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lheet theExhibitor The Weslerveh Co.
As the private owner of nearly 500,000 acres of timber_ lands in the southeastern U.S., The Westervelt Co.'s envi_ ronmental stewardship practices were instilled by its founders^whenlhe organization first began acquiring land in the 1930s. These visionaries recogiized the intrinsic value of forests as both a renewable wood fiber supply source and as a platform on which other businesses could be based.
. Committed to preserving land for future generations, the company's timber-management practices include streamside-management zones to improve water quality, immediate replanting to ensure a sustainable forest, contin_ ual forest management, and wildlife enhancement with on_ staff biologists. Its manufacturing facilities maintain the highest emissions standards for air and water quality. The company honors its commitments by: - minimizing the greenhouse gas emissions from its business operations, protecting and enhancing watershed quality on compa_ ny owned, leased, or managed lands, and reducins-its water usage where possible, improving habitat quality wherever it operates, . managing its renewable resources in a iustainable and environmentally sound manner, improving the efficiency of its energy consumption, . seeking ways to use renewable energy sources, and
. working with government and regulatory agencies, customers, suppliers and associates to mutually improve the environment.
Recognizing FSC as one of the most stringent environ_ mental certifications available, Westervelt iuccessfully aligned its forestry practices with the standard in 201i, allowing its_ southern yellow pine wood products division, Westervelt Lumber, to bring i steady striam of FSC_certi_ fied fiber into irs mill. Offered are FSC_certified lumber consisting of 1" boards, dimension lumber, timbers (4x4, 4x6,6x6), decking and pattern stock. As a result. manv customers have earned points in their pursuit of LEED_cei_ tified projects.
With over 80 years experience as forest owners, forest m_anagers, and forest products manufacturers, the vision of Westervelt's early leaders has endured and now reaches into its fifth generation. One thing is certain: the compa_ ny's environmental stewardship mission will continue to serve as its basis for decision-making and will contribute to keep working forests working.