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Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Meeting
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club No. 2 held their regular meeting at the Elite Cafe, Los Angeles, Thursday noon, Januaty L2. The meeting was largely attended. President, J. E. Martin presided over a short business sesslon.
Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co. and President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, acted as chairman of the day. Albert A. Israel, special representa- tive of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, rvas the speaker of the day. Mr. Israel g'ave an excellent address on the purposes of the Trade Extension Bureau and the work that they were doing in the interests of lumber. He also spoke on the timber resources of the country. His address was greatly enjoyed.
E. E. Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, who is making his headquarters in Los Angeles, gave a short talk on the work that his organization is doing throughout the country.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 7-6. All lumbermen who are in the Los Angeles District on Club meeting days are especially urged to attend the luncheons.
W. L. Aisthorpe, manager of the Griswold Iermber Co., Chico, spent a few days in the Bay cities just after the first of the year on a business trip.