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Another Successful%ar fo, BnrsAM -VboL Dealers and acBigger One eAhead

A S ANOTHER year closes and salee are to-n taled up the success of BALSAM-WOOL as a fast selling specialty is again convincingly proved.

Total sales for the past twelve months far surpass those of any previous yeur. In fact 1925 sales were ahead of those of the entire previous year at the end of June.

But more interesting to lumber dealers than the BALSAM-WOOL shipments from Cloquet is the movement of this specialty oat of dealers' stochs.

Here are some facts brought to light by BALSAM-WOOL men reporting dealers' activities with the line.

1. Over 9O/o of thedealers handling BALSAM-VOOL make several tutnovers on it a year. M*y:rre getfug 4, 5 and 6 and some as high as 10.

2.Tlae bulk of BALSAM.V/OoL orders from dealers is repeat business-this despite the fact that many new dealers are added each day.


3. For the big majority of dealers BALSAM-VOOL sales and turnover are quickening with each sucaeeditg building seaEon.

4. BALSAM-VOOL is for miny dealers their most profitable specialty.

5. Vherever building or remodeling is going orre a rriaket for BALSAM.VOOL exists and is easily cultivated.

With the help of sales and advertising plans now being arranged for the coming season, BALSAMWOOL promises to outdistance any of its past successes.

BALSAM-WOOL helps carry part of the general overhead. Read the letter on the right. It also results in additional profits-BALSAMWOOL does not compete with other items of yard stock.

Now is a mighty good time to get lined up for next year.'Write for complete details about BALSAM-WOOL and the sales co-operation offered. You will not be urged to overbuy or solicited to put in a cafload. 'Write direct to the 'Wood Conversion Company, Cloquet, Minnesota.

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