2 minute read
"The Man Nobody Knows"
Bv Jack Dionne
Thig ie a free and unrolicited advertirement for a new book I have jurt read.
A lumber friend sent me a coPYr for which I am deeply grateful to him. And torhow my gratitudir l want to pam on tihe good news to otherr.
The name of thc book ir, "The Man Nobody Know". It ir written by that excellent adver' tiring and editorial writer, Bruce Barton.
It-ir a reverent charac{er rtudy of Jerus Chrirq writter4 not as one who loolc ulxtn a God, but a thoughtful' &lishtful rtudy of the Nazarene in Hb human concept, that will give eycrJr thinking man much to think about, and should bring nothing but pleastrre to any mind bigger than the proverbial murta,rd cccd.
Millionr of men think Jecus Chrict wa! a God. The large maiority of the people of the world do not !o rccognize Him.
But practically tlre entire world agreee that Hir life and terchingr made a greater impner' eiori on mankind than that of any other man tlrat ever lived upon thie globe.
So thb fine thinking man' Bruce Barton, site down to digcurs thL mort magnetic human that ever livd iurt ar he would discuts Calvin C,oolidge or Woodrow Wilson, with utmost reverence and admiration, but in a perfectly practical way.
- What diiHe look like? What did people think of Him then? How did His power come to Him? Whv did people follow Him, ar they
Buys Site For Yard At Brawley
Mr. Charles Morrow, of Brawley, has purchased several lots in the cehter of the city, in the name of the Morrow Lumber Company, and will start a retail yard, it is reported.
have followed no other man? Etc', Etc, Barton thinkt the marterpiece picturer we have of the Nazarene were as far from depicting Him, ar picturea could come. C-ould a ca{ efi-eminite 6oHng man have catled men and women to Him ; did thir Man? C.ould a weakling have cdled forth ruch ""a-i-g and immediate devotion? Would a marter carpenter have looked like that? Did not Jeoue delight in being with other people-? Don't we 6nd-Him at feartr, banquetr, weddingr, wherc' ever the crcw& gather? War He not, in fact' a man with rplendid mruder, of great perronal attraction, whom men' women' and children in' rtinctively gathered rorurd?
So he ihowc ur a magnificendy athletic man, of wondroug personal magnetirm, not a trF cluse, but the-world'c first and greatest "mix' errtt vibrant with conrciog! PoweJ' drawing ocbple to him in multituder ac the magnet a-*" the steel rhre&, gpreading the gorpel of ioy and love ar no man has spread it before or eince.
Regardletg of a mants crced, that book will give the reader a new and original 6f hi"tory'l most imprersive characten NOT .the man of sonowa. No rorowing one ever delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
The true character of Jecrrs has been ob. rured by restricted thinking on the subiect. Barton il this booh tears Eorie mental shackler away, and delights the aoul.
New Yard At Redlands
The Bo'rvman-Johnson Lumber Company has opened at Redlands.
Mr. G. H. Johnson was formerly manager for,the tit4ql Lumber Cornpany, at Fresno and his partner Mr- J- W. Bowman. was assistant.
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