
stock, for years of proven weatherability. The PVC compounds in Endeck are tougher, too, and help it stand up against foot traffic better. It is embossed on both sides, in l" x 5ll2" decking and matchingTl16" x I 1-7l8" fascia.
The Endeck Forest series is definitely a strong statement-with a deeply embossed wood grain and subtle variegated colors usually found only in the most expensive, exotic
hardwoods. The manufacturing process allows for consistent color from piece to piece, but the color variations are as random as those found in nature.
Endeck Woodland series decking colors complement the home and landscape in three attractive colors: ashwood. beechwood. and olivewood.
The complete Endeck PVC decking line is covered by a lifetime limited wananty.
Bespecting the forest, honoring the past, building the future. A nation's pride you Gan build on. Manufacturerc of l0 million bd. ft. monthly of 5/4 & 6/4 Ponderosa Pine Shop 4/4 Premium Pine Board Programs Shteof-theArt Hewmill & Headrig Mill Contact Sheldon Howell 15091 874-1163 Alicia Beltnan t509t 874-Ir68 Yakama Forest Products 3191 Wesley Rd., White Swan, WA 98952 Fax 5O9-874-1162 www.yakama-f orest.Gom
The best Lattice and more. Now offering Moderna Screen & Deck Squares. Odoberml2 o Tndeis'hedw . 39
Contractors who know quality, know Woodway. Offering Woodway products drives profitable sales and enhances your reputation. Contact us today to get started.
lUleeilhe Exhibitor
Hoidq Forest Producls
Haida Forest Products became a separate and distinct operating company during a planned re-structuring in September 1989. Previous to that date, the company had operated as the remanufacturing division of Mill & Timber Products Ltd., which started in 1951.
Its manufacturing operation is located on five acres of land in Burnaby, B.C. The plant is 20 minutes from Vancouver International Airport and 25 minutes from downtown Vancouver. The site contains offices, warehouses, dry kilns, manufacturing equipment, and storage.
For 6l years, the company has operated from the same location, specializing in "Haida" brand western red cedar sidings, panellings, and specialty products.
Haida Forest Products has made significant contributions to the development and demand for western red cedar over the years, and also to its subsequent increased value.
It was one of the first companies to
lheet the Exhibitor Hcmpton lumber Soles
kiln-dry knotty grades of cedar siding and to develop hot-melt glue technology to permi-fuse knotty grades. The company has continuously upgraded its equipment and facilities, and today employs the latest in moulding technology.
The firm produces more than 100 specialty and architectural products. It also produces decking, outdoor products, and specialty timbers-as well as Haida Skirl wavy edge siding.
Haida is committed to producing the highest quality western red cedar products. Critical to this goal are the people who work at Haida. Over 5OVo of our manufacturing crew have 25 years or more with the company. Over 807o of our salaried staff have more than 30 years of seniority.
One-hundred percent of Haida's employees have a total commitment to producing the finest products available in the cedar industry.
Hampton Affiliates is a family-owned forest products business employing 1,300 people, primarily in Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.
The company owns 90,000 acres of U.S. timberland and manages 120,000 hectares (296,526 acres) of public timberland in British Columbia. These timberlands supply only a portion of the raw materials processed at Hampton's eight sawmills, so the company relies on public and private timber purchases for the remaining log volume.
Hampton's sawmills have normal production capacity of 2.3 billion bd. ft. of green and dry Doug fir, hem-fir and SPF dimension lumber and stud products. Advanced machinery and equipment are controlled from computeroperated machine centers, ensuring the most productive use of each log.
Staying competitive also means training and retaining a skilled and highly motivated work force. Hampton's company culture is focused on doing business in a safe and sustainable manner, so all capital improvement projects address safety, energy efficiency, and environmental concerns.
Hampton's Portland, Or.- and Vancouver, B.C.-based sales team market Hampton mill production, plus another 2.0 BBF of outside lumber and panels globally. Hampton, with its ongoing customer service focus, has
its own transportation department to provide truck and rail service from its mills to its customers and/or reloads. The nature of the business makes Pacific Northwest timber availability a constant concern to Hampton. Despite numerous studies showing standing timber inventories growing year after year, environmental activists continue to promote a "no harvest" agenda. Oregonians are seeing the social and financial effects on rural counties from the lockdown of public forests, since these forests make up 60Vo of Oregon's land base.
President Theodore Roosevelt created the National Forests to be used sustainably to create jobs and build the homes required by our nation. Instead, these forests have become unhealthy due to lack of active management, with mortality from fires and insect damage exceedine harvest volumes.
n o Traderc'hevlew r October 2012
lheet fhe lxhibiror
fllaze llqils
Since being featured on Diane Sawyer's ABC TV series Made in America, customers and proud Americans from every part of the country have called and emailed in strong support of Maze Nails' commitment to making quality nails in the U.S. Maze is one of just a few remaining nail manufacturers in this country. According to company president Roelif Loveland, "People are delighted to hear they can still buy nails that are made in the U.S.A.-and we're delighted to make theml"
The Made in America series focused on keeping jobs in America, encouraging the rebuilding of America with American products. If builders, contractors, and remodelers simply purchased 5Vo more U.S.-made building products, 220,000 jobs would be created right here at home. If every lumberyard across the U.S. ordered two more boxes (100-lbs.) of Maze nails this year, the company could hire another 20 workers at its modern plant in Peru, Il.
Maze is the largest maker of specialty nails in the U.S., producing truckloads of double hot-dipped galvanized and stainless steel nails for a variety of applications. It manufactures quality nails for asphalt and fiberglass shingle roofing, post frame construction, fiber cement siding, cedar and redwood siding, cedar shakes and shingles, PVC trim products, decking, fencing, and log home and timber frame construction. Maze also manufactures a complete line of stainless steel nails for marine and coastal applications.
The Right Path.
There is a new path to success for our industry, One that demands new t00ls, fresh thinking, and synergy across the community. 0ne that promises great rewards for those who invest in it.
NAWLA brings you invaluable information lrom around the world and down the street.
NAWLA offers a variety of services from blue-chip organizations.
NAWLA's best-in-class forums represent a chance for unmatched thought leadership and sharing.
NAWLA lets you develop vital partnerships and build friendships across the industry.
NAWLA brings a comprehensive understanding of the wood products business through our educational programs.
NAWLA has consulting resources in a variety of specialties.
lf you are not yet a member 0f NAWLA, contact us or come by our booth to learn how our pr0grams can help you succeed. lf you are a member, find out how you can get even more out 0f your valuable membership.
Leadership Conference
April 28-30
Innisbrook (Iampa), FI
Maze STORMGUARD nails are double hordipped galvanized steel with a thick coating of zinc for maximum corrosion-resistance, meeting and exceeding the ASTM A153 specification for hot-dip galvanizing.
Maze Nails are manufaltured within all OSHA and EPA guidelines. The company uses high carbon steel to produce nails that are stronger than import nails-eliminating breaks and bends. Its nails are made from recycled, remelted steel (unlike import nails which use a significant amount of mined ore in the production of nails) and are certified environmentally friendly and qualify for LEED points and certification.
