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Old Noah Webster, in addition to writing the dictionary that bears his name, was in all things a stickler for the correct use of words, and he never failed to call attention to their incorrect use, regardless of conditions or situation. This was well evidenced by the fact that one day his wife

Santa Clara Housing Drive

Up to the middle of December a total of g171,169 had been pledged in Santa Clara's Better Housing Drive for mbdernization and repair, according to James Thacker, campaign manag'er. A re-survey of the city started December 21 to determine to what extent pledges are being carried out, and to make contact with property owners missed in first solicitation.

Honored by National Association

Wendell T. Robie of the Auburn Lumber Company, Auburn, was elected first vice president of the National Ski Association at the annual meeting of that body held in Chicago, December 2.

came home and found Noah kissing the good-looking parlor maid.

"Why, Noah, I'm surprised !" exclaimed his wife.

"You are wrong my dear," said Noah. ,,yOU are AMAZED. f am surprised."

Santa Rosa Starts Drive

Santa Rosa will start its home modernizing campaign soon after the first of the year. Henry Laws, of the Henry Laws Co., Santa Rosa, is the member of the campaign committee representing the lumber business.

Visalia Housing Campaign

Visalia's Better a total of $65,@O erty owners.

Housing Campaign closed recently with pledged for improvements by 163 prop-

New Folder lssued

An attractive folder on the subject of modernizing has been issued recently by the California Redwood Association for distribution by dealers to their prospects for modernization and repair.

A number of befoie and after pi,qtureS df modernized homes shown in the folder should help to create desire in the mind of the prospect for improvement of the old structure, and should help the dealer in following up leads that come from his local Better Housing Campaign.

wish to extend a word of appreciatibn for your busineca in 1934, and to wish you A Prosperous and Happy New Year

Changes in Patten-Blinn Staff

F. W. Chase, who has been manager of the Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. yard at San Bernardino, has been transferred to the company's Los Angeles office where he will be connected with their sales department and will represent the company in the Los Angeles district. Before going to San Bernardino, Mr. Chase was 'conne'cted with the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co. for a long period and is well known to the Los Angeles trade.

J. H. Newman, who has been managing the Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. yard at Brea succeeds Mr. Chase as manager of their San Bernardino yard. A. W. Larson, who has been connected with the ,company's yard at Alhambra, will manage their yard at Brea.

Hi-Jinks Brings Out Large Crowd

The Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks held at the Hayward Hotel, Los Angeles, on Friday evening, December 14, brought out a big crowd, about 250 being present. The party was sponsored by Lumbermen's Post No. 403 of the American Legion. Dinner was served at 7:ffi P.M. which was followed by several entertainment numbers.

Attend Anniversary Banquet

Whittier College 'commemorated the l27th birthday anniversary of John Greenleaf Whittier for whom the college was named, with a banquet at the Hotel Vista del Arroyo, Pasadena, December 17, 1934.

Among those who attended the banquet were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tyler of the Barr Lumber Co., Whittier, who had the following guestS at their table: IVIr. and Mrs. Bill Dempwolf, Johns-Manville Sales Corp., Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stark, Hammond Lumber Co., Pasadena; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holden, Southwestern Portland Cement Co., Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rosenberg, Hipolito Co., Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Anderson, Soule Steel Co., Los Angeles; George Blauer, Blue Diamond Corp., Los Angeles, and Miss Sayer; Arthur Twohy, Twohy Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and his daughter, Beverly Twohy; Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, California Stucco Co., Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Bishoff, Paraffine Companies, Los Angeles.


THE TIME AND MONEY SAVING ADVANTAGE OF OUR 'ONE STOP SERVICE" for Full Mill Bids' Detail and Made to Order Millwork, and Our Immediate Service on Rough Lum' ber, Shingles, Lath, IJppers, Stock Sash, Doors, Trim, Wallboard, Panels. Built-in-Fixtures and Casework.

We Take This Opportunity

To Wish Our Friends

"There is a gra/e of Redwood fot every purposs!s suls to get fhe proper grade.t'

DENSE SELECT STRUCTURALThe highest of the three Structural grades. Special stoct<, practically all heartwood, especially selected f o r durability and with defects carefully limited. Safe stress in bending 1500 lbs. per square inch.

While this gtade of Redwood originated for bridge construction' it is equally adaptable to any engineering project where great strength, durability, long life, 6re retardance and freedom from warping, twisting and checking are required.

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