Merchant Magazine - November 2011

Page 1

D]'c,;,;tu'c trartlatl tLnul lnwlttt'1,; ttlll.r 0stttosc Nuhrrcllitotl ltn:set't'rtllt'e prttt rla 'lse btrllrlltry lilock,; litr oultloor cott,tlrttt'lftttt.'l'lte,\ttlrrrellitotlfresat't'ttlit'c s.l'slent 'tttcl.;.-lnttrlt'tttt llixtl Prutlatliott ,I.;soclalion slnntfutruls. rttttl u'lth prasert'ttlttc 'alctrlluts rtt,tulublc.fir Grotutt/(,rtttlttcltuttl.ll.tot't'(it'otuttl(,bnlrtcl ut(/tr,sc,;.''' ')()ntc0L( ttt,t'.r' rutrl t'rrle r|llicitls ctttt be cort.fitlen/. fuutu'ntg 0stttt.tst' f treset't'ttltrc 'et:httoktglt:.; f trot'rrla fiuuLrtnettlrtl alemettl.t.fbr iutuble rrtrtl strslttrttublc b r r I Ir / t t,q I t n Iec Lt. \rrlurellinr/h'atlul utotl ltrorlucl.t rilso l.wt'e baatt cerll.lial b.t' llr tttliottttl .1.;.toclttlilttt o.f lktnte l'iutklet'.t llasearch ('ltttlet', tts tt ,\"lllll 'ircen ,llltxtt'etl 1mrltrcl l).y tr.sltt,q.\-rtltu'alI'ootl lretftel rrortrl ltnrlttcls. trt'hllatl.', .;lvtl.liat's, Ltontabttilrlcrs. utttl corttrrtclrtrs ttra ali,qlbla lo ret'cltt 'toinls lotrarrl ltrrtlecl cat'lrfiurltott utttltr llt ,\ttltottul (ircen llurlrlirtg,\iluttrLml.

When choosing prctsure treoted wood products, storl from the ground up. Stort with NilureWood Preserved Wood Products.

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NAHB , RESEARCH IcENTER {S$ryKffiS{d APPR(lVED /rsit www.GreenApproved Products,com for details @[rrJ@g:,mg:g*ffi y ndepenoent v cvinecl and operated wood treating fac ities Naturewood and Osmose are reg stered lrademarks of Osmose. lnc. O 10/2011 I

My cr,rstomer wants a deck made for peaceful rola€tion ard frierdg gatherings. Plastic lumber? | don't think so. I want to make sur€ this deck is strorg and durable rvith natural warmth, beauty, and lasting charder. And I care about the environment and so does my customer. That's why this deck is going to be buitt with FSCa certified sustainable Humboldt Redwmd. fud when it comes to structuml supps! I choose FSC ctuain-of-custody certified AllWeather Wod prmure-treated lumber for long-lasting resistance to termites, rot and decay. Humboldt Redwood and AlMteather Wood, for me and nry customers it's an unbeatable combinati,on.

Don't ycrr contractors deserue the best of both woods?

lrrE'4, ,ECKIN& 1;: ff1i|l? ilr r'-i. PArc 7$

Speclal Features ln Every lssue

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Find what you love!

f loorcro BACK ovER my last few columns and felt that perhaps I had been rantilng a bit too much recently, so I am going to be kinder and gentler this month. However, I cannot promise how long it will last!

Certainly the business cycle of the last few years has given each of us pause to wonder if there is something better we could be doing with our lives. Any number of people have been candid enough to tell me how business is not fun any more and how stressful it is. But I guess if you are reading this column, at least you have been one of the luckier ones who have survived this trough we are mired in. Now, in truth, I hear that same sentiment from people both inside and outside our industry, so sometimes the grass is not always greener. But still, I have always believed changing circumstances merit taking stock of where you are at. Like your stock portfolio, your life needs to be constantly reviewed and re-balanced.

In times like these, take the opportunity to rethink your wants, needs and dreams, and either come back to the conclusion there is nothing better or different that you want to do and that you are content with your lot in life, or decide it is time to start dreaming about alternatives and possibilities. Then, instead of just dreaming, actually take action to change.

When I read about the great business successes of our time, there is hardly a rags-to-riches story where some adversity had not taken place that had led to a monumental change. In fact, true success comes in attaining good times after facing-and overcoming-bad times. All of us at some time or other face difficult challenges-at home or work. How we deal with those set-backs defines who we are and what we achieve.

A near-death experience, the loss of a loved one, being fired, being laid off, becoming fed up with the status quo, or just plain dreading work every day are all good motivations for tackling the situation head on. It is these times when you reaLize that you are at the crossroads of life and must decide what path to take. Many of us choose to fake it. We smile and soldier on, while being eaten up inside. Sometimes fear or a series of hazards, real or imagined, can bog down the decision. It can take real guts to decide that it is time to take the plunge, taking risks for something you have always dreamed about and, in the process, often walking away f,rom security.

Over my career, I have learned the hard way that nothing comes easy. But whenever I faked it, avoiding that risk, I paid a price for it. You have to love what you are doing in all facets of your life. If you do not, maybe it is time to change. Work fills a large part of our life, and great work brings great enjoyment and great satisfaction. If you cannot make the statement that you love what you do, none of the previous statement can come true.

We all know that our time on earth is limited. Aside from our formative years and our sunset years, most of us are left with about 45 years to make real change. We should not trap ourselves into doing things we do not enjoy. Life is too short. Drown out all the naysayers. Go with your gut. At the


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follow your convictions and your heart.

All right, back to normal next month! Happy Thanksgiving.

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What composite deck buyers want

f ueo rHE oPPoRTUNITv last month

Ito attend Principia Partners' WPC 20 I I Conference on Decking & Outdoor Living Products in Charlotte, N.C.

Represented at this conference were wood-plastic composite decking manufacturers and wood decking manufacturers, along with their suppliers of wood flour, recycled material, colorants, etc., as well as decking distributors and dealers, and a few actual deck builders, too.

One of the biggest take-aways from this conference was the expressed need for manufacturers, distributors. and dealers to improve communication along the entire supply chain. This is especially important in these difficult economic times when the last thing a dealer needs is product that can't be sold.

When it comes to some of the new technology products being introduced, such as capstock decking. it is more important than ever to have a good relationship with the distributor. All new products have a learning curve; there are likely to be some issues. Make sure the distributors and manufacturers you are dealing with will stand behind their product, and fix any problems that occur.

Another truth I walked away with from this conference with is the simple fact that no one "needs" a deck, so right now, it is important to carry just what you will be able to sell. This is not the year for the usual "winter buy." Instead it is the year to order just what you need, often referred to as just-in-time inventory.

The bad news is that there are an estimated l2 million homes foreclosing, and at least 10 million more homeowners are upsidedown on their

homes. The good news is that the ones who are able to keep their homes are staying put; and some of them are remodeling. The money they decide to spend is for quality products that have a long lifespan, such as top of the line windows, instead of the basic replacement package.

The consumers who will be buying decks in the next year are projected to be older, upper middle-class, and educated in their purchases. The trend is that a deck sale will be either low-end pressure treated decking, or high-end manufactured decking or exotic hardwood. Not much selling in the middle price area. Hidden fastener use is growing. People who spend money on higher-dollar wood-plastic composites don't want to see fasteners.

Consumers who are buying decks are also buying extras. They want their deck to be different than the neighbor's deck. It will be important to offer a menu of color choices, and

mix and match products. For example, a consumer may choose one brand of decking, and then choose a different brand, with contrasting color and texture, for the railing. Additionally, they will be looking at integrated lighting in steps and in railing.

So, the concise message here is to proceed conservatively, keeping a careful eye on what is selling, so that what you carry is what you can sell. Well-thought-out purchasing and sales plans today will keep you around to celebrate when we kick this economy back into full gear. Good luck to all of you this year. Live long and prosper!

- Diana Hanson is owner of deck builder Woodpile Construction and Woodpile Products Inc., maker of Decklt deck spacers. She is also a veteran of the legal profession and is actively involved in the ICC code development process. Reach he r at diana.hans on@ smail.c om.

MARGIN Builders Bv Diana Hanson
onR ri{tr' qrrF rhin q[fl iihhs n]n,XuF{.i-lnir$nnn rnr uilna{'6[ li.!t{ft.qo*r' qnhntrrKrJ\l fd*' itr, tolrd$ L.!sd Mh r h'rrx p,nh lal itri. {ilEl io (uonr[d or -nJ. huDil or JF jhr&d.${{ilhtrilrld J,nf6
Saadad Ermc" itsLlir'uonri t*s^ rra'iirakl 1b n,nk$ nc{ i^*dedd r'* rh. lts lrtniri$€rlrnriaJnlsilrq'rq clh lxn*tr'i1ki6do,nnoi!,nJ!,\
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Profit opportunities in premium treated wood

fN rue utost of the current retail ldoldrums. there are some bright spots for treated wood. Or, at least, some spots with modest flickering.

Reports from dealers indicate that treated wood has not been hit as hard by the economic situation as have more expensive alternatives. The percentage of decks using composites and tropical hardwoods appears to have decreased, or at least quit growing.

Greg Couch, sales manager at Metro Building Products, Woodstock, Ga., says, "l think wood is making a comeback." The reason is not known for certain. but likelv results from the

lower cost of treated wood. Greg offered an additional reason: There is a market for premium treated decking.

Homeowners appreciate the appearance of wood, but wish to minimize the natural characteristic of wood to warp and the need for periodic coating to maintain its appearance. Many upscale deck contractors moved from treated wood to composites and tropical hardwoods, but some are returning.

With the large gap in prices between treated decking and other options, there is plenty of room for treated material with enhanced features. It is possible to offer the look

and environmental benefits of wood, while minimizing the probability of warping-and doing so at a price that remains desirable. Enhanced features include fuller thicknesses, high grades, kiln drying after treatment, built-in water repellent, kerfs, crowned topsides, beveled sides, and prescribed saw cuts.

All of these features cost more money and may require close partnership with a cooperative treating company. They are not suited for every dealer. But, many dealers could profit from stocking premium preserved decking. lt would not compete against

10 I The lt4erdant lhgazine r No,ember20ll
CAN PREMIUM keated wood compete with composite decking? Some dealers are finding it can and they are profiting from it

regular treated decking, but against composites. And it would not entail replacing existing stock, but just adding two or three SKUs. Wood used for understructure would not change.

Fuller thicknesses. Instead of 5/4 decking, dealers can offer 2" decking. It's stronger, which results in a more solid surface and allows for sreater joist spacing.

High-grade decking. Typical treated decking is now Standard 5/4, sometimes Premium 5/4. Enhanced decking could be nominal 2x6 lumber that is Dense Select Structural or C&Btr. Higher grades are more expensive than lower grades, but customers will often pay more for products that are better looking.

Kiln drying after treatment. Wood that is re-dried after treatment. either KDAT (kiln dried after treatment) or ADAT (air dried after treatment), is lighter in weight and easier

built-in water repellent is beneficial. The recommendation for surface coating is not eliminated, but the initial application is less critical and performance is improved.

Kerfs. Deck boards can be sawn with kerfs on their bottom sides to relieve stresses in the wood and thereby reduce warping.

Crown topsides. For a better appearance and to shed rain, some producers mill deck boards with a slightly crowned top surface. This also removes surface discoloration and blemishes.

hollow centers. When used for deck lighting, electrical wires can be run up their centers, avoiding external wiring.

A Georgia deck builder, John Paulin of Tailor Decks, is a huge fan of wood decks and, especially, decks made with premium treated lumber. He thinks that composite decking is pretty, but isn't as inviting as wood.

LAMINATED DECK COLUMNS are less likely to twist or bow than solid timbers, and they allow for interior wiring of lamps.

to handle. Probably more important, it has been dried under controlled conditions that are less likely to result in bowed or twisted lumber than is wood that dries in place after installation. This reduces exchanges and complaints from customers.

Built-in water repellent. Properly treated wood will resist termite damage and fungal decay for decades, but the wood is not protected against the stress of swelling and shrinking caused by moisture. That is why periodic coating with water repellent is recommended for aesthetically sensitive areas such as deck platforms and railings.

For deep-seated defense against dimensional change and cracking,

Beveled sides. A recent innovation is tapered, or beveled, sides. Adjacent deck boards are closer at their tops than bottoms. This shape makes it easier for rain and debris to fall between boards without being trapped.

Prescribed saw cuts. It is possible to obtain lumber that contains no heartwood or no flat grain or to seek wood with tight rings. Such specifications are not common-they require a good relationship with suppliers - but they provide benefits to homeowners and can distinguish one dealer from his competitors.

The platform is not the only deck component where enhancements are possible. Deck columns and custom railings are others. Twisted 4x4s can cause construction difficulties and detract from the appearance of a deck. Twisting is largely precluded by use of laminated deck columns. Combining smaller pieces of wood into a post helps to cancel out the warping that can occur with a single, solid timber. Furthermore, laminated columns are often manufactured with

"I want to create outdoor spaces that people will enjoy using, not just admiring," Paulin says. "Real wood gives you an emotional warmth that you don't get with artificial wood products. If a client wants an artistic deck and insists on composites, I'll build it for them. But I prefer the environment you get with wood."

To satisfy his preferences, he developed his own specs, which include most of the features listed above. He has worked with two treating companies and a local dealer, along with their sawmill suppliers, to generate his own line of deck material: Tailored Wood. (John is willing to discuss his experience. He can be reached at or

Many consumers will not want to pay the premium price for premium treated wood. But, there is a significant portion who would choose highperformance wood over composite decking, particularly when the price is still below that of composites. For a dealer, this represents a profit opportunity. And it might necessitate only two or three new SKUs.