Tradels Market
0ctober 23-25
Las Vegas, l{Y
2013 llAWLl Major [vents
Ocbb€r 2012 o Tradeis' Pradw . 41
Meet the Exhibitor
fKury's ftirser l.stmber
Mary's River Lumber Company, a family-owned manufacturer of western red cedar, was founded in 1974. It is located in the prime growing region for western red cedar, the coastal belt of Oregon and Washington, with headquarters in Corvallis. Or.
The company has manufacturing and shipping operations at Corvallis and Philomath, Or., and Montesano and Elma, Wa. An industry leader, it developed and implemented innovative sawmill and finishing systems designed for creating optimum value in western red cedar.
Excellent service starts with product availability and ontime delivery. Mary's River is small enough that its sales team works directly with production to provide the product customers need when they need it. And, it is big enough to stand behind its products with outstanding support after the sale.
Mary's River offers a full range of red cedar products that includes dimension in rough 2x4 through 6x6 up to 12", and S4S 2x4 up to 12", lengths to 20'. Its siding patterns are bevel, tongue & groove, and shiplap in standard
lheet fte lxhibitor llordk EnEineered tlt
For over 50 years, Nordic Engineered Wood has specialized in the manufacture of black sprucebased products for the residential and commercial building markets.
Since 1961, our family-owned company has focused on providing quality wood products for the everchanging market, which has meant staying at the forefront of innovation and customer service. It is the industry's source for sustainable wood solutions.
Today, Nordic is known as a premiere solid-sawn I-joist producer, with proprietary small-block technology, consistent in-line tension testing, and the emergence of the first laminated solid-sawn flange joist, the NI-90x I-joist series. The company's exclusive ENVIROELAM process makes use of previously underutilized wood to maximize fiber yield. High-density black spruce fiber is the main ingredient in Nordic products because the species is lighter in weight than most other species, and is known for having fewer natural defects.
Nordic's family of engineered wood products allows discriminating specifiers to fully utilize one of the most substantial collections of
widths. The T&G is popular for paneling applications. The company's full decking lines are Select Deck in eased-edge and radius-edge in 514x4 and 514x6, and Best Deck in 1/4" radius I 3/8"x6" with kerfed back. Boards ideal for fascia, window trim, and architectural accents are available in rough or S4S2E in lx2 through 12" and 5l4x2 through 12". Mary's River offers a complete fencing program in square-top and dog-eared rough or smooth fencing in lengths up to 8'.
sustainable wood solutions available from a single manufacturing source.
The company's 250-acre facility includes manufacturing capacities of 140 million linear ft. of I-joists, 50 million bd. ft. of glued laminated products, and 205 million bd. ft. of dimensional lumber. Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, it harvests lumber from 2 million acres of timberland managed through a meticulous environmental management system.
Nordic Engineered Wood has been marketing Nordic Joist and Nordic Lam products since 2000. Attention to product development,
quality, and exceptional service have allowed the company to grow into a supplier of international scope.
Demand for more refined architectural solutions has led to the creation of Nordic Wood Structures, which offers a whole new complement of straight and curved beams: X-LAM cross-laminated timber, plus arches and decking for use in non-residential projects.
Nordic's in-house architectural and engineering services redefine the potential for engineered wood construction in timber structures, industrial buildings, sports facilities, office complexes, and bridges.
42 r Trader'Pmdw o 0ctober 2012
tleet the Exhibitor
Pennsylvonia Lumbermens Mutuol lnsuronce Compony
In the autumn of 1895, a group of lumber dealers and woodworkers from several eastern states met to discuss issues of mutual concern. One hot topic was insurance coverage and the high rates being charged to members of their industries by stock insurance companies of the time. The result was the establishment of Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
More than 100 years later, the company continues as Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company. It still writes specialized coverases for the lumber and wood-
illeet the ldribitor Plycem
Since 2005, Plycem USA has offered a different alternative: a broad line of fiber cement exterior trims that are good-looking and durable, weather and insect resistant, and environmentally friendly. Our products offer the look of wood, without the maintenance.
Plycem's technology is differentiated by its outstanding workability, since sand or silica is not used in the manufacturing process. Temperature-controlled curing and drying adheres the refined fibers and cement-an amalgamation of postindustrial and post-consumer recy-
working industries, and has include building material sawmills, manufacturers, and distributors. It provides protection for approximately 6,000 businesses nationwide.
grown to dealers,
Its primary lines include property, general liability, inland marine, business automobile, commercial excess liability, and equipment breakdown-a mix that is designed to protect every aspect ofone's business.
PLM has strong ties to the wood
industry and has worked very hard at maintaining its commitment to its customers and the wood niche. While other insurance companies may come in and out of the wood niche, PLM remains wholly focused on the wood industry. It offers competitive rates, loss control programs, and prompt claims response and handling. The company is financially strong and carries an A.M. Best rating of A(excellent).
PLM is an organization focused on the customer. Through its staff and the expertise of its field and loss control representatives, it is able to provide a high level of personalized service to suit the unique needs of each of its customers.
cled materials-into tight layers that will withstand years of weather exposure.
At the worksite, there is no need for specialized tools because Plycem fiber cement trim can be cut and installed with the same tools traditionally used with wood products.
With its reversible and smoothtextured surface, Plycem trim complements any siding product used
today. Machined square edges ensure the clean look of high-end construction and complement any style of architecture.
A wide variety of available widths and thicknesses make it the right choice for a wide variety of applications -exterior corners, windows, columns, and doors-adding grace and elegance to any style of architecture.
PLYCEM c.e.o. Jessica Navascues and national sales manager Tom Taylor. October 2012 o Tradeis'Pr,adw r {t
tleet the Exhibitor PPG
For many businesses, "going green" often means sacrificing quality for the sake of the environment. For the factory finish business on tanninproducing woods, moving to an all acrylic system using PPG Seal Grip MC primer can actually improve production and efficiency, with product performance no different than the traditional alkyds you're used to.
PPG's dedicated research and development team spent years developing and testing Seal Grip MC, which utilizes a specially formulated acrylic latex that blocks and seals tannin stains as well as traditional alkyds. It has excellent adhesion and, when used in conjunction with PPG Machinepure primer, offers good block resistance so it can be machine coated.
Combined with faster dry times and the ability to force cure, gone are the days of leaving boards on racks in the warehouse to dry overnight. This gives users an opportunity to provide faster turn-around times and increase production, all while eliminating solvents and minimizins odor and waste.
teer the Efiibibr Probyn Group
The Probyn Group is a privately owned and integrated forest company headquartered in New Westminster, B.C., founded in 1969 by Ed Probyn.
Ed has established the company
"Our primary requirement when formulating this product was its ability to successfully block and seal tannin stains. We've tested it against numerous products and Seal Grip MC blocks and seals these stains as well as any product we've seen," states Beth Kirol, PPG technical manager.
Vern Glover, owner of Northern Priming and Pre-Stain, Kersey, Co., adds, "We're really pleased with how well Seal Grip MC blocks and seals
tannins. We machine apply, brush, and spray, and it performs as promised. It really made moving to a water-based system easy."
