5 minute read
Mr. Pep's Store at Arcata
Little River Lumber Company Inaugurates Modern Building Material Store Right in the Timber District; Jim Chase
,r Last year, when Mr. H. W. Cole, General Manager of ,fthe Little River Lumber Company, and other officials of V this great Redwood manufacturing company, decided to enter the retail business, they made a wise move.
These men had been contemplating the new venture for some time, and when the decision was finally made, and the site of the yard selected, they came to Los Angeles and selected M..J. M. Chase (Jimmie), an old retailer and one well wised up in the game. Jim has seen years of activity in the retail lumber business, first rn his home state of fowa, and later in Southern California. He was with Hammond for some time, left ther.e to help open the Owens Parks Lumber Company, held the position of Sales Manager with the Woodhead Lumber Company, and, before going into the wholesale game for a year, was a traveling manager for the Hayward Lumber Company of Los Angeles.
He is a booster for l\{odern Merchandising, and an admirer of our famous "Mr. Pep".
He was sent to Arcata, where there had been but one yard for years, given a free hand, and told to build and open a yard that would be a credit to Arcata, and to the Little River Lumber Company.
And he did it.
Arcata is a pretty little city of about 4500 population, located about eight miles north of Eureka, right on the coast, and just twelve miles south of Crannell, where the Little River Redwood Company has its immense manufacturing plants.
They selected a site for the yard right at the juncture of two main highways, where the main road makes a turn, going on north to Crescent City.
Construction took about three months, and the yard was built from the ground up, all new buildings, unique fences, a small mill, storage sheds and a really beautiful display room,
Their main office building is a beauty, and is built entirely of Redwood. Jim says that there is no other wood in the building, even the furniture being specially made in the shops at Crannell, and the only other materials used in building the office were nails and some cement.
From the front steps, two big squares of rough Redrvood, all through the building, there are many new ideas expressed. Doors, windows, all frames, mouldings, desks and chairs and even the doors are of specially selected Redwood, all, of cours€, from Crannell.
The display room adjoins the main office and contains, besides a l,ong table full of plan books and other literature, working models of a number of different ironing boards, breakfast sets, telephone booths, medicine cabinets, etc. This idea was a new one, according to Jim, for the city, and it has been a tremendous success.
Residents of the town rvere dependent upon outside con- mcloseil.withr"r/tfl:i;j"tis desisn, painteil athite cerns for built-in fixtures, and he states that many orders can be traced to the original discovery, by the builder, that so many of the necessary materials for the building could be bought under one roof.
The fences are of a very old and attractive design, as the pictures show. All Redwood.
Then next to the main office building there is a large garage to house the trucks, etc., and this unit is built with the idea of it being a display, or model design. The plan has been copied, several times, by local builders.
A small mill building houses a sander and other machines, and then there is a large storage shed, built high for end piling of uppers, mouldings, etc.
Hardware, Roofing, Schumacher Wall Board, Sash and Doors and other commodities are housed in a special building.
Practically all green stock is piled in specially designed racks, built of Fir.
The entire lay-out covers less than one and one-half acres.
Their lumber sales are about 80 per cent Redwood. This wood is used for practically every purpose in Humboldt
(Continued on Page 16)
Theyte ffr"8 Growtr Yellonr
Kiln-Dried foililo tl fltFDl-al,
-Snc.ancnlo. (alito rn r tr uarch 31, 1926

Ssta Fc Luber ConEnv 16 calt.lomta Street ' Ss Franclaco, CaLlfornla
Contl@en r lyo roro vory mch p1!aa6d to rocelvo yoa tottor of yostorday aalvistng us that the Contral, Coal & Cokg Conpey hav6 accoptcd our orCola for one car of tio. 3 VG FLoorlng ard onc car of No. 2 Clear od Bett€r Rustlc. lvo lgrs ulous to hsvc thls buslness pLacod rlth tho Ccntral Coal & Coko Cmpatry for the roa;on that thelr stock and manufacturo ha8 b6m tho iost 6eti6fac- tory wg havg 6v9r rec61v9al. At q cvd prlco rg vouLd be glad. to have you placo a" mch of @r tmsln.as as possl.blo rYLth thgm.
Porr.dt us to tak€ thls opportulEy to thsk y@ for tlr6 splsndld serylco and ttoatmont wl:ich ro ere r6cotvln6 lrm you.
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every foot" of our Old Growth Yellow Frr lumber because it is thoroughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard siees. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
V/lth bgst wl shoa, wc beg to rcMln, Yours vgry t&.Iy, WAS?DNN LUT'AER COIIPA}{T
*6-&c^,.n -o
E. S. CARPENTER Sacramento writes mentioning
Watch these ads and read what others sayabout this dependable lumber.
aQwrabla i n. uouplas f,rr4......-.,......,.
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California ond Arizons
General Ofrces: San Francisco, California St. Clair Building l6 California Street
So, Calilotnia Qftce: Los Angeles, California
397 Pacific Electric Building Bruce L. Burlingane, Agent "sudden Seruice"
Genetal Oftces: Kansas Ciry' Missouri (Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
(Continued from Page 14)
Pioneer Lumberman Passes Away
Kansas City, Mo,, Dec. 31.-David Alden Kendall, pio. neer lumberman and father of four lumbermen, died early today at Research Hospital. He was 79 years old. His death was attributed to heart trouble.
Two of the sons live in Kansas City. They are llarry T. Kendall, general sales manager of tire Cential Coal and Coke Company, and Paul E. Kendall, advertising manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Company. Mr. Kendall made his home with the latter during the last ferv years of his life.
Mr. John P. Hemphill, one of the heads of the Madera Sugar Pine Company, Mader.a. and well known in California Pine circles all over the country, has just completed a visit in Southern California.
Yard scene, shotvirtg cnd pilins.r\tor;r;:r,;:0,,0 grotuth Redit:ood on hills
County, and the only other construction material stocked, besides C)ak Flooring, is Fir Flooring, Ceiling and Timbers. And they sell all of the ordinarily handled "side lines", wall boards, cement, hardware, roofings, sash and doors, etc., and they have the distributing agency for the district on some of these materials.
Probably the big high lights of this yard are its very attractive appearance and the idea of establishing a real Modern Building Material Store in a city of that size, giving the residents advantages enjoyed heretofore only in Iarger communities.
New El Centro Yard
While in the southern part of the state he took in the Alabama-Stanford game, the Tournament of Roses and a number of other entertainment features provided by L. H. Stanton and H. W. Swafford of E. J. Stinton & Son. This company represents the Madera Sugar Pine Company, exclusively, in Southern California, Arizona and Weit Texas.

Mr. Hemphill was accompanied by Mrs. Hemphill.
Mr. Jerome C. Gripper, rvell known hardwood wholesaler of Los Angeles, has sent out announcement notices of the removal of his bffices from 756 South Spring street to the Petroleum Securities Building, Tenth ind Flower streets.
W. Jarrett is Vice President and resident general manof the new McGaffey Lumber Company at El Centro.