2 minute read
The Need of Forest Conservation
The Following is Prominently Displayed on the Menus of the Pennsylvania R. R. System
Did it ever occur to you that we owe much of the privilege and comfort of travel to the forests ? Under everv mile of railroad lie about 3500 cross ties. The railroads of the United States use annually 125,000,00O ties. In the time spent at your meal in thii car about 10.000 new ties are placed under the steel rails in our country.
The menu before you is a forest product; 22,M,0ffi board feet of lumber are used annuily in the 'United States for matches and toothpicks, and you ride in greater comfort because a band of coinpressed wood fibre is-placed about the car wheels just within the rim.
The products of the forest play an important role in the running of every train in mole than a hundred different urays.
We use wood every day of our lives. From the cradle to the coffin it helps us live and makes our lives comfort_ able, yet our wood supply is becoming so low that the situ_ arron ls sertous. 'r'o tnsure an adequate wood supply our forests must be protected and cared'for.
The€reatest enemy of the forest is fire. fn ah average year 33,500 forest fires occur in the United Siaies"- ih;t b.urn abolr_t 2,000,m0 acres and do a damage ln property alone of $16,500000. The first step in forest restoration is lo_:!9p_{g."s! _fires. _Mt_ you h6tp? Spread the slosan PREVENT FOREST FIR-ES_IT' PAi-S. -- -
For your own part, do not throw lighted matches, cigar_
For 18 ycan
..CHICKASAW BRAND'' OAK FLOORING har beco a etanderd of Grade-Quditv-Manufacture
Manufactured By
And Dirtributd By ettes and cigars from the car window. It may start a fire that will despoil beautiful scenery, kill wild iife, suppress springs that supply pure rvater, and deprive our citizens of the wood they need. We must have forests to prosper a-s a people, and to have forests we must give thelreei a chance to grow.
It is estimated that there were 822 million acres of orig- inal forests in the United States. Of these onlv 138 million acres remain and, with 250 million acres of seiond-growth timber which now is of no commercial value. they mike uo our present forest resources. Possibilities for further deivelopment lie in 81 million acres of land which, though unproductive now, could be utilized for forest grow-th.
_ We have- enough forest land to satisfy our human needs. By giving it good care we will insure jn amrrle wood suoPfl, provide good water, and make available ample pliy p-laces. It is our patriotic duty to handle our foresti ,o thai they will serve us well and long.
Bolling Arthur Johnson Memorial Meeting At Portland
A memorial meeting in honor of Bolling Arthur lohnson was held December 22 by Portland Hoo- Hoo Club. Carl Crow acted as chairman and short addresses were siveh bv 9, D. Johnson, Archibald Wihsnant and R. W. N"eighboi. M.r. Johnson, wtose Hoo Hoo number is 143, paid "a fine tribute to the deceased brother whom he had -known for 37 years.
Indestructible Redwood
We have prepared a folder on "Why you should use Redwood in Your Home" containing a reprint of the article "lndestructible Redwood" which appeared in the May | 9th igsue of Literary Digeet, together with sample pages and description of our booklet "Redwood Home Plang." A supply of these folders for free distribution will be gladly sent you on request. Write for them.