PPG is a pioneering force in the machine applied coatings industry, with more than 80 years of experience and commitment to research and development. It constantly strives to earn the title of the most trusted name in the industry.
as a leader in forestry management and one of the premier businesses in the industry. He developed a foundation of success for the group by leading, rather than simply managing. He created a culture of profitability, while maintaining a business with integrity and responsibilities to our sustainable forests.
The Probyn Group's export division recently provided western red cedar to the Velodrome at the summer Olympics in London.
"The games were a remarkable opportunity for the entire world to view our sustainable products and has been very exciting for our company," president Peter Fograscher says. "It was a privilege to represent the province by providing western red cedar to the Olympics."
The group's manufacturing operations, based in Washington state
and British Columbia, produce more than 225 million bd. ft. of western red cedar per annum. Company divisions include Probyn Log, TMI Forest Products, AJ Forest Products, Probyn Export, Raintree Specialties, West Coast Moulding, and several other joint venture partnerships.
TMI is the largest volume coastal western red cedar facility in the world, and the only fence producer that exclusively markets the product in the U.S.A.
AJ Forest Products is a specialty western red cedar timber mill, known for procuring and merchandising the finest logs to manufacture timbers for America's premium luxury homes.
Probyn Export is a leading exporter of lumber and wood-related building products to buyers in most major markets around the world.
WESTERN RED CEDAR was featured in the construction of the Velodrome at the 2012 Olympics in London.
Ul r Tradcrs' hevleu o 0dober 2012 Bulldlngrhoduds.on
teer ilre ldribibr
Redwood Enpire
Redwood Empire manufactures and distributes a full line of top-quality redwood products, including decking, fencing, lattice panels. accessories. siding, posts and timbers. The familyowned company operates sawmills and remanufacturing facilities in Northern California, and offers truck and railcar service to expedite distribution to lumber dealers nationwide.
Redwood Empire offers green, air seasoned, and kiln-dried redwood in virtually all grades, including uppers. Its custom-engineered facilities enable the company to produce luxury moldings and trim, in addition to a full line of decking and fencing products, upper grade siding, and ceiling patterns. Redwood Empire also has drying kilns and plenty ofcovered storage on site.
Its location in the heart of California's "redwood empire" region gives the company easy access to high-quality logs from sustainably managed forests. Products are then fine-milled close to the source in an integrated, quality-controlled environment.
teer ilre ldriblmr Rosboro
Since 1939, Rosboro has evolved from a small lumber company to a vertically integrated forest products firm. Today, it operates a stud and dimension mill, plywood and veneer plant, and three glulam plants. It now has European CE certification, in addition to APA and CSA.
Stud products include 8',9' and 10' trims in KD and green fir, as well as KDHF. The stud product offering has been expanded to include green 3" and 4" in 8',9' and l0' trims. Its dimension mill cuts lam stock, dimension. and 4" timbers.
Rosboro is known as a quality sheathing manufacturer specializing in 8', 9' and 10' panels. In 2009, equipment was added to expand the offering to include MDO, thick panels, and T&G capabilities.
Rosboro has grown into North America's largest glulam manufacturer with an extensive product offering that includes high-strength
Redwood Empire's sawmill features twin head rigs and a fully integrated fence production line. Its prefabricated Sequoia fence panels are available in 4- and 6-ft. widths, with pre-sized posts and gates also available. The company also manufactures fence-topping lattice panels and superstrong gorilla lattice panels for quick and easy privacy anywhere.
"Redwood is sustainable, strong and long-lasting," says Sean Burch, Redwood Empire's general manager. "Redwood has proven its durability. It's a legendary natural product and offers the best value in deckins.
Redwood's strength and resistance to the elements make it ideal for virtually any outdoor application."
Redwood Empire also distributes Brazilian hardwood decking through its Morgan Hill, Ca., distribution center. The company features one of the country's largest inventories of ip6, tigerwood and cumaru, all Lacey Act compliant.
Redwood Empire has been providing quality lumber products and outstanding service to lumber dealers for more than 40 years. The company is one of the largest producers of redwood products annually.
BigBeam, Rosboro Treated Glulam, Custom Glulam, and X-Beam, the first architectural glulam in full 3l/2" and 5-112" widths that match standard wall framing.
Over these seven decades, a few essential attributes have remained the same. Rosboro still orovides
family wage jobs with benefits to Oregonians. It continues to manufacture its industry-leading lumber, plywood and engineered wood products in the U.S.A. And it still stakes its reputation and the company's future on responsibly managing its forestlands in the Pacific Northwest.
& Odober 2012 o Tndeis' Prevlw . 4{i
lheet rhe Exhibiror
Completed in 2007 , RoyOMartin's $270 million mill in Oakdale, La., is one of the largest OSB manufacturing facilities in North America. Its technologically advanced equipment is capable of annually producing 750 million square ft. (3/8" basis) of OSB products, in thicknesses from 7/16" to 23132" and lengths of 8' to 12'.
RoyOMartin's TuffStrand XL OSB is recognized in the marketplace as a strong and durable building component that retains excellent dimensional properties. TuffStrand XL is available in extended lengths of 9' and l0', allowing builders and contractors to cut down on material waste and valuable labor time, compared to traditional 8'panels.
Eclipse Radiant Banier is a costeffective and energy-efficient roofsheathing system that produces a superior radiant barrier from heat sources such as the sun. These panels help control attic climate, thus reducing energy costs.
Eclipse Energy Guard is a reflec-
tleet the ldribiror Uersolex
Versatex Trimboards uses the tagline "Trim Smarter" to summarize its entire approach to the marketplace. In business since 2004, the company has experienced exceptional growth by creating a smarter alternative in the expanding cellular PVC trim product category.
Based in Aliquippa, Pa., a suburb of Pittsburgh, it is an Americanowned and American-made company that corpbines the manufacturing prowess of a large company with the feel of a family-owned business. This approach provides customers with the highest quality PVC trim available, coupled with the comfort of knowing intimately who they are doing business with.
Versatex may not be the biggest company in PVC trim, but is the only company completely focused on the category. This focus enables it to stay on top of the ever-changing market and be the most innovative manufacturer in the market.
tive-insulation panel for sidewall applications. Used with approved tape to seal seams and corners, this product is an effective solution to ensure a superior thermo/vapor sidewall building system that replaces traditional house wrap. Additionally, it holds a Class "B" fire rating. With the radiant barrier already applied to the structural panel, construction time and costs are significantly reduced. Both Eclipse products have earned thirdparty verification from RIMA-I.
RoyOMartin also offers panels for improved uplift and shear. WindBrace
is an extended-length sidewall panel used in hurricane-prone areas. Easy to install, these panels are 1 1/8" longer than regular panels, allowing builders to tie the top plate to the bottom plate in a single sill-to-plate structural panel. This uninterrupted structure eliminates horizontal joints, creating greater wall strength. WindBrace is offered in lengths of 97 l/8", 109 Il8" - l2l l/8". and 145 ll8"
All RoyOMartin OSB products are APA rated and can hold Forest Stewardship Council and European CE certifications.
