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BAGAC Flooring FOR
The Crreatect Hardwood Flooring Value on the Mark*
The year 1924 was considered a PEAK YEAR in building construction. Yet the first ten months of. 1925 brought a building volume of nearly five billion dollars, surpassing that of the entire year 1924. Reports from more than 500 chambers of commerce indicate that 1926 will give 1925 a close run in building volume, and that the totals f.or 197-6 will run around five and one half billions.
According to Government figures, building costs nationally have been slightly lower during 1925 than they rvere last year. According to the figures of the Associated General Contractors of America, August, 1925, was the first month since April , 1923, to show construction costs belorv 200, that is, below twice the 1913 average. Costs in October were lower than in August.
Labor conditions in the sawmills of the entire country have been better than during any previous year. There have been no serious strikes, no great labor shortages, and no labor conditions of any kind extremely prejudicial to goodoperation. * * * *
A nation-wide study of the forest tax problem in rela-