4 minute read
60 Years of Proven Progress
Lafayette Moore (1844-1922), founder of the Moore Dry Kiln Company, built the first steamheated dry kiln at Verbena, Ala., in 1879. The stacks were built 6O feet high to draft out moisture and create circulation.
When Mr. Moore {ound that a high stack drafted out too much moisture and caused excessive checking, he changed the oner high stack for two short ones. During the decade 1889-1899 he introduced live steam sprays to supply humidity and reduce checking and employed recording thermometers to register temperature.
During the years 189-1909 he developed and patented the self acting automatic ventilator valve, replacing the draft stacks on earlier designs. This improvement conserved heat by utilizing the humidity coming from lumber to prevent checking, and also reduced construction costs, kiln fires, and insurance rates. This improved kiln design was known as Moore I\{oist Air System. In 19O4, Mr. Moore developed and patented the Return Bend Heating System.
From 1909-1919, Moore engineers developed and patented the Graduated Return Bend Heating System. This provided proper graduation of heat and humidity for progressive kiln operation and greatly increased longitudinal circulation within the kiln. It made possible the drying of many species of hardwood lumber green-from-the-sarv. Moore engineers also developed a permanent and flexible steel foundation for supporting the tracks and pipe, made adjustable for heating coils. An improved Fireproof Dry Kiln Door built on welded steel frames was also develo,ped during this period. The all steel supports inside kiln. and fireproof kiln doors reduced fire insurance rate, fire hazard and maintenance cost.
With the introduction of Internal Fan Kilns, during the decade I9l9-19D, designed to recirculate and blow air rrp.
ward in "A" flues in the loads, the biggest problem was to develop a bearing that would stand up and give long trouble-free service under exacting kiln conditions. They developed a special dry kiln bearing that made Internal Fan Kilns practical. More than 30,000 Moore Dry Kiln Bearings are now in use, and many of these have been operated twenty-four hours per day for over twelve years. These bearings have completely solved the dry kiln problem.
Between L9n-1939, their engineers, dissatisfied with the waste space in vertical flue stacking, developed and patented the Moore Reversible Cross-Circulation System, employing flat edge-to-edge piling on kiln loads. This improvement revolutionized lumber drying. It increased kiln capacity 3O-5O%, improved quality and reduced costs. Difficulties have been overcome by having all fans on one
Catherinc shaft, operated by one motor and drive outside kiln. The low-cost, highly efficient Duct System directs circulation uniformly through lumber.
From Maine to Mexico, from Alaska to the Florida Everglades, and in many foreign countries, Moore Cross-Circulation Kilns are seasotring timbers, lumlter, veneer, plywood, baskets, panels, and other species of forest products. This modern drying system has been installed in practically all timber producing countries, including the Philippine Islands, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, Columbia, Chili, South Africa, Jugoslavia, China, India, Australia. and New Zealand. They are also being operated in many forestry schools to teach students the scientific process of lumber drying.
The company's activities are unceasing and as they enter upon the seventh decade of service to the lumber industry, they are presenting their latest achievement, the Moore Autographic Master Controller, a recorder-controller made especially for dry kilns.
Moore Dry Kiln Company operates factories at Jacksonville, Florida, North Portland, Oregon, and they are affiliated r,vith the Moore-Ca'ivston Dry Kilp Co., Ltd., of Vancouver, B. C.
Congressional Committee Holds Hearings on Forestry
The joint Congressional committee on forrestry held hearings in San Francisco, December 6 and 7; in Portland December 12 and 13, and in Madison, Wis., December 18 and 19.
Between the San Francisco and Portland hearings the party took field trips through the Redwood and Douglas Fir regions
Representatives Daniel A. Reed of Nerv York, Fulmer of South Carolina, Englebright of California and Pierce of Oregon, all of whom attended the San Francisco and Portland hearings. Albert Boutwell is secretary of the committee.
The party that went through the Redwoods and on to the Portland hearing included Professor Emanuel Fritz, consulting forester of the California Redwood Association; Rex Black, secretary of'the California Protective Association; Dr. Clapp, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C., and Fritz lewett. Potlach Timber Co.. Spokane.
Makin' The Grade
If you want to reach the top, son, Make a start, begin to climb; Ain't no use in loafin' round
An' wastin' precious time; For the old hill of'Success son, Is a rugged o,ne an' steep; An' you'll never reach the summit
If you're satisfied to creep.
Ain't no pull that's goin' to help youGot to make the grade alone; Got to fight your way on upward Over many a stick an' stone; Got to push on through the rubble
That'll clutter up the way, Got to turn down many Pleasures, Choosin' work instead of play'
Got to start down in the valleY
At the bottom of the hill
Got to keep your faith an' courage, Exercise your nerve an' will. Got to keep on pioddin' upward, Make your job a sure non-stoP; With your feet upon the trail son, An'your eyes upon the toP.
Ain't no pull that's goin' to help you, Solitaire's the game you'll play; Sometimes tired an' discouraged, Gainin' though from day to day; An' the fight will make you husky, Firm of mind an' strong of will, An' from every crest you conquer' Loftier heights will beckon still.
Adeline Merriam Conner.
MacDougall Door & Plywood Co., Losr Angeles, are now located in their new warehouse at 2035 East 51st Street. The telephone number remains the same, Klmball 3161.
Telephone us your order-when your truck calls the locd will be crssembled cnd ready to drop onto your truck. It's time saved and money in your pocket.