(Photo couftesy Cox lndusties)
- Huck DeVenzio is manager of marketing communications at Arch Wood Protection, manufacturer of wood treating chemicals and licensor of the Wolmanized and Dricon brands of treated wood.
No,en5er20ll r lhe ]tledrant nbgazine r 11
HIGH.END DECKING contractor Tailor Decks specifies all-sapwood 2" Wdmanized Outdoor lumber, KDAT and milled with crowned top, beveled sides, and kerfs on bottom.

ell EPS insulation

/'\r nr-r- rHE BUTLDTNc products in \-Zdealers' yards and distributors' warehouses, iigid fou.n insulations have some of the most similar sounding names: polyurethane, polyisocyanurate, pclystyrene, etc. It's not always easy to recall what sets them apart when a customer asks about product feartures or wants a recommendation.

For dealers and distributors carrying expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation-or considering adding EPS to their offerings-a simple way to remember the material's advantases is the acronym "SELL":


Energv efficiency

. Low moisture absorption

Labor & material cost savings

These atiributes make EPS suitable for many ne.w construction and retrofit application:, including roofs, interior and exterior walls, foundations, under floor slabs, and in garage doors.


As a clcsed-cell, insulating foam, EPS is lighrweight, yet durable. It has compressir'e strengths ranging from 10 to 60 psr (1,440 to 8,640 psfl.l. As such, EPS can meet nearly any required loads encountered on roofing

jobs and below slab, as well as for below grade perimeter insulation applications.

When thinking of EPS's compressive strength, picture a locomotive weighing down on its rails. EPS geofoam is used as a load-bearing alternative to soils under railroad beds.

Energy Efficiency

Many rigid foam insulations have similar R-values. but the number refers to the initial insulating properties at the time of installation. While some materials lose up to 30%o of their R-value over the years, EPS retains its thermal properties.

A quick check of product warranties will show how the manufacturer predicts their products will perform over time. Stable R-values can be an important selling point for contractors, and in turn, home and building owners, since they help ensure lower energy use and costs over the structure's life.

Low Moisture Absorption

The degree to which insulation absorbs moisture affects its durability and thermal properties, as well as its ability to help reduce water infiltration into other building components.

EPS has a low moisture absorption rate, as shown in extensive product evaluations. For example, EPS buried in wetted soil for 1,000 days absorbed only | .7 Vo moisture by volume according to tests by the U.S. Army's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.

One way to paint a mental picture for customers on how well EPS resists moisture is to explain that it's commonly used for flotation in docks.

Labor & Material Cost Savings

In addition to its physical properties, a key differentiator for EPS insulation is the many ways it helps contractors save money. It is lightweight and easy to handle, which helps speed installation.

The availability of specialty products can further reduce labor. One such option is fan-fold EPS panel bundles with dual-sided polymeric facers for roofs, walls and foundations. Such bundles only weigh 1l lbs. so they are easy for one person to carry, yet they quickly fold out to cover up to 200 sq. ft. This can reduce installation time by aboil607io.

Another example is pre-cut tapered EPS for roof insulation. The blocks

12 r The Mednnt l,hgazine r NovemberZ)ll

are available up to 40" thick (vs. the typical 4" for other tapered insulations), so building sloped roofs is much quicker and can save up to 30Eo on labor and material costs.

Multiple Product Options

Taking advantage of the above performance advantages, EPS is available in many versatile product make-ups. These include the fan-fold bundles and pre-cut tapered components mentioned above, as well as other specialty products:

Flute-fill panels'. Some manufacturers offer custom-cut EPS that installs fast over existing metal roofs. The materials are profiled to fill the spaces between the metal roofing's raised seams, without gaps. This allows for superior insulation and a flat surface for applied membranes.

F ib e r gl a s s -fac e d p ane I s : Fire-resistant, factory-laminated fiberglass facers on EPS eliminate the need for a slip sheet on roofing jobs. Such panels are compatible with various single-ply roofing systems, including PVC, TPO, and EPDM membranes. Contractors can combine the panels

with standard EPS to achieve high R-values,for about25Vo

insulation finishing systems. EPS wall sheathing is available with factory-laminated polymeric metallic-reflective facers that help shed water and increase R-values.

Foundations: A common foundation insulation, EPS installs directly over the primary waterproofing system. The foam helps protect the waterproofing during backfill and insulates the foundation against damage from freezelthaw cycles. Panels can be ordered with pre-cut channels to direct water away from the building for a drier foundation.

Under slab: Because of its high-compressive strength and thermal properties, EPS works well below concrete slabs. It is an economical choice for wine cellar, cold storage facilities, warehouses, and other industrial buildings where ground insulation is important.

Garage door kits: For d-i-yers, as well as 'iontractors, some EPS manufacturers offer residential garage door insulation kits. The packaged EPS bundles can be cut to fit, and attach easily to the inside door surface. Ciarage door insulation helps reduce heating and cooling costs, lowers interior noise, and improves workspace comfort.

As demand increases for more energy-effir:ient buildings, insulation can be an important profit center for distributors and dealers. With the vast range or. insulation materials available-from spray foams to batts to panelsthere are solutions for all contractor needs. For salespeople working with EPS, the four "SELL" points can be a quick way to summarize its benefits.

less than other high-thermal insulation systems.

Composite roofing panels: EPS and high-density polyisocyanurate cover board bonded together provide high thermal efficiency and durability. The composite panels are a good choice for roofs needing resistance to hail, high winds, and other severe weather.

Attached nail board: EPS is also available with preattached cover board, including OSB, plywood, wood fiber, perlite, gypsum, and others. Crews save time and materials compared to building up roofing on site, and can apply fully adhered or hot-mopped systems over the panels. Some come with pre-cut vent channels in the EPS to help keep the roof cool.

Wall sheathing: Beyond roofs, the stable R-values, moisture resistance, and durability of EPS also work well for wall sheathing. Contractors can use EPS products for cavity walls, interior walls, exterior sheathing, and exterior

ProBuiltDo-It-Yourself 9luminum Roilings Why Choose ProBuilt Aluminum Railings? i , ,:;l r. LOW lTl?llltenanCe Easy installation Snap & Wrap picket spacers . Available in 40+ colors Norrernber 2011 r The Medrant lihgazine I 13

- John Cambruzzi is director of marketing and national accounts for Insulfoam, manufacturer of R-Tech and InsulFoam brand insulation. He can be reached at (800) 242-8879 or via www .insulfoamcom |E.....l||||||||||||||||||||||----
FOUNDATION is insulated bv EPS, which is installed directlv over the primary waterproofing system and helps protect it during backfill and against weather damage.

Gal ifornia wood treater calls in reinforcements

fr's uevnn BEEN EASv being a wood treater in regulationIheavy California, and earlier this year the state threw an exceptionally wild curveball at California Cascade Industries over the level of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted by its prestaining operations.

Cal Cascade's VOC problems started with a visit to its Fontana, Ca., plant by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD), the air pollution control agency for Orange County and major portions of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. AQMD claims to have "the strictest paint and coatings standards in the nation."

Companies doing business in the AQMD are allotted 4 tons of VOC emissions per year, which amounts to 667 lbs. of emissions per month, or 22 lbs. per day. If a business needs to exceed that cap, it must purchase offsets at an approximate cost of $l,500 to $2900 per lb. per day.

Whenever a business in the AQMD wants to add a process or modify an existing process that has the potential to increase emissions, that business must demonstrate that the new process will not cause the business to exceed its cap limit, or the business must purchase offsets.

Until January, Cal Cascade-Fontana was not required to include its staining operation in its VOC emissions allotment. "However," said plant manager Robyn Ueberroth, "in the two years between visits by the AQMD, prestaining

has become 60Vo of our wood treating production."

The AQMD official determined that Cal Cascade's increased level of stain consumption now represented a potential compliance issue. Although the water-based wood stain was already an extremely low VOC product, it appeared to contain sufficient VOCs to push Cal Cascade over its emissions threshold.

Ueberroth immediately contacted Bruce Armbruster of JE Compliance Services, a full-service regulatory compliance consulting firm. For six years, Armbruster has been helping Cal Cascade with the planning, permitting and reporting required to ensure regulatory compliance. Armbruster evaluated the situation and confirmed that its current low-VOC wood stain would indeed push Cal Cascade beyond its VOC cap limit. The plant needed to slash its VOC emissions by 807o.

At that point, Cal Cascade's options appeared grim. Simply eliminating its staining operation was out of the question. "If we had not been able to stain," Ueberroth says, "it would hurt us drastically because the industry is demanding prestained product."

Other options for reducing the stain's VOC emissions consisted primarily of prohibitively expensive mechanical alternatives.

While Armbruster began to write an application for a permit that would enable Cal Cascade to continue its staining operations, Ueberroth called Mark Cheirrett, president and technical director of its wood stain provider, Eco Chemical. Cheirrett said his R&D team could significantly lower the VOCs on the stain Cal Cascade was currently using-while maintaining its color, ease of use, and UV protection. And, because Eco Chemical's in-house chemists had already been researching a lower VOC stain, he thought they could have a solution in a matter of weeks.

It took two weeks for Eco Chemical's research team to modify the formula for Cal Cascade's stain. The stain was sent to Dr. Dane Jones at the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Polymers & Coatings Program for analytical testing and validation of the VOC estimate. A short time later, Dr. Jones reported that the modified stain had indeed reduced VOCs to 3 lbs. per day, an 807o reduction.

In Armbruster's words, "Eco came through with a product that allowed Cal Cascade to continue to meet its production demands without purchasing offsets. Because the new Eco stain has very low VOCs (60 lbs. per month), if Cal Cascade manages its usage carefully, the company may be exempt from a permit requirement in the future."

California Cascade Industries and fco Chemical
14 I ilre ttlerdunt ltlagrazine I tlouenser 20ll
ECO CHEMICAL cojounder Mark Cheirrett tests stained wood samoles in a miniature retort at the firm's in-house lab.

oseburg is one of the lorgest ond nrost diverse nrcrnufociurers of lun-rber, :fiwood plywood ond engineered wood producis in North Arlerics. Our rtegrcrted nronu{octuring focilities ore sio}s e{ the ort, uiilizing lhe most dvanced technology lo produce high quoliiy wood producls {or ihe building onstruclion induslry.

pecial opportuniiies avoilcrble io NAWLA nrembers sn the following products:


Siuds, Green ond KD (Douglos Fir, Hemlock, White Fir)

Engineered Wood Products

RFPI Joisl Solid Sown




FSC Cerrified Products

Sofiwood Plywood

lndusiriol Ponels

Durogord Mediunr Density

Cverloy {MDO)

PourMor Concrele Forming

RigidFloor Underloymenl


Reol Wood Sidirrg

Rodioni Borrier

Introducing Roseburg

Rodiunt Borrier

Now ovoiloble 1o Al-t

NAWLA members, o uniquely constructed plywood sheothing ponel from Roseburg thol hos o loyer o{ highiy re{leclive perforoted aluminurn {oil

loninoie designecl t* block the moiority of tl"re sqrn's rndiont enerEy.

Your Single Source Wood Product Producer
Coll todoy {or nrore deioils "w .€ ROSEBURG Lur.nber I Engineered Woad Pro<iucis Hordwood Ponels I Decoroiive Poneis TF 800-245-il 1 5 I Soilwoad Plyrvood i Siding I Composile Pcnels I Shelving

Aluminum dec shows its m

f rr\ri \ l",l'l I,,t!L I()t \',rttt- I I /rttr'r'.ilrl ,rr(l rlrLrlti l,rrrrilr ;r|rlr11.;1 tions. llr,r nrinunr rlcck \\ \tcnr\ rrc glrining nc\\ lcccl)turrec I'r'orrr lronrc ()\\ ll\'l \ t.'.'kitt- l(r\\ lllirilllr'llitllrr' r)tll cloor l ir inq splie e s

"Alunrinunr is thc pcllcct llutcriul lirl clccking." sur s [)on (irrrlison. gcneral nranagcl ol []Sl Honrc I)r'orltrcls. Cr-rllnrln. ,\1.. n Irrch nuinrr lucturcs

NertDc-ck uncl I-ockl)rr. "lt's lLblc lrr w ithstlincl thc nrost c\trcnrc oLrtrloor' clcmcnts. ucigh' lcss thrrn hlrll'ol r'r'ood clccking. uncl is rrLrch stronScr'."

NextDeck s po\\ clcr-cout tinislr. offered in nvo stanclurci colors ancl a Dakota oak rr ooclsllLin. is Li\'-stablc'.

Designed for the life of the deck. thc' proclr-rct leportccllr is lrreproof pestrcsistlrnt. ancl u ill not nlst. fot. \irgc. splintcr'. ri ar-1-r. or e r-lrck cr cn irr


I fcelln g tcnrl)cflrtr.lrcs.

1-hc conrpurrr's olhcl tlcckinu yrrotlrrcl. l.ock[)n'. hlrs \\ ltcr e hlrnncls urrrl Sr.lttc|s tlllrI c|cutc il \\ irtcrt rghl \l)iicc tuntlcr tt1'rpcl slorcr tlccks u hich e lin bc rrscrl lor-stor-lgc. l yrllr lrrcl. or' othct' otttrlool lir ing spucc. It's ulso lrvltilltblc in [)lrkotu u oorlgnLin. plLrs lirur stunclald colors.

"N'llrrrr' ncu ct ltolncs hiir c rce onrl or tltircl lcr cl rlce ks u ith spucc rrnrlcr' rtcuth llrll is blrsiclrllr los1. bcclrusc tr'picll dccks pror itlc no shcltcl i'nrl thc clcnrcnts lirr thc urcu bclou . sli\ \ Ciurrison. "A u atcrtiqht alrrnrinLlnr deck keeps tlrc arca Lrnclcl thc dcck clrl' llo nlirtter u hat the n eather."