Versatex offers the most complete line of products in the PVC trim category. From trimboard, sheet, cornerboards, T&G profiles, mouldings, soffit products, and column wraps, to our revolutionarY Stealth Trim System, no one offers more.
Also. no one is more flexible, as Versatex offers cut-to-length and cut-to-width options in all of its products in less than full unit quantities. We also feature Smart Packs and Mixed Nuts Units, which are
half units and blended units, respectively, designed to reduce inventory burdens on customers.
Products come with industrY-best tolerances and a 30-year fully transferable warranty. All are backed by third-party independent testing, as required by national code listing CCRR-0149. These features have enabled Versatex to grow dramatically in a tough market and given it the ability to attract some of the premier lumberyards in the country as stocking dealers of Versatex.
6 o Traden'Prevlw o October20l2
Sitle wall panels elilninate tte needfur a sepatab house tmp, offer a class "B" fire rating & contol vapor morcment
Radiant banier roof sheathing helps control attic climate, lhus reducing energy cosb
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Assumptive selling
II/e ARE ALwAys assumptive. We project/infect our V Y customers with our expectations. Sellers who struggle enter into conversations and meetings as if they are going to be treated poorly and alas their assumption is correct-they are treated poorly. These same salespeople will bfame poor treatment on the customer (What a jerk!) when they are bringing this treatment on themselves.
Salespeople are consistent across all industries. They do not want to be put in the category of the pushy or arrogant seller. They don't wanltobe that guy. No one likes a pushy salesperson and no one wants to be one.
Many sellers are so woruied about being thought of as pushy or arrogant, they err on the other side of the equation. They bend over backwards not to be. Many of these sellers are ashamed of being salespeople. This negatively assumptive attitude is not lost on customers. These salespeople walk around with a sign that says, "l don't like me, you probably don't like me, so treat me badly," and many customers oblige them.
Positive Assumption
Let's begin by psyching ourselves up. Brian Tracey says we should sit in the car or at our desk before a big call and say, "I like myself, I like myself, I like myself." I agree and would add, "This customer is going to love me."
Master sellers project/infect their customers with the feeling: "We are going to do business together und you are going to love it." On the phone, relax (blow the air out). Smile-buy a mirror, put it on your desk in front of you, and smile! Use a radio voice-smooth. calm and confident.
In person, relax, shoulders back. Do not flutter or wring your hands. Have a notepad and a pen ready and take notes when the customer talks. Do not shuffle your feet. Do not jiggle change. Do not play with hair or touch any body part. Do not look at your watch or cell phone.
Smile as if you were the client's long-lost college roommate. Be friendly and open with (tll people at the account, not just the buyer. This shows confidence and will also help with nerves. Make good eye contact without staring. Make it a "sit down" meeting. Do not start "selling" until you are sitting. Sit side-by-side with customer if possible. If sideby-side is not possible, try to sit to the customer's right-be their "right-hand-man." If the table has two heads (not round) and it is a call to a group, try to sit at one of the heads across from the prime decision-maker.
Break bread. We eat with friends and family. Do not underestimate the value of having a meal with customers.
Assumptive Prospecting
At the end of a qualified prospect call, we say, "Sarah, I know/feel we are going to be a great fit. I look forward to working with you" Not "I hope we can get together on
something" or "I know you already have great suppliers, I just want the opportunity to earn your business." (By the way, when we ask for the opportunity that's often all we get, an opportunity, but no business. We want the business, so say so.)
In the inquiry stage of the sales process, we must act as if the order is already ours. Our attitude is, "Let's find out what we need and put this thing together." Not "Okay, John, I understand what you need. Let me go work out the specs and hopefully I can come back with a number that is cheap enough."
Assumptive Opening
"Good morning, Pete. I've got exactly what we've been looking for."
"Jerry, you are going to love this deal!"
Assumptive Closing
Customer: "When can that ship?"
Us.'"We have many options, when do you (better yet, we) need this to +,: ship?" s
Customer: "Next week." 't al
Us: "What's your order number?"
Assumptive Living
We are in control of the assumptions we make about our customers and how we will be treated. Let's assume we are great. and live like it.
By fames OlEen 't l I I I G ;t* :f James Olsen Reulity Sales Training (so3) 544-3s12 j Odober 2012 r The Merdrant lihgazine I 17
Astoria Builders Supply, Astoria, 0r., and sister company Gearhart Builders Supply, Gearhart, or., permanently closed Sept. 18, following bankruptcy filings and week-long liquidation sales. The remaining assets of the 65year-old company are set to auctioned off this month.
St. Johns Ace Hardware, St. Johns (Portland), or., was opened Aug. 28 by Mike Johnson.
Dolan's Lumber is down to four locations after closing its yard in Benicia, Ca., and selling the property.
Mercer lsland True Value, Mercer lsland, Wa., may be forced to relocate in 2013.
Davis Ace Hardware added a 4,000-sq. tt. Aggie Ace, Davis, Ca.-its first location not downtown.
Hometown Hardware & Garden, Downey, ca., has been launched by c.e.o. Greg Fuller, c.o.o. Rob Morck, and c.f.o. Ray Brown, all ex-Allhmerican Home Genter, which closed in Decembet.
BMC, Boise, ld., will begin selling Fiberofl products from its stores.
Berkeley Ace Hardware, Berkeley, Ca., has decided against relocating, despite imminent conshuction of a 205-unit residential development that could disrupt business.
Higgins Liquidates, But Will Return
After 129 years, J.E. Higgins Lumber, Livermore, Ca., has closed its remaining branches and liquidated the company.
Former sales manager John Parr purchased certain assets and intellectual property, including the Higgins name, and intends to reopen the company at its Livermore office this fall.
The company began closing its Higgins Lumber and Golden State Flooring branches in late spring, although Golden State offices in San Diego and San Jose, Ca., have since reopened under new ownership (see Aug p 23 ).
Tests Confirm DF Design Values
Recent testing of Douglas fir-larch lumber suggests no changes are needed to the species' published design values.
The test plan was formulated by Western Wood Products Association in cooperation with other western lumber agencies and approved last year by the American Lumber Standard Committee board of review. The plan required destructive testing of 360 pieces in bending and 360 pieces in tension of Doug fir-larch No. 2 2x4 lumber.
Preliminary analysis of the 2012 test data indicates higher (+5.5Vo) bending strength, (+5.}Vo) tensile strength, and (+8.l%o) stiffness properties than those established in the 1980s North American In-Grade lumber testing program, indicating the continued viability of current design values.
The published lumber design values are based on the InGrade lumber testing program. Professor Robert Fountain of Portland State University provided statistical support for the testing program. A total of 36 representative mills were selected for lumber sample collection from the Douglas fir
and western larch production region. The test lumber samples were representative of the lumber volume destined for the marketplace.
A report of the results will be submitted to the ALSC board of review for confirmation at their meetins this month.
The testing of westem species lumber is conducted periodically to monitor for changes, to allow for timely actions to be taken if needed to support western lumber products.
