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(Continued from Page 7) money gettef,s, war pensioners, the army and navy, and everyone he could find getting government cash. Then he added the totals, and multiplied by 3.76, the number of people in the average American family. And he arrived at the conclusion that approximately ONE-HALF of our entire population is getting or has been getting'during the past year some of that "Washington money."

A brief review of the ":J" J, ,nrn brings to mind the frightful number of men of affairs, of middle age or a little past, who died suddenly during the year. Nothing like it was ever known before. Every newspaper you read adds to the list. They were just as certainly victims of the depression as men killed in battle are victims of war. Worry kills more men than germs. Believing that all this high blood pressure, hardened arteries, and sudden death for thinking men is strictly modern and depression-generated, I went up on the book shelves and gathered a list of famous American business men from Revolutionary days up to now; men important enough to be in the encyclopedia. And I checked their terms of life. And I found, in a list of twenty men selected only because of their prominence in their day, that not one died under seventy years of age. Most of them were above seventy-five when death took them. They were all men who started small, rose early, worked late, and burned the candle at both ends as far as WORK was concerned. But they lived long. Work doesn't killit's worry. In my list there were such men as Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Jim Hill, Phil Armour, John D. Rockefeller, H. If. Rogers, A. T. Sterrnrt, George Peabody, Frederick Weyerhaeuser, Peter Cooper, John Jacob


Larue J. Woodson, San Francisco, Supreme Arcanoper of Hoo-Hoo, announces that Edmund S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis, Calif., has been appointed Vicegerent Snark for the Sacramento Valley district, and that a charter has been received for Sacramento lfoo-lfoo Club No. 109. which will be organized after the first of the year.

Astor, James Oliver, J. P. Morgan, Stephen Girard, Robert Owen, and others, And the shortest-lived died at seventy.

Those of us who lived*in*lgin ,.- history made. At least we can say that. When the history books of the future are written, 1939 must needs be printed in large, red letters. The rape of Poland; the infamous invasion of little Finland; the starting of another great European urar; and the machinations of Hitler and Stalin, will give this past year great prominence historically. How sad it is that the year must be notorious rather than famous.

And it will likewis" i tlnin in the histories of the future that in 1939 a little band of heroic people, the Finns, gave to the world an example of courage and patriotism that has roused the admiration of every decent-thinking human regardless of where he lives. As these lines are written this stalwart band, out-numbered and over-armed fifty to one, is hurling back the invading hordes, while the whole world shouts its acclaim. What the end shall be, no man knoweth. But that strong hearted little nation is truly following the example of the Carpenter of Nazareth, when He said: "I will give you an example." Surely Finland is setting an example that the rest of the world may well follow.

As the late Judge uotrri"t t. kittr"U once said: "Whenever and wherever any people rise and bare their bosoms to the invader of their native land and the despoiler of their homes, their action, by its inherent moral power, is lifted into a realm where no human statute has application, and no hurnan tribunal has jurisdiction." God bless and help little Finland !

A Good Christmas Gift

Western Door & Sash Co. of Oakland sent out to the trade with their holiday greetings this year splendid reproductions of very fine engravings of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

These are well worth framing and no doubt will find a place on the office walls of many Northern California lumbermen.

Adopt Newly Compiled Basic Differential List

Seattle, \Mash., December ll-West Coast Sitka spruce manufacturers have officially adopted a nervly compiled basic differential list. This is a discount list and is being issued by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. It is scheduled, as the "E List" among Association publications'

The E List replaces the "D List", which had been in efiect from 1935 to the date of the nerv issue. Changes in relative demand for tl-re different lengths and widths of Sitka spruce made a new discount list necessary for effective service to the trade. The principal departures are standard clifierentials for ladder stock and the inclusion of Atlantic Coast differentials for dimension, plank, small timbers and boards.

The E List became efiective December 1' It is available from the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington, at 1O cents per copy.


Back Panel Company, Los Angeles, held open house, Friday afternoon, December 22, when members of the lumber, furniture and industrial trade, and many friends called to exchange holiday greetings. The front part of the warehouse was arranged very nicely for the occasion and the Christmas trees and decorations added to the holiday gayety. There was music and dancing, and a buffet lunch and refreshments were servecl.

J. William

(Bill) Back,

proprietor, Mrs. J. William Back, J. Frank Baldwin, salesman, Ted Back, warehouse manager, Alma Thompson, bookkeeepey and auditor, together rvith the office and warehottse staffs urere on hand to welcome the many callers.

Hogan Installs New Machines

Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, recently added three new and modern machines to their stock frame department. This is now operated separately from their detail frame department, making possible speedier shipments to dealers of stock frames.

The plant was closed last week for repairs to the boilers and the big 500 H.P. Corliss engine in their main polver plant.


The Craw-FirDot comes lrcm the aill primeil to takc any frnish, Prc-frtteil to 8, z 7t opeaings,

O $7ant to go bacJ< in the overhead garage door business? The Craw-Fir-Dor gives you your chance. ft's the fastest-selling overhead-type gatage door in America. It's very low-priced and. the price inclad,es a cylinder lock! The Craw-Fir-Dor can be installed in less than half a day. Even a child can operate it. Made of durable Douglas Fir and equipped with extra-suength hardware. Two new designs available at slight extra cost. See your distributor today. If he can't supply you, write Fir Door Institute, Tacoma Bldg, Tacoma, $Zash., or Crawford Door Co., 5300 St. Jean Street, Detroit, Michigan.

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