Wuhoo Decks. Gaincsr illr-'. Clu.. ltlso ol'l'crs an alunrinr.rnr rlt-ck sr s tclr AlidDcck thut pror iilcs cllr. Lrslblc splrcc rrntlcr thc nlrrn tlcck. \'llrclc lronr nlrr-inc gllrtlc tiltrntrnunt luntl pr-olcctctl r.r ilh l porr rlcr-eolrt lirrish irt sltnrlstonc or lrslr rrc,r llrc prrrrl ruct lcrluircs no Lrpkccp otlrcr thlirr pcr-i otlic clcuning rr ith solrP lintl rr lrtcr'.

Wlrhoo's othcr' plorlucts. I)r'r.loist lrrttl l)rr'.loist I:2. go cr cn liu-tlrcr'. lr) clirrrirrutirrg tlrc rrccrl lor- tlrLtlilionlrl u ootl .joists. r\s u itlr ,,\rirll)ck. irrtc r.nrtccl cllrrtrtcls tlir-ce t \\ illcl ii\\ ir\ ltrlr botlr thc tlcck urttl ltourc. er-ctrting lu \\'utcrl)r(x)l u|cu ri itlr it lirri:lrcrl ecil irtg bclorr thc nlrin rlcek lill rn onc lupplicltion. Tlrc sr stcnr cun lrc topyrcrl u ith anl kinrl ol tlcck boalrls.

"(-onsurncrs alc looking tirl lr substnlctLlre that nratches thc lorr nnintcnance ancl longer itr of bette r clr-ck

boiLrtls." sil\ s \'.p. .lon Blilct,. "-l-his rcl)r'cscnts u rcul upscll o1-lpoltunitr lirrdculcr-s."

Signrlrtlck. lr nc\\' conrl)irnv bascrl irr ('llglrr . .\1b.. ri ill ol'lcr u corrplctc lultrrrirtrrnr tlcckinq s\stcnr incltrcling llr.' un,let.lrur'lult' ilu(l .i,rislr. .llrilr. lrtrl lliilinss thut cun bc toyrPcrl u itlr ,llt\ l\ l)\' ol tl, t k 1,,'lttils.

.\ceolrl inq to Plcsirlcnl Ciurr -\cirurpunr. thc lllc lublicutcrl s\ slcll clinrinulcs thc nccrl Iirl licltl lrrbr-icir tton irtcrcusing slr l'cty und slving trnrc lntl nronc\'. l)rcl'lbrication also clinrinates thc possibilitv ancl cost of conrplicutecl deck clesigns.

"Our rcscarch indicate s that 7592 of tlccks are sqLlafe or rectangulnr." he surs. "Dcck clcpths can be 20 tt. fionr It-dgc to post unrl unv wiclth."

..\ItlroLrth Sig.nrlclck's dccking u on't bc ur uilublc until ncrt s;rr-ing. its [-ilc[-trnl ulunrinurrr l'ltstcncls u ill lrc ollcrcrl ['rclorc tlrc cnrl ol' this nr()nth thr'ough Plrksitc. IlillaViu. Il. 'l lrc prtrrlLrets ur-c pr-ccision cngincclcrl lrr lrclp nlrkc kc't str-rrctulul points stteh us tlcck sullporl l)osts. lcrl gcr lrrrllttlr. illl(l l)(r\l lrr':illt r'ollnr't lots irr tllrlitionll lr ood tlccks strongcr. suli'r'. rLnrl cusicr t() il)stull.

"-l'r'ttc irtnor atiort is Iurrrl to contc lrr ." sur s Scott 'l'ltorttls. rlircctor- o l' nrulkctinq lt l)irr-ksitc. "Having tlrc e]lrnec to br-inq sonrcthitrq rcvolutionlurr to rlar-kct. w'hiclr calt chirngc tltt' u ur pcoplc conccii,c uncl clesign clceks. is an ercellent opportunitl lirr our conrpalr\ ancl our cLlstomel's."

r .':il: ::.::.1.
LIFELONG aLn ^-r 'asle^e's f.on S gnadei are prec sior eng 1ee'eo to srergtl'er \ey structural po nts.
16 I The Merchant Magazine r November20ll


Siding Size Maximum Exposure in lnches 5 7 B 1/2 ll Approx. Coverage Sq. Ft. / Unir Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Needed To Cover Weight Pieces / Unit 336 252 214 168 210 Pieces / Bundle 6 6 Ft. / Unit 10m Sq. Ft. of Wall Area* Lbs. / Unit OLD MILL@ LAP 7116" 6" x 16' 2688 2688 2660 2688 2128 2234 1264 4675 4675 4675 4675 4550 ,4250 8" x 16' 120Q 1173 1 145 1200 9-1/2" x 16' 2261 2341 '1862 ,r" 1 995 * I ooJ ," 770 855 /70 740 480 12'x16' 1t2" B" x 16' 9 I q ; 2240 2240 2240 .1* L 'il lc 12" x 16 16" x 16' SHAKE LAP 1t2" 10'1/2" x 16' t0t ^ 1 145 1120 91t2 1 162 3900 DESIGNER SHAKE LAP lt2" 1 1 1/2' x 4' 1 3/16" SHINGLE 9 1/2' x I' ROUND 9 1/2" x 8' FISHSCALE 9 1/2" x 8' OCTAG0N 9-1/2" x B' COVE 9-1/2" x B' D|AI/OND 140 180 nla 6 6 537 1140 1 140 I 140 I 140 1 140 I140 I3/4 6-3/4 71/2 1240 1 480 1 335 1 480 1 535 2350 1254 985 21 80 2260 2220 180 180 q q q 6 6-3/4 6-1/2 4,1/4 8 9 112" x8'CRAFTSI\IEN 180 180 rB0 912 ,, 2100 1840 2064 'Allows for a l" overlao and assumes a 5% waste fact0r Panel Size Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Coverage l{eeded To Cover Weight Pieces / Unit 45 3' Ft. / Unil 1 440 1 184 Ft. / Unit* 1000 Sq. Ft. of Wall Area* Lbs. / Unit OLD MILL@ 7/16" x4'x8' 1/2" x4'x8' 1296 1100 1066 1 100 24Q0 2400 -Assumes a 1 0% waste factor for cutting and fitt ng Nominal Size 4/4" x 2" 414'rg" 4/4" x 4" 4/4" x 6" 414" x 8" 414" x 10" 4/4" x 12" Actual Size 3/4" x2" x16' 3/4" x2-7/8" x16' 3/4" x3-1/2" x16' 314" x5 112" x16' 314" x7 1/4" x16' 314" x9 114" x16' 3/4" x11-1/4" x16' 1"x2"x16' 1"x3-1/2"x16' Pieces / Bundle 8 B 8 B Pieces / Unit* 440 320 240 160 124 Approx. Weight Lbs. / Unit 3950 41 00 3800 3950 5/4" x2" 514" x 4" 5/4' x 6" 5/4" x B" 5/4" x 1 0" 514" x 12" '1"x5-1/2"x16 1" x7 114" x16' 1'x9-1/4'x16' 1' x 11 1/4" x 16' ! ! ! I I 9 ! ! ! I ! I 3 100 80 396 I to ; * 90 3950 41 50 3950 4300 4200 4450 4300 /2 4600 4500 3720 "n 4175 4350 PLOWED FASCIA 4/4"x6'{OIV/SNI). 314" x5112" x16' 160 120 108 90 4/4"x8'(0N//SN4)- 3/4"x7-114"x 16' 5/4" x B" (0M/S[/])- 1" x 7-114" x 16' 5/4"x10"(0[//S[4). 1"x91/4"x16' Available in Plowed on the Smooth Side 0r Old lvilli Sde. Truwood Trim s reversible Foll0w Truwood@ Siding or Trim Installation Instructions. e/11 For more informofion on Truwood Siding ond Trim, wononty ond inslollolion inshuclions visit: cof f 800.417.3674 , tox 541.884.7282 Truwood Siding and Trim meet the requirements o{ the following: American National Standard ANSI-CPA 135.6 ICCESR-2588 International Euilding Code Standard Building Code 2005 International Residential Code Presnsumel SC ENTIFIC CERTIFICAIION SYSI€MS TruWood' €+ co,,in,Produc,strc s I Dl NG I T R I M

ls your hardwood inventory Lacey compliant?

fN I-are Aucusr. Gibson Guitars' facilities in Tennessee lwere raided by federal investigators, who seized hardwoods they maintain were imported in violation of the Lacey Act.

The l00-year-old statute, forerunner of the Endangered Species Act, was expanded in 2008 to cover wood products, making illegal sourcing punishable by fines and prison. Wood imported from, say, India must have been harvested and handled according to Indian laws.

Considering the popularity of ip6 decking and other imported wood products, are lumber dealers taking the proper precautions to ensure what they're trading in is Lacey compliant?

"Lacey requires a more educated buyer," notes George Celtrick, Cikel USA, Miami, Fl. "In the past, finding an offer 20Vo below market price was great news; now one needs to ask how the material can be that cheap. I was astounded the other day to receive an offer on lumber, decking, flooring and logs from Brazil. It's illegal to export logs from Braz1l."

Last year, Cikel received an email from a foreign company claiming to offer Lacey-compliant, FSC-certified material. Celtrick asked for their chain-of-custody certificate number, which was promptly provided. "But," Celtrick says, "when I went to, I saw that (the C-O-C number) was for a Danish printing company. When I mentioned this in an email, they disappeared."

Hardwood wholesaler Dennis Johnston, Peterman Lumber, Fontana, Ca., has seen the Lacey Act affect his business. "We are now more obligated than ever to hold our import lumber suppliers more accountable on where and how they obtain the lumber they are shipping to us," he says. "We need to deal with reputable importers that follow the rules and guidelines of the Lacey Act."

Johnston suggests that dealers "should be upfront and directly ask (suppliers) if they are in compliance before purchasing the product. If we have customers that request verification, we in turn would ask our supplier for the PPQ505 form, which states that they are in compliance. We already have so much paperwork in our world, we do not provide (the form) unless it is requested."

Ip6 decking wholesaler/manufacturer Sean Burch, Redwood Empire, Morgan Hill, Ca., agrees: "Ask your current supplier if they can supply you with the Lacey documentation that we as importers submit at the time of arrival. Or, ask for a letter that states the current supplier complies and will be responsible for Lacey Act requirements all the way back to the harvest plans."

Cikel USA's Celtrick maintains proof should be written and extensive. "What the U.S. attorneys determine compliant is the tricky part," he says. "Too many U.S. buyers feel a letter from their supplier is enough 'due diligence' that the material was taken legally. Buyers need to ask brokers and suppliers to prove it. You need to know exactly from whom the broker gets the material and what document(s) in that country prove that it is legally taken. It forces transparency into the supply chain by punishing the buyers who don't have it."

Celtrick admits, however, that the burden of proof may vary, depending on the volume of materials and one's place in the distribution chain. "If you are not the importer of record or a big buyer, the level of needed due diligence drops," he says. "Homeowners should not worry about Lacey violations with their new deck. But, if you are the first buyer touching the container from the port, shame on you if don't have a file showing due care in your purchasing process."

According to Romel Bezerra, InterSomma, Pembroke Pines, Fl., compliance is straightforward. "Everyone, from importers to lumber dealers, only need to exercise due diligence when purchasing imported wood products," he says. "It is not that difficult, especially when one knows their suppliers well."

As Laura L. Beaver, New Horizons Hardwoods, Springfield, Mo., advises: "Buy from companies you know and trust."

INDUSTRY Trends Staying Right with the Lacey Act
HARDWOOD IMPORTERS advise dealino with trusted suooliers to ensure Lacey Act compliance.
November2Oll r The Medunt ttbgazine t 17

Dealer raises the Barn

ll rftcua,sl Rscono IS A cHIP off the old block, and that's IVlalso what he sells (plus shavings and sawdust and pellets, along with pine and hemlock boards, posts, beams and more) at The Board Barn, a retail store he launched a year ago in Cumberland, Me.

With this new venture-I'll go ahead and spoil the story for you by saying it's been an overnight success-Mike has come full circle, selling lumber from the sawmill his dad founded. and where Mike continues to work and Dad still mans the planing operation. Mike's job is to market truckloads to sites as far away as Missouri, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Yet Mike was tugged by that primal urge, the urge to build his own business, and build it from the ground up just as his dad, Merle, had done before him, in 1979. Young Merle had worked full-time at a woolen mill while con-

ready. So, a year ago, I found a good deal on property in a good area" in nearby Cumberland "where I could concentrate on pine boards."

And soon, shavings. Then pellets, both waste products from the mill. "I began bagging the shavings to sell retail to farmers to bed their animals-a dry product. Then I also mixed some in with green sawdust, offering the advantage of a lot more product to sell. Farmers liked the green addition because its moisture was easier on the dry hooves of their horses. I've had a lot of success with it," he reports.

Waste not, want not, lesson learned. So now he also sells pellets made of sawdust ("It saves us money because we already do it in bulk, so now I can add them at retail with very little work. People are using them more and more for heating wood stoves, fireplaces, even furnaces-and it's using products made in Maine, not oil from overseas," he's proud to underscore.

The Board Barn also sells overstocks and closeouts from outside sources, such as a recent bonanza of composite decking, at deeply discounted prices: 6- and 8-ft. pine board, low-grade pine board for inexpensive sheeting. Little by little, he's adding ancillary products, which he can test-drive by buying from Record Building Supply in small quantities to see how they fly before committing to a megaorder. Case in point: OSB. "I didn't carry it at first," Mike says, "but contractors all seem to want to use it, so I brought in a half unit and it sold out. So I added more...."