Reprieve for Malheur Lumber
Malheur Lumber's sawmill in John Day, Or., will not close Nov. 1-as previously announced-because the U.S. Forest Service has a plan to make more timber available from the nearby national forest.
Under the new plan, the U.S. Forest Service will use $5 million in federal funds to speed up timber sales and increase forest restoration projects in the 1.7 million-acre Malheur National Forest. The goal is to make about 60 million bd. ft. of timber available for the fiscal years 2013 and2014.
"I can sell all the pine we can possibly produce, assuming it's the right size," said Bruce Daucsavage, president of the mill's corporate parent, the Ochoco Lumber Co. He said that the mill needs 33 million bd. ft. of pine greater than 8 inches in diameter per year to keep operating.
Experts said that some of the new timber will be too small-and much would be Douglas fir and grand fir rather than pine-but the remainder will probably keep the John Day sawmill operating. It might even provide enough timber to reopen a Prairie Wood Products stud mill in nearby Prairie City, Or., that closed four years ago.
BMD relocated its Walnut Creek, Ca., operation to a new office in Concord, Ca.
Neiman Enterprises, Hutett, Wy., acquired the former Intermountain Resourcos sawmitt in Montrose, Co., and restarted the plant as Montrose Forest Resources.
Gerro Pacific Lumber, Redwood Valtey, Ca., suffered an early morning fire Sept. 20.
Epicor Software Corp., Dubtin, Ca., has agreed to acquire Solarsoft Busidess Systems from Martin Equity Partners.
Pinkwood will start production March 4, 2013, at a recently acquired l-joist plant in Calgary, Alb.
With an annual capacity of 60 million linear ft., the facility will produce l-joists protected with Pinkshield mold-, moistureand fire+esistant coating and diskibuted ny Taiga Building Products.
WeyerhaeuSer, Federal Way, Wa., has introduced a free Parallam+Deck Beam sizer app for iPhones and iPads. The latest version of its Javelin design software includes new features that enable users to create structural frame olans easier and ouicker.
Thunderbolt Wood Treating, Riverbank, Ca., relaunched its website at
For confi dence underfoot - a nd overheadbu lders tr ust Ainsworth E n g inee red.
For flooring systems that lay flat and true. For stairs that won't cup, sag or squeak. For cost-com petitive, sustai na bly sourced products, reliably supplied, choose quality. Choose Ainsworth.
r MOVERS & Shakers
John Pasqualetto has been promoted to director of sales & purchasing for Jones Wholesale Lumber Co., Lynwood, Ca.
Bob McBride. ex-Coos Head Forest Products/Durawood Treating, is now senior sales rep for Pacific States Treating, Weed, Ca.
David C. Leding, ex-Flakeboard, has joined Warm Springs Composite Products, Portland, Or., to lead its North American sales and marketins efforts.
Kristin Stelle, ex-TimberTech, is new to outside sales at International Wood Products, Clackamas, Or.
Bill Brooks is new to Central Valley Builders Supply, Woodland, Ca., as contractor sales mgr.
Jim McAttister, ex-Dayspring Hardwood & Moulding, has been named sales mgr. for the panel division of Columbia Cedar, Kettle Falls, Wa.
Mike Herrema has joined the sales team at Disdero Lumber. Clackamas, Or.
Jim Bloxham, ex-Apple Blossom Moulding & Millworks, is new to millwork sales at Ashby Lumber, Concord. Ca.
Kevin Smith, ex-Jim White Group, is new to softwood plywood sales at Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or.
Derek Thorson, ex-Lowe's, is a new outside sales rep for national accounts at American Building Supply. Phoenix. Az.
Brad Wilson has been named v.p.logistics & transportation for Pacific Coast Building Products, Rancho Cordova, Ca.
Penny Wise and Owen Money have joined the accounting department at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax. Nv.. according to co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
New Lumber Tax in California
California Governor Jerry Brown approved new legislation calling for a l7o additional sales tax on lumber products, to be collected at the retail lumber level. The new tax is expected to be in place by January I,2Ol3.
"Califomia's laws have saddled our timber industry with costly burdens while giving out-of-state competitors a free ride-but that stops today," said Brown. "This legislation enacts serious bipartisan reform to even the playing field to protect California's timber-industry jobs."
The new legislation, AB 1492, was introduced by timber landowners and others concerned that California laws give an unfair advantage to lumber products from less-regulated timber producers based out of state. It also provides for lesser liability to landowners for damages from wildfires.
It would also raise an estimated $30 million annually to pay for regulatory oversight, including $1.5 million for the Department of Fish & Games' timber harvest review program.
While the new law requires the additional tax to be collected at the retail level, it also includes provisions to reimburse retailers for costs associated with collection of the assessment.
"Lumber product" refers to a product in which wood or wood fiber is a principal component part (1070 of the total content by volume), including engineered wood. It does not include furniture, paper products, indoor flooring, bark or cork products, firewood, or other products not typically regarded as lumber products.
.3. aa ecochemical PAINT + STAINS THE INNOVATOR IN ECO-FRIENDLY PAINT + STAINS I 800-677-7930 20 t lhe lrlerdunt lihgazine r Ocbber 2012 &riHingrhoductrom
Peterman Expands to Arizona
Peterman Lumber, Fontana, Ca.. opened a ncw distribution facility Sept. l0 in Phoenix, Az.
The new 16,000-sq. ft. facility accommodates up to a half-milliondollars in inventory. Jeff Tonder is manager, with Gene Byrer and Brittney Skinner in sales.
Peterman also operatcs an I l-acre complex in Fontana and a DC in Las Vegas, Nv., which in August moved into largcr. 35.000-sq. lt. quarters.
Oregon Mill Runs Out of Logs
Warm Springs Forest Products, Warm Springs, Or., will temporarily shut down from mid-November to early next year because its yearly allotment of timber-38 million bd. l't.-hus bcen processer..
During the lull in production. the tribe will begin a $4.6-million upgrade of the mill's biomass system. Logging is to resume in December. with lumber production back up in February.
Azer Parent Buying Decking Competitor TimberTech
Azer Building Products pare nt CPG International, Scranton, Pa., agreed to buy TimberTech, Wilmington, Oh., from the Crane Group.
According to CPG chief executive officer Eric K. Jungbluth, "The ultimate goal is for our Azer business and TimberTech to join forces. We believe this powerful combination will not only create the largest manufacturer in the trim, decking and railing market, but will also create a premier company in the industry as both entities malnufacture highly engineered outdoor living solution products that offer exceptional aesthetics, performance zrnd longevity."
The deal was expected to close by the end of September.
Skyreach Expanding Rapidly
Extruded PVC building products manufacturer Skyreach L&S Extrusions Corp. is aggressively expandin-e manufacturin_e and distribution across North America.
Relaunched Iast year by Hong Kong's Liansu, Skyreach started with an extrusion plant in Vaughan, Ont., and has since addcd a warehouse and fabrication facility in Orange. Ca. Regional warehouscs and manufhcturing plants are set to open later this year in Chicago, Il., and next year in Dallas, Tx., and the mid-Atlantic area.
