1 minute read
<nables deders to serve the interior finish market with pr€serrt stoc!<s of Celotex Building Boardthe thtee' purpoce matcrial that builds, inetrlates, decorates-with one investment in one inventory.
Mills of the Harbor Plywood Corporation are located at Grays Harbor and at Olympia, Washington, in the heart of the great Douglas fir region, with a capacity of more than 130,000,000 square feet of plywood per year. Branch oftices are located in Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Washington, D. C.
The company's representatives in California are C. W. Buckner, California sales representative with headquarters in San Francisco, and J. C. McCloskey of Los Angeles, Southern California representative. They recently returned from Hoquiam, Wash., where they attended the annual sales conference of the company, and. report that their organization is making extensive plans for the production and marketing of the new product.
But to aosure Celotex dealers the oppor' tunity of sewing every phase of the in' terior Gnish market, Celotex offers-
A complete line of Celotex Tile Board and Celotex Finish Plank in E colors and finishes{elotex Mold' ings and Friezes in t4 desirable widths and patterns-Celoter< Otna' ments and Medallions in 9 attractive designs.
The scope and completeness of the line make pocsible a great variety of efiecs and measurably increase the urefulness and appeal of Celotex as an interior finish.
Ask your Celotex reprcsentative. He will gladly assist you in developing t{re larget Celotex market.
Rernernber -No ot{rer insulating build' ing material ofiets your customers all the advantages Celotex aaEures. All Celotex Cane Fibre Products are manufactured under the Fetox Process (patented) and therefore efiectively resist damage bY Fungas Growth, Dry Rot and Termites (White Aots).