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FOR SALE OR LE,ASE l-story building facing Slauson Avenub ZS ft. x 2@ ft.; about one million people pass this locition per month.

For sale or lease ideal location for lumber yard or any allied product, or light manufacturing. Lot 150 ft. front facing Slauson Avenue, and 400 ft. deep to three railroad services, near corner Avalon Boulevard -630 East Slauson, Los Angeles, Calif.

Call Mr. Greene at PRospect 3215.


548 Chamber of Commerce Building

Employment Wanted

By experienced Foreman, Yard Clerk or Sales and General Utility Man. Not afraid to work. Address Box 110; 802 North Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, California.

Lumber Yard For Sale

Los Angeles and Southern California lurrrber yards for sale. Address Box C480, Care California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Lumber yard located on good boulevard in Los Angeles. Low, long lease. About $5,000 will hindle. ' Addibsi: Box C-530, care California Lumber Merchant.

Production Quotas for First Quarter of 1935

(Continued from Page 14) could not be permitted, that the basis of establishing production quotas and allotments in the Western pine Division be changed from a quarterly to a six months basis, the Authority instructed its Executive Officer to draft an appropria'te amendment to the Code for changing to the six m,onths basis in the Division, and approval of the amendment if it develops that such action is necessary to grant the relief requeSted by the petitioners. The LCA National Control Committee, on September 10, had denied the same petitioners their request for anticipation of allotments.

Tillamook Burn Allocation

By unanimous vote, the Authority adopted the following formula for the allocation of quotas of production allotted to the West Coast Logging and Lumber Division (exclusive of quotas authorized for the Tillamook Burn ,or other special purposes) was approved, effective January 1, 1935:

"1. From any quota authorized for said Division there shall first be allocated under the provisions of Article VIII(c) (1) to all duly registered and eligible persons therein a volume of production sufficient to enable each su,ch person to operate eighteen (18) hours per week during the allotment period, or such uniform portion thereof as the total of such quota will permit

"2. Any portion of any quota.authorized fqr said Division in excess of the amount required to make the alloca, tions under Article VIII(c)(1) in accordance with the fore-, going paragraph shall be allocated to all duly registered and eligible persons therein under the provisions oiArticle vIII(c) (2).

"3. The total allocation to each registered and eligible person in said Division for any allotment period shall be the sum of the allocatirons ,to such -person as determined under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 herein, respec_ tively."

,Following adjournment of the Authority on December' 15, the LCA National Control ,Committee convened on December 16 for a four-day session to take up matters left tO its disposal by the Authority.

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