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Lumber Code Authority Fixes Production Quotas For First Quarter of 1935
Less Than ln First Ouarter of 1934
Washington, D. C., Dec. l8.-Establishment of total allowable lumber production and regional produ,ction allotments for the first three months of 1935, approval for submission to NRA of the petition from the Appalachian Group of Manufacturers, now under the jurisdiction of the Appalachian and Southern Hardrvood Subdivision of ttre Hardwood Division, for a separate Appalachian subdivision, and passage of a resolution protesting against government competition with the lumber industry, were the prin'cipal actions taken by the Lumber Code Authority at its special meeting here last week which adjourned on December 15. The meeting on December 10, recessed that day at 3:30 p.m. to allow for full attendance at the three-day NRA public hearing on the minimum cost-protection price issue, and reconvened December 14 following the hearing.
Due to illness, John D. Tennant, chairman of the Authority, was absent from the sessions, Mr. Tennant having been taken to Emergency Hospital in Washington upon his arrival in Washington for attendance at the meeting. C. C. Sheppard, vice-chairman of the Authority and chairman of the National Control Committee, presided in his place.
Lumber Quotas
Although expecting an appreciably increased demand for lumber in the spring and summer, the Authority, in fixing the total allowable lumber ploduction for the first three m,onths of 1935, also kept in mind the need for a better balance between stocks on hand at the mills and the movement of lumber to the trade. The Authority, therefore, settled upon a total first-quarter 1935 output for softwoods and hardwoods lO/o and26/o respectively under the aggregates it allowed a year ago for the first quarter of. 1934.
The following is a comparison of total softwood production allowed for the first quarter of 1935 and that for the same period a year ago, together with the regional allotments established by the Authority:
Total allowed hardwood production for the first quarter of 1935 and regional allotments ,compared with the same period a year ago as follows:
*Represents extra allotments as rewards of merit, allowable under the Lumber Code, to firms placing their timber operations on a sustained yield basis, conforming with the forestry conservation provisions of the Lumber Code.
Lumber Products Quotas
Quotas were established for the timber products groups for th-e first quarter of 1935, and compaie *ith tbS+ as follows:
*Does not include "peeler blocks" not longer than 10 feet or smaller than 36 inches in diameter.
An import quota of 16.4 MM Feet was approved for the Philippine Mahogany Subdivision for a 7 months period from December 1, 1934,to June 3Q 1935.
Six-Month Quotas. for Western Pirie
Acting upon a petition by a group of Western Pine operators for authorization to anticipate in the third quarter production allotments for the fourth quarter, or if that on Page 26)