1 minute read
From Standing Timber to You tlwough oirl,e orgq,niza,tion
From over 300 square miles of timber land which we operate-through our mills qmploying more than 2000 men-across the ocean to our United States headquarters in Los Angelesthence.to your factory-every operation is under the direction and control of this organi2ation.
That's one of the important reasons why we can positively and with certainty guarantee the grade of our lumber and'the reliability of our source of supply. .:,
Builders, eon[ractors, millmen qnd r4antrrfac' turers should cqnqider this in makir.rg,,arrflnge-:, ments for their | 926 supply of hardwoods. :. , .',,;,
Bataan andt'Lamaotrus hardv98brls 'with beautiful Mahogany grain and texturei'ijie:ideal 'l for interior finilh, furniture manuficiurers and "'' hardwood users generally. The attractive prices insuie profits to the usbr. ,:,