3 minute read
Dbtributing Agcnte for Chrl-Niclcrol Lunbcr Coo Evcrctt, Werh.
Dcuprcy Lunbcr Coo Tecomrn 'lYerh.
Do6rlco Lunbcr Co, Trcour, Tfuh. Brrnct Lunbcr Co, Vrncouvcr, B. C, WLitncy Coo Grribrldl OrG.
Littlo Rivor Rcdrood Coo Hunboldt Bry.
909 Portcr Bdldins
618 Metron Bldg.
Opcrating Stcamerr
AdvcrtirirS Rrtc on Applicrtion
W. R. Chrnbcrlia, Jr. Brrbrn C
Phyllir Du F. Hutror
Strarood S. S. Yollorrtcro, S. S. Alveredo
266 Chernb€r of Conncrcc Bldg:
LuMgrn in process of seasoning at one of the Weyerhaeueer Cloquet Mills. Multiply this panorama by 2O To gain an idea of the r""gnitude of Weyerhaeuser storage lacilities -the arrrouat of thoroughly aeasoned lumber at the dispoeal of Weyerhaeuser peunanent customers. With backing such as this you are always assured a supply of unilorm higharade stock" In season and out- When a building boom is on as well as in dull periods
What Weyerhaeuser Gives The Tumber Deater To Pass Atong To His Customers
TTP to a lew years ago,itwas the rare lumber dealer who distinguished in his own mind between one Lumber Organization and another.
ThenWeyerhaeuser began to putinto worh, the progressive plans they had been shaping up lor some time.
Thealert dealer took notice.
In theWeyerhaeuser progressive moves lre could see something uork, ing hothi:n.
Before many months had passed, h" saw that Weyerhaeuser notonlymeant all they said-but were geared up to make it all come true.
And today you'll find it an accepted Iact with the go-ahead dealer, rhat to maheand use a permanent buyin g connection with Weyerhaeuser brings a PLus into his business.
Here are some oI thethingsthat the Weyerhaeuser Pl,usgives the retailer:-
Concentrated buying and concentrated selling. A call Irom a single Weyerhaeuser Representative brings you all the difrerent kinds of lumber you need to supply a large part oI your trade.
Fifteen difierent species oI lumber-including Douglas Fir,W'estern Red Cedar, Pacific Coast Hemlock, Pondosa Pinq and Genuiw White Pine.
?. The output of 1l large mills-and 3 more '' building. 3 remanulacturing plants. Ship q. TheWeyerhaeuserPermanentCustomerPlan, - operated by Weyerhaeuser Representatives who take care of their customers in season and out oI season. A most profitable arrangement lor the dealerwho makes use of it.
4ping lrom 20 large stocks.
3 huge Distributing Plants, with l25,0OQO0O leet of lumber and 25,000,0OO leet trl timbers always on hand. Shipping in 24 hours, iI necessary.
{. The finest stands oI timber in this country. ' Precisemanufacturing.Scientificseasoning, giving the user the maximum natural durability oI the species.
6 Carelul handling and loading to insure de- v' livery oI IOOVo saleable and usable stocks. Fl . Sales making specialties that attract trade t and repeat.
R Quicker turnover on a smaller investment. Lro Easy buying. Regular supplies of compact stocks. Fewer losses and lesslumber thrown into the "boneyard."
There is not one single itemol the above thatdoes not constitute :rn advantage which you can pass along to lour customers.
The right a.nsu)er to local competition.
Callup theWeyerhaeuser Representative. Have him come in to see you.
'Distributon.. !?'eyerhaeuser Forest Products Qmera I Oflccs : SP OKANE, \CASHINGTON ffilfll+ 8o6 Plymouth Blde. 2o8So,LaSalleSt. r ?-.-!Lr
/@o\ Bruncb Oftces: -diiix /gRS Mn\rNEApoLrs cHrcAGo frf;S lFrt.rDnt "" trlfrtGt RUK/ ST.PAUL PHILADELPHIA RTK/ -\{-3!ez 2563 Frenklin Ave. 16oo Arch Steet 'c]E9Pz NBVYORK BALTIMORE PORTSMOUTH 285 MadisonAve. 812 Lexin$on Bldg. Rhode Islmd
24Ol FirstNat. Buk Bldg, 1313 Second Net. Benk Btdg.
9& Veycrl1cascr Sales CoTpery h tbc nmbind sellins organiution of the lollouing Wqcrb*ssir lllills end Disnibutilng Flanu: Goquet Lumbet Compmy Cloquet. Minnesota

The Northern Luber Compeoy , , Cloquet, Minnesota Johnsgq.S9entworth Compmy Cloquet, Miaoesota Johnsgn.lfentworth Clo<iuet. Miaoesota
Vood Coovetsion Company Cloquet. Minnercte Boqriers Ferry LumberCompany Bonnirs Ferrv. ldrbo lnoqlralrie Falls l!'mber Company Smqualmie Falls, lTajSiogton
HumbirdLumberComDany Sandooint. lilabo
Edwd Rudedge Timber Compuy Coeu d'fuene, Idabo
Potl.tch Lumber Compeny Podatch. Idaho Boise Peyeitc Lumber Compuy . Boise. Ideho lfeyerheeuser Timber Compmy Evere$. lTasliLin*ton
Veyerhoeuser Timber Company Bdtimirre. Marvland
Veyerhaeuser Tiobcr Corbpany, Minnesota Trensfer. St. Peul. Mion'esota
VeyerhreuserTiober Compray . Ponsmouth, Rhodc Islead tVOi.a/ ofthetri'ev' t. ernaeuser policy of giving immediate service are the 24-hout shipping schedules maintained at the J Weyerhaetrser distributing plant+ Plenty oI seasoned lumber always ready lor shipmena Equipment and facilities that make quick shipping poesible. Experienced nen that take a personal interest in each order and each customer. The list oI Weyerhaeuser permaDent custoDers is coastantly growing