Initial products include basement windows and patio doors. but will erpand to decking and fcncing.
BlueLinx Sells California DC
BlueLinx Holdings has sold its 23-5,000-sq. ft. distribution center in Newark. Ca., for $17.7 million.
"Wc plan to relocate in the surrounding area by the end of the year to continuc serving the Northern California market," said c.f.o. Doug Goforth. "The sale of this property strengthens our balance sheet and positions us to strategically grow our business."
Old World Crafumanship In Today's Designs
HandHewn Distressed Timbers
Geo. M. Huff Lumber Company is now offering Hand Hewn Distressed Timbers in a variety of sizes, shapes and lengths.
All our distressed beams are WCLIB grade stamped and will meet structural and architectural applications. All are hand tooled and can be ordered with custom stains and Old World finishes.
We can supply timbers to any specification, whether it is Dense, Free of Heart Center. #l/Btr. Select Structural, Green or RFV Kiln Dried.
When a plan calls for exposed posts and timbers, count on us to provide you with a product that will last a lifetime.
Combine our selection of Douglas fir timbers along with our skilled milling staff and you've got one of the best resources in Southern California.
PHOENIX customer service center has been purchased by Peterman Lumber.
HUFF LUMBER COMPANY SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 800-347-4833 Odober2ll2 r lhe Merdrant lhguine t 2l
Synthetic Underlayment
Atlas Roofing's Summit synthetic underlayment is coated to resist exposure to water and UV rays for at least six months.
Made from a lightweight woven polypropylene fabric for steep-slope applications, it is packaged in l0 square rolls weighing less than 30 lbs. each.
(800) 388-6134
Finish for Fiber Gement Siding
SoPro factory coating from Duckback Products is formulated for pre-finishing of fiber cement siding. The coating has outstanding color retention, superior chalk resistance, and good scuffand mar resistance.
(800) 82s-s382
Exterior Wood Stain
Eco Chemical's Eco Hybrid exterior wood stain combines the benefits of oil- and water-based stains. The low-VOC stain oft'ers UV protection, resists chemicals, dries faster to reduce production times, and weathers without cracking. peeling or blistering.
(800) 671-1930
OSB Insulator
GreenGuard Plygood R-2 sheathing from Pactiv provides continuous insulation over OSB. Each board has an extruded polystyrene foam core and durable film facers. It comes 4'x8' and 4'x9'and 7/16" thick.
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''a:' raiu, ACO acoPresenve . Borates D-Blaze@ Interior Fir"e Retandanu Heat Treating ISPM 15 Compliant . Custom Drying Rail Served eNsr TPI tniro Par"ty Inspected FSC Certified scs-coc-oo2s1 3 909-350-1214 155OO Valencia Ave. [Box 1O7O], Fontana, CA 92335 Fax 909-35G9623 . email - www. fontanawholesalelumber. com 22 r The lledrant tt4agazine I 0dober2012
Structural Screws
Strong Drive SDW structural wood screws from Simpson Strong-Tie fasten trusses and rafters to wall top plates.
A fully threaded shank provides a secure connection between the roof and framing members. A cap-style head countersinks fully into the double top plate to avoid interference with drywall or finish work.
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ChemMasters' new sealer can protect stamped concrete, exposed aggregate, tefiazzo, and manmade or natural stone.
The low-VOC product dries slowly for easier application and to eliminate bubbles. It has a high gloss wet look, yet also resists solvents, acids, alkalis, gasoline, oils and grease.
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The water-soluble solution can be brushed or sprayed onto a variety of surfaces, including most wood products, wallboard, shingles, and concrete.
It can also be applied with BoralSol-WP, which protects wood from boring insects and wood rot. Both products reportedly conform to all EPA regulations and AWPA standards.
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4x4 POSIS in 4,5,6,7,8,9 ond l0'lengths 441 8 Nt (eller Rd., Rosebury, 0R 97470 . FAX541-672-567 6 Don Keller, SolesMonoger . (541) 672-6528 10330 Dlm Ave., Fontana, CA92337 (8OO)244-1696 (909) 357-7730 Fax (909) 357-7743 5625 Arville St., Ste. C-D [.as Vegas, NV 89f 18 (7o2) 430-3433 tax (702) 430-3440
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tm & ,N,:ff:.,:ffiiJ;.#t*"':':" a\ .dtr lH I qF ro,lunacA.Iasvegas,r\N.t;::il:* @ tLD t_eggJ Proudly Serving the Southwest California, Nevada & Mzona BnlHing.hodudrom OdoberDl2 I The Merdrant [tlagadne t El
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association's 2nd Growth group holds its annual holiday meeting Dec. 6 at Embassy Suites, Brea, Ca.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association scheduled its annual holiday party for Dec. 7 in the Mile High Stadium Club at Invesco Field, Denver, Co.
Portland Wholesale Lumber Association will ring out the old year with a Dec. 7 Christmas luncheon at Embassy Suites Hotel, Portland, Or.
APA-The Engineered Wood Association will incorporate clay shooting, golf and tennis tournaments into its Nov. ll-13 annual meeting at Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Fl.
North American Building Material Distribution Association is teaming with the North American Association of Floor Covering Distributors to present a joint annual convention Nov. l3-15 in Orlando, Fl.
Speakers include manufacturer-dis-
tributor relationship expert Robert Nadeau, selling and sales leadership veteran Jim Pancero. and economic forecaster Alan Beaulieu, with updated economic insights that directly affect the building materials and floor
covering industries.
Political consultant and former White House press secretary Dana Perino, co-host of Fox's The Five, wtll deliver the keynote address, "The Political Realities-Right Now."
LOS ANGELES Hardwood Lumberman's Club gathered Sept. 13 at Roscoe's, Fullerton, Ca. (t+) Mike Bohnhoff, Tom Escherich, Steve Ondich, Nathan Osborn, Charley Bohnhoff, Walter Ralston (kneeling), Charley James, Dan Bohannon, Christa Bohnhoff, Mark Michie, Dennis Johnston, Bill Fitzgerald, Bruce Jauman, Walter Maas, Dale Bohannon
24 r The lrlerdrant lihgazine r Odober20l2 BniHingrhoduct*om
Affiliotions: AWPA, WWPI, lRG, LACN, HLPA
WESTERN RED CEDAR Lumber Association's Cedar Summit kicked off BC Wood's Global Buyers Mission Sept. 5 in Whistler, B.C. [1] Don Demens, Helena Jehnichen, Carl Dyck, Jack Draper. [2] Carlos Fur:tado, Wayne Miller, Ryan Furtado. [3] David Jeffers, Cralg Combs. [4] Al Fortune, Steve Hickman, Jeff Derby. [5] Ron Enyeart, Linda Elliott. [6]
Atnsworth pOintSIX $llpaciricwoodLaminares,tnc - DURASTRANDFTOORIIUG Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products N "' DISTNBUTTON INC,,,,:;,:,,,,, P.O. Box 1802, Medford, OR97t01 Fax 541-535-3288 (541)535-3465 o Buildir4-hodudscom Odober20l2 r The tr,ledrant i,laga?ine I 25
Brad Meeker, Doug Nelson. [7] Bill Brown, Jake van Schothorst, Brent Stuart. [8] Asa Johnson, Skip Dierdor, Greg Louden, Karl Wagner, Trevor Park. [9] Ben Meachen, David Hughes. [10] Wendell Mcleod, Russ Nixon. [11]Joe Petree, Brad Klrkbride. [12] David Bond, Jim Gillis.
