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GOIDMEDAT Pickerin fffi*aPlne
Exhibttiirg at the Califbrnia' turersofCaliforniapineprod' State Fair, $acramento, Sep, uctsfromtheentifeStatb,the teuiber Seventh, to Twelfth, winning of this Prrre estab' Nirrdtu.n Hundred and lishes the leaderihip of the Tirenty,five, Pickering Cali' Pi&ering West Coast enter(, ,forniaWhite andSugar Pine prises, even as they have, rwasawardedtheGoldMedal Lnjoyed a commanditg pres,r of the Califoriiia State Agri; tig. of nearly a half century cularral $ociety. Competing in southern PTe, recogniZed, with ghe piincipal manufac, through the familiar slogan, "Ou,rs is the Sundard' FOR QUOTATIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS
San Joaquin Valley Club In Annual Meet
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club has scheduled the Annual Meeting and election for Saturday, January 23rd..
Notices have gone out from the office of Secretary Frank Minard.

The meeting will be held at?P. M. at the California Hotel, with a banquet and dance at7 P. M., in the same hotel. President {Ferger announces that all members, their guests and ladies are invited.
Los Angeles Has Another New Yard
The Wm. M. Robbins Lumber Company has opened a yard in Los Angeles, on Downey Road and -E. Slauson Ave.
Mr.,Robbins was formerly associated with the J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo to Hold Concatenation
The Nine of the Los Angeles District Hoo Hoo have just made announcement of the date selected for the Concatenation and entertainment.
The;night of Monday, February 15th, is the date and the time and place are yet to be announced.
Members of the Nine, working with the permanent committees on entertainment, etc., ivill soon mail cards to all members telling all the details.
This affair promises to be an enjoyable one with a large number of Kittens and a program very different than aiy ever presented before.
WHEREAS in the.gojng home of Brother Bolling Arthur Johnson, thc founder of Hoo-Hoo, thc ordcr has nciwith jan irrcparable loss. But wc bow to the Divine providencc which guides our destinies and shapes our livts. Hls work was ovcr. The glorics of the sunsct ol his lifc came swiftly upon him. Heavc-n's gatcs swung opcn to bid 'him, welcorirc. ' At thc recurring Annual we will miss his familiar figurc and rrrisc counsel. His dcvotion to thc ideals of Hoo-H-oo was setr in the camco of truc brotherhood-the jeweled corncr stone of our order.
Hoo-Hoo sends forth its rays of joy and helpfulncss like a meteor flitting across the sky of life. It is consecrated to an ideal. "For thougtrts are things",as so beautifully exprcssed b1 th9 poet "and bring you back whatcver went out of your mind."
_ The lofty purposes of Hoo-Hoo giVbn'expression in our Ritual by Brother Johnson will go gliding down the ages. "For the good that men do lives after them." The active urgc oJ Brother Johnson's life is perhaps best typified by.the inscription in the chancel of Wcstminster Abbey: "Those who slcip here kcpt the world awake."
That the proposed Hoo-Hoo Redwood Grove be dedicated lto his mernory, and bc officially known as Bolling Arthur Johnson Grove, and as the branches of thesc mighty trees aray in thc brcczc, the rustle of thcir leaves, set to thc music of thc fortgt will whispcr softly: "Hcalth, Happincss, and Long Life" with
"peacc on earth goodwill toward men;" for "No sun c'cr 8ets but .risea
To makc a joyous morn And out of all lifc's darkncss God's aftcrglow is born."
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club Numbcr Ninc cxpreeses to thc imaediatc rclativcs and friendr of Brother Johnson our profound Eorrgw at his untimcly death, and, ' :
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of tti4sc resolutions bc madc a part of the pcrmancnt records of thia Club and copics be forwarded for publication in thc Hoo-IIoo Bulletin and to the lumber tradc journale and to thc daily prcss of San Francieco. i Comrnittcc on Rcsolutionr, San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Qlub No. Ninc, San Francisco, Dccembcr 24, 1925.