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Items---Mill Random Run
Back From Northwest Trip
Ted Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and B. W. Bookstaver, manager of the company's San Francisco office, arrived in San Fran,cisco December 2l from a two weeks' business trip during which they called on all the firm's mill connections in Washington and Oregon. They made the trip by automobile.
Calls On Arizona Trade
Charles P. Henry, Chas. R. M,cCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a week's trip to Arizona. Accompanied by L. R. Chadbourne of Phoenix, the company's Arizona representative, they called on the retail lumber trade.
F. P. Sappington, El Monte retailer, has returned from a t'rip to St. Louis. St. Louis is Mr. Sappington's former horne where he practiced medicine before coming to California. He established his yard at El Monte in 1904. Mrs. Sappington accompanied him on the trip.
Carl R. Moore, Moore Mill & Lumber Co, San Francisco, returned December 22 from a week's trip to the Northwest. He spent some time at the company's mill in Bandon, Ore., and also visited Portland, making the journey by automobile.
T. V. Larson, Forcia & Larson, Noti, Oregon, attended the Lumber Code hearing that began in Was'trin$ton on December 11, as a member of a committee representing Willamette Valley sawmills.
Mr. Larson was recently in California, when he called on a number of Northern California lumb€r dealers in comrl pany with Mark D. Campbell and Jimmy Atkinson of the Chas. R. McCormi'ck Lumber Co.
Visits Southern Califonnte
Henry M. Hink, sales manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.; San Francisco, returned December 19 from a business trip to Southern California, where he found the lumber dealers more optimistic than for some time past.
Frank Tutti Visits Los Angeles
Frank Tutt, manager of the Jerome Lumbep Co,, Jelorne, Ariz., was a re,cent Los Angeles visitor where he'ipent .qeveral days on a combined business and pleasure trip...
Visits Home In East
Art Wahl, of the sales department of the Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, lefi .December 14 to pay a visit to his home in Pennsylvania.