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Seattle, Washington, December 11, 1943-The weekly average of West'Coast lumber production in November (4 weeks) was 162,157,000 board feet, or 106.8 per cent of 1939-l9A average, according to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association in its monthly survey of the industry. Orders averaged 152,835,000 board feet; shipments, 161,601,000. Weekly averag'es for October were: Production 158,723,W board feet (104.5 per cent of the 1939-1942 average) ; orders, 164,604,000; shipments, 165,350,000.

Although a "holiday month," November saw the 'West Coast lumber industry exceed by 6.8 per cent its 1939-1942 production average. This brought production for 47 weeks of 1943 up to a point only 10.3 per cent below the first 47 weeks of. 1942. The industry made a strong recovery dtrring the summer and fall from the most severe winter in recent years, during which production had dropped. to 74 per cent of the comparable 1942 period. The driest September and the wettest October on record hampered fall log production, while war requirements for lumber were rapidly rising. The industry's record has been made through months in which manpower in the woods was short by more thau ?5 per cent. The November drive to meet war needs was in the best tradition of West Coast sawmills and logging operations, and it continues.

There is no immediate prospect of a letup in war demands for West Coast lumber, as channeled through the Central Procuring Agency from 17 war agencies. The productive energies of the industry must be concentrated on meeting these demands while thev last.

The Western cember ll, 97 feet, shipments feet. Orders on 898,000 feet.

Pine Association for the week ended Dernills reporting, gave orders as 59,363,0CX) 62,531,000 feet, and production 66,136,000 hand at the end of the week totaled 315,-

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended December 18, 86 units (134 mills) reporting, gave orders as. 16,022,m feet, shipments 20,457,000 feet, and production 19,717,m feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 133,920,000 feet.

The West Coast Lurnbermcn's Association for the week ended December 11 reported orders as 119,729,ffiO feet, shipments 12o,253,ffi feet, and production 119,268,000 feet.

For the week ended December 18 orders were reported as 139,3O8,000 feet, shipments 132,094,000 feet, and production 120,326,ffi f.eet.

War Industry Conlerence Feb. l0-ll

The Southern California Retail Lumber Association will hold a War Industry Conference at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, on February IULL, 1944.

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