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Douglcs Fir Spruce
Cedcr Ponderoscr cold
Sugcn Plns
Douglcrs Fir Ptlins
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 Christmas Party Douglas Fir Door Industry Advisory
As usual the annual Christmas party of East Bay HooHoo Club was well attended, with more than 100 present. It was held in the Leamington Bowl, Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Friday evening, December 17.
President Normen Cords presided and Wm. Chatham, Jr., was in charge of the program.
Lewis Godard acted as Santa Claus and did a very efficient job.
Henry M. Hink was the auctioneer for a number of packages and did his work so well that a handsome profit was turned over to the U. S. O. The lucky (and generous) bidders for the packages were: Albert A. Kelley, Henry I\f. Hink, Lieut. Albert M. Schafer, Jr., Larue Woodson and W. J. (Nick) Nicholson.
Steve Sheppard, a nqagician, was the star of the entertainment program. He got applause for his work that was well deserved.
Al Kelley, Sergeant-At-Arms, was not kept too busy, fines being lighter than usual.
Beturn From Ecstern Trip
Noble K. Lay and Donald L. Allison, Manufacturers Lumber Co., Los Angeles, have returned from a two weeks' trip visiting their mill connections in Arkansas. It is their opinion that there will be a heavy demand for Southern hardwoods during the coming year.
Committee Established
Establishment of a Douglas Fir Door Industry Advisory Committee-composed of executives of four Northwestet'n lumber producti concerns-u'as announced December 13 by the Office of Price Administration.
The committee will be called into consultation with OPA officials whenever pricing problems arise in the Douglas fir door field.
The members of the committee are:
Norman O. Cruver, vice president and general manager, Wheeler Osgrrod Sales Corporation, Tacoma, Wash.
C. T. Eckstrom, president, Monarch Door & Manufacturing Company, Tacoma, Wash.
Morris Sekstrom, manager of the plywood and door division, Simpson Logging Company, McCleary, Wash.
J. P. Simpson, vice president and general manager, Buffelen Lumher & Manufacturing Company, Tacoma, Wash.
Announces Appointments
M.B. Nelson, president of The Long-Bell Lumber Companl, announces that Earl H. Houston has been aopointed general sales rnanager with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo.
Don R. Bodwell has been appointed manager of Eastern sales with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., and Clifford E. Hadley m.anager of Western sales with headquarters rn Longview, Wash.