5 minute read
Depot Expands contractor Referrals to Northwest
Home Depot has expanclecl its elcc_ tronic contract<tr rel'crral svstcnt to its 172 stores in thc Pacific Nrtrthwcst.
The system. nantcd Redbcacon. Iinks custorners with contr-actors ancl other builcling prol'cssionals. Thc chain alreacly otl'crs thc ficc service in many large cities and is cxpanding it natronwide.
Launchcd in 2009 and bou-lht by Honte Dcpc'rt last year. Redbeacon can be uccessecl <tnlinc. by rnobile phone. ancl at in-storc kiosks. Alter filling out a furnt al-rout theit. pro.jcct, custonters will rcccive u1t to filur su_9-slested con_ tractors.
According to Dcpot. listed contrac_ tors har.'c been background checkccl. Customcrs ntust use the scrvicc's
OSH Rolls Out Mobite App
Orcl'rarcl Supply Har.clwarc. San Josc. Ca.. has introduced a neu, nrobilc app to help custorners shop nrore casily.
Thc app allou,,s sholtpers to:
. acccss how-to iiclcos fitr rcpairs. paintin-u. and oLrtdoor pro.jccts
. vicw wceklv ads rvith honrc lntprovclnent idcas ancl special prod_ uct of-fers locatc ancl chcck-in at OSH stores earn and redccr-n Club Orchard points
. unlock spccial prctrnotions and cliscounts, and shilrc product lnd prontotional inforrration via Faccbook. Twittcr. Cooglc+. rtrd PintL'r.e\1
SDS Featured in Dodge Ad
About halfway throu-rh a new Dodge contmercial. a Ram pickup turns a corner hauling a load of lumber painted with the red logo of SDS Lumber, Bingen, Wa.
The ad cnds with a glamour shot of fivc Dod_ge commercial vehicles at the company,s rnill.
"We've had customcrs all over the eountry who havc secn it on national television." said president Jason Spadaro. "lt's neat. It gives exposure to the local arca."
He said that the production crew had becn looking for a place to showcase the trucks and decicl_ ed that the mill was perfect. Shooting took place over two full days in May.
schedulin-s lcature and disclosc pro_ .1ect details and price. Failurc to do so nullifies the Redbeacon satisfaction guarantce of up to $ I .0(n.
^ -W. Iaunched payments in spring 20 l3 and thLrs thc onlv reclurrenrcnt fbr custonrcrs seekir.rg the Rcdbeaccln satisftrction guarantec is that they pay their pro tbr work completecl througir the Redbcacon site,,r.p1r." ruid spokcswonran Deana Decker.
"Every Reclbeacon pro -gcrs two Redbeacon points tirr cvery $il thcy spend in a Home De pot," addcd Decker'. "Each.iob they wirr co:1, them a balance of points. and they use the points they earn shopping fur matcrials to pay f or thc point citrrmis_ sion firr the .fob. Thcl' are charsed a monthll, subscription f'ee of $29.99. which starts them with 300 points each month."
GEO. M. HUFF LUMBER COMPANY; o premier distributor of wholesore buirdiog producis; hos reomed wirh Roseburg Engineered wood producis in th1 Southern colifornio morkei. Huff Lumber offers the complete line of Roseburg EWp coupled with full technicol copobiliiies including toke-off, .onu.rriln, procemenl drowings ond engineering services. EWp moteriols ore ovoiloble in mill direct bu]k shipments, locol uniis ond cui piece iob pockoges.
The Roseburg Froming sysiema consists o{: RFpr@ Joisrs used in froor ond rool construction; Rigidlom@ LVL which is used for heoders, beoms, studs ond columns; ond RigidRim@. Rimboord. All of rhe components ore engineered to the induslry's highest stsndords to herp conirociors build solid, duroble, ond beiter per{orming froming systems compored to ordinory dimension lumber. RFPlqJoisf
RigidLom@ [Vt Studs
RigidRim@ Rimboord HUFF
Santa Fe Springs, California 800-347-4833
Kelly Fox, ex-Dunn Lumber, has been named c.e.o. of Lumber Traders, Port Angeles, Wa., overseeing oPerations of Port Angeles Millwork & Lumber and Hartnagel Building SuPPlY. He succeeds Arnold Schouten, who has retired nearly 30 Years after he Purchased the business.
