1 minute read
Moistit rrnd.er stucc
Moet walls, and especially those in frame construction which are exposed to the weather' should be insulated. MOISTITE-Ihe new waterproof sheathing paper, is exactly suited to this purpore. It can be easily applied direct to the sheathing board undcr all finishes.
MoistiteMakes Money for the Lumber Merchant
MOTSTITE ie a money-rnaker for the lumber merchant, aa it can be used in so many waya in building and is a distinctive product in a class all by iteelf. There ia nothing liki it on the market. It ie a real waterproof sheathing that keeps out moisture, keepe out cold, deadeng gound and repels vermin. lt ia unusually strong and folds or benda without breaking. Its process of manufacture is protected by a United States patent. Proce$ed bitumen ie introduced in the making of the paper and ie not applied after the paper is made. The bitumen so thoroughly gaturateg and binde together the inner 6bres, that it becomes a part of the Paper itself.
Many Dealer H.ht Are Provided
When the lumber merchant puta Moistite in stock, he is liberally supplied with attractive advertieing material and many dealer helps to promote sales. Among theae helpe is an attractive direct mail advertising campaign.
The Zellerbach Paper Company is now appointing dealerg. Write to the nearest division of that company for eamples of Moistite, descriptive literature, the direct rnail campaign, the dealer helps and the merchandising plan. Here is your opPortunity to cash in on this new ,and highly efficient product. The lumber dealer who handles Moistite has an exclusive selling talk about the merchandise that enables him to meet the competition of other building and sheathing paperE.
Erclusive Pacific Coast Distributors
Lor Angclcr Scrttlo
San Dicgo Portland Spokanc
San Francirco Oakland FrernoSacrrrncnto Salt LaLc City
Manufacturcd by thc Netional Papcr Productr Co. Stockton, Cslif.