1 minute read
West Coast mills urge millions to buy from local retailers
'FHROUGHI9Z7, as in 1926,wewill con-
I tinue to build good will for West Coast woods for retail lumber dealers with a nationwide advertising campaign.
This advertising will be backed up by the most intensive program of field work ever undertaken by a lumber producing region.
These business-building activities for lumber dealers, starting January lst, will be conducted with increasing vigor throughout the year.
Retail dealers from Maine to Califotnia and from Texas to the Dakotas have offered us practical assistance and friendly encout- agement in the 1926 campaign. This cooperative spirit has had much to do with making the enlarged plans for 1927. We will do even more in the coming year to justify the good will of American lumber dealers.
After your inventory is finished, if you fill in your stocks with \Uest Coast woods, they will give you real satisfaction. They will lay straight in your bins and look bright and fresh when you sell them.
Tell us your particular requirements and ask for complete details of our dealer-help plans. o4ddress,'West Coast Lumber Bureau, 5562 Stuart Building, Seattle, \Tashington.
PHIL B. }|ARTMurrlry Edtr
A" C. MERRYMAN Advorddag
J. E. MARTIN Mtr. Sel Frurfuc Ofio
W. T. BLI\CK M3r. PorUud OE!c.