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O*o Nu* Yean's W;uLn 6o Yr*
HAT you may awalcen every morning, 6lled with the joy of living; thrilled with the boundless possibilities of the day; eager to be up and in the sunlight; enthusiastically ready for what the day may bring; pre-pared to meet every acguaintance with a smile, every friend with a grin, and every dear one with such wealth of expression as they best understand; that you may be able to crowd every day to overfowing with those things of the spl_nt that defy human expression, yet fill the heart with happiness, the mind with inspiration, and the soul with peace.
San Francisco Building Totals
During 1926 the building operations showed a total of building contracts entered into of $57,953 9,{8. This exceeds tfie figures fior 1925 by nearly $2,500,000 and is next to the highest total for any year in the city's history, the highest year being 1924, when the total was $68,853,007. The following table gives the total of all building operations by months f.or 1926:
Big Get-Together Meeting to be Held / in Los Angeles
7offi..r, of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association are sponsoring a big get-together meeting, for Retailers, that will be held at the Elks Club, Los Angeles, on the afternoon of Saturday, January 22nd,,
The afternoon session will be held under the direction of Mr. Paul Hallingby, President of the Association, and the meeting will be devoted to general discussions of the problems of the Retail Lumberman.
Then at 6 P. M., with the ladies in attendance, there will be a banquet, rvith an address by Mr. C. A. Gummere, of U. S. C., and at nine P. M. the orchestra will tune up and the balance of the evening rvill be devoted to dancing.
Announcements are being mailed to every Retailer in Southern California, as rvell as to Wholesalers and manufacturers of other products, who are being invited to the evening part of the affair.
Millwork Institute Members Hold I Dinner I
/ A very delightful dinner party was held at the Elite Cafe, / Los Angeles, on the night of January 4th, by Southern California members of the Millwork Institute of California. and their guests.
The meeting was purely inforrnal, their being no business program and no speakers. A splendid entertainment was enjoyed at the dinner.