2 minute read
,lrisflngs. are often su.bmitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wllh sponsor before making plans to aft6nd.
Forest Tech 2013 - Oct. 9, Portland Airport Sheraton, porfland. Or.: www.westernforestry. org.
Black Bart Hoo.Hoo Club - Oct. 11, golf tournament & BBe, Ukiah Municipal Golf Course, Ukiah, Ca.; (707) 621-0485; www.Utact<bathoohool 81 .org.
Home & Garden Show - Oct. 11.13, Santa Clara Countv Fairgrounds, San Jose, Ca. ; www.worldclassshows.com.
Lane County Home lmprovement Show - Oct, 11.13, Fairgrounds, Eugene, Or.; www.eugenehomeshow.com.
North American Deck & Railing Association - Oct i6, annual I9glil9,. Lakeside Center at McCormick ptace, Chicago, il.; (888) 623-7248; www.nadra.org.
DeckExpo - Oct 16.18, Lakeside Center at McCormick place. Chicago, ll.; (866) 475-6495; www.deckexpo.com,
Remodeling Show - Oct. 16-18, Lakeside Center at McCormick Place, Chicago, ll.; (866) 475-6495; www.remodelingshow.com.
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - Oct. 17. 19,.annual convention, U.S. Grant, San Diego, Ca.; (800) 2664344; www.lumberassociation.org.
Western Hardwood Assn. - Oct. 17.18, grading school, Hardwood Industries, Tualatin, Or.; (360) 835-1600; wesfernhardwooo.com.
Do it Best Corp. - Oct. 19-21,lall market, Indianapolis Convention Center, lndianapolis, In.; (260) 748-5300; www.dbitbestcoro.com.
Building.lnduslry Show - Oct. 20, Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, Ca.; (949) 553-9500; www.buildingindustryshow.com.
Alaska Forest Association - Oct. 23.25, annual convention, Best Western Landing, Ketchikan, Ak. ; www,akforest.org.
Green Industry & Equipment Expo - Oct. 23-25, Kentucky Fair & Expo Cenler, Louisville, Ky.; (800) 558-8767; www.gie-expo.com.
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association - Oct. 23-25, pro dealer summit, Sheraton Nashville Downtown. Nashville, Tn.; www.dealer.org.
North American Wholesale Lumber Association - Oct. 23-25. annual Traders Market, Mirage, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 527-g21g; www.lumber.org.
Gontra Costa Home & Garden Show - Oct. 25-27, Sleep Train Pavilion, Concord, Ca. ; www.capitalshowcase.com.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn.Q9!..3-0,_fgldqaising brewfest, Mite High Station, Denver, Co.; (800) 365-091 9; www.mslbmda.org,
APA-The.Engineered Wood As91,- tloy. 2-4, annual meeting, Hyatt, Huntington Beach, Ca.; (253) 565-6600; apawood.org.
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Nov. 3, tennis tournament, Anaheim Tennis Center, Anaheim, Ca.; (626) 445-9556; www.lahlc.net.
Western Wood Preservers Institute - Nov. 3.6. annual meetino. Locw's Coronado, San Diego, Ca.; (360) 693-9958; www.wwpiistitute.org.
Association of Millwork Distributors - Nov. 3.7. annual conven!ioq.& 9f0ry, Cobb Galleria Convention Centbr, Ailanta, Ga.; (7 27 \ 37 2-3665; www.amdweb. com.
Pacific Logging Congress - Nov. 4.6, convention, Rio Suites & Casino, Las Vegas, Nv.; (425) 413-2808; pacificloggingconference.org.
Tacoma-Olympia !.og-!oo Club - Nov. 5, meeting, La euinta Inn, Tacoma, Wa.; (253) 531 -1 834.
American Lumber Standard Gommittee - Nov. 8, annual meetino. New Orleans, La.; www.alsc.org.
Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association - Nov. 11. 13, annual convention & show, Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 352-2981; www.sta-fda.6rg.
North American Building Material Distribution AssociationNov. 12-14, annual convention in coniunction with North American Association of Floor Covering Djstributors, Sheraton, Chicago, ll.; (800) 888) 7 47 -7 862; www.nbmda.org.
Black Bart Hoo.Hoo Club -^Nov. 1.3, new member meeting, La Hacienda, Cloverdale, Ca.; (707) 621-0485; www.biackbathoohool 81 .org.
Mountain States Lumber & Buitding Material Dealers Assn.Nov. 13.15, estimating workshop, Ramada plaza Denver Central, Denver, Co.; (800) 365-0919; www.mslbmda.orq.
Los Angjles. Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Nov. 14, meeting, Rib Trader Restaurant, Orange, Ca.; (626) 445-8555; www.lahlc.net.
U.S. Green Building Council - Nov. 20-22, Greenbuild conference & expo, Philadelphia, Pa.; (800) 795-1747; www.usgbc.com.
Tacoma-Olympia Hoo.Hoo Club - Dec. 3, holidav oartv. Oakbrook Golf Course, Lakewood, Wa.; (253)531-1834. ' '
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn.Dec. 5, WOOD Council holiday party, Mite Hiqh Stadium at Invesco Field, Denver, Co. ; (800) 365-001 9; www. irslbmoa.org.
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - Dec. S, 2nd Growth holiday meeting, Brea, Ca.; (800) 266-4344i www.tumDerass0ctan0n.org.
Portland Wholesale Lumber Association - Dec. 6. holidav lunch. Embassy Suites Airport, Portland, 0r.; (503) 203-6463; www. portlandwholesalelumberassociation.org.
Southern California Hoo.Hoo Club - Dec. ll, meeting, Anaheim Hills Golf Crurse, Anaheim, Ca.; (760) 3'Zl-OAn; www.hoohoo117.org.