1 minute read
Moistlte A
neu Waterproof Paper
UsEo tN THE Banowe Tnl,or FoR
Snntrnruc Ann hnwc Punposss
The many uses to which Moistite is now put should prove to the satisfaction of building and lumber dealers that this ne!\r paper is exceptionally good for sheathing and lining purposes.
Architects and contractors who haveadopted it for building and lining various structures 6nd it an idealpaper as it meets their requirements.
It is easily'applied and effectively used under shingles, .trid.i'"tucco,, under brick and under rustic finishes.
The special processed inner layer of Bitumen saturates and binds the fibres together, thus making them sealed within and really a part of the paper itself. The deadening qualities of Moistite make it a goodsheathingpaper for use under hardwood floors. It keeps out theheat of summer and helps to make i warm house in winter.
Good Profit In A Small Investment
Lumber dealers who stock a few rolls do away with heavy inventories, these rolls l..pt turning offer a very attractive profit-making possibility for the smallinvestment.
Moistite is adaptable for all sheathingrequirements. Any of our divisions on the Pacific Coast will be glad to furnish you with practical merchandising and advertising dealer helps.
Call or write our nearest division for full particulars about-