2 minute read
That Interestin$ "Other Fellow"
Every now and then you find a ompetitor whoge trade you just crntt teem to butt into at all
He icntt a ttbad competito/', hett a good one.
He doesntt Lmock you' or your burinere.
He dwayr has a kit"dly grin on his-phiz when he meetr yo,l at d he's always ready to swap yarns, business or social.
- Bui hets eo confoundedly good natured, so continually on the iob, so thoroughly saturated with interect in the building problems of his customers and prospects, so reliable, so Poprr' lar, so thoroughly liked and reapected a member of his profereion, that nothing you can do leemr to cut in his game. He ir a sort of a one
Santa Ana Builder Lauded By National Magazine
The December 1925 issue of The Building Age and National Builder, published at New York ahd with national circulation, contained a very interesting and illuminatihg article, illustrated, on the activities of a prominent Santa Ana, California, builder, Mr. Harry D. Barr.
The editorial runs for three pages, showing a number of plahs of Mr. Barr's "Better Bilt" Homes, and tells of the wonderful success that he has made.
The article gained considerable satisfaction to Harry 'Westover, manager of the Frank Musselman Lumber Company, at Santa Ana, inasmuch as he has furnished Mr. Barr with all of his materials for all of his Santa Ana operations.
Tucson Yard Sold
The Rush Lumber Company, Tucson, has been sold to the newly formed J. A. Mulcahey Lumber Company, I!c.
Jack Mulcah-ey was forrqerly manager for the O'Malley Lumber Company, in the same city.
Merithew In Los Angeles For New Years
Mr. Percy I. Merithew, Phoenix manufacturers agent, spent the holidays in Los Angeles, staying until after the New Year's celebrations.
Mr. Merithew represents the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation, E. K. Wood Lumber Company and the Weaver Roof Company, in Arizona.
man hmber tnut, right imi& hirnrelf.
Alt of his acquaintancer are frienda
He has rerved them p weL and treated them ro frankly and finelyn that they can't meet hin& and bo[ him in the eye, and buy an5nrhere ebe.
You knorv what the answer to that problem ic, dontt you, Mr. Lumber Mercliant?
Why, itte rimple enouglu
And if you DO, you will be one retail lum' ber guy that won't have any kick about nail order ompetition.
Nobodn herc or aomewhere else, can take business from THAT sort of man.
Mr. Charles W. Kempter, manager of the Adams Lumber Company, San Francisco, was a Los Angeles visitor just prior to the first of the month.
Fred Golding showed him the sights.
Southcra-HARDWOOD S-N orthan Brrrcc Oak Flooring Mrplo Floorirg
1200 Firrt Nrtionel BanL Bldr. Tclcphonc Suttcr 2031
GEORGE G" CORNITruS HARDWOOD LUMBER Lncicrn BelL Buildil3, Su Frrlcirco Tclophoro Grrf,rld l2O CLic|rrrrv Brerd Orl Floorin3 Elliotr Bry Fir Prn lt Only clclurivc rbolcrdc Hrrdrood colc.tn ol Prci6c Cort