Mike Maharg, ex-Bluelinx, has been named branch mgr. at CaPital Lumber. Portland, Or.
Kyle Lazon, ex-Bluelinx, has joined the sales team at Boise Cascade, LathroP, Ca., as trim Products sPecialist ?or Northern California and northern Nevada.
Scott Blackburn, ex-Burnham Insulation, is now mgr. of BMC' Issaquah, Wa.
Mark AverY has been Promoted to director of composite manufacturing for Roseburg Forest Products' Dillard, Or. Joe Heard is new as particleboard/laminating plant mgr' in Simsboro, La.
Brice Myers is now marketing director for AshbY Lumber' BerkeleY, Ca.
Ned Olson, ex-Talon Forest Products, is a new framing lumber and structural panel trader at Timberline Forest, Sherwood. Or.
Teresa Slominski has joined Pacific Lumber & Truss Co.'s Lake Oswego. Or.. design center as cabinet specialist.
Dean Hinna, Rand Henrichs, Erik Jacobs, and John PolinskY are new account mgrs. at CaPital Lumber, Portland, Or. Edward Harty is now oPerations mgr', with Eric Lairson and Nickolas Wilkinson new to the oPerations department. Lisa Kratochvil is the new business mgr.
Steve KolP has been Promoted to general mgr. at Franklin Building Supply, Bellevue ' Id ' Dirk Redfern is now assistant mgr. and Cavet James is new to outside sales.
Jim Daher, ex-Clearview Windows & Doors, is now in sales at Paramount Windows, Az.

Krisha Davis is new to inside sales at Moulding & Millwork, Seattle, Wa.
Jess Abell, ex-Bridgewell Resources' is new to eastern sales at Matheus Lumber, based in the Portland, Or', area.
Jim Lawler has joined the sales team at White CaP Construction SuPPIY' Denver, Co.
Michael Martin has been named West Coast regional sales mgr. for building materials with Alpha ProTech Engineered Products. He is based in Rocklin, Ca.
Janet Wheeler has retired from Interfor, Vancouver, B.C., after 4l years in the business. She is succeeded bY Carol Green, who moves to sales full-time.
Gary M. Chamberlain, ex-Pella Window & Door, has joined JeldWen, as senior business develoPment mgr. for the Los Angeles, Ca.. area.
Michael P. McDermott has joined Lowe's, Mooresville, N.C., as senior v.P. & general merchandising mgr.-building & maintenance' Scott Drain has been named Boise, Id., area sales mgr. for Owens Corning.
Art Steinhafel has been promoted to president of ply Gem Windows, Cary, N.C.
Brian Buck is new to Nichiha USA, as Seattle, Wa.-based technical director for the West.
Kevin Braun has been named v.p.-industrial coatings for PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, pa., replacing Richard Zoulek, who has left the company.
Nick Magee has joined RSI professional Cabinet Solutions, Mira Loma, Ca., as Northern California seneral mgr.
Christopher R. Griffin has been appointed executive v.p. and chief operating officer for USG Corp., Chicago, Il. Jennifer F. Scanlon is now senior v.p.-USG and president-international.
Bob Green has been appointed director of sales for the building products division of Skyreach L&S Extrusions, Vaughan, Ont. Franco Valente is now director of sales for the profile extrusion division.
Steve Horvath is new to sales and marketins at Meeker Lumber, Mission. B.C.
Stewart Holm is the new chief scientist for the American Forest & Paper Association, Washington, D.C.
Sarah Ryan Dodge-Palmer has been named v.p. of government affairs for the American Wood Council.
Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd was named director-communications for the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, Alexandria, Va.
Dale Rogers, mgr., Home Depot, Thatcher, Az., has been appointed to the Pima town council.
Seth Poole is in charge of hazardous waste removal at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
Appllcation: Burr-o Mv Roor
Produced by: Firestone Building products
Price: Free
Platforms: iPad, Android tablets
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