1 minute read
MeGormtelc tlmbers,H treated or untreated -, for speelal needs!
WHERE timbers ane to be used in contact with the ground, where they may be accessible to attacks from white ants, where th"y are used in sak water, McCormick treated timbers, piling, polo, ties insune protection and long life.
Dealers can quote on Mc{ormicl< lurnber, tneated or untreated, for any purpose, confident that ordens will receive prompt attention. For 24 years this organization has been building up a reputation for dependable lumber products and frrst class sendce.
Now our own vast timber holding in the heart of Americats finest virgin forest arez', onr ovrrn logging camps, mills, treating plant, docfts, wharyes and feet of steamshipr b*y in the coastwise trade, cooperate to put you in direct touch with t'he finest lumber products obtainable.
Youwill find it worth while to avail yourself of the advantages of McCormick facilities. Our nearest l€presentative or sdes office will gladly quote you on straight or mixed carc and on special orders.