Plus nails and fasteners, "an obvious addition. If people need boards, they need nails," he knows, and why let that sale travel elsewhere?

Next thing up: grain. "Something I never dreamed of, but customers were asking for it for their horses, so it presents another opportunity; I'll start stocking their favorite brand. Plus, it'll provide steady business in the winter. I'll add more plywood, too," he muses. But hardware? Nah, he says (for now): "I'll leave that to Record."

structing his sawmill nights and weekends, blow by blow. And when it burned, alas, in the early '80s, he simply built himself a bigger, more modern version. Due to customer demand, Merle at last relented and began retailing from the operation.

Finally, in an attempt to regain sanity, he divided the operations and launched Record Building Supply in Oxford, Me., which purchases over one-third of the mill's output and also offers a full line of everything from windows and doors to tools and hardware and the most recent addition, Benjamin Moore paints, to its customers, split 50/50 between pro builders and homeowners. Both Merle and Mike had their hands full.

But you know kids. Says Mike, "I felt I was old enough to go out on my own, even in a bad economy. I felt I was

Mike markets his offerings on his website ( and via the new e-store. where customers are urged: "Buy direct and save! We have our own mill." "Plywood-only two units left. Hurry!" And, "Because of our affiliation with both Record Lumber and Record Building Supply, we can price items below the competition."

Mike's manager, Mike Biskup, is also a computer whiz, so he's launched the store's e-zine, which announces "really good deals," plus tips to customers who choose to sign up. Already, 500 have made the move and, with competitors lurking "15 minutes away in four directions," that's no small potatoes - or, pellets.

Mike woos these customers with a triple whammy: variety of product, quality and price. "And those customers we've attracted, we're retaining," he has the right to boast.

Yet it's been a learning process, and Mike is the first to say so. First lesson: "Take advantage of opportunitiesthat's the key to success," he advises, as he prepares to add

MAINE COURSE: Record Building Supply operators Michael (/efr) and Merle Record draw much of their stock from their 32-year-old sawmill.
lE r The lyledrant lhgazjne r Norember20ll

grain, for example, to his SKUs.

Next, Mike says, "Be flexible. From the start I recognized, from working at Record, that there's always such difficulty in managing contractors' accounts, so I said, 'No credit. No accounts.' But it didn't take me long to realize that if I wanted to get their business, that would have to change. So I turned to Blue Tarp as an easy option."

For a small percent of the take, the company manages customers' accounts and offers Board Barn choices of sliding payment fees, such as how often to receive paybacks; whether to offer a customer regular or extended credit; and whether to reward them with points toward prizes.

Same with conventional plastic. Mike relates how he lost a "really big" sale because American Express was the only card the contractor carried in his wallet, and Mike wasn't set up to accept it. Today, lesson learned, he isalong with Visa, MC and you name it. "I've got to make it as easy as I can and offer many payment plans."

He also found he had a lot to learn about constructing a building from the ground up, including drive-thru storage"dealing with the planning process was an eye-opener," he relates. "Record was in a smaller town; here, in flarger] Cumberland, there's a lot more politics."

The moral he re-emphasizes is this: "Learn from past experiences. Don't just experience them, learn from them." And the most important lesson learned-this one came easy-was that an owner must be passionate about his business. "I've seen so many come and go for lack of passion," Mike says. Not a likely factor here, given the Record family genes: "Since I was nine years old, I worked in my dad's mill, even full-time during high school on a release program. Dad started with nothing and built his equity."

Mike can step back a bit from his mill duties because there isn't that much oroduct left to market after Record and Board Barn sell their share. "It's less costly this way," he adds, "rather than ship stuff on trailer trucks-a help in this economy."

Yet the economic state of the nation, while grim, isn't crimping his style, not at all. "The Board Barn has been open less than a year and is already paying its way. There's something to be said for that," he maintains, in understated Down East fashion. And that something is "Wow!"

NEWEST VENTURE, The Board Barn, Cumberland, Me., sells all manner of wood oroducts.
F,':il:r;i {. I.l ;... .1': 1{ :{rt"-a ' ':fi| ?#*.!. Fi+November20ll r The lyledant ttbgazirrc r 19

Youtre fired

(-'loNcnnruLATIoNS. you'vE lust been promoted to sales \-,managerl Now the real challenge of leading your team begins. One of the hardest things you will have to do as a sales manager is fire people.

Many sales managers are promoted internally. They are co-workers before they are managers. This situation is one of the toughest professional challenges you will face in your career. How do you get your recent co-workers to treat you as their leader? Their manager? Their evaluator?

The biggest challenge comes from within. Will you accept the role of leader? Or do you want them to like you too much? Will you want them to treat you the same as they did before?

Leadership has its price. You are no longer "one of the guys/gals." When the sales team goes out to let off some steam, you probably won't be invited. You are no longer a co-worker. Your responsibility is now to the team. Change can be difficult and sometimes lonely. Your team needs and wants you to lead them. Your company demands it.

lf you don't lead your team, someone will

When a leader of a country dies, we hear about a "power void" or a "leadership void." Several wanna-be leaders will step forward, and there will be political and social unrest until a clear leader is established.

The samc thing will happen with your sales team. You must lead )our team or someone else will. If you are a weak or non-existent leader. someone else will assume the leadership role. Usually it is the biggest, most selfish bully. The team will become fractious and goals will be individualistically driven instead of company or team drrven.

This does not mean that you are a tyrant. This does not mean that you are an autocrat. It does mean that you must give your team a clear vision, set a high standard, and hold them to that standard.

lf you don't fire them, they will fire you

Your job is to grow company sales and profits. You must do this by building a strong team. If you don't, yoa will be fired!

If you allow poor performers to remain on the team you send the message "It's okay to be a poor performer." If you do fire your poor performers, you send the opposite message: "Perform or be gone!" Which message do you want to send to your team?

Mental approaches to help make firing easier

It's them or your kid. I was dealing with an employee who I really liked. I liked her, but I couldn't get her to work unsupervised. I was in the process of cutting her hours to only those when he could work with a co-worker. I told her, "This is not an argument about what is good for me and what is good for you, but an argument about what is good for you and what is good for my kid!" She said, "That makes it real easy fbr you to look at it like that, doesn't it?" I said, "Yes, it does."

The next time you have a problem with an employee, remember, it's them or your kid. Your kid is counting on you to do the right thing for your career, so do it and don't f'eel bad about it.

Your communication has been clear. By the time you feel like iiring someone, you have already had numerous "sit-downs," etc., with them. You have been clear. They don't want to Ltnderstand. Some people will only understand when you fire them. Do yourself a favor, save yourself some time. Fire them.

Do you want to work for them? If you want to work for a troublesome employee, don't fire them. Because if you can't manage them, then they are managing you (and your other employees).

You can't get in the way of a peak performer. If he were a qreat, motivated salesperson, you would not be having problems with him. He would be too busy selling.

It's not a zero sum game. Dealing with troublesome performers or unmanageable people is keeping you from growing your group. It is keeping you from giving time and attention to the salespeople who need it and are manageable. Let 'em go!

By fames Olsen
Trainin-e (503) 541-3572 20 r The t\4erdrant Magazine I November 20ll Building-Produdsom
James Olsen

& Choose Preserveo ACQ@ pressure-treated wood, an environmentally advanced preservative system that provides proven, long-term protection from fungaldecay and termite attack.

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. Above Ground and Ground Contact applications

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. For decking, fencing, playgrounds, walkways, benches, sheds and gazebos.

PtG W *"
d. This NAHB Research Center i NAHB hark I RI5EARCH is your assurance that a *:::: product 's elisible for points {: gq { f S,1 toward National Green APPF0VE0 Buildinqcsrtjficatlon For firore lnforfiration 800-421-8661 or visil r' oncc l.eoled Wood Solulion, z.!a Sia-sii

Made greener in

a fiactory near you

/'\vrn rHE LASr 30 years, the \-Zmanufacturins core of the United States has be-en dismantled piece by piece and shipped off to other countries. Looking for competitive advantage through leastcost labor, brand owners and manufacturers have gradually concentrated in China, which now accounts for a large proportion of product sold through this channel. Even commodity products are very likely to be sourced from China or other faraway places, and not without complications.

Has anyone forgotten the drywall controversy?

Low prices are good, or so market logic would dictate,

but in a globalized economy there are unintended consequences. Economists have argued that the American middle class, made up of folks who save to buy a house or remodel the one they own, has been significantly diminished by the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs. This has had a devastating effect in hundreds of local economies that still struggle with high unemployment and underemployment. In addition, cheap goods and materials from abroad mav have other. hidden costs. Lower quality, for example, can slow productivity or require expensive remediation.

By f ay Tompt
trtrMPANIES Affiliotions: AWPA, W\MPI, lRG, LACN, HLPA 22 r lheftledtantlhgazine r Norember20ll BuildingPrcductsorr

From a green point of' view. thcre's another unintcndccl consequence. Most imported goods and nratcrials will have rluch hi-sher erlbodied cnergy-in other words. a larger carbon fbotprint. Shipping goocls across thc ocean spews tons of carbon into the atniosphcrc. Morc irnportantly, a lirrei,sn llctory may get its energy from incfficient coalburning plants. So. befbrc the inrport is even shippccl. its carbon filotprint mav alreacly be vr'ilclly off the charls compared with a domcstically rnade altcrnative. There may be othcr envirrlnmental consequences, too. whcn f'uctol'ics iil'e locatcd in countries with f'ew saf'eguards in place against pol lution. clcfbrestation. etc.

Rcducing the ernbodied encfgy in buildings is the main motivator behind USGBC's LEED crcdit lur locally sourced goods and nraterials. This is good. but clocs it rnatter'l Is anything even rnade in this country anymore? Ycs and yes. Obviously. sourcing goods ancl materials close to the building sitc means lower cmbodiecl energy and lower amounts of carbon enritted to thc atmosplrerc. It also helps to support local busincsses and encourages builders to incorporate local matcrials. Lr.rn.rber. stone. strawbalc, cob-regional resource will hclp recreatc rcgional builcling vcrnacular, too, providin_e a welconre break l-rom the honrogeneitl'of rnass honre production. Shortening the supply chain also clclivers strategic business benefits. such as less risk of disluption l}om ovcrscas events and, polcntialll'. nrore collaborativc relationships bctwecn rnanufacturer iincl clealer'.

And ycs. there are still plenty of products made in this collntry. A Montana bLrildcr madc news prorloting his l(X)7c Amcrican built housc (www.theallamelicanhome. corn). derronstratins that it can bc clone ancl with little

extra cost. It also showecl that there's strong interest ll'on'r builders ancl prospcctive homeowncrs to source goods closer to honie.

So, what's a good. green dcaler to clo'l Wolk with your distributors ancl manufucturers to identify wherc the products and matcrials arc made, thcn identify oppoltunities to makc somc cl'ranges. Shorten thc supply chain. Products madc closer to home arc better'()r "sreL-nL-r.' thcoretically, than those maclc f'arthcr away. For examplc. qualil'icd proclucts and materials nradc within 500 nriles of the jobsitc carn LEED cleclits.

Weigh the costs and benel-its wisely a toxic product rnadc ncxt door is always worsc than a grccn import firrnr Europe. Work with local rnanul'acturers to srecn up thcir product line. if necessary. In thc store, clcvelop signage that educates and informs your custorners about thc bcnefits ol'buying local or buying Amerrcan.

Finalll . rcsist the ternptltion to wavc thc l1ag. hut do niakc the case based on quality, econonrics and cnvironmcntal bcncfits. Thcrc's a stron-s onc to bc nradc.


,fay TomPt Managing Partncr' Wm. Vcrcle & Associatcs (ll5)i2l-08-+ll
Building- Norrember 20ll I The l\4erchant Magazine . 23
u illiunri crde.crrrrr


ProBuild is closing 12 locations by Nov. 15, including Granite Falls, Sedro Woolley, Coupeville, Bonney Lake, and Moses Lake, Wa., and South Fork, Co.

Malibu Hardware, Matibu, ca., held a grand opening Oct. 15 (Dave Anawalt, owner).

Colorado Hardwood Lumber & Flooring, Canon City, Co., has been opened by Tom and Janette Mize, sharing space with Harken Gabinetry

The Mizes relocated to Colorado, presumably to retire, after 35 years in the hardwood lumber business in Michigan.

Grigg's Hardware early next year will open its 4th Ace store, an 1 8,000-sq.-ft.'er in Kennewick, Wa.

Placerville True Value

Hardware, Placerville, Ca., has purchased the former True Value store in Penn Valley, Ca., closed since December 2010.

New owner Scott Gutierrez expects to reopen late this month, leaving his twin brother to manage the Placerville location.

Ace Hardw?re operator Terry Cain is opening a 13,000-sq. ft. store the first week of December in Beaverton, 0r.

True Value Hardware, creen Valley, Az., held a grand re-opening to celebrate its 12-week remodel.

Ace Hardw?IO will open a new store next spring on 1.'l acres in Denver, Co. (Mary Cottrell, owner).

Ace Hardware Express, Shasta Lake, Ca., will move into a temporary facility by Dec. 1, after suffering fire, water and smoke damage from a Sept. 28 blaze that destroyed an adjoining apartment.

The fire was caused by a 4-year-old boy playing with a lighter.


