2 minute read
Vote to Reconstitute and Strengthen N. L. M. A'
(Continued and the industrial code system established under it' The Anti-Trust laws.
The economic policies of the permanent National Recovery Administration promised by the President' What will be Government policy on industrial price and produ,ction controls ? Will natural resource industries be given special consideration?
Will there be and should there be special Federal legislation for the administration of forest industries ,comparable to the proposed legislation on coal, or oil? Minimum weekly or monthly wages in addition to minimum hourly rates; and the "3O-hour week;" Section 7A as a basis of industrial ielations.
7. Federal policy rvith respect to natural resource industries.
8. Pending proposals that forests and forest products industries be classified and treated as public utilities.
9. Proposed direct Federal regulation of timber cutting under Federal powers over taxation and inter-state commerce.
from Page 17)
What will you do if and when the Government asks this industry to increase employment and proposes to guarantee you against loss by reason of so doing?
If the Government asks where in the forest products industries will be the best, or the least objectionable point at which to start new production,-if some trew production is to be started,-what rvill you say?
If the Government undertakes itself to build low-cost houses, farm buildings and subsistence homesteads in an efiort to reduce the costs of building to the consumer. both in costs of distribution of building materials and e{uipment, and in building labor costs, what will you do?
What protection has the lumber industry from discrimination. unintentional or intentional, against lumber buildings in Federal Housing program-either in financing or in standards and specifi'cations?
10. Proposed United States Government establishment and operation of sawmills to supply lumber and timber products for low-cost subsisten'ce homestead and emergen'cy relief housing and employment; and extension of Civilian Conservation Corps to provide loggers, wood and mill workers.
11. Prospective Federal forestry legislation, including provision for forest loans and credits, forest protection, and timber acquisition.
12. What changes will the Government seek in the prevailing methods of timber taxation by the States?
13. To what extent will American markets be opened to foreign lumber by the system of tariff bargains now under way; and to what extent will additional foreign markets be opened up to American labor ?
What will be the position of timber products in the prospective public works program ? and in road and bridge? and now in ship building? What will you do about furnishing fire-retardant treated wood, if and to the extent required in passenger ship building?
Purchase policies of Government agencies, or of industries using government loaned funds, such as the railroads and shipping 'comPanies ?
Appropriations for Federal 'cooperation and action in the furtherance of the Forest Conservation program? Railroad freight rates?
Provision by the Federal Government for pudchasing and temporarily taking ofi the market excessive inventories of industrial products. What use will the Irumber industry make of such present and prospective provisions?
23. Unemployment and other social insurance, as promised by the President during the coming year.
(Continued on Page 20)