1 minute read
Are You Keeping Up With "FIenrY"?
Bg Jach Dionne
A few years ago "I{enry" was a crude car.
About that same time the lumber yard was a crude place of business. "Ilenry" wasn't much to look at.
Neither was the average lumber yard. But "Henry" gave mighty good service for that day and time.
So did the lumber yard.
Goodness! How "Henry" has changed.
You take a look at a new "Henry" of tbe closed type today, and what do you see?
No longer do you break your wrist cranking it._-You just step on the button, and away goes 'rHenry';. There is a motometer on the radiator cap; 'n ammeter, .a clock, a spee'dimeter, and an oil gauge on the dash board, whe.! there used to be nothing_. "I{enty" h"" strock absorbers Io riake him ride-easy_, and refinements in the body and motor, in fact, "Henry" has stepped out. He is SOME car' now.
How about the lumber yard?
Is it keeping up with "Henry"? Is its appearalge imp19ved, as has "Henry's"? Is it a self-starter-ttoiv? - Has its service developed, like "I{enry's"? Is its equipment as modernized as is "Henry's" equipment?
It SHOULD be, shouldn't it?
It COULD be, couldn't it?
There is just as much DEMAND for better service, and better-equipment,_and better appearance, aid better satisfactio'n to the public on the part of the lumber yard, as there was on "Henry", isn't there?
The lumber yard generally HAS improved very decidedly, and very Ft.e3!ly, i! the last few years. 'ihat iructr is-undoubtedly true. But is it keeping up with "Henry"?
There are just as many practical modernizations for the lumber qaSd as _thete are for "I{enry". Theie are plansl and ideas, and sales rooms, and sdesmanship, and advertisi-lg, and diiplay windows,-and paint, and glass, and flowers, and- building thoughts, amd building thirigs-that attract and interest the public and give the lumber yard a chance to "keep up with 'Henry"'.
The public has welcomed the advances the lumber yard has made' just as much as it has the improvements that "Henry" has developed.
The only difference is that the lumber yard hasn't kept up with "Henry", and therefore "Henry" has profited the most.
The New Year 1926 gives the lumber yard a chance to catch up. The lumb__er yar-q hasn't really "kept up wi-th 'Henry"', SO now it will have to catch up with "Flenq/'.
What shall I do to improve my yard, my business, and my service to the public in t926?
This question every lumber yard should answer at once, and get busy. We are living in times of progresi. The public judges everyone and everything, by its progressiveness in the PUBLIC behalf.
Let us trust that the lumber yard will make 1926 its banner year for improvements and advances.
Let's catch up with "Henry".