1 minute read
But He's Running A Building Store Now
I knew him for years when we gave him no cheers, I'd seen his uukempt lumber yard, 'Twas surrounded by mud and it looked like a "dud", And the landscape it horribly marred. He didn't use paint and he near threw a faint If you talked modern methods, I vow, But there's come a change that is stdrttingly strange, fle's running a Building Store now.
He wouldnit improve, he just stayed in his groove, He sure was a real old "Pip"; He only talked price, and no good adviceOn building he ever let slip.
The mention of service made him mighty nervous, It looked like he'd never learn howTo sell merchandise, but to our surprise, I{e's running a Building Store now.
f don't know what hit him, but something sure bit him, ft's been a complete resurrection, He's now "Mr. Pep", and he's making them step, The builders all over this section. He'S hustling and bustling and fustling and rustling, In fact he's a regular WOW, He- does merchandising and good advertising, IIe's running a Building Store now.
I{e's opened a plan room,.and started a grand boom, His office is one big displan Of things you'll be using, when you begin choosing, Your home in the homiest way.
So tip your hat to him, it really is due hirn, I{e rose from thd dead, you'll allow, The smile on his phiz says he's getting the bizFor he's running a Building Store now.