Iully bacfieil
;1.11}]( ) lk*ri.:n Contact Renee McMichael (9511727-1767, ext. tzz or (909) 772-8329,cen BEAR IOR]ST PROIIUOT$ 4685 Brookhollow Circle. Riverside. CA 92509
Az., sth. "3 t'l t Superior W00d Treating offers the best in naturally beautiful, pressure-lreated Douglas{ir and Hemjir wood {0r a full range 0t building needs, including: r ilew! D-Blazeo Fire Retardaril Wood tor framing and inteilors Presewe@ AGQQ wood for proven, long-term protection against decay and termites, even an the harshest environments IimbefaveP PT Borab PrNure-Treabd Wood for lramilu, dools and morc SupaTimbeP Pressure-Treated wood lor industial and commercial use Treating Service only fl-So) and Kiln Drying After Treatment (KDAT) available on request r 3702 Stewart Road Sunnet WA 98390 P:253-863-4495 F: 253-863-1037 !\rww,supen0M000.c0m P#tffiH 4#p-es*N*": lrSuperlor WoodTreatlng SUPATIIIBER 24 r The wlenlnnt Magazine r November 2011 Building-
Anqeles Millwork & Lumber Col, port Angeles, Wa., 105th ,.. Highlands Ace Hardware, Renton, Wa., 60th Maricopa Ace Hardware, Maricopa,

ldaho Forest Group. Coeur d Alene ld is buying Clearwater Paper Corp.'s Lewiston, ld sawmill.

The $30-million deal includes sawmill, planer mrll, kilns, inventories, timber contracts, and promise to contrnue supplying chips and sawdust to Cleanvater's Lewiston pulp mill.

Spokane, Wa.-based Cleanvater is ramping down production at the operation in preparation for ldaho Forest's taking possession in the 4th quarter

Lifetime Lumber, San Diego, Ca., is shutting down its composite decking operatron after nine years.

SierraPine will shutter its MDF plant in Rocklin, Ca., by year's end.

Taiga Building Products, Burnaby. B.C.. has formed a partnership with Lignum, Vancouver, 8.C., to co-brand and market western red cedar from Kitwanga Lumber Co.. Kitwanoa. B.C.

Hoquiam Plywood, Hoquram, Wa., has idled its mill indefinitely.

Swanson Group. Glendale, Or.. has completed the sale of its Noti, Or., sawmill to Seneca Sawmill Co, Eugene, Or.

On Seot. 23. a week before the deal closed, Swanson idled the mill and exoected ooerations to resume Oct. 17.

Reliable Wholesale Lumber, Huntington Beach, Ca., is now distributing LiteSteel beams throughout California.

Onex Gorp. has completed its $87'1 -million acquisition of approximately 40% of Jeld-Wen, Klamath Falls Or.

Tolko !ndustries' plyrivood plant in Kamloops, B.C., cut back from four shifts to three, effective Oct. 30.

Enduris' Endeck cellular PVC decking and Endeck PVC hybridcapped decking have been awarded Cal Fire certification by the California Department of Forestry.

Feeney Inc., Oakland. Ca.. has installed a solar system capable of generating more than 95% of its current energy demands

Vet Opens Own Home Center

Matt Chal'ez. tirlmcr store managcr lirr Sears Trostcl l-unrber & Millwork. Fort Collins. Co.. and his wif-e. Becky. have opened .losephs' Hardwarc & Home Centcr. Fort Collins.

The I 1.0(X) sq. ft. Do it Bcst unit operates fronr thc old Drake Harclwarc building. which closed early this ycar.

Fresno Sees Dealer Shake-Up

Hlrrtlwiu'c st()rc\ lre cotttittr:. Sttinq and relocating in Fresno. Ca. Orchard has taken ovcl thc lcase of il J().5J0-sq. lt. buildinr-1. lo convcrt it

into its seconcl krcation in the city by spring 2012. Thc f'acility' is across I'rom the firrrncr horre of Mnyson Acc Hardware. which closcd in Septcmbcr and reopened Nov. I at a new sitc lcss than thlcc r.nilcs away. Thc owncrs say the1,' made their decision to nrovc long befbre hcarin-'r of' Orchard's plitrts.

In aclcl ition. Norm Bishop has closcd Willow Ace Harclu'are . Fresno. and rcopcncd Clovis Acc Hat'dware. Clovis. Ca.. Oct. l. Bishop shuttered thc Clovis store in 2(X)9 ovcr a lease tlispttlc. tonsolidulinl opel'ltlions in thc I-rcsno location.


o premier distributor of wholesole building products; hos teomed with Roseburg Engineered Wood Producls in ihe Southern Colifornio morket. Huff Lumber offers the complete line o{ Roseburg EWP coupled with {ull technicol copobilities including ioke-off, conversion, plocemenl drowings ond engineering services. EWP moteriols ore ovoiloble in mill direct bulk shipments, locol units ond cut piece iob pockoges.


The Roseburg Froming Sysiemf consisis of: RFPI@ Joisfs used in floor ond roof construclion; RigidLomo LVL which is used for heoders, beoms, siuds ond columns; ond RigidRim@ Rimboord. All of the components ore engineered to the industry's highest slondords to help conlroctors build solid, durqble, ond better performing froming systems compored to ordinorv dimension lumber.


Rigidlom@ [V[

Rigidlom@ LVL Studs

Rigid[om@ LVI Columns

RigidRim@ Rimboord


Santa Fe Springs, California 800-347-4833
November 2011 I lhe tUerdrant Magazine t 25

Capital Buys JM Thomas' N.M. DC

Eleven-unit Capital Lumber Co., Phoenix, Az., has agreed to purchase the assets of JM Thomas Forest Products' distribution center in Albuquerque, N.M.

Capital has its own facility in Albuquerque and will consolidate both sites into a single operation.

Ogden, Ut.-based JM Thomas will continue to operate its DCs in Ogden, Boise,Id., and Denver, Co.

The deal was expected to be finalized by Oct. 31

Hampton Keeps Trimming Hours

Hampton Affiliates, Portland, Or., will reduce operating hours from 80 to 50 and lay off 80 workers at is sawmill in Darrington, Wa., due to poor domestic sales and more logs being exported to China.

Similar reductions and layoffs have already taken place at the company's sawmill in Randle, Wa.

The company said it has no plans to close any of its sawmills, but will reduce schedules at most facilities while waiting for the U.S. housing market to recover.

Lowe's Closing 20 Locations

Lowe's Cos. is closing 20 underperforming stores in l5 states and eliminating 1,950 jobs-including locations in Westminster and Los Banos, Ca.; S. Tacoma, Wa., and Denver, Co. Half of the locations closed Oct. 16, while the others will be shuttered this month.

The chain, which will be left with more than 1,700 locations, will also cut back on it expansion plans-opening l0 to l5 new stores in North America annually starting in 2Ul2,rather than the 30 it had predicted.

Other closures are in Louisiana, Massachusetts,

rl I
Limited Lifetime Warranty & Leak-Proof Guarantee A Sustainable Solution: Made of 50% Recycled Aluminum; Qualifies for LEED credits
Winner of Architect magazine's 2009 R+D Award, DryJoistEZ is a structural deck drainage system that provides the structure ol the deck, a waterproof solution and a finished ceiling with a traditional bead board appearance, all in one step! Perfect for balconies and decks for both residential and commercial applications.
filril|lGl &cl<s 678.3|.3.23 f 7 87 7,27 0.9387 A brand new IIVATERPROOF ATTERHATIVE to
Jorsts, Unmatched tn FLEXIBILIru DURABILITY ano STREITIGTH! 26 r Th€ lvledant lihgiazne r Norember20ll BuildingPrcdudsom
wooden Deck

Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Virignia, Wisconsin, two each in Illinois and Maine, and three in New Hampshire.

Millbrae Lumber Goes Under

Battered by the poor economy, Millbrae Lumber Co., Millbrae, Ca., closed last month after 72 years.

Most of Millbrae's 10 employees had been with the yard for over 25 years. Its oldest worker was 75, its youngest 28-joining l0 years ago, straight out of high school.

A new owner acquired the l.5-acre property, but has not divulged his plans.

Stimson Fined for Blast

Stimson Lumber, Portland, Or., was fined $5,000 by OSHA for an explosion at its mill in Gaston, Or., that killed one worker and seriously injured two others.

Steve Allen, 60, a longtime millwright, died after a 6 ft.-tall hydraulic accumulator machine he was working on exploded May I l. Two other workers were injured. The three were trying to disassemble the machine, which acts like a large shock absorber for heavy mill equipment.

Stimson v.p. Debra Muchow said, "We'll never know from the employee's perspective if he was not trained properly or whether it was just a matter of a mistake at that time. But either way, we are brokenhearted by the fatality that occurred and we are taking responsibility for that with


Although Allen's death was the first fatality at the Gaston mill in at least 25 years, she said, millwrights at each of Stimson's operations in Oregon, Idaho and Washington have received additional trainine related to hydraulic machines.

Universal has been a key supplier in Southern California for years. With the broadest lineup of Iumber and specialty products in the area, it's no wonder why dealers look to UFP as a key supply partner.

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P.O. 8OX57247 SAUILAKE CITy, Uf 84157-0247 PHONE - WOODS CROSS: (801)295-9M9 FAx (801) 295-9440 @ pHoNE - SALT LAKE (80t)262-6428 FAX (801) 262-9822 WATS (800) 666-2467
lllRDY/l$RltE " A MfTek Cqnpony lffi UFP's Riverside location features top brands and a diverse product ofiering - SmartSide Siding - SmartSide Trim - TechShield - SPF Pattern & Fascia - Hardy Frames - Pl1'wood & OSB - Vinyl Lattice - Concrete Form/PSF 2100 Avalon Blvd. Riverside, CA925l9 951-826-3fi)O Buildingrhodudsom Noventer 20ll r Ihe lledrant ilagiazne t 27

Green Building Products Crack Top 10

BuildingGreen has presented its lOth annual Top 10 Green Building Products Awards for 2012, drawn from more entries than ever before.

"There are more 'green' building products than ever, but not all of them address a real need-or worse. some of them may create new problems down the road," says BuildingGreen's Alex Wilson. "In selecting this year's Top l0 products, we looked for companies that solved pressing needs in energy efficiency, reduced toxicity in building materials, enhanced retrofit applications, and offered unique solu-

tions in other areas."

The Top 10 are drawn primarily from new additions to GreenSpec, BuildingGreen's database of best-inclass green building products, containing more than 2,200 listings and product lines. Winners for 2Ol2 are:

. InterfaceFlOR carpet tiles with non-PFC carpet fibers

. Lifeline PVC-free resilient flooring from Upofloor OY

. Knight Wall CI-Girt Rainscreen System from Knight Wall Systems

. EonCoat waterborne ceramic coating from EonCoat


Aqua2use Graywater System from Water Wise Group

. Cypress Envirosystems analogto-di gital wireless thermostat

. Ritter XL solar thermal system from Regasol

. Mitsubishi Electric's ductless heat pumps and variable refrigerant flow systems with tenant submetering

. AllSun Trackers from AllEarth

Philips Lighting EnduralEDs

Everett 66Bud" Johnson, 85, owner of C&D Lumber. Riddle. Or.. died Oct.2 in Riddle.

His father bought what was known as Judd Creek Lumber in 1950 and changed the name to C&D-because their first mill was in Coos County and the second was in Douglas County. In 1996, he was honored as Man of the Year by Timber Processing.

Jim Ben Edens Jr.,75, former president of Palmer G. Lewis, Auburn, Wa., and Huttig Building Products, St. Louis, Mo., died Sept. 5 in Prescott, Az.

He attended Harvard and Southern Methodist universities, then spent most of his working life in the LBM industry. He headed PGL when it was acquired by Huttig in 1989.

Bruce Winden Rowe. 72. retired owner of Van Daal Distributors, Seatle, Wa., died Sept. 20 in Friday Harbor, Wa.

Mr. Rowe graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1950, then served as a Naval gunnery officer during the Korean War. Afterwards, he attended Harvard University, earning a master's degree in 1958.

He then purchased Van Daal and built it into one of the largest LBM distributor serving the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. He also opened several Ace Hardware stores. door/ metal products manufacturer Bruce's Building Materials, and consulting firm Rowe & Associates.

William Winn Ford, 80, longtime Northwest lumber salesman, died Oct. l3 in Portland, Or.

His first job in the lumber industry was working in his father's mill in John Day, Or. After graduating from Stanford University and serving in the Navy, he got a job as a lumber salesman for Boise Cascade. He Iater

.3. aa ecochemical PAINT + STAINS THE INNOVATOR IN ECO.FRIENDLY PAINT + STAINS | 800-677-7930 28 r The tvledrant trbgazine r November20ll

became sales manager at DAW Forest Products, before eventually retiring from Crown Pacific.

D. Keith Gordon, 88, retired lumber salesman at Western Lumber. Medford, Or., died Sept. l3 in Medford.

During World War II, he served with the Navy. After the war, he returned to UC-Berkeley, graduating in 1948 with a degree in forestry.

He started his 36-year career as a forester at Fruit Growers Supply Co., Susanville. Ca.. and retired in 1993.

Mel Smeder. 63. salesman at TMI Forest Products, Centralia, Wa., died Oct. I I in Chehalis, Wa.

He started his 40-year lumber career at age 12 at Jerstedt Lumber, Bellingham, Wa., moving to wholesale sales in Portland, Or., in 1988.

D. Dean Dodson. 83. retired Oregon lumberman, died Sept. 29 in Caldwell,Id.

After serving in the South Pacific with the U.S. Navy during World War II, he started his lumber career, eventually becoming a lumber inspector for the Western Wood Products

Association, Portland, Or., and earning his master's certificate. Before retiring, he served as sales manager for Pine Products, Prineville, Or.

