3 minute read
Ten tiles of The Years California Ago Today
Lumber Merchant, Januarv 1,19Q5
In his editorial "Looking Forward,,' Jack Dionne says, "The building game has been renewed again throughout California, and gives promise of building prosperitJ, for 7925;'
With the termination of fourteen years in business on November 14, the San Joaquin Lumber Company of Stock_ ton ,celebrated the occasion with a birthday party. rF**
The building permits in the City of San Francis,co in 7924 up to the night of December 23 aggregate in estimated value 957,733,924.00 which is the highest in the history of the city. The nearest approach to it was in lgOZ when- the building permits totaled $J6,529,944.00.
Howell Baker, California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, has received a group of very interesting pictures of a large shipment of logs received by the Tacoma panel Company of Tacoma, Wash. The entire shipment com_ prised thirty-nine ,cars of hand-picked logs; the largest log was thirty-two feet in length, one hundred eight inches in diameter at the butt and eighty-four inches aithe top, and scaled 11,0@ feet.
The Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held their annual Christmas party and lun.cheon at the palace Hotel on De_ cembet 22. President Mel Salomon played Santa Claus and presented all the members in attendance with an ap_ propriate gift. Walter Blick was in charge of the "rrung._ ments for the party. ***
A reprint from the If oo-Hoo Bulletin 5ays_,,perf Worth, Texas, is going to.have a Hoo-Hoo Club because of the patrioti,c efiorts of our old friend, Jack Dionne, pub_ lisher of 'The California Lumber Mer,chant, and.,The -Gulf Coast Lumberman'."
The First Annual Jinks of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 will be held at the Claremont Country Club, Oakland, January 9, 1925. The Jinks will ,consist of a golf and bowling tourn"_ ment in the afternoon, and dinner and en,tertainment in the evening. Ted Higgins is chairman of the arrangements .committee. * ,1. ,*
At the annual meeting of the Central California Lumber_ men's Club held at Modesto on December 13, W. H. Falconbury was elected president. Harry Fuller was elected vice-president and chester H. Elliott was re-elected secre- tary. George Ground was ,chairman,of the day.
The Auburn Lumber Company are ,constructing a new warehouse, 100 feet long, which will be used for building material supplies. The new building will have a plat! glass front for display purposes.
In a letter to "The California Lumber Merchant,', the King Lumber Company of Bakersfield says-,,From the way applications are coming in for the job we w,rote you about, you must be still running the ad. The job was fiiled a month ago. SOME paper to advertise in.', ***
The Western Hardwood Lumber Co. won the pennant of the Los Angeles Lumber Baseball League whi& came to a close on December 6. Other lumber firms that had teams in the league were E. J. Stanton & Sons. Ker,ckhofi-Cazner Mill & Lumber Co., Vernon Lumber Co., patten & Davies Lumber Co. and Woodhead Lumber Co.
The annual meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumber_ men's Club was held at the Hotel Senator, Sa,cramento, on December 20. L. H. Chapman was re-elected president, and C. D. LeMaster was elected secretary. J. H. Shepard and Curtis Cutter had charge of the arrangements for the meeting.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 met at the palace llotel, San Fran_ cisco, on December 11. C. H. White, White Brothers, was chairman of the day.
V. L. McFadden was chairman of the d,ay at the meet_ -ng of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club on December 11. J. C. Ellis was the winner of the attendance prize. :t**
A Hoo-Hoo ,concatenation was held at Modesto on Sat_ urday evening, December 13. Seven kittens were initiated. ri**
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club staged a lumbermen,s golf tournament at the Wilshire Couniry Club, Los An_ geles, December 19. Joe Chapman won the low gross prize, and Roy Stanton was the winner of the low net prize. The committee in charge of the afiair included Frank Con_ nelly, Fred Golding, Edgar Lloyd-Jones, Ed Tennant, Bert Maule, Herman Rosenberg and Roy Stanton.
Frank Minard, secretary of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, announces that the annual meeting of the Club will be held at Fresno on lanuary 17. ***
The Hansen Lumber Company will open a yard. at Fon_ tana. They will erect a new modern plant and will han_ dle a complete line of building materials.
Bob Osgood was chairman of the day at the Los An_ i geles Hoo-Hoo Club meeting on De,ce-ter 19. Bob read some letters supposed to have been written by some of the boys to Santa Claus that brought out a good laugh from i the large attendance.