2 minute read
The famous Laminex water test again -this month and next
,. . . atbuildins shoq,trs..,lum,bgt conventiorns . scores of h,mbu yards . building ma.terial dealqso......
People everywhere reading, seeing, talking Laminex -the door that stands the famous soaking test! Millions of people becoming more and more aware of the difference between Laminex and 'iust doors." Lumber and building material merchants! This is the opportune time, right now, to identify yorr business with this widely known, nationally advertised product. While people are getting the story in the magazines and witnessing these repetitions of this famous test, it is your cue to b€ prepared. See that you are well stocked with all the popular Laminex patterns in both flat and vertical grainand let your customers know it.
If you wish to stage a Laminex soaking test yoqrself, as so many lumber merchants are doing next month' get in touch with our neares! sales office or jobber, or write us direct.
Hqe ate surneof the c(maentioru wh.qe tests will take Place:
Arkansas Association of Retail Lumber Dealers, at Litde Rock.
Florida Lumber andMill Work Association, at Orlando. Lumbermens Association of Texas, at San Antonio. Tennessee Retail Lumber Dealers Association, at Nashville.
Reta il Lumber Dealers Association of I ndiana, at I ndianapolis.
No ordinary door can stand these tests because, as science shows, the cells in wood, tracheids, while unchangeable in length, will shrink and swell in width due to moisture, heat or cold. Hence, we have warping. The Laminex process overcomes this characteristic of wood. In all Laminex doors the stiles and rails are of soaking .[gminex shows no tendenry to shrink.swall or ut*ry b&r.6 k6l&bd.sd4 r.ii:ii,:-i*i-li-i.-ii.Jl,J*:i,."
9rc 'rddr dd 6r.'- o.r @lt. t ;@s,ib d ilF*r(.tlr.U-to ril. i
*d. k R &r Bk Adlil. Jln.d.'d. Nn'drl ddb|Md.r6|rdd|tlln lF;m&il rnd,.|qr@. l. tr d!tuLd.d Fril, JrdFd;b. bEtr hlt btmr ,ircl I l!'b rnd hndnl nilithrrddsnK. snd s*r.. && $akJtunr.d [Gnu..!srhd.d -ttrdrbd.h'rbi.rilrFrroldldd f,rDrr d b.6r $t.rd.d Ndldt.
Rebroduction of full paee ad to run in The Saturday Euening Pdst, Feb. 13,-1926.- Vatchtor it! Also House Beautilul, House G Garden and Bettei Homes {d Gardens. Similar adtertisements in color in February builders' magazines.
built on a core of interlocking blocks with the grain crossed in adjoining sections. All parts, including the plywood panels, are welded with a tested waterproof cement and held under tremendous pressure fot 24 hours.
Progressive door jobbers carry Laminex doors. Write for name of nearest distributor; and send for our "Helpyou-sell" plan and other literature;also samples of Laminex wood to distribute for tests. Sales offices: New York, Chicago, Memphis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Spokane. Foreign: Woco Door Co., London; E. J. Van de Ven, Paris;Paul Solari & Co., Genoa. E,^BP€EHHX ##+RE WILL NOT SHRINK, SWBLL OR WARP
All Wall Board
It might be a strain for the credulous to believe that the The buildings are a part of a tremendous .set,, construc- entire structure shown.in-the-accompanying_.picture is ted by the F& Fii- bo-p"ny, i" Ctirfith park. built of Schumacher ^Wall-Board, but slch'is?hd ."..,-u.- Mr.'schmidt states that tire ririiial"g. rrave been standing cording t-o Mr Earl Schmidt, genial Sales Manager of the for some time, ancl .t ot, no evidence of deterioration from Schumacher wall Board coip6ration, Los Angeies. the elements.

This is the "Original" Gas Carrier

The first Mi11er,,,8trd still in service. It was designed on correct principles which have stood the test of time and experience.
Put it side bv side with our latest machine and vou will find not i'"huttg€s", butconsistent, steady groti'th of the same sound construction ideas that developed our first and original gas lumber carrier.
HARSCH SL MILLER, Manufacturers
East Side Mill er Lumber Co., Distributors