Charles Emmert. 97. retired owner of Emmert Forest Products, Auberry, Ca., died Oct. I I in Fresno, Ca.

Mr. Emmert graduated from UCBerkeley in 1937 , with a degree in forestry. He served with the Air Force during World War II, helping to build landing strips in the South Pacific.

He spent most of his working years in the central Sierras, surveying for early logging roads and running his own mill.

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/noovER 7 TREATEDWOOD mODUCnS, tfc. 0 I I :E= -\-* ^ To.--- \ >NationwideStockingDi$tiibutors 0 Superior to Paint or Coatings Termite and Decay Resistant Pressure Treated"and KDA}" Strongest FRTW Warranty Competitive Pricing 0 0 s.l<r@ DmdeGt#6 kll-|!u'qd PYNC'-GITENI' Interior Fire Retardant Treated Lumber and Plywood ElgemonFIRE-X, Exterior Fire Retardant Treated Lumber and Plywood
lx4 B0ARDS in 4,5 ond 6'lenoths 2x4 Ml6 in 8-.|0' both rough ond surfoced Cedor 4x4 P()STS in 4,5,6,7 ,8,9 ond l0'lengths 2x2 cleor cedor BALUSTERS in 36, 441
ryw fuildingPrcductscom Norember20ll I lfte fvlednnt trlagarine t E
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Don Keller, SolesMonoger . (54.|) 672-6528

Best Decks

The North American Deck & Railing Association presented awards for the year's best decks during the recent Deck Expo in Chicago, Il.

"This year's Deck Competition was as tough to judge as last year'sprobably tougherl" said judge Glenn Mathewson, NADRA technical advi-

sor. "From simple elegance to massively elaborate, judging these decks made me wish I was still building them. It was obvious that these builders are making dreams come true for their clients."

Among the winners:

BEST WOOD DECK OVER 500 SQ. FT. and BEST OVERALL DECK honors went to John Paulin, Tailor Decks, Statham, Ga., for this pressure treated masterpiece. He used premium southern yellow pine for the decking, porch flooring, and railings and western red cedar for the open porch walls, staining everything with TWP 1501 cedar tone. Unique features included an outset for the grill, granite-topped bar, benches with 17"-tilted backrest, and ample lighting, right down to below the benches. BEST WOOD DECK UNDER 500 SQ. FT. went to this southern pine beauty from Frank Pologruto, Decks & More, Smyma, Ga., featuring a stunning bow curve and Dekorators custom rail system with black aluminum balusters.
30 r lhe lrlerdunt lrhgazine r Nwember20ll BuiHitrg-hodudsom

BEST UNIQUE FEATURE recognized this

Noi All Suppliers Are Creoted Equcl

Buy your Western Red Cedar from these quality producers.


Downie Timber/Selkirk Specialty

Fn\iorrt f-oriar Prndr rcic

Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd.

Haida Forest Products Ltd.

ldaho Forest Group

I nterfor

Mary's River Lumber Co.

Vid Vailey Lumber Soeciallies

North Fnderby Timber Ltd.

OrePac Building Products

Power Wood Corp.

Ouadra Wood Products

Sawarne Lumber Company Ltd.


Skana Forest ProdLrcts Ltd.

West Bay Forest Products

Western Forest Products, Inc.


BW Creative Wood lndustries

Cedarshed Industries

Outdoor Living Today

Synergy Pacif iclOuattro Timber



lt-t- r
outdoor living area with curved metal overhead by John Turrentine, Southwest Fence & Deck, Carrollton, Tx., supported by customcut western red cedar beams and corbels. BEST ALTERNATIVE DECK OVER 500 SQ. FT. was for this Rocky Mountain showplace by Barry Streett, Rolling Ridge Deck Co., Evergreen, Co. The 1,500-sq. ft. project incorporated Bra/ilian slate decking, Grate Dex outdoor flooring, custom-designed wrought iron rail, native moss rock columns, exposed tongue-&-groove ceiling and glulam beams, antique barn beam mantel, and g0+ copper low-voltage lights. BEST ALTERNATIVE DECK UNDER 500 SQ. FT. was won by this composite creation from Rolling Ridge Deck's Streett. He used Fiberon Horizon lp6 decking and kiln-dried SYP pressure tieated framing, with tongue-&-groove white pine for the ceiling. BuiHiry-hodudsorn
Novernber 20ll r Ihe lledrant lhgazne r 31

Thermally Modified Decking

Phillips-Ice is now manufacturing thermally modified wood decking from sustainably grown North American hardwoods.

ThermalWood reportedly is 100% natural, with low VOCs and improved dimensional stability.

It offers easy installation with Snap-To-It invisible fasteners.


(650) 387-4415

KD Bamboo Decking

New bamboo decking from Tiger Deck is kilndried and vertically laminated for lasting durability. The FSC-certified deck boards are profiled for Tiger Deck's hidden fastening system, and pre-finished with a clear sealer and a fungicide. Lengths of l2' , 16' , and 20' will span l6" OC joist spacing.


(503) 62s-1747

Protect Wood From &kf,,, Perman@nthf!

And llo More: o Termites o Wood Decay - Bot o Powder Post Beetles o Carpenter Anfs wwlfl q ua I ityborate, Goln 3690 Orange Place Suite 495 Cleveland, OH 44122 USA Toll-Free 866-BORATES (866-267-2837) Fax 216-464-8619 0unuw BORATE' BoraSol WP' 32 I The lylerd|ant ltlagazine r Nwember20ll Building-Productscom

Multi-Use Fasteners

Screw Products has released three new star-drive fasteners for multiple applications, including decking and fencing.

The C-Deck 9xll-314" for fences. railings. and fascia comes in a choice of brown, gray, tan and red color coating that is corrosion-resistant.

A l14" exterior lag screw. in lengths of l" to 6", is designed for fences, decking, ledger boards roofing, and much more. It is milled with heat-treated carbon steel coated with a bronze ACQ-compatible coating.

The #7 modified truss stardrive screw can be used to fasten siding and fascia, attach fixtures, and install fencing.


(877) 844-8880

Two Coat Exterior Prime

0ur two-coat process starts with an atkyd sealer to btock tannin migration, fottowed by a high-performance acrylic primer. The resutt: RESERVE quaLity, inside and out.

Superior Wood

Made of quatity, ctear, finger-jointed Western Red Cedar or Redwood, these products are naturatty designed for exterior use-both species are ideaI for enduring extreme weather.

Surfacing + Sizes + Lengths

RESERVE products come in a wide range of sizes, [engths and finishes. Whether the project catIs for S1S2E or S4S, we offer lengths ranging from 16'to 20'. Pattern stock is atso avaitabte.

s/axt2 2x4 - 2xI2

Master Deck Fasteners

FastenMaster's Cortex fastener system can now be used with TimberTech XLM decking.

The hidden fasteners can be used in specific decking applications, such as perimeter boards and stairs, for easy replacement of a decking board.

Each pack contains 224 ACQapproved screws. two setting tools, and 300 Cortex plugs.


(800) 518-3569

The Finest Stock, The Best Coating

Our Siskiyou Forest Products RESERVE line is specially manufactured and treated to create the highest quality product available. Using state-of-the-art application and curing equipment, our premium Western Red Cedar and Redwood stock is made to last for many generations. We are proud to offer a beautiful, durable product that is ready for installation and final painting the moment it reaches the craftsmen.

Ix4 - 1xI2 s/ax4
.i, i-::. i.irri' 5::.,,::'1,1i;g
S I s ruyou - FoREST- PRODUCTS w ww. sis kiyouf orestp rod 800.427.8253 6275 Hwv 273 Anderson, CA 96007 No,ember 20ll I lhe lledrant tilagazine r 33

Redwood Decks & Kailimgs

Ne* ruilings anci clecking prol'ilcs frorr The Calitbrnia Rcclri oocl Co. tbcLrs on bcaun,. ease of usc. durabilitr and n atcr resistance.

Both Estrte (lrJ ancl l16) ancl Vista (l16) recluood railinqs arc gcntl\ cronnccl to shccl riater.

Thc C-uscarlc rlcck bourd is ulso cro.,r'nccl on top to sl'tcrl rrllcr'. \\ ith bcrclcrl crlges antl tlrip lincs on the holtorl lirr grcutcl clululrilitr

All thrcc ufc constfuctc(i spcciultt rnillcrl rcrlu ootl.

Suntpster in a ffiag

Wastc Nlanasel)teltt s Baqster is a durnpstcr in l bag for rl-i-rcrs ancl sntall contrilctors.

Thc tlurable \\o\cn bug can holcl 3 cr-r. y'cls. of clcbris trp to -1 .-l(X) lbs. tlaking it iclcll lirr holtc t etl()\ irl ir )n\ iill\l ! lLilnill). (-ol]er'lirttt lr'r'r tiitlre olt lltr'rttlukel. trlrrrttl -i{} t'cntul.

r Tl I I:ll.{(iS'l't:lt ('O\'l (88S).r+5 ll+7

lionr 5j79 lo :li 159. rlcpcnclinu Io JO(tr lcss tltan l rluntl-lstcr'

ldeal for a Variety of Applications:

o LonB Lengths and Strength for Floor and Roof Beams

o No "Build Up" Required for Door Window and Garage Headers

Stays Straight for Kitchen and Bath ("Zone"\ Wall Framing

o Consistent Perlbrmance and Long Lengths Needed

inTaliWall Framrng

Can Replace L\T- in Most Applitahons

Batkcd hy a Lifctimt'Limrrcd Warranty

Find more information tod.ay at

r C,,\ l - I Ir( ) R N L\ R. t r I ) \\r ( )( ) I X' ( ).C'( ) N4 (866)
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5- '.;S*q'* ;::.
[s SolrosrARr ENGINEENEO WOOO L5L ',t t t' { d #{ w @ ,,. e li' rt e I :I 1l 34 r lhe Merclrant tvhgazine I November 20ll LPCorlc.m EE!$@l

T&G Wood Decking

Kootenay Innovative Wood's tongue-and-groove decking is available in both 2x6 and 3x6 profiles.

Both select and commercial grades are offered, in a Douglas firllarch or SPF blend. Offered are lengths of 6'to 16', with 5.25" face and optional pre-drilling.


(250) 359-8050


Swiss Wood Protection

Powerhouse Building Solutions' Bomol coatings are an environmentally friendly way to protect wood.

Manufactured in Switzerland. the line includes semi-transparent and solid colors for exterior wood and decking, a semi-transparent lacquer for interior wood, and a cleaning solution that cleans most wood without scrubbing. All are water-based, contain organic oils, and have low odor and virtually no VOCs.


(811) 337-2802

Shield That Gutter

MasterShield gutter guards use MicroVortex cloth to keep roof gutters free of clutter and oils leached from asphalt shingles.

The guards are able to filter more water, more quickly, due to the special micromesh filtration cloth.


(8't7\ 532-3621


Hi-bor' brand treated wood is a borate treated desiened for interior house framing in Ha treal"ed wood resists attack bv Foimosan termites and numerous household

.!ffirePR0" brand interior fire retardant is the construc{on industrt's newest and most advanced fue protection qotern for wodd. The unique FirePro dremistvis a Dat€nt Deildins formulalion that con'uins no phosphoroulbased cominundsi

Buildinghoductrom Norrenrber20ll r The liledrant lrhgazine r 35
"* lll$i'"t'' Proai,di,ng Customer Sati,sfacti,on i,n All We Do P.O. Box 75 . McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone: 503-434-5450 . FAX: 888-TSO-WOOD (s8s-876-9653) t*bor, nrtPao, drd Advre Guard c.t8lffid €dc@tlo of $T-N Holdk8* tm Ht-bo., ficPno, {|d Adrc GE d Foer6 tr p.odrced by ltr&padsn}y @tEd tttd oFrded wood pc€ftiry t dlrarG e 2m4


Transcendental Porches

With Transcend Porch, Trex has brought capped composites to the front of the home.

The product is available in three board lengths10' , 12' , and 16'-and three colors-pristine gray, spicy red, and warm umber.

Installation is simple with Trex's hidden fasteners. Options include coordinating posts and railings.


(800) 289-8739

Basement Insulations

Dow Building Solutions offers three rigid-foam insulation products for below-grade wall and foundations applications, such as basements.

Thermax sheathing, Styrofoam Perimate, and Styrofoam Wallmate insulation reduce heat loss through concrete walls, resist hydrostatic pressure, keep crawl spaces dry, and protect against frost.


(866) 583-2s83

t a x m -
36 r The lt4edrant lhgazne r Norrember20ll Building-ftodudscom

Marbleized Tile

New glazed-porcelain tiles from Mediterranea capture the look of marble.

Essence catches the depth and shading of natural marble in 18"x18". |3"x13". and 12"x24" tiles in bronze, caramel, forest or pearl. Also available are 3"x13" bullnose pieces and mesh-backed sheets of 2"x2" mosaic tiles.


(30s) 718-5091

lnsulation Blowing

CerlainTeed's Volu-Matic SE insulation-blowing machine measures just 69"x'72" and weighs just 1,300 lbs.

The reduced footprint allows installation in smaller trucks. lowering initial investment and operating costs for contractors.


(800\ 231 -1841

Direct lmporters of Hardwood Decking, lumber, & Flooring

!t- -L
direct source for Ipe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many Options To Choose ILom: 1) Shipping fiom orr Brazilian Mills direct to your job site or lumberyad 2) Cunm Mitlingavailable from our U.S. Facilities .^r\ablg 3)Btindshippinsisarsoavairabre ."$il Telephone: (9 41) -388-9299 www.,tdvantagelumb er. co m/whol es aI e Building-Produdrom Norcmber20ll r Tlre Merdrant lrhgazine t 37
"dN '/'4t-

Duncan Hossack has been promoted to branch mgr. at Boise Cascade, Phoenix, Az., succeeding Hal Webster. who has retired after 39 years with the company. Miguel Hernandez has joined Boise Building Materials Distribution Division, Riverside, Ca., as lumber department product mgr.

