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W"%says Common"'
Small "?V.t (onmonCalifornia'White and soryairl Sugar Pine is the highest common grade tight andis one ofthe njcestgtades oflumbe.r lcnorc m3di. lt contarnsknots,.butthey afe.rslauvely smau rn proportron to the wrdth of thiboard. The m'a:rimum size permitted varies with the width, and i-s specified as: 'not to exceed 1}4 inches iir diameter in board widths of 4 and 6 ioch; 2 inches in diameter in board widthsof 8 and 10 inch;2lz inches in diametet in 12 inch boards; and not over 3 inches in diameter in boards wider than 12 inches. The average diameters of kuoa is much lower.'
"Knots must be sound, tight, and are usually round or oval in shape. Boards nust dress smoothlv even aiound the knots, and, generallyipeaking, few knots extend to the edge ofthe piece. An occasional dark or triscolored knot may be permined, but it must be firmly fixed in -position and musr not exceed half the Otllrcr 3ize of the red knots admired.
surface chedrs, slight crook, slight cup, small pitch pockets, light pitch, pin worm holes well scattered, light stain, medium tom grain, and slight skip.
"No. 1 C,ommoo is available in one inch, inch-and-a-quafter, inch-and-ahalf and tn'o-indr thickness. Dressed sizes are staodard and extra standard, thus giving the purchaser a fuller measufe ol value-r.
"\[idths maybe specified or random. Lengths are fiom io to 16 feet,with larqe percentases of 16-foot. Five per ceit oT g and ! foot lengths may beincluded in a shipment-.
"No. 1 Common can be used for some purposes as a finishinq lumber for inieribr and exterior triml It finds especial application in windowand door fiames anil outside cornices. This grade is also q<cellent for shelves and is especiallv atuactive for city yards catering'to a ddparunent store and ofice building trade. It is also sold to pattern makers."
" Other defects permimed in this gtade MeA-s when not in serious combinarion are
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