3 minute read
- Olct W s blDo ra! ol tD. .!cto!rr t@t
D.! to DaDcr r!' sioao the6o l€i bFh' wotd!-'.lYo brvo se6 6troDg iEsenlola rlthoot ir@i doclthdo! *tthont srrueDt, .ed tlolaot cclsuo etrhout digdtt or bodehdo!.', SuF, aho luDbtue! ol the'prhert g€lebuot s. etl!€t lotlt' lho Guo thlrSlt bu! rbet'D t!Ua' mDton to thioselrar. f'or trulhi bobs,rp
Ar' gri6 $id uth, \VLild lumber.@rs bultiply lvlll ya bc hcedla' thlll llere'. Wlblter sryln' that rall_ |3 a w€b.futtod blrd wld rtcb cryl aD' Dtscl! ias thilklu' ,t cohslt!6il a ttncc ot r rlllbad. Ao' ! "reucur," aatr b€. "16 s Dtn tht btrrls ao' user onrightly laltut8e"' Ir'5
AD' people all thc eartb..
@ltused I am e-!-t{-r'ei-t D'ye Dhd hw @ny hooo. tb€t'ro buildlo' ol luobar' My, Smfth h!! on!. a!' tarDer Jotras ra' brlrer, rS. Dtr'I llccuDrhcr llil?.'sonderfil why 0o Dtlt D.D botlt birla tro' booi! ol rd. I 6?tr.d bb ?at! lDlilllSocc rlxllll -lr uDdaf
I{ ^f,rr4 of lhos irho rail eF'lr,rrl, r\n'rry "\lioll! Nolf!" t., d4unt en. 'lhr.r' bnilrl nu'lruild thoir r[n]h('r homr! llerause, b'Forh. thcy *a,t 'crr.
"Qiltro ^n.! t Xn('(t r\ a lld,f;t.' lr'! thlr irt qil l.r':mER -A ll C..
Americans are well acquainfed with the geag antiquity and durability o!rnany of our historic buildings, among which we might mention as deserving espcial noticc. the "Home Sweet Home" ho:se built in 1700 and Mount Vernon, the beautiful home of Waphington. The hct that lrees from prehistoric lorestg have bcen unearthed and made into merchantable lumber is, added testimony to lhe lasting qualities of wood.
Wood the ldeal Home Buitding Material
Is a grft of "our trnplcd hills" psfected by lriature in ber Sreot out door labomto.iq. lt fu Eaile ol hlatte! assemblod old beautifical i! a manD?r that isNitue! offi, trDd lih6 marblc ard stoDe it Eocks lhg-bsu.msdc Entcrials thst 6eek to laLe ils lrhce. If you er!t, yoru home to last, sldt tour luDb€r $ith car6, pcDcl }our rooD8 sith wood lratcd so that.tho litural hc4oty of the graitr Day bo prmcned, aHl sh.n thc hord$ao,l flonr is fiDisbrd y@r'hotrse Eill posse$ 'atr air ol rlis. rirclise cl.g.Dce'that rrupt be.lttsined I,y oly (illrer br, tcrials ilsed ir tho m.kiDg of an c..rnonrical and benltuul LomE.
'.u88 tulrBEB, acdtpa ro 8uD8trrurr8.'
The Sacramento Lumber Co.
In 1851 sevcral Eoglish boys, lcd by Vrllam Monr, rlrew up a protest agarnsl "thetearing down of iimemello*cd struclurcr to malc room for the unsighlly bnck pilcs of hoarding house kr=pcrs." ln rhis seemrngly insignrlicant act may be found the beginning o[ a novenr?nt for Bcttcr HofvlES that has s,mplified housekceprng and rriscd l-lonre makrng lo the status of a finc arl.
Villiam Morrrs lecl thc roolt agarnst Viclorian uglrncss as typifrcl by archrtmtural monstrosrties iirhabited !y hair clothsolas. nar bouquels. doddering *hatnols,etc., and substrtuted for these horors his own exquisile rdcals of heauly, utrlily and good tastc. His influence is lclt today in nearly cvery modern HOME, and a carcful examrnation of our littlc catalog will cotrvrncc one that lhe smallest garage or t.mporary I-IOME may be a "Morris HOME' of uscful and good taste.
Call, phone or otita lot cololog
Sacramento Lumber Co
Frcd E. Coucr. llanttcl
Twclhl rorl llortl B Strccb Meir ?ll t.er t:i.fotEl:tGt tisr.
Si4d &roicc
Some of the productive copy used in display advertisements by the Sacramento Lumber Company, written by Mrs. Adeline M. Conner, when she and Mr. Conner were still connected with that institution.
Federal Trade Commission to Sit in California
Members of the Federal Trade Commission from Washington, together with Attorneys for the Philippine Mahogany Association and of the Philippine Government will sit in a series of meetings in the wesg on the matter of the use of the name "Philippine Mahogany" on woods produced from the Islands.

Meetings have been called in January at Denver, Salt Lake, Spokane and Seattle, and the Commission will journey from there to San Francisco, early in February- and from there to Los Angeles and San Diego.
Albro Happy
Mr_. Hal Albro, genial assistant manager of the Sun Lumber-Company yard at Ventura, is happy over the arrival, on New Year's day of a fine baby boy.
Boyd Suffers Fire Loss
A fire originating in a feed and fuel establishment next door, caused a 75,0@ loss to the Boyd Mill & Lumber Company, on the night of January 8th.
Why She Was Leaving
"Missus", said the fat, colored cook.to the lady of the house, "come Monday mawnin Ahs fi4in to quit dis job".
"'What's the trouble, Mandy" asked the 1ad5 ,.haven't we treated you well?"
"Yessum", replied Mandy, "treated rne O. K.', "Aren't your wages satisfactory?"
"Yessum. Ah gits what Ah axed fo'.
'Then why are you going to leave?"
"Ah'll tell yo'Missus", said Mandy confidentially, ..dey,s too much shiftin ob de dishes for de fewness ob de vittles in disshere house".
Oregon Pine White Pine
Portlrnd, Oregon
Avoid loss on account of warping, checking,- and splitting of your Fir finish lumber by placing your order with us for
Either in straight carloads or in mixed cars with Doors and Panels