BC WOOD hosted its annual Global Buyers Mission Sept. 6-8 at the Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B,C. [1] Archie Rafter, Ron Andersen. [2] David Hughes, Mike Pidlisecky, Ben Good. [3] Mike Friesen, Bill Dumont. [4] Brad Flitton, Ben Meachen, Jeff Derby, Ryan Furtado, John Shook. [5] Peter Alexander, Lance Humphrey. [6] Dan Wasmuth, Don Slack, Gary Gill, joe Petree, [7] John Fijalkowski, Ben Klementovicz, David Bernstein. [8] Robert Marusic, Jack Heavenor, Scott Stockton. [9] Shannon Mott, Alan Oakes. [10] Glen & Kari Kump, Foster Coulson. ['11]
Doweled Lodgepolepine posts and rails.
1 112" to 12" Diameter in Stock. Large diameters & long lengths.
a o o = I E -
C&E LUMBER COMPANY Call 909-626-3591 Fax 909-626-4583 2692 North Towne Avenue Pomona, CA. 91767
John & Deborah Kruks. [12] Curtis Walker, John Brissette. [13] Al Huber, Blair Nutting. (More photos on next page)
26 r The ltledant !4agazine r October20l2 Building,Roductsom
(714) 632-t988. (800) 675-REEL
3518 Chicago Ave., Rivenide, Ca.92507 (9s1) 781-0s64
*.., Lumber Service, we supply domestic and foreign hardwoods. Our products and services include:
. Hardwood Lurnber & Pine
Flardwood Plywood &Veneers
. Melarnine Plywood
. F{ardwood Moulding (alder, cherry, mahogany, MDF, maple, red oak, paint gtade, pecan hickory, white oak, walnut, beech)
. Milling (rnoulding profiles, S2S, SLR1E, SLR2E, & resawn lurnber)
Woodworking Accessories (appliques, omaments, butcher blocks, corbels, etc.)
Woodworking Supplies (deft finishes, color putty, adhesives, etc.)
Ou, products are widely used in 1321 N. Kraemer Blvd. (Box 879), Anaheim, Cr.92806
interior finish carpentry, furniture, cabinetry and hundreds of industrial and manufacturing applications.Ve stock a complete line of cornplementary products to cornplete virtually any woodworking or rnillwork project.
E o = o o I a a T 7 t f r ; i. , :
MORE BC WOOD (contlnued from previous page): [1] Gary Fallin, Chuck Martineau, Duncan Fairclough. [2] Bryan Lundstrom, Al Fortune. [3] Craig Combs, David Jeffers. [4] Graham Picard, Ted Dergousoff, Terry
Gaines. [5] Gordon Catherwood. [6] Rob Mitchell. [7] Tyson Palmer, Dennis Wight. [8] Peter Grant. [9] Brett Li, Laura Chalke, Shane Carphin. [10] Peter Dickson, Mack Magee. [11] Corey Scott, Griffin Augustian.
Bttildittg' Odobermf2 r lhe ttlerdnil ltlagazine : tI
James Richard Rauch,79, former operator of Rauch Lumber Co., Troy, Id., died Sept. 9 in Coeur d'Alene, Id.
He started working at the family business in 1942 at age 10 and relocated to Potlatch. Id.. when Bennett Lumber Co., Princeton, Id., bought the company in 1969. In 1987, he moved to New Mexico to help the Mescalaro Indians start up a sawmill, selling lumber for Mescalero Forest Products, Mescalero, N.M., until he
retired in 1992.
He served in the U.S. Army.
John Lloyd "Jack" Ruble, 89, retired owner of Ruble Forest Products, Eugene, Or., died Sept. 2 in Bend, Or.
During World War II, he served in the Army. Afterward, he finished his studies at the University of Oregon and graduated with a B.S. in economics.
He was involved in the lumber industry for many years. serving as principal at several lumber brokerage
Rates: $1.20 per word (25 word min.). Phone number counts as 1 word, address as 6. Centered copy or headline, $9 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $15. Column inch rate: $55 if art furnished "camera+eady" (advertiser sets the type), $65 if we set type. Send ad to Fax 949-8520231 or dkoenig@ For more info, call (949) 852-
firms. He started his own company in 1964 and retired from the business in 1986.
Robert Bruce "Bob" Taylor, 91, retired Oregon lumberman, died of cancer Sept. 15 in Eugene, Or.
After serving as a U.S. Army master sergeant in Okinawa during World War II, he graduated from the University of Oregon School of Law in 1948 and began his career in lumber sales at Timberlane Lumber Co., Eugene. He retired from A&R Lumber Sales, Junction City, Or.
1990. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing. Deadline: 18th of previous month.
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Llsflngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wilh sponsor before makrng plans to aftend.
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - Oct. 12, golf tournament & bbq, Ukiah Golf Course, Ukiah, Ca.;
Do it Best Corp. - Oct, 13-15, fall market, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, In.; (260) 748-5300;
American Architectural Manufacturers Association - Oct. 14-17, national fall conference, Hyatt Regency Tamaya, Albuquerque, N.M.; (847) 303-5664;
Door & Hardware Institute - Oct. 17-18, annual conference & expo, MGM Grand, LasVegas, Nv.; (703)222-2010;
Lumber Association of Galifornia & Nevada - Oct. 18-19, annual convention, Monterey, Ca. ; (800) 266-4344;
Remodeling & Decorating Show - Oct. 20-21, Orange County Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, Ca.; (818) 557-2950;
Composite Decking & Railing Conference - Oct. 22-23, Atlanta, Ga.;
Green Industry & Equipment Expo - Oct.24-26, Kentucky Fair & Expo Center, Louisville, Ky.; (800) 558-8767;
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association - Nov. 24-26, pro dealer summit, Westin, Savannah, Ga,; (202) 3671 1 69;
American Lumber Standard Committee - Nov, 2, annual meeting, San Francisco, Ca.;
Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Assn, - Nov. 4-5, annual convention & show, Orlando, Fl.; (800) 352-2981,
Western Wood Preservers Institute - Nov. 4-7, annual meeting, Grand Wailea Resort, Wailea, Maui, Hi.; (800) 729-9663;
Washington Forest Protection Association - Nov. 7, annual meeting, Olympia, Wa.;
Building Industry Show - Nov, 7-8, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Ca.; (909) 396-9993; www.buildingindustrysn0w.c0m.
