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Plywood With A Wide Range Of Usefutness
Sash and door manufacturera prefer PAUL BUNYAN'S CALIFORNIA PINE PLYWOOD PANEIS because of their beauty, their gmooth surface that requires but little eanding, the fact that they do not sliver or split and the ease tvith which they are glued * Decorators and builders because of the variety and richnesE of their grain figures and the one-piece faces up to 60x | 20 inches t Refrigerator manufacturers because they take enamels so economically and well * Trunk Makers becauee of the light weight and strength * Coach and Car Builders because, in addition to their strength per weight, they do not surface check or crack t Box and Package users because of the exceptional quality values in the lower grades, bright, clean appearance and light weight.
ALL USERS because of the MIXED CARS including Mouldings, Sash and Doors, llmber (laminated or solid) from the Red River plant, the largeet producer of California Pineg'
Are You Profiting by This Erce[ttional Seruice?
Commercial Forestry And The Community
Washington, J^n. 6.-,4. comprehensive report on commercial forestry has just been issued by the Natural Resources Production Department of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States.
The purpose of the report is to show the value of commercial forestry, both to the nation and to local communities, what progress it has made up to the present time, the nature of the obstacles to be overcome, its possibilities, and the aid that has been and can be rendered by chambers of commerce and trade associations.
A foreword points out that "American business is on the threshold ofa new industry-commercial forestry-the business of growing crops of trees by private enterprise. It will in time represent a forest investment of many billions of dollars."
The report makes clear that "commercial forestry, which rests on private enterprise, should be distinguished from government forestry. The federal government is extensively in the business of growing and selling timber on the national forests. We must look to federal and state governments also to acquire and reforest the vast areas of waste forest lands where the expense of the necessary hand planting or seeding makes private undertaking impracticable, but where the public interest requires reforestation."