Greg Reed, ex-Taiga Building Products, has joined Fiberon as product specialist for Northern California. He is based in Elk Grove. Ca.

Kirk Butler, ex-Lumber Products, is a new account mgr. at Capital, Denver, Co.

Michael Muzzy, ex-James Hardie, is a new account mgr. with Universal Forest Products, Riverside, Ca.

Christopher Bogstad is a new customer service rep at Weyerhaeuser, Santa Clarita. Ca.

Megan Garrity, ex-Vandermeer Forest Products, has joined Fiberon as product specialist for the Seattle, Wa., area.

Dennis DeBolt, ABC Supply, Santa Rosa, Ca., and Allen Karspeck, Santa Fe, N.M., were promoted from branch mgrs. to managing partners.

Tim Elbers has joined ISIS Wood Products Solutions, Suney, B.C., as sales mgr., based in Reese, Mi.

Jim McKellar retired after 50 years in the building industry, the last eight as executive v.p. of Seattle, Wa.based ad agency Purdie Rogers.

C.W. St. John has been promoted to general mgr. at Kommerling USA.

Tish Hughes is in charge of replenishing janitorial supplies at MungusFungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

rlalffir$lffil!ilffi rcPNEEMV}B UMSFffiffiTB MFIFFTB For o amplete listing of services and capobilities, please visit us ot lfE r TlpltMrantMagadne r NoremberZ)Il Buildinghoductsom
L.; ;
NAWLA TRADERS MARKET landed at Mirage Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nv., on Oct. 19-21. I1l B.L. Johnson, Mark Tucker, Racy Florence, Travis Hixon. [2] Kevin Hynes, Vincent Micale, Matthew Duprey, Bernie Nugent. [3] William Swaney, John Assman, Matt Yates, Mike Nutile. [4] Len Kasperski, Kim Pohl, Mark Kasper. [5] Julie Sheffield, Anthony Granger. [6] Ryan Furtado, Carlos Furtado, Dick Gukeisen, Chris Meyer, Scott Knutson. [7] Dan Griffiths, Gary Gill, Bal Building-hoductscom Gill, T.J. Malhi. [8]Scott Kassahn, JackAlley, Todd Fox, Joe Petree. [9] Kevin & Glenda Paldino, Russ Hobbs. [10] Craig Larsen, Frank Stewart. [11] Jessica Navascues, Tom Taylor. [12] Mike Sims, Seamus 0'Reilly, Richard Mills, Brian Maloney, Ken Root. [13] Rick Kapres, John Pace. [14] Humphrey Wildeboer, Larry Pekee. [15] Troy Turner, Grant Phillips, Roger Burch, Jason Faulkner, Sean Burch. [16] Matt Pedrone, Jim Tittle. (More photos on next four pages)
Norember20ll r lhe Nlerdnnt lrhgazine r 39



F EJ Y 4 E (t) 4 IIJ a 4 F rJ = 2 ; ; ;: : j
n r lhet{edrantltbgazine r Norcmber2Oll
NAWLA Hank Mullins, Vicki O'Neill, Steven Funchess. [2] Jeff & Kathleen Norman, Kristine Jones, Dawn Holm. [3] William Cullen, Jack Delaney, Ali Jojo. [4] Kathy Klassen, Danyue Klassen, Alan 0akes, Sarah Welsh, Lianne Graham. [5] Ray Barbee, Ken Tennefoss, Dan Blenk. [6] Panish Stapleton, Chuck Casey. [7] Adrian McDonald, Rex Scott, David Wildes. [8] Bob Maurer, Matt Campbell, Kevin Daugherty. [9] Colin Parsons, Dirk Kunze. [10] Jean-Francois Drouin, Milisa Pepin. [11] Rob Pelc, Lee
Hope. [12] Mike Mordell, Stacey Woldt, Gary Vitale. [13] Barry Schneider, James Hand. [14] Tod Kintz, Jim Maloney, Ron Hanson. [15] Mark Junkins, Charlie Quarles, Harvey Hetfeld. [16]Bob Seldon, Doug Chiasson. [17] Dillon Forbes, Jim Olson. [18] Brett Li, Shane Carphin. [19] Larry Schmedding, Chuck Dotson, Gerry Hall. [20] Tony Maben, Chris Retherford. [21] Mark & Sarah Huff. [22] Kristi & Danny Osborne. [23] Ron Holen, Sheldon Howell. [24] Josh Goodman, Andrew Goodman. (More phofos on next 3 pages)

TRADERS MARKET (continued from previous 2 pages).lll JelI Derby, Ben Meachen, Brad Flitton. [2] Dusty Hammack, Ryan Morrison. [3] Jeff Logue, Bill Ross, Sam Sanregret. [4] Bill Jones, Phil Schumock, Gary Maulin. [5] Lori & Bobby Byrd. [6] Jason Friend, Teresa Berry, John Cooper. [7] Cory Poggemoeller, Brad Shaigec, Craig Fleischhacker, Roxanne Poggemoeller, [8] Sa] Cam-arda, Grant Pearsall. [9] Bob Loew, Jordan Hollis. [10] Donna Allen, Chris Webb. [11] Tony Jenkins, Steve Hollingworth,

Mike Colgan. [12] Mary Jo Nyblad, Debra Wilton-Pinski, Beth Banks. [13] Sean Nason, Chad Miller, Todd Lindsey, Trevor Ewert, Doug Colson. [14] Mike Booth, Mike Pidlisecky. [15] Greg Groenhout, Mark Heyboer. [16] David Smith, Jimmy Epperson, Jim Walsh. [17] Mike Stevens, Bill McGrath, Brian Benson [18] Allyn Ford, Eric Ford, [19] Lisa Ayala. (More photos on next 2 pages)

Building- Products. com
November20ll r The l{erdtant Magazine r41

NAWLA lN VEGAS (continued from previous pages): [1] John Pasqualetto, James Danielson, John Tumino, Teny Kuehl, Jason Faulkner. [2] Blair Magnuson, Chris Wischmann, Greg Bates. [3] Craig Combs, Patrick Hanulak, Doug Riordan. [4] Mark Rutledge, Robert LePage. [5] Sergio Silva, Larry Crossley, Dan Paige. [6] Dave Halsey, Dean Stuz. [7] Ch]is Harrett, Win Smith. [8] Rob Marusic, Jack Heavenor. [9] Albert Reneaud, Brad Morrow, Jean-Marc Dubois. [10] Konrad Tittler, Rob Breda, Steven


(More photos on next page)

F El Y c = (n E EJ o 4 F J = 2
q2 r ilre
r NovemberA)ll
Nielsen, Mark Tittler. [11] Jim Hassenstab, Brandon Rinck. [12] Graham Picard, Shane Harsch. [13] Jay Christiansen, Troy Bailey. [14] Robert Sandve, Gary Arthur. [15] Brian Dysserinck, Gary Reid, Ddug Willis. [16] Steve Firko, Lou Chance. [17] Fernanda Vale Garcia, Craig Laisen, Natalie Macias, Tomoko lcarashi. [18] Kip Anderson, Steve Anderson, Andrea Couture, Lewis Santmyer.
Building- Products" orn

NAWLA TRADERS MARKET (continued from previous 4 pages): l1l Michael Parrella, Janet & Nestor Pimentel, Rick Palmiter, George Parden. [2] Paul Grabarek, Julie & lan Mclean. [3] Angelique Mitchell, Suzanne Hearn. [4] Esther Han, Alan Oakes, Courtney Watkins. [5] Mark & Peggy Cheirrett. [6] Raymond Luther, Don Dye. [7] Dave Patch, Scott Wiles. [8] Tim Lewis, PalZan. [9] Greg Johnson, Ken Caylor, Josh Renshaw. [10] Sam Mowat, Russ Maximuik. [11] Marc Moore. [12]

Wade Mosby, Eric Schooler, Alyson Kingsley, Josh Dean, Kevin Paldino, Chris Bailey. [13]Erick Krauter. [14]Jeff Cook, Todd Shipp. Todd Kion. [15] Pam Mrtchell. [16] Rick McQuin, Steve Hudson. [17] Bob Dewald, Darren Barker. [18] Dean Martin, Mike Sloggett, Ron Breedlove, Kent Bond. [19] Mickey Brown, Gary Pittman, John Assman, Mike McCollum, Mark Mclean, Steve Killgore. [20] Mike Descoteaux, Keith Lolley.

z = F .{ n I tn F v, 3 F x il -.1 {. tv i i" :
amtum W!!lerI
NoremberX)11 r lhelvlerdrantlhgazine r 43 t

LUMBER ASSOCIATION of California & Nevada held its annual convention Oct, 20-21 aI Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa. Rancho Mirage, Ca. [1] Brian Bunt, Thomas Stromlau, Peter Ganahl. [2] Stephen Mitchell, Mike Bland, Chris Thoman, Bill Carr [3] Michael Casey, J.D. Saunders, Jim Turrentine. [4] John Neel, Mark Ganahl. [5] Michael Potthoff, Marty O'Hara. [6] Tony Espiritu, Phil Neiman. [7] Tim Dickison, Erin & Jeff Pardini. [8] Jim Taft, Todd Hopman [9] Victor

Hausmaninger, Sheryl & Richard McArthur. [10] David Hollingworth, Michael Howe. [11] Charlene Valine, Jean Henning. [12] Miguel Gutienez, Danny Sosa, Bob Palacoiz, David Jones. [13]Brendan & Jamie Moloney. [14] Steve Arnold, Todd Anderson. [15] Pam & Matt Peterson, Cally Fromme, Monika Bartko. [16] Andrew Roise. [17] Chris & Laurie Vance, Augie Venezia.

(More photos on next page)

r0 4 HJ r] EI o s 2 4 o tl I -J I 'a ai ;
U r lhelrlerdrantlihgiazne r November20ll

LACN ANNUAL (continued from Pre' vious page). [1] Shannon Mott, John Hedges, Tom Angel. [2] Bill Finetti. Sid Thompson. [3] Teri & Pete Meichtry, Bob & Connie Shepherd. [4] Greg Stine. [5] Chris Jensen, Troy Allen, Warren Schuckies. [6] Chris Freeman, Michael Muzzy. [7] Ken Dunham, Gordon Culbertson. [8] Len Williams.

. Montreal Racks Racks Systems

Gontractor -i,-|i'X*lEB!*ffi]g all' "i']aa Contact Todd Hopman at 800.35$0892 ext. 210 .., Norember20ll I The lvlerdrant Magazine I 4Ii
rc r ThelvledEntltbgazine r Norember20ll
DECK EXPO convened Oct. 12-15 at Lakeside Center at McCormick Place, Chicago, ll. [1] Phil Wengerd, Joe Klink, Clndy Miller, Lee Shaw. [2]-Chris Upton, Arne Zenneck. [3] Randi & Kevin Guthard. [4] Caiflynn McCabe, Leda Johnson. [5] Danell Hungerford, Sheryl Grimm, Peter Busichio. [Q] Holly Digles, Alan Oakes, Anna Karas. [7] W.C. Litzinger, Jim Boyd, Phil Lail, Alan Stoneking, Brian Orchard. [8] Greg Reed, Kyle Lazon, Kaylynn Poplawski, Scott Cathcart. [9] Ron Ricchio, Phil Hradk,
Jodi Triest, Jack Jo_yce. [10] Kevin Williamson, Brent Gwatney. 111l phil Schumock, Dean Schoeller. [12] Taylor Running, Kris Andtirsbn. [13] Doug Fenwick, Tom Horvat. [14] Mike McGuiie, Bob Goval, Kriltiri _Zommer, John Polidan, Rick Wearne. [15] Larry Stoeven, R.J. Whitecotton, Roelif Loveland, Tom Koch, Kirn Pohl. [i6] Jon Bailey, Wayne Hilton. [17] Richard & Maria Ketty. [18] Steve Frrim. (More photos on next page)

MORE DECKS (continued): [1]Aaron Hock, Bruce Schneider, Clay_Hock. [2] Jett Bittner, Bill Long. [3] Chris Hammack, Rebecca Bartley, Neil Robinson. [4] Erik Kiilunen, Ken Keianen. [5] Bryan Wert, Rick Oblak. [6] Richard Lane, Chris Kollwitz. [7] Lisa Martin, Kyle Loveland, Jamie Kreiser. [8] Jay

Lattanzio, Ryan Unick, Paul Gertner, Steven Gertner. [9] Scott Schmidt' Carol Kelly, Chris Hayn. [10] Jeff Morlock, Jon Hanson. fl11 Chuck Casey' Carter Welch. [12] JerryKoontz, Brett McCutcheon. [13] Joe Dilio, Jack Delaney. [14] Bob Mion, Larry Stonum. [15] Huck DeVenzio, Kirk Hammond

Boise Gascade

Engi nee red Wood Prod ucts

I l.n a x |n x 'E o r a C" a 5 i : ? s ;t t :"
tFil1 **t&
$ facific Wood taminates,lnc.
pointSIX - DURASTRANDFIOORITG -H //F TFP (541)535-3465 . Building- Products. com Norrernber 2011 r The tvledrant lrhgazine t {l

SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIES recently held its 32nd annual open house inRe{ding- Ca [1] Eric Ford. Red Emmerson. [2] Micah Rees, Jay Francis. [3] T m Black lvlark Young. [4] B I Carroll, Brad Rix [5] Harold Dodero, Carl Dob er, Rod Scott [6] Gene Pless, Matt Postema. [7] Aaron Sulzer, B ll Jones. [8] Jorge Vega, Chrls Littlef e1d. David Hancock, Tim Sellew, Doug Hanchett. [9] Pau Cheatham Jim Talley. [10] Jason

Altnow, Chrls Ca dwel Bob Hughes. [11] Frank Solinsky, Kelly Walker. Kevin Caughron [12] Terry Stephenson Kevin Dumont. [13] Peggy & Dan Young [14] N'l ke Mackin, M guel Gutierrez. Bob Palacioz, Maz Jones [15] James Sharpe, Zach Crouch [16] Denis Stack, Doug Hanson, Josh Hanson [17] Chase Morrison. John Morrison, Jayme Peters. [18] Andy Faircloth. Jan Bailey. (More photos on next 2 pages)

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I r The N4€rchant Magazine r November20ll
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MORE SPI (continued from Previous paqe)t 111 Tim Mclndoo, David Lambert. t2l Adam Steinbuck, Eric Shelbv. [3] Glenn Dutton, James Danieisoir.'[4] Joe Roth, Todd Schoffstoll. [5] Jack Chase, Greg Hexberg, Mark Emmerson. [6] Raphael Sandoval, Rod Gasser. [7] Wally Wolf. [8] Mike Carey, Troy BaileY. [9] Christina Roggenkamp, Caitlin Stull, Heather Hampton, Lorelei Gunn, Tiffany Fulkerson. [10] Dan Wolter. 111l Pam Currie, Whitnev Mills, Tina brriuno. [12] Mark Pa\ilicki. Mark Luster, Sheri Nelson, Mark Lathrop. t13l Bob Lonq, Dan Mclntire, Russ inaip. tt+t Bil[Zaboznv, Matt Carlton. l15l bave Wright. t16l Moe Whitchurch.
Cal Coast Wholesale Lumber, Inc. Pressure Treated Forest Products Alkaline Copper Quat (ACg) Custom Treating Selected Inventory Available P.O. Box 673 '3150 Taylor Drive ' Ukiah, Ca.95482 Phone 7OZ -468-0141' Fax 7O7 -468-0660 Gene Pietila Sales Jor Coast Wood Preserutng Building-Produdscom NovemberZ)ll I lhe Merdunt lihgzine r 49
(More photos on next Page)


llJ (a J o rF I z |lJ L o I L (n I I I J i * I ffif" I t
50 r lhe N4erchant Magazine r November20ll ,fi "M
SPI OPEN H0USE (continued from prevrous two pages): [1] Terry !9[son, George Emmerson. [2] Charlie Risinger, Mike Cameron. Denny McEntire [3] Chris Trrstchler, Theresa Ragudo. Jerry Mosier. [a] John Phillips, Hans Ward, Rock Belden. [5] Jon Hagen, Vince Vieira, Ken Smith [6] Charlie Moss, Tess Lindsey. [7] Chad Niedermeyer, Robert West, Mark Luster Dean Rodgers. [8] Ed Brown. [9] Neil Rasmusson. [10] Mike Thelen Greg Simpson. [11] Ryan Morrison, Dusty Hammack, J.ason FarLlkner [1_2] Jim Frank Chip Brittain, Dan Mandeville, Randy Wiles [13] Marty Fox, John Grove, Greg Hexberg, Scott Mackechnie [14] Todd Alberts Rck McDouga [15] Witt Higman, Teny Kueht [16] John Davis. Danny Sosa, Mike Carey [17] Rob Endres, Mike Braclien. [18] John Tumino, Steve Crane, Ed Cunninqham.


Lumber Association of California & Nevada's 2nd Growth holiday dinner meeting is Dec. I at Embassy Suites, Brea, Ca. Outgoing president Chris Freeman. Ganahl Lumber. will

be honored and incoming president Terry Rasmussen, Jones Wholesale Lumber, will be welcomed. This year's Casino Night will benefit the Wounded Warrior Proiect.

Portland Wholesale Lumber Association host its annual Christmas luncheon Dec. 2 at Portland Airport Embassy Suites Hotel, Portland, Or.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club's fancy-dress holiday partv is Dec. l7 at Mr. Stox, Anaheim.

F rF rI F I { o o g I :: '"a :
LOS ANGELES HARDWOOD Lumberman's Club held its annual golf tournament Oct. 5 at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club, Costa Mesa, Ca. [1] Jason Brenen, Marty Fox, Craig Jordan. [2] Mark Michie, Dale
BDAR ]OR]ST PRODUTTS 4685 Erookhollow Circle 0 Riverslde, CA 92509 Ph, l95rl 727 -L7 67 0 Fax (9s1) 727 -L7 66 Toll Free: 877 -369-2327 Riverside . Panel Siding . Lap Siding .Al4Trim . 5/4 Trim FlameBlock .OSB . Plywood MDF . Pafticle Board . Hardboard Import Hardwood Melamine Rlverslde Ext. 129 - Marc Ext. 125 - Brandon Ext. 126 - Lorena Ext. 128 - Matt Ext. 133 - Raul Ext. 142 - Dick Ext. 127 - Renee Ext. 138 - Brad . Railing 'Balusters . PVC Railing Gates . Posts Versai Wire Mesh Mini l.lats . Building Paper . Drywall Tile Backer . FRP . HomeWrap CommercialWrap . Flashing o Tape Roof Liner . Stuccowrap Redwood lattice Plastic Lattice Cedar Fencing . Used Railrcad Ties Bender Board Decking Building-hoductrcom l,lorvember 20ll r The Dtedrant ltrhgazine r 51
Bohannon, Charley James, Bill Fitzgerald, Dan Bohannon, Chadie Fiala. [3] Jim Gaither, Tim Barnes, Gregg Wieller, AIan Arbiso. [4] Randy Porter, Chris Wickersham, Ken Lobue, Dan Lobue.


Rates: $1.20 per word (25 word min.). Phone number counts as 1 word, address as 6. Centered copy/headline, $9 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $15. Column inch rate: $55 if advertiser sets the type, $65 if we set type.


We are seeking a highly skilled lumber and panel trader with experience trading specifically in the distribution channel. Applicants must be strong closers with significant experience in B2B sales, cold-calling, and fbcused within the distribution channel. Proven lumber and panel trading experience is required, and additional experience in niche commodities is a plus. We are seeking individuals that will bring and/or develop diverse customer and business segments in addition to those already established. This is a full-time position that is salary + commission with full benefits. To be considered for this position, please email your resume and cover Ietter to All responses are kept highly confidential.

Send ad to Fax 949-852-0231 or dkoenig@ For more info, call (949) 852-1990. Deadline: '18th of orevious month. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing, 4500 Campus Dr., 11480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.

Redwood EmpiIg-


Redwood Empire is looking for experienced salespeople in wholesale and industrial with backgrounds in commodities, redwood, cedar. plywood, steel, pressure treated, hardwood decking, flooring, and imported lumber (softwoods and hardwoods). Positions available in Northem and Southern California.

Please send resume to Sean Burch. sburch @



RAIL-SERVED Building Materials Distribution & Lumber

Milling Facility for Lease: Seven (7) acre rail served building materials distribution and milling facility available in Temple City, Ca. (Los Angeles). This facility is ideal for wholesale building materials distribution or large contractor retail services. Complete with office building, fully operational custom milling equipment, and five (5) carload capacity rail spur served by the Union Pacific. This fully paved facility is turn-key and ready to go. Please contact Jerry Higman at (714) 848-8222 or


Northern California Sacramento region. Approximately 2,000-sq. ft. office attached to 30,000-sq. ft. warehouse. Warehouse clear span height 20 ft. Office & restrooms ADA accessible. Warehouse includes three-man doors with large 20-ft. roll-up door. 220V power available. Fire sprinkler system throughout. Truck shop facilities provided, including minor repair work, oil changes, steam cleaning, etc., at favorable rates. Ample truck parking space in back of facility. Office & 30900-sq. ft. front warehouse available at .29q per sq. ft. If interested, please call Tom Williams, (530) 742-2168, between 8 a.m. and 5 o.m.

Feature your Business iard in Tbe Mercbant ay Hapn Neut Year and help find cares lrnd to save cbildren's liztes

Use this low-cost opportunity to send New Year's wishes to customers, friends and suppliers-and help St. Jude Children's Research Hosoital. which relentlessly pursues cureb for kids with cancer and other catastrophic diseases, Your business card-reprinted in color and reduced slightly-will appear in a special section in our January issue. The @st for each ad is just $100, $25 of which istax deductMe and willbe matched by us-for atotaldonation of $50 to St. Jude. Discovedes made at St. Jude have changed how lhe world treats stricken children. lt's a place where doctors send their sickest patients and toughest cases. A place where cutting-edge research and discoveries happen every day. All patients accepted for treatment are treated withoul regard to the family's ability to pay.

Doing Your Pad ls Easy: Just send your business card(s) by Dec.22, along with a check for $100 per card (or $200 per card to appear in both lhe Merchant and eastern counterpart BPD) to Cutler Publishing, 4500 #480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.


52 r lhe Nlednnt lhgarjne r November2Ol -fr * Pflglst!" A customer "MUST HAVE'tool for easy installation! Snugly fits over ioists to free your hands to place and fasten deck boards. Two sizes provide consistent deck board spacing - '1.18', gap for most wood 3116" gap for most composites 888.988.1390
Sblomenlof&n.r.hip. M.nagement,and Cncubtion


Llsllngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wtfh sponsor before making plans to attend.

Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association - Nov. 13' 15, annual convention & show, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Tx.; (800) 352-2981;

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - Nov. 16, annual meeting, La Hacienda Restaurant, Cloverdale, Ca.; (800) 337-3343, ext. 102; www. blackbarthoohool 81 .org.

Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - Nov. 16, dinner meeting, Orange County Mining Co., Orange, Ca.; (760) 324-0842.

Washington Forest Protection Association - Nov. 16, annual meeting, Olympia, Wa.;

Building Industry Show - Nov. 17-18, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Ca.; (909) 396-9993; www,

Woodex - Nov. 29-Dec. 2, industrial woodworking fair, Crocus Expo Exhibition Centre, Moscow, Russia;

Lumber Association of California & Nevada - Dec. 2, 2nd Growth holiday dinner meeting, Embassy Suites, Brea, Ca.; (800) 2664344; www.lumberassociati0n.0rg.

Portland Wholesale Lumber Association - Dec. 3, holiday lunch meeting, Embassy Suites Airport, Portland, Or.;

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn.Dec. 7, Colorado WOOD Council year-end party, Mile High Stadium at Invesco Field, Denver, Co.; (303) 793-0859; www.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Dec. 17, Christmas party, Mr. Stox, Anaheim, Ca.; (626) 445-8556;

American Lumber Standard Commiftee - Jan. 5, board of review meeting, Washington, D.C.;

Colorado Springs Home Building & Remodeling Show - Jan. 6' 8, Norris-Penrose Event Center, Colorado Springs, Co.; (800) 374-6463;

Portland Build, Remodel & Landscape Show - Jan. 6.8, Otegon Convention Center, Portland, Or.; (800) 374-6463;

Remodeling & Decorating Show - Jan. 6-8, South Town Expo Center, Sandy, Ut.; (818)

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Jan, 12, monthly mee[ing, Heroes Bar & Grill, Fullerton, Ca,; (626) 445-8556;

Western Pallet Association - Jan. 14-17, annual meeting, Rancho Mirage, Ca.; (360) 335-0208;

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - Jan. 18, industry night, Broiler Steak House, Redwood Valley, Ca.; (800) 337-3343, ext. 102; www. blackbarthoohool

Surfaces - Jan.24-26, annual floor covering show, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (866) 860-'1975;

Budma 2012 - Jan.24-27, international construction fair, Poznan Fairgrounds, Poznan, Poland; (317) 293-0406; www.

American Fence Association - Jan. 25-27, FenceTech/DeckTech, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Fl.; (800) 8224342;

Do it Best Corp. - Jan. 25-28, winter conference, Walt Disney World Swan Hotel, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.; (260) 748-5300;

Guardian Building Products - Jan.29-31, show, Casesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 569-4262;

BuiHing-hodudsom November20ll r fte t{ednnt lrhgazine r 53

Never underestimate the lure ot fresh fruit and vegetables. A dealer in Billings, Mt., didn't, and he's still reaping the benefits.

As fall approached last year, canning supplies at Billings Hardware weren't moving. Owner T.J. Comstock, whose family spent decades in the grocery business, thought of the perfect solution: a farmer's market set up in the store's garden center. Of course, the slow-moving canning supplies were installed nearbyand sales took off.

"A lot of people are realizing the benefit of canning. They grow a garden and wonder what to do with it at the end of the year," says Comstock. "We sold out a semiload of produce in about a day and attracted customers from farther away."

This year, he decided to up the ante, ordering 120,000 lbs. of peaches, pears, cantaloupe, corn, and other produce that arrived in three semi-trailers. Everything sold out in two days, even though the store shares a parking lot with an Albertsons and competes with a local, weekly farmers market.

Housewares and appliances joined the canning supplies this year. Also added were product demos and taste-tests of related recipes.

"People who like to can fruits and vegetables also like to cook," says Comstock. "Sales of these items doubled, and we had record sales overall durins the market."

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Bumper Crop of Fresh Advice
FARMERS MARKET at Billings Hardware was a huge success, as housewares department manager Colleen Model can atlest.
54 r lhe lilenlnnt lrhgazine r NoremberZ)ll &riHit4rPrcductsom

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