1 minute read
of Utica, too!
forces in the opposite direction exerted by neichborine blocE All parts of a Laminer dmr, iJudins i-he plywood-panels, are held 6rmly toc*hertrv Latifier cement, which is abaolutely *itnproof "r"d actually etronger than woods{sh the Mayor
A rimilar Laminex door soaking test has been made in utica, N. Y., and in hundteds of otlrer cities. alwavs usinc atocrL Laminer doonand in no test has a l;mine* door errer failed. Distributors in rnost cities can cupply you with oootrlardesims of Laminex doors, on which your i.6id trmoi". will be trelped bv a nation-wide advertising campaign. You can i:oint with pride to t{re reolacgnent quarantee label andtheword "-evtxE'x" on thetrottom of eaeh door. Mail the couoon for intetesting literature and omplete insauctions for condu&ng a business' buililing Laminer door soaking test in your own city.
, Please scnd illustated literature and sample of Laminer wood to test