North American Wholesale Lumber Association - Nov. 7-9, Traders Market, Hyatt Regency, Chicago, ll,; (800) 527-8258i
Pacific Logging Congress - Nov. 8-10, convention, Tucson, Az.; (425) 41 3-2808;
APA-The Engineered Wood Association - Nov. 9-13, annual meeting, Ritz Carlton, Amelia lsland, Fl.; (253) 565-6600; www,
North American Building Material Distribution AssociationNov. 13-15, annual convention, Hilton, Orlando, Fl.; (888) 7477862,
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - Nov. 14, initiation meeting, La Hacienda Restaurant, Cloverdale, Ca.;
Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - Nov. 14, dinner & speaker meeting, Anaheim Hills, Ca.; (760) 324-0842; hoohool
U.S. Green Building Council - Nov. 14-16, Greenbuild conference & expo, San Francisco, Ca.; (800) 795-1747;
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - Dec, 6, 2nd Growth holiday meeting, Embassy Suites, Brea, Ca.; (916) 235-7490;
JLC Live Residential Construction Show - Dec, 6-7, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Or.; (972) 536-6461; northwest.
Celebrating 45 years of tine hardwood manufacture and d istribution
For the finest service in the industry, call on Swaner for a steady, reliable source of quality hardwood products at competitive prices.
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BuiHing-Produdsom Octoberll2 r lhe lledrail ltagujne r 4,
A hafdwafe StOre outside Nashville. Tn.. is bringing family-friendly entertainment to the neighborhood-and increasing its sales.
"Viva Nash Vegas" is the title of the free music and comedy show that plays out in the back of Handy Hardware, Franklin, Tn., every two weeks, on Saturday mornings.
"You have to find your niche and go for it," says manager Andy Willoughby, whose father has owned the store for the past 20 years. "I've got a lot of unique things in the store."
Unique might be an understatement. An Elvis doll sits on a stuffed bobcat, near weed trimmers, old-time washboards, raccoon traps, metal detectors, and a display of Civil War-era bullets. Also on display-and for sale-are Viva Nash Vegas T-shirts and posters.
The show is the brainchild of George Hamilton Vwho grew up at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville-and his friend, William Covington, a sheet-metal worker. Hamilton, who's recorded several albums and still tours Europe, wanted to perform closer to his home in Franklin.
When the two men approached Willoughby, he readily agreed to the idea, but had no idea it would be so popular. "It's just amazing how much business it's brought me," he says. "It's increased my business by 687o on Saturdays."
The most recent show had an appreciative audience of about 50, some of whom sat on folding chairs near the cans of paint and boxes of nails. "It's brought in lots of new customers," says Willoughby. " Many shop during and after the show, and also return during the week."
Hamilton and Covington are always looking for stars who don't mind performing near home improvement products. So far, Grand Old Opry favorites such as George Hamilton IV, Michael Kelsh, and Al Goll have performed here. Another favorite was Jeannie C. Riley, who sang a version of her classic "Harper Valley P.T.A."
"We like entertaining and we like country music," says Covington. "We wanted to share it with everybody."
For more information on advertisers, call them directly or visit their websites [in brackets].
Advantage Trim & Lumber [www.advantagelumber.coml,..,,,...,..,...1 I Ainsworth [].............,,,,,.., .,.....18-19
Arch/Lonza [] ...,,..Gover I
Benjanin 0bdyke [] ...,.,............,,........rm32
Blue Book Services [].............,.......,.rm34
Bodyguard []...... ..Cover ll
Boise Cascade [].,..,........................,,,,.....................'ll
Cabot [www.cabotfactoryfinish,com]...................,.,..,.,,....,'15
G&D Lumber Co. []..........................................rN28
C&E Lumber Co. []..............,......,................26
Coastal Plywood [] .,.....,............,..........rm10
Collins [www.truwoodsiding,com] ...................,............................,8a.8a
Distribution Management Systems Inc. [],.,......,..ru25
Eco Chemical [www.ecochemica1.c0m1,,,..........................,,...,,..........20
El & El Wood Products []......Cover ll
Enduris [www,].....................,. ....,.......ru11
Forest2ilarket [www.forest2market.c0m1,........................,,.,,.....,...ru33
Fontana Wholesale Lumber [www.fontanawholesalelumber.coml..22
GRK Fasteners [] .................13
Haida Forest Products [www.haidaforest,com] ..............................,ru7
Huff Lumber Co ..................,...,,........21
ldaho Forest Group [].,,,,,.,,......,........ru48
Jaaco Corp. [wwwjaaco.coml ,,..,.,..,.,,............ ...........3
J.M. Thomas Forest Products []....................4
Keller Lumber Co. ................,...... .,..,,.,,,,,......,.,..........23
LWO Corp. [],,......,........... .......ru39
Manke Lumber Co, [] TM35
Mary's River Lumber [www.marysriverlumber,com]...............,.....rm20
Maze Nails [] ..............,.. .........ru2
Murphy Go. [] ...............TM5
Nordic Engineered Wood Products [] .........rm29
Norman Distribution Inc. [] ..........................,..25
North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. []........rm41
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. [].....ru32
PPG Industries [] ...........................ru17
Pacific Wood Preserving Gos. [] ...................24
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance []....,...rm27
Peterman Lumber Inc. [www.petermanlumber.coml ..........,.......,......23
Plycem USA [www.p|ycemtrim.coml...............................................ru19
Probyn Group [] ,....,,.,.....,.,...........................,..,rm9
Redwood Empire [www.redwoodemp.coml ...................................rN13
Reel Lumber Service []
Regal Custom Millwork
Rosboro [www,]..........,.....,,... ...........ru26
Roseburg Forest Products [www,]..................,......,,......rm23
RoyOMartin [www.royomartin,com].............. .......ru47
Shasta Green [].........................,.,...............rm32
Simpson Strong.Tie [www,] ...........,.............,,.,..Cover lll
Skyreach L&S Extrusions Corp, [],...,,,.............3
Snider Industries []..........,,,...,,..............ru3
Sunbelt [www.sunbeltracks.coml............ ,...,,,.......rul6
Swaner Hardwood Co. [] .......................29
Swanson Group Sales Co. [].....Cover lV
Taiga Building Products Inc.....,................ ..................5
Thunderbolt Wood Treating []...........29
Versatex [www,versatex,coml .................... ..........ru21
Viance [] ................,.,........,...,.5
Western Red Cedar Lumber Assn, []........ru7, ru30-31
Yakama Forest Products [www,] ....................ru39
@ Fiddle Me This
GRAND OLE OPRY stars perform at Handy Hardware, Franklin, Tn.
(Photo by Donna O'Neill)
30 r Thetyledtantlllagadne l October20l2
Many lumber dealers are seeing their annual deck sat*]lii DeckTools@ softlvare. The program is simple to learn *iid
dealers can design a deck in a few minutes, keeping thsffrofl tl
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For oversirfv vcirrs uc hln,c firllou,cri thc slrnie principlg5: tlikc crrrc ol' thc lantl itrtrl it ri'ill trrkc crtrc of \',,rr; sfrivc firrexccllcnce ultti citlcicncv in llllttrlttlle tttrittg; lturl trcat ltll sutrrpljc15 ltrrtl Crrstitnters thc \\'lt\'\'()u u',ltrl.l
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