1 minute read
University Of California Type
IGURE No. I illustrates a type of poultry house recommended by the University of California.
Each 20-foot unit is designed for a normal capacity of 150 adult fowls. allowing 2.4 square feet of floor space and 8 linear inches of roost per bird.
A South facing is recommended with East as next desirable. Abundant sunshine is indispensable to good winter production, The house should be located. on a well-drained gently slop- ing area. Attention is called to the decided slope of floor toward center front of each unit to insure thorough drainage after hosing or washing.
Double yards, 100 to 150 feet long and 20 f.eet wide, in front and rear of each unit are recommended. This permits of alternately ploughing and cropping one yard to renovate the soil as well as provide greens while the other pen is in use. Eight-foot removable panels at both ends of division and side fences are desirable to gain access to the runs. Portable fence panels are sometimes substituted to .serve alternately for front and rear pens.
HE following notes, identified by quoted letters, witb ^ corresponding symbots on the illustrations, will assist in interpreting construction features. I
"A" (See Figs. l, 2) This post extends from floor to roof, giving support to droppings board as well as roof purlin.
"8" (See Fig. 1) This is a stub or front leg support under droppings board only.
"C" (See Fig. 2) After rear wall is completely sided, window frames are than nailed in place and openings cut, 28 inches long: and 16 inches high. to provide 1 inch lap all around.
Poultry netting can be most conveniently placed over these openings before droppings board is installed.