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lheet the Ixhibitor
One of the world's foremost forest products comPanies, WeYerhaeuser has been supplying the building industry with quality wood products for 113 years. Weyerhaeuser offers leading structural frame materials, software and technical support, and is among the largest building products distributors in the U.S.
Under the Trus Joist brand, WeYerhaeuser manufactures high-performance engineered lumber for efficient installation and long-lasting durability. Trus Joist developed the wooden Ijoist 50 years ago. Dimensionally stable, lightweight and available in long lengths, TJI joists have been recognized as the "most-often-used engineered I-joist" by Builder magazrne for 14 straight years.
Building on that legacY are a range of highly engineered innovations for building taller, stronger and more efficiently, including TimberStrand LSL,
Microllam LVL, and Parallam PSL. Most recently, Weyerhaeuser introduced TJI joists with Flak Jacket protection, a specialty coating that helps meet fire protection requirements.
The comPany's reputation for quality continues in the OSB category, where features like Down Pore self-draining technology, a 50-year warranty, and a 200-daY no-sand guarantee have made Edge Gold one of the most trusted panel brands. The latest development, Hardwood Edge' is the industrY's first OSB Panel designed specifically for use under hardwood floors.
As always, WeYerhaeuser continues to provide the reliable dimension lumber that has been the choice of pros for more than a centurY, along with premium-grade and warrantYbacked Framer Series lumber.
Weyerhaeuser suPPorts the LBM community with value-added ser-
teet the Exhibiror Weslern Jorest Products
Western Forest Products is an integrated Canadian forest products producer that manages crown timberlands and minufactuies softwood lumber and wood products on the British Columbia coast. It offers a premium species mix-westem red cedar, hem-fir, Doug fir, yellow cedar, and Sitka spruce. With its unique timber base, WFP produces a wide range of products, from commodity to specialty appearance, for the global marketplace' ' Wfp is tire lirgest forest tenure holder and lumber producer on the coist of B.C. The company is well posiiioned to access growing Pacific Rim markets, as well as established North American and Japanese markets' With an annual capacity of 1.1 billion bd. ft., its eight sawmills and two reminufacturing plants are designed to capitalize on its unique, high quality timber supply to produce long lengths, large cross sections, and high-grade appearance lumber, in addition to commodity lumber.
Given its strong balance sheet and assets, WFP has the financial flexibility to re-invest in the company and recently launched a $2OO-million investment plan' Twothirds of the strategic capital is focused on business repositioning, while the remaining third is earmarked for cost-reduction projects.
The Saltair iawmill upgrade is the first investment in this plan. The mill, built in 19'72, converts coastal midsize iogs into high value specialized produc-ts in hemlock, Douglas fir, andwestern red cedar' The $38-million capital pioject, the first at the mill since the mid-1990s, will make Saltair the largest singleJine sawmill on the B'C' vices, including unmatched training and marketing supPort. For examPle, its Modus suite of software-Forte, Estima, Javelin and Stellar-allows dealers to implement structural framing solutions and optimize material use, while reducing cYcle time, cost and waste, coast. The project will provide upgrades to the edgers' stacker and sorters, increasing production by l5%o to make the facility more competitive with global producers. Increased efficiencies with the upgrade will reduce mill bottlenecks. Upgraded edgers will facilitate onsite production of prime sizes for the ever-growing Asian market-a critical part of the customer profile, which also includes Europe, Australia and North America' Its next set of investments will be in auto-grading technology. WFP, in partnership with Lucidyne Technologies, is refining the technology necessary,to address the coimplexity of coastal species lumber grading, resulting in thl first installation of auto grading on the B'C' coast' The equipment will increase operating speeds, improve value, and increase lumber recovery. The first installation, at APD, is expected to begin by year-end and will be rolled out to remaining mills over the next three years' Additional components of WFP's strategic plan will be announced over the course ofthe year.