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Lumber Manufacturing Practice in which all grades 2" and under are kiln dried and worked after seasoning, insure:
-3ssu16fs standard sizes, dry.
-Q61ygct grades.
-48 hours dispatch of any size and length (to 42'> Fir Timbers.
-Close grain-clears (in Fir 80% V. C.).
Send for our salesman in your territory, he will promptly furnish you with full particulars and prices.
BRANCH SALES OFFICES: Chicaco, lll. Indiinapolir, Ind. Omaha, Nebr. Hourton, Tcxar Clcveland, Ohio Portland, Orc. Milncapolis, Minn. San Antonio, Tcx. St. Louir, Mo. Denver, ""tfi;* yorkDAlill:'T.*".
Dee Moincr, Ia.
Vernonia, Carton, Nearnc, Conroc, Oregon Louiriane Louisiana Texar
Old Growth Long and Short Lcaf Yellow Fir (S. P. A. Grade Marked)
Long View Second Unit Started
Construction is well underway on the secohd or East Fir Unit of the Long-Bell Lumber Company's lumber manufacturing plants at Longview, Washington. Contractors are at work on the 30 buildings which will put approximately 38.3 acres under roof.
The East Fir Unit will lie on the east side of the cutting pond in a layout approximating that of the first unit, the two forming a rough U with the power plant at the lower curve. The power plant will hot be enlarged. The buildings of the new unit will correspond with the present unit in color, being painted grey on the outside and white on the inside. A complete sprinkler system and other fire fighting equipment will be installed in the new unit and, as is the case in the West Fir Unit, a very elaborate system of overhead walks for visitors, is being arranged.
In cohtrast to the West Fir Unit, which was designed for Douglas fir alone and which is now turning out one million feet of Douglas fir lumber daily, operating on a double shift, the East Fir Unit will handle both Douglas fir arid hemlock. The sawmill of the East Fir Unit is of a different design than that of the first unit. The West Fir sawmill was designed to cut large timbers which require breaking down on head rigs and afterward being worked up on heavy timber edgers, gang and resaws. The East Fir sawmill, however, is designed especially to cut the smaller logs which do not re. quire breaking down as do the logs handled in the West Fir Unit. In the new uhit, lumber will be finished directly on the head rigs rather than on a resaw mill.
The East Fir Unit has been designed by C. A. Huffman, superintendent of construction, who was responsible for the design or the West Fir Unit and served as construction engineer during the building period.
Contracts which have been let in connection with the building of the second unit of the Long-Bell plants in Longview, compare with the contracts let for the West Fir llnit, some of which were the largest of their kind in the world. The entire East Fir Unit is being built under Mr. Huffman's supervision.
Lumber Record Broken By 1925
Washington, D. C., Dec. 3l.-According to the totals of weekly softwood reports made to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association by approximately 350 of the larger mills, the lumber production of the United States was slightly larger in 1925 than for any year since 1916. These mills reported a production of. 12,428,809,277 feet, as compared with 11,828,948,847 feet in t924; and slightly more than for 1923, !{!h9rto_,!he peak year since the beginning of the World War. Applying the accepted ritio of production between the reporting and th- non-reporting mills, i1 is galsrrlated that the total production haE been between 37,000,000,q)0 and 38,000,000,000 feet. Graph- i_cally-stated, this would make over 1,000,000 ordiniry dwellirrg houses.
"Hoo Hoo Tales" is to be the name of the periodical to be issued by the San Diego Hoo Hoo.
Decision was made at a recent meeting of the officers of the district, to issue a monthly bulletin, exclusively Hoo Hoo.
Seth Warren of the Dixie Lumber & Supply Company will act as business manager of the sheet.
For 14 Year

HIS company bar becn catering to thc rarh and door needr of the retail lumbcrrnan" in South. em Cdifornia, rince early 1912. Ar rccordr go, ttb ir not a rcmarkably lons pcriod, but we beliwe ttrat our record of rincere cfrort and our repu- tation for tlre rnaintenancc of plear. ent relationrhipr with our trade, it rnequalled. YOU could well afiord to nake ut prove our mcrit, with an initid ordcr.
Our manufac.turing facilitier irG GoD. plete, evety item of your order will bc medc and ercembled in our own plent.