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Wnrw you contemplate stocking lumber, and creating a use for it, the facts about immediate and future suPPlY
4 rF ^rprrtr i - ooftant. In these Califor-
Reforestation is being carried on most extensively in these woods, and it is the hope of lumbermen that the supply will be perpetuated.
4IL PrvLL/ rrrrt nia Pines both are ample, and this fact makes it both safe and Profitable to push these fine soft woods as regulat stock items.
Supply California White Pine and California Sugar Pine grow in Califorcia and the Klamath Falls, Oregon, district.
In this region there stands the prodigious total of approximately tl7 billion feet of timber, composed of ro5 billion feet of California White Pine, andS}billion feet of California Sugar Pine
The natural growth and reProduction is adding to this reservoir of wood supply at the rate of 250 million feet annuallY' feet goes into Industrial 250,000,000 feet goes into Boards and dimension for construction, sheathing and forms.
Fair estimates show that the supply of these unsurPassed woods, at the present rate of production, will last for fullY two centuries.
The production of lumber from these Pines is 1,250,000,000 board teet annually, or 62,500 cars.
400,000,000 feet goes into Sash, Doors and Frames, 100,000,000 feet goes into Interior trim and exterior finish.
440,000,000 feet goes into Box and crating materials.
With the above facts in mind, dealers may bny and push the sales of Cali' fornia White and Sugar Pines with the assurance of an adequate supply and production for years to come,-probablv forever.