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California Retail Lumbermen's Association
Board of Directors meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held on lanuary 15 at the Athens Club at l2th and, Clay Streets, 6aklani, California. at 12:15 p. m. Not only will the directors meet, but ali lumber dealers in the Northern District of California have been invited. All arrangements for the meeting are being made by J. E. Neighbor, of the Neighbor's Lumber Yard at Oakland. Mr. Neighbor is again Treasurer of the Association, having served in that capacity last year and being re-elected at the last Convention at Sacramento.
Many important subjects will be taken up by those pres- ent-the principal being "ETHICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN RETAILERS, WHOLESALERS AND MILLMEN." Also the granting of the right to use the GRADE CERTIFICATE of the Association to the WASHINGTON LUMBER DEALERS-THE OHIO STATE ASSOCIATION-and others who have asked for the privi- lege. The idea is to grant the privilege to the Associations, and let them in turn sign up their members for the use of the Certificate-the members being made responsible to their Association and the Association being responsible to the California'Retail Lurnbermen's Association, for the use or mis-use of the Certificate.
Elmore King, Vice-President of the Northern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will preside at the meeting. It is expected that this will be a get-together meeting of most of the Northern Members of the Association, and many non-members who are interested in what the State Association are doing.
The problems which tvill arise at the next session of the Legislature will also be discussed and plans laid for protecting and furthering the interests of the Lumber Dealers in California.
The sudden demise of Joe Martin of the Fresno Lumber Company, Fresno, on January 4th is deeply regretted by all lumbermen in California. Uncle Joe, as-he was loviirgly called !y "tt connected rvith the lumber fraternity, was dearly loved by all who knew hirn. He has always ireen an outstanding figure in the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and was one of the founders of the San Joa- quin Valley Lumbermen's Club, at Fresno, and one of the leading citizens of the Valley.
The California Retail Lumbermen have lost a loval friend and co-worker in the demise of Mrs. A. E. Fickling, wife of one of the Directors of the California Retail Lumtrermen's Association, at Long Beach, who passed on last month.
Mrs. Fickling always attended the Directors Meetings with her husband and helped in every way possible-ilt lumbermen will reinember the successful and biautiful banquet she prepared for the lumbermen at their Convention at the Virginia Hotel, at Long Beach a couple of years ago. Mrs. Fickling is survived by her husband, two sons, a daughter, her mother and two grand-children. One could go on and mention many young people in Long Beach and vicinity to whom Mrs. Fickling wai a second-mother. A vacant spot is left that can never be filled in the passing.of Mrs. Fickling.
Mrs. Jessie Fraser, Secretary-Manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association has just returned from a little vacation trip to the Apache Lodge, at Roosevelt, Arizona, where she visited her old San Francisco Pal, spending the holidays. She reports that after California, Arizoni comes next in beauty spots. She also visited the new Horse Mesa Dam, Clifi Dwellers, etc.