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Ask the M ayor of Oakland about Laminex doors
f\xe Monday morning tecendy, a stock \./ Lamins oneoanel door was placed in a tank of water in thi Builders Exhibit Building' Oakland, Califomia- A committee onsisting ot Hon. lohn L. Davig Mayor of Oakland; Mr. E M.Tilden, Preidentof the Builders Erchange, and Mr. Maury I. Diggs, a prominent atchitect, qmined the door before its submetsion in water and Mayor Davie auographed it to prevent sutctitution.
Thewaterfront Sash 6c Door Company, un&r whose auspicea the test was conducted, kept this I:minq door rnd"r water undl the following Ridav aftetnoon. viryed bv hundreds of interested'people. A public guesiing conte-t was held conceminq the number of pounds otwater the door woufd aborb, one $16 and two $5 prizes being _offered the best-guessers.. Newspapem carried announcelrrents of the test, wtuch attiacted many prospective purchasers.
Then thb Laminex door was removed from the tanl inspected by the committee and found to be &ee from warp, bucLle oc blbter, with rails, sdles and panels-undamagedafter 6ve da1's of roaking!
Such tests, which every Laminex dealer can and should conduct, have proved again and again that dmpness will nevet damage a Laminer door beca-use the edles and cross-rails are built on a ore of stress.balancing blods warp, swell or rhrink ig immediately counterbalanced by
Thc faaws-Ianiu aloot todktng tatr, thichyogtcDtblielt madcin allpatts of thc countt!, Cwt tlpt damancst sill aurmaLi a lamiaa door oatp, split o @ilc ap4rt. A* ,orrl ddld.