1 minute read
3 Reasons For Stocking C"lrfornia kfuood
L fnt Backing of T{ational ,-,{duertising
The story of Redwood is reaching millions throughout the country. Advertisements are running in House and Garden, Better Homes and Gardens, House
Beautiful, Small Home, Pencil Points, Architectural Record, Pacific Coast Architect, and a dozen Farm papers. 2000 inquiries reach us every month.
2 nt Stimulus of Thousands of ?rospects
To dealers stocking Redwood we send regularly lists of those prospectswho have written us saying they are interested. These prospects, according to let-
-l ters from dealers themselves, prove a profi table rneans of increasing business. Every prospect is referred to the nearest Redwood dealer for complete information.
(omprebensioe Sales Seroice-,
Dealers stocking Redwood are supplied with a complete series of homeplans designed by California architects; with a practical farm building service; with technical information on R-edwood and many other common building woods; with lettet inserts, yard signs, silent salesman, etc. New material is constantlyunder preparadon.\Ze invite your inquiry for further informadon. of tbe