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F. R. Pendeton, Dlrcctor - L. Irfor, Forc.t E||dnct DIMMICK
PACIFIC COAST LUMBER CAR rad CARGO ncDrG.Grtrtlvc Port orlotat TyLltG O.du We.tGrr Tylltc Oodu Oo. Doughr x.lt-gDl'lcG-EcrroGt
Do You KnowThis Man?
Hq ip,tbE depositary of the materials,that e?ter i4to the construction of the buildings that make his town.
He is the authority as to the nature of those materials; their uses, strengths, and other qualities.
His business is to distribute those materials for a remuneration, but his profession is to see, as far as possible, that those materials are used rightly so as to give the best results.
His duty is to think of his town not as it is, but as it should be; to paint a picture in his mind of that ideal town.
His privilege is to take an active, if not a leading part, in making that mind picture a rcdlization.
Ife sees a home in every pile of boards; sees protection in every bundle of shingles; sees comfort in every sack of cement and bundle of lath; sees beauty in every piece,of trim, in every can of paint.
He accepted a grave responsibility when he entered this line of work, for, as he acts well or ill, as he is energetic or slothful, as he is enthusiastic or dormant, as he is loyal or traitorous to his town, so will that town be affected for good or evil.
This is the man you see, Mr. Lumber Merchant, when you shave every morning.
Bellflower Yards Consolidate
The Janeway Lumber Company and the Hammond Lumber Company, at Bellflower, have been, consolidated, to be lrperated under the Hammond ownership.
,';$e,4ttle, ,I-an.: :Q;-It is announced that the properties pf the Puget _Sgun{ Saw Mills & Shingle Co. have beett purchased by John E'arl Hussey of Detrbit. The company-has been reorganized and Joseph G. Earles rvill continue as general manager and director. : ,.It is also ,q(4led that $?59,000 will be spent in enlarging the capacity'cif 'the plant''.to 500,000 {eet daily.
Frank R. Titcomb, who has been manager of the Snoqtialuiie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Washington, ha.s been appointed assistant general ,rnanager of. the W.y- erhaetiser Tim.ber Qompany, with headquarters at Tacorna. Clarles H- Ingr:1ry_ has sLr,cceeded Mr..,Titcomb as manager of Snoqualmie Falls..Lumber Co.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerr of California White and Suglr Pinc Lumber
Millr at Surenville and Hilt, CaL
ISO,OOO,fl)O Fect Annusl Gpacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salce Dept.
Firgt National Bank Bldg. - San Franeiro