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building, dl throwh the rtate, and there b ewety btig.t,.q that a -iooatv percentage of the conrtnrction will be of residencir, citing the lumberman e better proportion of the total than he received last year.
The last weekly report from the West Coast Lumbermen'r Association showl a ieven days' cut annourting to but fortyfive million feet, ten million lesr than the week before' aqd slightly orer h.lf of the arnount cut two weeks previoqr.- -In thi rebort they rhow a week'e tales.of 71,OO0'O(X) an! ahipmenrtslotdledGg rnillion. This placea their ne*v burinere at 57Vo ovq production and shipments 53Vo over. lt i! in' tereeting to note that of tte total of 46 million-feet rold, 23 millionlround figures) was for coartwise end intercoastal movemen! 9 million for export, and the bdance amotmting to about one trhousand carr' wa! for rail rhipment.
Redwood production for the week ending January 2nd was right on a par with the week before, amountin-g to- a little over four million f*t' SOVo less than the total for the week ending December 19th. In thir lar! repo{ lhev r!9w sales of g tillion feet and they rhipped 5 million. The Redwood rnen are optimistic for this year, feeling that there business will show increaser over the past two years. Redwood is going into new marketr, month by month.
The Californie Pine men report a steady satisfactory condition prevailing, with bright proopectr. Their-pqcg $tr have nbt chang-d materidly and production ir slightly ler than for November and early Decenrber.
A telegram from New Orleanr gives tte following inter' esting information about Southern Pine:
"southern Pine Association Barometer for last week chows orderr received decreased O.2 percent below previoul week; rhipmentr decreased 13.5 percent, and production decreared 11.7 per cent. Reporte from 121 millr rbow 47'' 8?9,076 feet ordered, 48,560,932 feet shipped, and 45'836;539 feet produced. Ordera on hand end of lart wee|r wex.e 252,670'264 feet.