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Advances in Forestry

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By Theodore M. Knappen, Research Director National Lumber Manufacturers Association

'If there was any doubt of it, the developments of the ,past year have demonstrated that the American lumber industry is going to be perpetuated through private forestry. Having indulged in about all the moving that is forestally and geographically possible the signs are certain that the rndustry now proposes to perpetuate itself by forest reproduction in place of forest-pursuit.

,The trend of state legislation toward scientific forest taxation, the improving quality and widening scope of pro- tection against forest fires, and a conviction that the economic position of the forest industries-however discourag- ing now-must infallibly be strong in the future, have contributed to hasten the advance of the new epoch.

The Growing List of Reforesters

It is now possible to enumerate about 50 important lumber and paper companies outside of New England that have embarked hesitatingly or boldly on reforestation or forestry management of their properties. In New England more than 9,000,m0 acres of timberland are now on a reproductive basis in Maine alone. New England leads because the promise of adequate reward seems more certain there; forest depletion has proceeded further, and the markets are adjacent. It is gratifying, however, to find that in the South, whilst extensive stands of virgin timber still remain; and in the Pacific region, where the total forest rvealth is scarcely scratched as yet, the major holders of timber reserves are already taking steps to insure perpetual supplies of timber.

The California redwood region reforestation program is going ahead more rapidly than was foreseen; the vasl Weyerhaeuser interests in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Minnesota, are committed to reforestation in a cautious degree; the Long-Bell Company, among the most recent southern "invaders" of the North Pacific, have inaugurated reforestation within two years of applying the axe to their spacious timber areas. In the South, the Kirby, Long-Bell, Crossett, Dierks, Goodyear, Kaul, and other groups have made new advances in forest management. In the lake states, recent taxation reforms and others in sight, insure interesting private reforestation developments in the near years.

Col. Greeley's Testimony

That the foregoing is not a partial view of the situation is indicated by fhe following excerpts fro,rit the arihiidT report of Col. W. B. Greeley; Forester of the United States: "There is no doubt that forestry as a public movement is being converted into forestry as a private practice. Through this region (New England) forestry is destined soon to be on an established basis. In the State of Maine, alone, over 9,000,000 acres of forest land are being handled under some form of forest management. In the southern pine region no less than 18 lumber companies; including several of the largest owners of land in the Squth, have definitely committed themselves to the manageqlent of their properties for continuing crops of timber. . :. The large lumbermen's trade association in the South has taken an advanced stand in promoting reforestation.

. Yet in the Pacific Northwest the largest private owner of virgin timber in the U. S. has recently employid a trained forester and organized a department to discover without delay what measures should be taken to perpetuate timber growing upon its lands. Industrial research :, . is being conducted on a large scale by associated timberland owners. In the redwood region of California operators control$pg two-thirds of the lumber cut are eittrcr. aetually reforesting their lands or investigating its feasibility."

Humbolt 065?


Ash us a.bout iraning boards, the perfect onc. LI/e are erclusiae distributors, in Southern California, for the "Rough" Patent Board. It is a . uinner dnd costs no ,nore,

A Beautifully Stated Selling Thought

"The older I grow, the firmer becomes my conviction that 'mine own shall come to me.' Friends and opportunities come to me, not because I have struggled hard to get them, but because I have gvien much thought to preparing myself to receive them. When I become better, better friends come. When I give most to the world, the world gives most to me." (From "The Vagabond.")

A beautiful SELLING THOUGHT, wonderfully put.

It was only in the last issue of the C. L. M' in a selling article that we made the statement that we never actually SELL the other fellow; what we call salesmanship, is simply making it easy and desirable for the other fellow to BUY FROM US.

The above quotation states the same truth about our personalities. 'We don't really. go out -and make a lot of iolks our friends (and every wise man i",t!g-*-q44 il-t-1y-i inE his level best to MAKE friends) by SELLING C/URSELVES to them. We simply hope to make ourselves so worth while that they come and claim us. And the quality of those who make tie claim, is like unto the quality of the ofiering.

. It's the old story that has been going the rounds about the potatoes in the bushel. When 1'ou shake the bushel, the little potatoes go to the bottom, and the Ug ones- to the top -eveiy time. - Same way with men. Every time Providence lhakes the bushql of .humanity,'the little ones slide down, and the big ones cbme to the tbp. And the difference between the little potatoes and the little men is that a potato is stationary, while a man can prepare himself to shake higher up in the-bushel of life by building himself BIGGER. '

"'When I give most to the world, the world gives most to me." Fine, indeed. It's the Gospel of Service, that's allAnd it WORKS; that's the beauty of it.

Business Fishing

The sight of a plasWas the r,r'ay it'bbgan, Like the bait

On the fisherman's hook.

Then a phone And a note

Just like twitching the float, Asked the prospect

To come for a look,

"Here is hardwood and pine,"

There's a jerk on the line.

"'We've' the handsomest Wood, you can get."

Complete ! Here's the price

Of your own "Paradise."

There's the fish landed Safe in the net.

Made Them Happy

Elere is one of the happy groups that attended the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Christmal Party, for the four hundred orDhan children, last month.

Flovd A. Dernier of the Lumbermen's Service Association, W. B. Wickersham of Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company and Mr. A. W. Koehl 9f Jo!-n W. Koehl & Son, with- Mis, Koehl, entertained their flock of children at Mr.'Koehl's home, for the entire afternoon, following the luncheon meeting held down town.

Hard Luck

Girl in a car, Going like blazes, Tickled all over at the dust she raises. Let's go the wheel, To fumble in purse, To take out her powder Puff, Good Night Nurse !

Continuous Testinl

Sanpler are cut i&on cvery kiln tnr& of lunBert rreighed on afnely adjurtedgrao rale' baked boae dry in an electric oven, then re'wcighed. By thir erectiag procerr wc mate sure that every piece of lunber &r tio"d fo. "Everhstingtt Hardwood Ftooring containr tbe proper moisture contcnt. Tbere ir ao guesrwor!, at aay atage ofmaaufactute.



'The Hne of Firc Woduo*iry*

The Ad&a-Room Bungalow is the very latest idea in home building and retail lumber merchandisitrg. By adding a room, as desired, the four room home becomes a" five room home. In other wordq, it takes care of both the piesent'and the future needs of the builder and home owner.

Signing Up Kittens His Specialty

The above photograph is an excellent likeness of Forrest Wilson of the Little River Redwood Co. of San Francisco. Forrest covers the Bay District and Coast Territory for his concern, and in addition to being a live wire salesman, he is one of the most active Hoo-Hoo workers in the state. When it comes to signing up Kittens, he must hold some kind of a record.

He was initiated into Hoo-Hoo three years ago and since that date he has signed up 135 Kittens. In 1924 when he was selling lumber in the Los Angeles territory, he signed up 85 Kittens for the monster Concatenation that was held 1t Venice. At the November 12 Concatenation of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo, Forrest was awarded a prize for bringi- ing in 14 Kittens.

When it comes to playing base-ball, he is a regular Ty Cobb and_play_! abo_ui any position. He is the ciptain of the Hoo-Hoo Club No.9 t-eam.

WE Offer

W I Sco Nsin Hardwoods

Ash - Birch - Maple - Elm - Basswood

Either air dried or kiln dried.

C.an be shipped in etraight or mixed carE with "KORRECT-MAKE' Birch and Maple Flooring -the world's best.

f,lfEEt[iD'tctuRG LUilBER GOtPAllY

Phillipr, Wirconrin

Mooc, tvir Mil. et Phillipr, Wir.

Wcrtom Rgproonlrtivc

Jcromc C. Grippcr

?tf Soutl Sprht StlcoC

Lor Aa3olcr, C,rliforaie TRtnity OtG




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